View Full Version : Biggest Fail Movies You Thought Would be Awesome

08-11-16, 18:24
In my desire to avoid further political or gun control threads,
I am starting another something different thread.

What movies were you expecting to be awesome but were horrible.

I don't mean it was a bad movie.
I mean it was everything it should not have been, and nothing it was supposed to be.

Pick three.
The first Star Trek movie.
Years and years after no new Star Trek,
I was really excited.
I went to the movie and...
Oh yay. Roddenberry dusts of his the crew meets a machine/alien/human like a God. Only even longer and more boring than usual. What a hack. Thank god Wrath of Kahn ended up pulling the franchise out of the brink.

I really liked Highlander.
In the early 90s the sequel came out. Holy Crap! Did they even see the first movie. What a mess.

Starship Troopers.
I had been waiting for that movie since I was 9 or ten.
It was a great Robocop or Total Recall kind of movie. It just was not really Starship Troopers.

Boba Fett v2
08-11-16, 18:49
When I first saw Dune as a kid in the theaters back in the 80s I was like... WTF did I just watch?

08-11-16, 19:05
Yep. That totally nailed the vibe I meant. WTH Dune book version did they read?

08-11-16, 19:24
My picks:

Phantom Menace- I know, I know.... but seriously when that trailer came out, everyone freaked. Dual lightsabers, Darth Maul, and Duel of the Fates. Man everyone was so psyched.

X-Files- I figured the movie would raise the stakes. Maybe some gore, maybe a dark revelation behind the Alien conspiracy, maybe Gillian Anderson would get naked. Everyone had these far out theories. And it was bees and corn. Bees and corn.

Saving Private Ryan- After the Omaha Beach landing, it was a cartoon. Yeah yeah, I know. Hate away. But it was a cliche cartoon. I didn't care about Ryan, I seriously doubt a Captain would be in the field and if he did and was a Ranger he would've gotten anyone else but Upham. For FIBUA they would've shitcanned their Garands and would've loaded up on M1 Carbines, BARs, extra mags, and wouldn't Forrest Gumped their way through the entirety of WWII.

It was entertaining but wasn't what I thought it would be. Band of Brothers did D Day way more justice.

I catch even more hate when I say I liked Thin Red Line better.

08-11-16, 19:27
Yep. That totally nailed the vibe I meant. WTH Dune book version did they read?

IKR. I did like the Sci Fi re-try though

Boba Fett v2
08-11-16, 19:38
I catch even more hate when I say I liked Thin Red Line better.

I hated that movie.

08-11-16, 19:43
I hated that movie.

I may disagree with what you say, sir, but I shall fight to the death for your right to say it :p

Boba Fett v2
08-11-16, 20:02
I may disagree with what you say, sir, but I shall fight to the death for your right to say it :p

It was just about as bad as Windtalkers. Horrible.

08-11-16, 20:13
It was just about as bad as Windtalkers. Horrible.

Okay, see, now your just picking back alley knife fights at this point...

ETA I mean it had CHRISTIAN SLATER in WWII. That's win right there. Plus it was good to see the Red Man get repped a little

08-11-16, 20:19
The Matrix: Reloaded. In retrospect, it isn't really that bad a movie. In fact, in many ways, it's a better movie than The Matrix: Revolutions (which I enjoyed more the first time I saw it than Reloaded the first time I saw it). But after the awesomeness that is The Matrix, The Matrix: Reloaded was just a bit of a let down. And frankly the movie's ending didn't help it any.

Kill Bill, Vol. 1. It's a Quentin Tarantino movie, so everybody was falling over themselves to praise it. I understood the premise and thought that I'd love it. Nope. Bored. Not-very-good. I thought Vol. 2 was decent. In fact, we can add Inglourious Basterds, From Dusk 'Till Dawn, Reservoir Dogs, and Pulp Fiction were all also fairly disappointing. To this day the only Tarantino movie I genuinely like is Django Unchained.

The Thin Red Line. Thought it was going to be Saving Private Ryan in the Pacific. My parents bought it on VHS. Throw it in the VCR. After half-an-hour or so, my brother, my mother, and my father had become so bored that they found something else to do and I was wondering why I was watching a movie about some dude on a prison ship. Seriously horrible movie. And anyone who likes it has horrible taste in movies and is likely a horrible human being. :p

It was just about as bad as Windtalkers. Horrible.

No. Windtalkers was much better. Still stupid. But much, much better than The Thin Red Line.

08-11-16, 20:21
Pick three... Hmm...

