View Full Version : World’s first implant-activated smart gun has arrived

08-09-16, 21:03
World’s first implant-activated smart gun has arrived https://www.rt.com/viral/355305-smart-gun-chip-embed/

I think the smart gun concept is important, because eventually we’d be able to control who’s able to operate the weapon once it leaves the store,” he told Motherboard.

Anybody from Seattle want to smack some sense into his guy?

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08-09-16, 21:09
Go right on ahead.

I know a guy.




08-09-16, 22:37
And I think that Obama's secret service detail is the perfect beta testing team.

08-09-16, 23:01
hahahah good one :)

needed a smile :)

And I think that Obama's secret service detail is the perfect beta testing team.

08-10-16, 04:31
I can see this being a skirt around an all out band after some BS national registry is implimented, of course deep in the circuitry will be a kill switch program rendering all lowly serf's arms inoperable.

08-10-16, 04:54
Why did those dudes look and sound exactly as I imagined they would?

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Alex V
08-10-16, 08:02
Or... you could just chop of that guys hand, duct tape it to the gun, and shoot him with it...

08-10-16, 08:33
Once I buy something, isn't it up to me who gets to operate it?

We should let dealerships control who gets to operate motor vehicles, implants required for operation.

The whole concept is rediculous. Like it couldn't be bypassed anyway.

08-10-16, 10:01
"It's against my religion to receive any tattoos or foreign bodies"

If Jehovahs Witnesses can refuse blood transfusion, and Muslims get to dodge Bongo care, then my God doesn't think I need to be chipped like a dog because some fat, do-gooder virgin in a garage thinks it's a swell idea trying to save the world

08-10-16, 10:12
Is it wrong that I read "Motherboard" (the name of the group that did the interview) as "Mother Jones" just because I knew that they were the type to trumpet this as a revolutionary improvement in firearms.

Lets remember, this isn't going to be just used to disarm the serfs. The next logical step is disarming everyone unless they KNOW that you can be trusted. Look at many of the nations where civilian ownership of firearms is pretty much banned. Regular "beat cops" don't even get issued firearms. Can't be sure officer Smith will enforce something he feels is unconstitutional? Shut off his gun...

08-10-16, 11:41
I already have a smart gun implant, it's called a brain.

08-10-16, 11:44
No way..... How am I going to shoot my firearm after a Massive EMP? No thanks. :blink:

08-10-16, 11:50
Let's see , for RFID to work it needs , a radio frequency to power it, which mean the guns has to have batteries.

Yeah that is good. People will check those on a regular basis.

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08-10-16, 12:10
At the end of the day....the last man standing after the apocalypse will be a lean, dour man with a Mauser 98 or similar rifle

08-10-16, 12:16
Go right on ahead.

I know a guy.




I know that guy. I want his ride.

08-10-16, 12:17
World’s first implant-activated smart gun has arrived https://www.rt.com/viral/355305-smart-gun-chip-embed/

Anybody from Seattle want to smack some sense into his guy?

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Well, considering that area is the only reason Washington is liberal.

08-10-16, 13:22
"It's against my religion to receive any tattoos or foreign bodies"

If Jehovahs Witnesses can refuse blood transfusion, and Muslims get to dodge Bongo care, then my God doesn't think I need to be chipped like a dog because some fat, do-gooder virgin in a garage thinks it's a swell idea trying to save the world

Are you ****ing kidding me? THey are not subject to the tax penalty for not signing up?

08-10-16, 13:49
Are you ****ing kidding me? THey are not subject to the tax penalty for not signing up?


6. You’re a member of a recognized religious sect with religious objections to insurance, including Social Security and Medicare;

08-10-16, 21:18
And I think that Obama's secret service detail is the perfect beta testing team.

Well played. The pun (intentional or not) of "beta" did not go unnoticed. Kudos.

I already have a smart gun implant, it's called a brain.

For real.

These hipster homos need to be drafted into front line combat, armed only with "Smart" guns. Have at it fellas.