View Full Version : Yemen fires ballistic missles at Saudi Arabia

08-11-16, 04:04

I mentioned that Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Yemen and Saudi Arabia were detreating rapidity (social- not economic) in another post about the Saudi's buying the M1 Tanks. I know a lot of wealthy people are moving out of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia fearing that the western influence that dominates those countries are causing a lot of unrest with the traditionalist and they fear something like what happened in Iraq/ Syria could happen in their countries as well. A lot of sheiks and wealthy sultans are buying expensive properties in New Zealand, Jakarta, Italy, France and Spain. Apparently this has been going on for the better part of 3 years and though I have never heard about it from any news outlets here in the US, I have heard first hand from a man from Saudi Arabia who packed up and moved to Holland awaiting the green light to move to Miami with his wife and 3 kids. So who knows, I guess we wait and see what happens in the next couple years.

08-11-16, 04:40
Iran is threatening to invade Israel, North Korea just fired a missile into Japanese waters, Russia is saber rattling been deploying tanks to borders, China is stirring the pot in the South China Sea with multiple nations . . .

Reminds me of the opening scene in Red Dawn.

08-11-16, 05:35
Amateur in the WH and hillary in the queue, the world scene is friggin scary!

08-11-16, 05:48
Iran is threatening to invade Israel, North Korea just fired a missile into Japanese waters, Russia is saber rattling been deploying tanks to borders, China is stirring the pot in the South China Sea with multiple nations . . .

Reminds me of the opening scene in Red Dawn.

Interesting times ahead... With wingnut or dumbcunt being put in the WH we're really in for it this time around.

08-11-16, 07:02
Interesting times ahead... With wingnut or dumbcunt being put in the WH we're really in for it this time around.
Isn't that an old Chinese curse?.....May you live in interesting times!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

08-11-16, 08:33
You know sitting one out and watching from the bench this time might not be a bad idea.
It would be easier to broker that deal with Russia and China than to go to war with them all.

08-11-16, 09:59
Do you want war!? Because that's how you get War... in my best Malory Archer voice.

Funny things happen in vacuums of power. Or is it powered vacuums? I could have swore I had something for this...

Someday, all these years of proxy war is going to come and bite us all in the ass.

08-11-16, 10:02
If the Sauds and Yemen want to have a little tiff, let them. We'll see if the Saudi military actually learned anything from the training and gear we've given them over the years.

08-11-16, 10:03
I we fail to elect a strong leader in November, we will see the situation accelerate.

08-11-16, 10:07
If the Sauds and Yemen want to have a little tiff, let them. We'll see if the Saudi military actually learned anything from the training and gear we've given them over the years.

Mmmmm No!
They will cry like the Kuwaiti's did and require our help. All the while the Royal Family to include anyone with a drop of blood of blood related to that Family will be watching on CNN from the Riviera with a long cool drink and a Blonde under each arm.
No Thanks, they've been d*cks for years, we don't need them. Let them have a bit of what's going on in Syria and we will stay home with the Cold Drinks on the Beach.

08-11-16, 10:38
Yemen shouldn't have all the fun. Can't WE fire ballistic missiles at SA?

26 Inf
08-11-16, 12:31
I guess it depends on who you think is running Yemen. The Saudis are backing the government, it was the Rebels who fired the missiles. So saying Yemen fired the missiles is not totally correct. You cant tell the players without a score card: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Yemeni_Civil_War_detailed_map

08-11-16, 12:40
It's like Jihad Roulette.
Spin the spinner and call the shot, Jihad ties you up in a knot.

08-11-16, 13:45
Let them go at it for a few years thinning the herd. When they're done, kill those left breathing.

08-11-16, 13:47
Well that is unfortunate.

Say what you wamt, but I'd love to hear Kev's take on this when(if?) he gets out of M4C jail

08-11-16, 15:18
Kill them all and let Allah sort them out.

08-11-16, 18:14
Reading the actual story, it sounds more like Yemen shot back after Saudi resumed attacks when some cease fire / peace talk thing came to an end. Not a fan of either country but I can't blame anyone for shooting back.

08-11-16, 19:12
Who in their right minds gives Yemenis ballistic missiles? What could possibly go wrong?

Wasn't it a few years ago they intercepted the missiles on a boat? The missiles IIRC where hidden in concrete dry powder. I know sea water isn't the best for curing concrete, but that would have been pretty funny to make some big pavers.

08-11-16, 19:13
Amateur in the WH and hillary in the queue, the world scene is friggin scary!
Bro, he's on vacation lol

26 Inf
08-11-16, 20:47
Well that is unfortunate.

Say what you wamt, but I'd love to hear Kev's take on this when(if?) he gets out of M4C jail

WTF? Euro and KEV? Thought it had been quiet..but wait we still have, well, you know...that guy.

08-11-16, 22:07
Kill them all and let Allah sort them out.

At this point, I say let them kill each other, and then get sorted out.

08-12-16, 01:22
Who in their right minds gives Yemenis ballistic missiles? What could possibly go wrong?

Wasn't it a few years ago they intercepted the missiles on a boat? The missiles IIRC where hidden in concrete dry powder. I know sea water isn't the best for curing concrete, but that would have been pretty funny to make some big pavers.

The Iranians. The rebels are backed by Iran. Their plan is to destabilize Saudi Arabia.

08-12-16, 01:26
Iran is threatening to invade Israel, North Korea just fired a missile into Japanese waters, Russia is saber rattling been deploying tanks to borders, China is stirring the pot in the South China Sea with multiple nations . . .

Reminds me of the opening scene in Red Dawn.

There are a couple countries between Iran and Israel and a whole lot of US forces.

I wonder how they'll pull that off.

08-12-16, 04:05
There are a couple countries between Iran and Israel and a whole lot of US forces.

I wonder how they'll pull that off.

Probably through their useful idiots in ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, PLO, etc.

But it they were to, I could see Israel using their "Sampson Option".

08-12-16, 09:25
The report was released a little more than a week before the Saudi-led coalition announced it would resume its devastating bombing campaign in Yemen after a U.N.-brokered peace deal broke down on Aug. 1. The United States also recently announced it would sell Saudi Arabia, a key ally in the Middle East, an additional $1 billion in military equipment.
“The US State Department has approved the potential sale of more than 130 Abrams battle tanks, 20 armoured recovery vehicles and other equipment, worth about $1.15bn, to Saudi Arabia, defence chiefs said on Tuesday,”Middle East Eye reported on Wednesday. “The approval notice came on the same day a Saudi-led coalition launched its first air raids in three months in Yemen, where it is fighting Houthi rebel forces in support of the exiled government of President Abd Rabbuh Hadi.”