View Full Version : Another plate question

08-03-16, 20:22
Looking for plates for my Mayflower APC (medium). I'm 5'9", 165lbs with a 34" waist. I'm wondering what will fit me and my plate carrier the best. Can't find a lot in stock either... Planning on a class mid September and given that I've found these:

AT Armor Special Threat Optimized Plates (http://store.atarmor.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=AT%2DSTOP%2DSA)

Which size would fit best:
10x12 SAPI Cut [Add $20.00]
10x12 Shooter's Cut [Add $20.00]
SAPI Large [Add $70.00]
SAPI Medium [Add $40.00]
SAPI XL [Add $110.00]
SAPI Small

I'm wondering what the difference in medium and 10x12 is...And then if the shooter's cut is worth it and if so just for the front only??? I've been searching and reading, was originally thinking getting a plate and backer combo but nothing is in stock. That's when I stumbled onto AT Armor. And I'm more concerned with weight than cost. 6-7lbs max each plate.

08-06-16, 18:54
Looking for plates for my Mayflower APC (medium). I'm 5'9", 165lbs with a 34" waist. I'm wondering what will fit me and my plate carrier the best. Can't find a lot in stock either... Planning on a class mid September and given that I've found these:

AT Armor Special Threat Optimized Plates (http://store.atarmor.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=AT%2DSTOP%2DSA)

Which size would fit best:
10x12 SAPI Cut [Add $20.00]
10x12 Shooter's Cut [Add $20.00]
SAPI Large [Add $70.00]
SAPI Medium [Add $40.00]
SAPI XL [Add $110.00]
SAPI Small

I'm wondering what the difference in medium and 10x12 is...And then if the shooter's cut is worth it and if so just for the front only??? I've been searching and reading, was originally thinking getting a plate and backer combo but nothing is in stock. That's when I stumbled onto AT Armor. And I'm more concerned with weight than cost. 6-7lbs max each plate.

Medium plates for a medium carrier.

SAPI Med = 9.5 x 12.5
10x12 = 10 x 12 or 9.5 x 11.5 depending on the manufacturer

08-06-16, 19:03
Shooter/swimmer cut front and standard back will give you a good balance of protection and range of motion. Also they weigh slightly less, which seems to fit your goals.

08-06-16, 20:46
Serious question...

Are the plates required for the class? If not don't rush them. Go to the class and learn. Wearing plates is a quick way to smoke yourself if you're not used to them. Learning and practice is different. Don't waste a couple hundred bucks on training because you're checked out shortly after lunch.

If they are required, good luck getting them by then. If they aren't in stock, 4-6 weeks out is cutting it very close if you order it right now. I say this as I'm sitting 4 weeks into a ballistic helmet order.

08-08-16, 14:03
Thanks for the info all and good insight. After searching and searching the last couple weeks I just picked up a pair of Spartan AR650s, they are going to be 8lbs a piece which is about twice what I was hoping for...I couldn't find backers and the ceramics I wanted in stock so I'll keep watching them and grab them later on. I will not be wearing them the whole class but wanted them as an option. Luckily I'm in pretty decent shape (gym 5 days a week with a good mix of cardio plus I spar twice a week) but then again I typically don't have 20lbs of gear on either. I also just wanted to go ahead and grab some before the world potentially changes on the up coming election...