View Full Version : Korryn Gaines / Baltimore CO shooting . . .

08-04-16, 04:05
So I've read headline after headline today along the lines of "latest black woman killed by police".

Here is a video you won't see aired by the MSM. Turns out this wannabe BLM martyr wished to sacrifice her five year old son for the cause. Reminds me of the videos of Palestinians telling their toddlers to run at IDF checkpoints with the hopes of capturing them being shot and killed on video for their cause.

I read in one article that Baltimore CO had to have Facebook shutdown her page as she was airing her armed standoff with their SWAT team on Facebook LIVE in hopes of broadcasting her and her son's deaths.

(Note this is not footage of the shooting, but several of her own videos where she is telling her young son to fight the police and they are their to kill him.)


08-04-16, 05:39
My friends son in on the Balto Co warrant team, forwarded the video to him. Will be interesting to see his reply.

This is ****uped. if hillary takes the throne, they will get the blessing to do whatever!

Straight Shooter
08-04-16, 07:40
This video should be used as a training vid for every PD Dept in America. And, as stark reminder of what civilized society/people are gonna have to deal with, & soon.
Ive watched this now a few times. Ive been around and am wise to a lot of the ways of the world- but this goblins complete & utter fearlessness is almost unbelievable. She is 100% switched on-ready for war. Despite knowing the outcome, despite no chance of winning and with her own childrens safety at stake- this demon wants to fight to the death..her own and her childrens. To hear her tell her 5 year old son to fight them, telling them she loves them like she is ready for death...the VC and ISIS got NOTHING on this goblin.
People- like it or not, the truth is simply this- every group of thugs, degenerates, criminal, dope fiends, perverts, hood rat, white trash, low life pieces of shit are now having their hey-day. Their time in the sun, their 15 minutes of fame. Only- it aint stopping, its growing worse every single day. The group bearing the blunt of these goblins ire- is conservative, WHITE, Christian people, period.
Im trying my best to get those around me I care about to see & understand this. Some do, some wont. I will literally bet my life, that the MOMENT these animals get the chance, say thru a national disaster, EMP attack, economic collapse, they will run roughshod over anything and everyone they come across, getting "dey payback", as Ive heard them say. Yall can sit back and hee haw all you like, itll be funny, right up untill it aint.

08-04-16, 08:24
I read this on NPR about her initial arrest:

Police say she was pulled over because, in place of a license plate, she had a cardboard sign reading "Free Traveler,".

Does this mean she was one of those "Sovereign Citizens" types?

08-04-16, 08:57
Well now that She is gone, maybe someone will raise that kid to be an upstanding citizen and an asset to himself and his community.
He didn't have a chance until She was out of the picture.

08-04-16, 09:07
I read this on NPR about her initial arrest:

Police say she was pulled over because, in place of a license plate, she had a cardboard sign reading "Free Traveler,".

Does this mean she was one of those "Sovereign Citizens" types?

Yes she was, it come sup in several of her old videos and Facebook posts. Sovereign Citizens can be, and should be treated as very dangerous people.

08-04-16, 12:05
Well now that She is gone, maybe someone will raise that kid to be an upstanding citizen and an asset to himself and his community.
He didn't have a chance until She was out of the picture.
Probably far more likely that he'll be raised to view momma as a hero, tragically destroyed by a system that's stacked against him at its very core...

08-04-16, 12:12
Yes she was, it come sup in several of her old videos and Facebook posts. Sovereign Citizens can be, and should be treated as very dangerous people.

Looks like people are afraid of real freedom.

08-04-16, 12:56
These people have their whole lives to plan this shit out.

The bar none best mindset for any officer these days is "Every day is a new day".

While you were sitting up fat, dumb, and happy or getting it on with the old lady....

Some asshole somewhere is plotting a stunt. They have gotten themselves prepared. They jnow exactly what they are going to do.

You do not. All you know is what some chick tells you on 911 "Verbal Domestic at 212 Eff You Avenue" or "Hey that guy is going X in a Y amd Sarge sez I need more tickets".

Nobody is taught actual Officer Survival. Nobody keeps it constant.

Somebody kills a few cops. Everyone shows up with Carbines, guys go to calls two units at a time.....

Then people get lazy and complacent again. "Ho hum. Another day. Old lady is on my ass, Sergeant is on my ass, kids are a pain in my ass. Gonna put on the good time radio, drive for 8/10/12 hours and go home."

And again.....these people have their whole lives to plot this shit.

Remember that.

08-04-16, 13:06
Video will not load. Not sure if it's my phone or YouTube took it down.

08-04-16, 13:41
What a crazy f'ed up world we live in. At least the peice of trash mother is dead, but I'm sure the kid, no matter how he's raised will blame the police. All because his mom was a nutjob with a death wish.

08-05-16, 03:56
Video will not load. Not sure if it's my phone or YouTube took it down.

Still up and running on YouTube.

08-05-16, 05:39
I read this on NPR about her initial arrest:

Police say she was pulled over because, in place of a license plate, she had a cardboard sign reading "Free Traveler,".

Does this mean she was one of those "Sovereign Citizens" types?

Moorish Nation...

Outlander Systems
08-05-16, 06:07