View Full Version : Thoughts, prayers and smoke out to our brother theJanitor

08-05-16, 21:35
Kent has poor vision not one eye already and now has a detached retina in his good eye. He is going in for surgery and needs the good push to do well and have Normal vision in his good eye. It's a serious surgeryou as it's the difference in seeing well or barely seeing.

Spread the word. Kent is a really great guy and super generous and thoughtful.


brushy bill
08-05-16, 21:39
Sorry to hear. Hope he has a full recovery.

Outlander Systems
08-05-16, 21:48
Not fun.

Well-wishes in-bound.

08-05-16, 22:02
Best wishes for good recovery.

08-05-16, 22:20
Best wishes, thoughts and prayers....

08-05-16, 23:20
He and his family are in my thoughts and prayers. May his doctors perform great things, and help him achieve the sight he needs.

I agree, he is a good dude.

08-05-16, 23:36
Best of luck to him and hope it goes well.

08-05-16, 23:56
Best wishes to him and his family.

08-05-16, 23:59
He's a 1911 guru and all around good guy. I hope all is well!

08-06-16, 00:00
Went to my doctor the other day and he was wearing an eye patch. Same thing. Thoughts out to theJanitor.

08-06-16, 00:31
Very brief interaction but always seemed like a good guy, hope it goes well for him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

3 AE
08-06-16, 01:28
A shout out, a prayer, and a toast for a successful outcome.

08-09-16, 20:53
Kent is still in some pain but has been able to read some, up close. He has no glaucoma but has a cataract that may go away on its own. If not he will need surgery for that too.

His wife says that the family appreciates all the prayers and kind words and thanks everyone here very deeply.

They want everyone to know the prayers are working.

Kent can use Sirius to read him text messages...

08-09-16, 22:37
Very glad to hear that, and I hope his condition continues to improve.