View Full Version : Any skilled artists here? Of the politically incorrect questionable morals type?

08-05-16, 23:30
Years ago my unit had an NCO detailed to an associated unit.
He was able to get a shirt members of that unit had made for him and our Sergeant Major, but were no more in my size. I don't know if they ever had any more made. I am a retired has been and no inside track any more. I want to have some made, but,
Like everything else I pursue, I don't have the real talent for the art.
I want to recreate it.

In addition to old cars and guns, I like real dogs.

When I read Starship Troopers as a kid, I always wished he had made the choice to be one of the dog guys.
If there had been SOF dog handlers as an MOS when I joined in the 80's I would have done that instead of Infantry in Ranger Bn.
On GAFs my vehicle was the same one the handlers rode out on.

The shirt is a big FU to our enemy, a pretentious company, and the hybrid driving vegans that love it. To this day, I saw so many pairs of ugly chicks cruising along fully outfitted in that apparel in their Saturns blaring the Indigo girls it makes me cringe.

From memory, the best I can replicate the outline is-
http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu220/ramairfour/image_zpsvq5eve3h.jpeg (http://s649.photobucket.com/user/ramairfour/media/image_zpsvq5eve3h.jpeg.html)

The coloration, figures, dog, style, phrase were a perfect match as if it had come from the company itself.
The guy on the right running away in his man jammas and sandals dropping his AK I think was the typical black stick figure with light single color clothing and sandals. (Edit- he may have had longer man dress with bare legs instead of what I drew)

The dog was a fawn with black mask and streak typical malinois.
The happy guy also the basic black stick figure with black sneaker booties, his black carbine with simplified light, Eotech, and peq,
And simplified helmet, googles, plate carrier, pack, and Cryes. (Which I want to do in simplified representative Multicam instead of Naval)

I simply don't have the skills to make it that way.
If I did I would make it and print it on one of those printer papers you can iron on your shirt.

I don't know if any of the online shirt making companies would do a run or make one with some companies logo.

I would love to make one of these shirts also some for dog lovers of a similar mindset that would appreciate it.

08-06-16, 00:12
No sane company is going to print LIG shirts.

But,, I actually like your art work, the upside down aspect is even more interesting.

Have you ever thought of Life Sucks as a product line? Just create a 'stick figure' font and let it roll.

08-06-16, 00:46
Cafe Press will do small runs of t-shirts

08-06-16, 00:47
Had to look up "life is good", didn't know what it was other than seeing some Jeep tire covers over the years. Do I need to tell my prius driving vegan friends to throw out all their BCM apparel ?

08-06-16, 00:54
Find a local graphic artists, there will be several starving ones in your zip code.

Then take the artwork to a local t shirt printer / sport shop and have the minimum order done, it's usually 8 shirts. Just get two in four different colors and you will be good to go.

08-07-16, 16:16
something along these lines? Bass & Bunny Cops..
http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd214/fallsafe/FishampBunnyPolice_pass2.jpg (http://s226.photobucket.com/user/fallsafe/media/FishampBunnyPolice_pass2.jpg.html)

Of course it's been a while since my starving artist did this...
kinda lost touch looking for another one..

08-07-16, 23:48
ramairthree, check email since your PM is full.

08-08-16, 00:02
Did not see an email, but box should be open now, thank you.