1. Starship Troopers

2. Starship Troopers


3. Starship Troopers

As a huge fan of the book, I hated everything about that movie. Except Dina Meyer. :secret:

08-11-16, 20:25
Aside from FJ and Boba Fett picking knife fights....

I agree. The Matrix was perfect. Should've just stopped at part one and let it keep its mystique.

Revolutions was just dumb. Duh-duh dumb. Fingerpaint in pre-school dumb.

At the end the old dude and the black lady said "Well yeah, whoever wants to live underground and malnourished can do so and whoever wants to live in virtual reality with shelter can do so."

Like....that's it? After all the kung fu, shootouts, and gunplay, that's it.
Kinda pointless

08-11-16, 20:48
Prometheus. I mean...wtf was going on there? A potentially good story about genesis of intelligent life on this planet, and then armageddon from the creator got ruined with some garbage filler.
I was dreaming of a continuation of Alien and Aliens (leave Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection out of the series) that explained the oringin of the creatures...then this disaster was dropped on us.

08-11-16, 20:54
Prometheus. I mean...wtf was going on there? A potentially good story about genesis of intelligent life on this planet, and then armageddon from the creator got ruined with some garbage filler.
I was dreaming of a continuation of Alien and Aliens (leave Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection out of the series) that explained the oringin of the creatures...then this disaster was dropped on us.

I kinda liked Prometheus. It was like "What if we meet our Creator and He teetotaling hates us?"

I wish they could have foregone Aliens3 (though at the time I liked it) and Aliens: That Shit Never Happened (Because that shit never happened and followed a story like the Dark Horse comics where Newt is older and traumatized like Ripley was and Hicks is middle aged and scarred up. That was an interesting comic and I could kick my own ass for not holding onto it. I even had the original Aliens vs Predator.

08-11-16, 21:26
Prometheus. I mean...wtf was going on there? A potentially good story about genesis of intelligent life on this planet, and then armageddon from the creator got ruined with some garbage filler.
I was dreaming of a continuation of Alien and Aliens (leave Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection out of the series) that explained the oringin of the creatures...then this disaster was dropped on us.

I was so excited by a Ridley Scott revisits the Alien franchise but really let down by the movie itself. There were some things I liked about it and it had HUGE potential, but it failed to live up to the first two films.

Terminator Salvation was another one that I really looked forward to and just felt ripped off when it was over. I thought Rise of the Machines was really bad, even with some good parts, but they really just stopped trying with Salvation.

I absolutely HATE when they monkey around with established plot lines. I can't stand when they put more effort into effects than intelligent, coherent story lines. Those two movies could have been the best of the franchise, so much potential, so little effort.

I can watch "Planet of the Vampires" (1965) and enjoy it more. By the way, if you are a fan of the Alien films, watch "Planet of the Vampires" (1965).

08-11-16, 21:40
Unbroken-I'll admit, I was skeptical of how they could expect to cram all of Louis Zamperini's life into a 2 or even 3 hour movie. The book was spectacular and, unlike many books of its length, there's not a single part of it that isn't vital to fully grasping who Zamperini was; there was no fluff or "get on with it!" moments. That book was, on the Audible recording, over 12 hours long. As I feared, the movie just couldn't fit enough into 2 and half hours. On top of this, the movie was almost completely without dialog or character development, and moved as slow as molasses. I don't even remember much because I think I dozed off for part of it. It completely glossed over some of the most important parts of his life, and some parts were not even mentioned.

Unbroken really needs to be remade as an HBO series; honestly, it would take about two full seasons to truly do the book justice.

American History X-This film could have been great had it stuck to the simple message that hate is self-destructive and Neo-Nazis are assholes. But of course, in leftist fashion, they had to go beyond that, and imply that it's the entire United States that's white supremacist and Neo-Nazism is just symptom of that problem. The biggest thing that irked me: The message that leftist politicians and college professors are the only true guardians of society. I just had too much trouble getting over those things to actually get anything out of this movie.

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time-I was a HUGE fan of the Sands of Time game series as a teen (to the point where I am surprised that I managed to lose my virginity as a young adult). They started planning this movie about 11-12 years ago as 1) the games were very popular at the time and 2) Disney was looking for a successor franchise to Pirates of the Caribbean. But then it went into development hell, and during that time they changed the plot so that it had almost nothing to do with source material it was based upon. Plus, they inserted thinly veiled anti-Iraq War messages into the plot, made even dumber by the fact that when the movie was released, the Iraq War was already over and old news.

Now, I'll say this: Prince of Persia is probably one of the best video game based movies out there; one of the few released that could be considered an A-list movie. However, like I said, there was almost no connection to story of the original game (which had a really good story), there was no chemistry between any of the leads, and the dialog was not much better than the Star Wars prequels. It was a fun enough movie, but still a big letdown for me.

08-11-16, 21:47
I kinda liked Prometheus. It was like "What if we meet our Creator and He teetotaling hates us?"

I wish they could have foregone Aliens3 (though at the time I liked it) and Aliens: That Shit Never Happened (Because that shit never happened and followed a story like the Dark Horse comics where Newt is older and traumatized like Ripley was and Hicks is middle aged and scarred up. That was an interesting comic and I could kick my own ass for not holding onto it. I even had the original Aliens vs Predator.

If it makes you feel any better, Neill Blomkamp's new Alien/Aliens movie is supposedly going to totally ignore Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection. And sounds like Michael Biehn and Sigourney Weaver are game for it.

Unfortunately, Ridley Scott is also working on a Prometheus sequel that's also, apparently, going to be an Alien movie and he doesn't want Blomkamp's movie to potentially outshine his.

08-11-16, 22:02
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
I defy any of you to watch that movie and understand it.
Yet, the original commercials made it seem kind of like a campy sci-fi spoof comedy.... go figure.

The Matrix Series
Yes. ALL of them.
I grew up hearing how rad these were, parents wouldn't let me watch them. Finally got to see [er... suffer through] all three a couple years back. WTF? How did these ever get popular? :bad:

Loved the games, was really expecting something great out of the movie. Nope. Just a bunch of random gun/knife/fist fights. Like.... did you guys ever actually PLAY the game? So much fail in a movie that could have been so epic.
For a little glimpse of what the movie should have been, watch the first 10 minutes or so of The Mechanic with Statham. Classic Hitman stuff there. But you know... not actually in the movie based on the actual game. Actually the entire Mechanic movie was more Hitman-esque than the Hitman movie.... :rolleyes:

08-11-16, 23:04
Unless you saw The Matrix in 1999, you wouldn't really appreciate how novel the idea was at the time.

08-11-16, 23:05
Unless you saw The Matrix in 1999, you wouldn't really appreciate how novel the idea was at the time.

08-11-16, 23:18
2 pages and no one has brought up the complete sh!tshow called Pearl Harbor?? I was so disappointed with that epic farce I have refused to watch it again.

I also think Titanic was way overblown for us to get to the end, the ship sank and people died.

08-11-16, 23:20
Complaining about The Matrix not being so hot when you didn't watch it when it came out is like complaining that The Lord of the Rings has elves and dwarves and everything else that in every fantasy setting - because they largely wrote the rules for everything that followed.

08-11-16, 23:44
I kinda liked Prometheus. It was like "What if we meet our Creator and He teetotaling hates us?"

I wish they could have foregone Aliens3 (though at the time I liked it) and Aliens: That Shit Never Happened (Because that shit never happened and followed a story like the Dark Horse comics where Newt is older and traumatized like Ripley was and Hicks is middle aged and scarred up. That was an interesting comic and I could kick my own ass for not holding onto it. I even had the original Aliens vs Predator.
Oh, I get what you're saying. I too liked parts of the movie. Exo-genesis, nephilim as creators/destroyers, and the idea of humanity as an experiment gone totally wrong is what made that movie not a complete failure in my book. I really let my mind run with those concepts. That fluff in between with some expendable undeveloped characters/plot is what killed it. To his credit, I think Ridley Scott tried to express some great concepts but had his hands tied with the final production. The studios wanted an action-y, not too deep movie for people who did not see the first two movies. That ruined the potential to further the original movie with modern effects. I wanted something that got deep into the story, with success measured on the cinemagraphic mastery Scott attained with Blade Runner more than on ticket sales. I was also hoping for a post-Aliens sequel while Sigourney Weaver is still young enough to play a capable Ripley cleaning house yet again...
As for that comic, I think I actually perused that once. Did (no longer jail bait) Newt hook it up with Hicks? And there was a crusty gunny who attacks the queen with his soon to be melted sabre, just before getting his skull canoed by the mini-mouth? A lot of dark bitter imagery in that book, just what I was waiting to see on the big screen. That ship has sailed, I'm afraid.

08-12-16, 00:06
2 pages and no one has brought up the complete sh!tshow called Pearl Harbor?? I was so disappointed with that epic farce I have refused to watch it again.

I don't think anyone listed it because I don't think anyone expected to be amazed by it. I will always default to "Tora, Tora, Tora" as the best film regarding that event. But as much as Michael Bay did his absolute best to completely make that movie unwatchable, it still had Kate Beckensale in it and the "retro nurse" look can compensate for a lot of sins.

