View Full Version : Well Fargo denies banking with Hogue because of knives

08-01-16, 20:52

From Hogues Facebook:

THIS JUST IN: We were just informed that Wells Fargo Bank would not do business with us, refusing to provide their services based on the fact that we manufacture "weapons" (aka knives). Incredibly, this refusal came after THEY initially pursued us to gain our business. Once we had decided to go with Wells Fargo, they then pulled the plug saying they could not provide their services since we manufacture weapons...Needless to say, we are shocked and confused - considering their logo is a stagecoach and driver with a shotgun too! We felt we needed to inform the firearm and knife community of this discriminatory stance Wells Fargo has taken. Please share.

First they came for your guns, then your knives. Operation Chokepoint...it's all about choking freedom.


08-01-16, 20:59
This is unfortunate.

Anyone know of a 2A friendly bank? I dropped all business with Citibank over this issue.

08-01-16, 21:01
I don't understand why a bank gets to make this kind of moral decision? It's like the drug company saying that you can't use their common drugs for lethal injection.

Either you are open for business for all legal transactions, or you get fined and put out of business. Isn't that what we learned from the great Cakes Wars of 2015?

I thought this was old news, or was that someone else?

How about shutting down Planned Prenthood access to the banking system because abortions may be enabling sextrafficing? That is probably more likely than a well known knife company being a cartel front.

08-01-16, 21:05
This is unfortunate.

Anyone know of a 2A friendly bank? I dropped all business with Citibank over this issue.

So you endorse state sponsored segragation? Maybe we can let web hosting providers kick us off the servers or let Google take every mention of guns to Mothers without Gun Sense website?

brushy bill
08-01-16, 23:40
Straw that broke camel's back. They are big LGBT agenda proponents as well, and I was going to cut ties already, but this seals the deal. Thanks for posting. Amazing that businesses can't stay out of promoting leftist politics and ideology these days and instead concentrate on business. Instead, they'd rather put making a political/ideological statement above alienating customers and losing business. Still, perhaps I'm not the type of customer they'd want to keep anyway, as I don't overextend credit, bounce checks, or borrow irresponsibly.

08-02-16, 00:23
Wells fargo can eat a bag of dicks. They ****ed lots of friends of mine in ag hard....

This is just more reasons for them to FOAD....

08-02-16, 00:26
Duly noted. Another bank will be considered for future commercial banking.

08-02-16, 04:07
So a Christian baker cannot refuse to bake a homo wedding cake but a billion dollar bank can refuse banking services to a million dollar weapon accessory company???


08-02-16, 05:35
Banks are being forced into this by Obama.

So you still going to sit home and not vote or you going to vote 3rd party, you will get more of this from Hillary.

They don't need to take your guns if they can force companies to close because no bank will do business with guns and weapons companies.

08-02-16, 10:02
Banks are being forced into this by Obama.

So you still going to sit home and not vote or you going to vote 3rd party, you will get more of this from Hillary.

They don't need to take your guns if they can force companies to close because no bank will do business with guns and weapons companies.

That's it in a nutshell.

08-02-16, 10:20
Banks are being forced into this by Obama.

So you still going to sit home and not vote or you going to vote 3rd party, you will get more of this from Hillary.

They don't need to take your guns if they can force companies to close because no bank will do business with guns and weapons companies.

And once the SCOTUS is stacked with leftists, they won't even need that, or Congress, or even the Presidency....they will rule from the courts.

08-02-16, 10:53
I do my business with my local Bank.
Working with these "too big to fail" guys isn't friendly or easy.

08-02-16, 11:01
I do my business with my local Bank.
Working with these "too big to fail" guys isn't friendly or easy.

Ditto. Here's hoping Wells Fudd-o falls off a cliff, when they finally DO fail. As the inheritors of Walkallovaya (what we used to call "Wachovia" 30 years ago back in NC), they deserve EVERYTHING that's coming to them... :mad:

08-02-16, 16:26
Side effect of all those bail out moneys that our friend, the ever conservative Bush signed into law. The claws that were stuck into these institutions are deep. Gots to be careful what you ask for. Especially when it involves the government.

08-02-16, 16:53
You know I can't help but believe had we let the banks go south, sold the bad mortgages for dimes on the dollar and prosecuted the offenders we couldn't help to have been in a better place by now.
To no small degree bailing the a**holes out emboldened the Federal Reserve, the Banks and the Federal Government to further screw the businessman and the middle class at every turn.
That these Mooks were allowed to be bailed out and then continue with bad legislation and poor banking regulation is criminal.

08-02-16, 16:59
So you endorse state sponsored segragation?

Where on earth did you get that from my post?

I wish to fire Wells Fargo for this unjustified, politically correct, BS and use a bank that supports my values? Hence my question asking if anyone knows of a bank that DOESN'T engage in this crap...

08-02-16, 17:00
I thought Wells Fargo was one of the few big banks that was NOT bailed out in '08?

08-02-16, 17:01
Straw that broke camel's back. They are big LGBT agenda proponents as well, and I was going to cut ties already, but this seals the deal. Thanks for posting. Amazing that businesses can't stay out of promoting leftist politics and ideology these days and instead concentrate on business. Instead, they'd rather put making a political/ideological statement above alienating customers and losing business. Still, perhaps I'm not the type of customer they'd want to keep anyway, as I don't overextend credit, bounce checks, or borrow irresponsibly.

Where will you take your business? I'm in the market for a new bank too.

08-02-16, 17:05
Where will you take your business? I'm in the market for a new bank too.

You really need to bank locally.
Me: I'm going to buy a new car.
Banker: Okay.
Me what kind of a secured Loan can you give me?
Banker: We will beat anybody out there.
Me: Thanks, I will call you with the numbers.
Why, you may ask would they do this, because I am valued and I have money in their Bank and it is a small town where your word as a Banker means a lot to the other people in our small town.

08-02-16, 21:18
You really need to bank locally.
Me: I'm going to buy a new car.
Banker: Okay.
Me what kind of a secured Loan can you give me?
Banker: We will beat anybody out there.
Me: Thanks, I will call you with the numbers.
Why, you may ask would they do this, because I am valued and I have money in their Bank and it is a small town where your word as a Banker means a lot to the other people in our small town.

One more reason I do local as well. Better rates, better service, no fees, and a lot more flexibility. They are not politically active iirc either.

08-02-16, 21:56
Way back when I was even more clueless than I am now, my dinosaur mentor told me, "Son, he's not your *friendly* banker--he's just your banker."

True then, true now.

08-02-16, 22:01
Wells Fargo is a joke for business, I have a hard time handing a credit app to a new customer that uses Wells Fargo. I know that Bank One isn't around anymore but I thought they were the best bank to deal with. They would come to your business to talk to your employees about special programs they had and buy lunch. You don't see that everyday.

08-03-16, 08:18
They shouldn't be doing business with Soros controlled banks anyway.

Count them lucky.