View Full Version : Remember the Iran-Contra Affair?

08-02-16, 22:35
Apparently Barry doesn't ...

"Wooden pallets stacked with euros, Swiss francs and other currencies were flown on unmarked cargo plane..."



"Iranian negotiators on prisoner exchange said they wanted cash to show they had gained something tangible..."


08-02-16, 22:42
Apparently the MSM doesn't remember, or care, either.

If Bush (43) did this, they'd be on it round the clock.

08-02-16, 22:45
Hell ... Reagan DID do it and it WAS on round the clock ... before we really had round the clock news.

08-02-16, 23:03
While both are ethically wrong acts...

I liked Ronnie more than Obama

08-03-16, 02:31
I am not sure on the moral equivalence of the 1980s Arms for Hostages deal with an outright payment in 2016.

Iran Contra attempted to reestablish US-Iranian relations, reduce the Lebanese violence/build Iranian-Israeli rapport, kill Iraqis and supply the Nicaraguans stabbed in the back with the Boland Amendment. The whole deal was morally motivated in the National Security Council, serious realpolitik and a vindication of the Vietnam back stabbing. Even before it leaked, the results were mixed, but it was reminiscent of Colby's CIA in plain bravado.

We do not have a full story on this deal, but basically it was Iran taking the US to the cleaners. The US success on serious nuclear nonproliferation is pretty uneven (North Korea, Pakistan, India was a failure, Libya was a success). We will not win in Iran and will end up in a second or third Islamic bomb.

08-03-16, 04:01

08-03-16, 04:58

With extra sauce.
Was Hillary SoS at the time?

Mauser KAR98K
08-03-16, 06:03
Nope. Lurch.

08-03-16, 06:27
Considering a couple of obvious things here.
The Executive Branch does not control the "Purse Strings".
This deal never went before the Legislative Branch.
and of Course, We don't pay ransom for hostages.
Just how does "O" avoid prosecution?

08-03-16, 07:46
Apparently Barry doesn't ...

End of the day, Reagan avoided any real backlash for it (and it's all but ignored by Reagan fans...) and I doubt O Bummer will either. The "we don't negotiate or pay terrorists and hostage takers" is obviously false, and those who commit the acts know it. POTUS always builds in plausible deniability and fall guys pre targeted to fall on their sword.

08-03-16, 07:57
Great, what's next?? I wonder how much we can get for all of the gitmo detainees? Reciprocity can go both ways.

08-03-16, 08:32
Great, what's next?? I wonder how much we can get for all of the gitmo detainees? Reciprocity can go both ways.

Nothing silly, we already traded em all for that useless sack of shi*t, traitor and deserter Bergdahl. But if we can send Bergdahl Sr, somewhere, that would be acceptable too.

08-03-16, 12:26
Considering a couple of obvious things here.
The Executive Branch does not control the "Purse Strings".
This deal never went before the Legislative Branch.
and of Course, We don't pay ransom for hostages.
Just how does "O" avoid prosecution?

As I said somewhere else, laws are a mere inconvenience for the American Political Ruling Class. Prosecution is only for those too small to not fail. :(

08-03-16, 15:46
What should have happened:

Iran: We demand $400m as part of our deal in order to release your people.
POTUS: Tell you what, I'll send you $400m in cruise missiles instead. Hell, we'll even pay for shipping.
Iran: Really?! Sure, we'll take that deal.
POTUS: They'll be arriving directly.

08-03-16, 17:08
What should have happened:

Iran: We demand $400m as part of our deal in order to release your people.
POTUS: Tell you what, I'll send you $400m in cruise missiles instead. Hell, we'll even pay for shipping.
Iran: Really?! Sure, we'll take that deal.
POTUS: They'll be arriving directly.

Only problem is Obama would have had Kerry personally deliver $400m worth of pristine cruise missiles and the necessary technology to understand and employ them.

08-03-16, 17:25
Only problem is Obama would have had Kerry personally deliver $400m worth of pristine cruise missiles and the necessary technology to understand and employ them.

True. Probably would have even had the customary "Death to America" already painted on them, too. Come to think of it, that's likely to also be Clinton's gig, so long as they kick back 10% to the foundation as "speaking fees".

08-03-16, 17:42
Someone needs to start running ads th pallets of money being put on planes interspersed with images of the Iranians in full 'Death to America' and American hostages and paste Hillary all over it. Run them after the next ISIS attack in the EU.

I know that is a complete mish-mash of facts and BS, but for once let the voter stupidity work for us.

08-04-16, 08:29
Only problem is Obama would have had Kerry personally deliver $400m worth of pristine cruise missiles and the necessary technology to understand and employ them.

Then 2 years later, Iran debuts it's new AGM129A clone.

08-04-16, 08:52
If we had anyone else leading the GOP, there would be some solid action taken to prosecute.
Unfortunately, Paul Ryan doesn't have the sack for calling Obama on it.

08-04-16, 12:38
If we had anyone else leading the GOP, there would be some solid action taken to prosecute.
Unfortunately, Paul Ryan doesn't have the sack for calling Obama on it.

If he calls Obama on anything, it will be another dinner invite to the WH. :mad: