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08-10-16, 01:19

How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes

What would be the political motivation for a state-sponsored attack? In the case of Russia hacking the Democrats, the conventional wisdom would appear that Moscow would like to see President Donald Trump strolling the Kremlin on a state visit. But the programmers also point out that other states may be leery. “China has a huge amount to lose. They would never dare do something like that,” says Wallach, who recently finished up a term with the Air Force’s science advisory board. Still, statistical threat assessment isn’t about likelihoods, they insist; it’s about anticipating unlikelihood.

The good news is that Wallach thinks we’d smell something fishy, and fairly fast: “If tampering happens, we will find it. But you need to have a ‘then-what.’ If you detect electronic tampering, then what?”

08-10-16, 01:31
Had a nice quip, but really just not as concerned about hackers as I am about non US Citizens voting, dead people voting, vote disqualification, ballot stuffing and outright miscounting.

08-10-16, 01:57
Had a nice quip, but really just not as concerned about hackers as I am about non US Citizens voting, dead people voting, vote disqualification, ballot stuffing and outright miscounting.

Yeah, that.

08-10-16, 04:44
You know, I always said that if everyone stayed home on election day they would still have the same results at the close of the polls on the left coast.

08-10-16, 06:24
I don't speak Russian, but I have read reports that Putin thinks HRC is, um, dangerous. I've also read that her ties to Russia are far deeper than anyone suspects. So I don't know what to think - has anyone else seen open source that makes them think Putin is worried about a war in Europe?

08-10-16, 15:57
I don't speak Russian, but I have read reports that Putin thinks HRC is, um, dangerous. I've also read that her ties to Russia are far deeper than anyone suspects. So I don't know what to think - has anyone else seen open source that makes them think Putin is worried about a war in Europe?
I'm sure Putin's issue is her ties with China. Russia is actually a resource rich nation just to the north of China...

08-10-16, 21:19
Putin's late to the party. Hitlery and the Dems have already hacked the election.
The Donald will figure something out though

08-11-16, 15:00
I'm sure Putin's issue is her ties with China. Russia is actually a resource rich nation just to the north of China...


08-11-16, 19:32

Never said that Russia wasn't doing the exact same thing...

08-18-16, 13:27
Queue evil empire theme music:


"Among the units deployed to the area are armoured vehicles, tanks and fighter jets."

Really? Not Civil Affairs or Diversity Workshops?

08-22-16, 12:18
No one's interested in WWIII, then? NATO v Russia...?