Still painfully difficult to accept Baldwin as Doolittle, and just moronic to suggest that Kenneth Marlar Taylor and George Welch (the two actual pilots who got planes off the ground during the attack) would then go on to fly B-25s from the Hornet as part of the Doolittle raid, never mind the unlikelihood that one of the same pilots would have previously flown for one of the Eagle squadrons in England.

They could have stuck largely with the actual narrative, dialed back the CGI and explosions, not have made Doris Miller a central character (although he deserved better than the honorable mention he got in the film "Tora, Tora, Tora") and they could have produced something much better. The mini series "Pearl" (1978) should have shown everyone how perilous a depiction of personal lives surrounding a historical event can go completely wrong and that one even had Angie Dickenson in it and couldn't be saved.

08-12-16, 00:08
2 pages and no one has brought up the complete sh!tshow called Pearl Harbor?? I was so disappointed with that epic farce I have refused to watch it again.

I also think Titanic was way overblown for us to get to the end, the ship sank and people died.

Titanic did NOT deserve to win best picture. However, I actually liked the movie well enough, I just HATED the Titanic-mania that swept the nation because of that damn movie. I couldn't stand Leo DiCaprio for years because I was just so tired of stupid teen girls gushing over him (though I actually like him now that he's gotten rid of the pretty boy image and does mostly gritty action roles). I was also on the verge of puncturing my eardrums if I had to hear that f'ing Celine Dion song one more time! As for the movie, LA Confidential, As Good as it Gets, and Good Will Hunting were much better films that year.

As for Pearl Harbor, I saw that disaster of a movie coming due to two words: Michael Bay.


08-12-16, 00:09

That's the one. Hicks was like 40is but haggard from the spray he got and Newt was mid 20s. I think Ripley had died of cancer or something. Hicks IIRC had to go to VA care and Newt checked in on him. I think they went to a homeworld and and the USCM was updated and guy tried to take on a queen. Never had the whole series

I DID have all the Colonial Marines comics where it follows a platoon of USCM from battle to battle and Vasquez's sister was a Marine but got hooked on Xeno royal jelly.

One issue had them run up on a Synthetic and his helper droids and they were holding down a satellite or some such.

It was great. Dark Horse comics were great back in the day. Especially their Terminator comics before T2 came out.

The art, the style, and it added to the lore. Nobody had the internet so everyone had some kind of informal comic club were guys traded and shared comics. Even to this day I run into guys between 40-60 who recall 80s and 90s comics.

I'm told I should check out the new SW comics (and will once I get to a comic shop) but comics as a whole went downhill when they got all liberal and political. People either just stopped reading or read the japanese comics which usually had less talk more rock.

But there was a time when there was some great writing and artwork. I really loved The 'Nam comics Marvel did.

08-12-16, 00:14
Complaining about The Matrix not being so hot when you didn't watch it when it came out is like complaining that The Lord of the Rings has elves and dwarves and everything else that in every fantasy setting - because they largely wrote the rules for everything that followed.

Well it's true. As a story....Matrix is just not as deep or involved as LOTR. Matrix was a shallow cyberpunk style over substance affair interspersed with pseudo philosophical Eastern thought.

It wasn't as heavy as Blade Runner, religious as Robocop, nor deep as Akira or Ghost in the Shell.

It was essentially some guys Cyberpunk 2020 campaign with techno and robots. Beyond the millenium era it wasn't flashy or fantastic with the (WAY OVERPLAYED bullet time) .

The First one was good then it got too much full of itself and bleh

08-12-16, 00:21
Titanic did NOT deserve to win best picture. However, I actually liked the movie well enough, I just HATED the Titanic-mania that swept the nation because of that damn movie. I couldn't stand Leo DiCaprio for years because I was just so tired of stupid teen girls gushing over him (though I actually like him now that he's gotten rid of the pretty boy image and does mostly gritty action roles). I was also on the verge of puncturing my eardrums if I had to hear that f'ing Celine Dion song one more time! As for the movie, LA Confidential, As Good as it Gets, and Good Will Hunting were much better films that year.

IMO, LA Confidential was one of the best movies of the decade let alone that year. So hard to do a "noir" that didn't get done to death 50 years ago. That movie succeeded on so many levels and in so many ways it's hard to explain. Titanic was a good movie, but only remarkable in the way it was so over hyped.

08-12-16, 00:22
This is a short list of movies that I thought were going to kick ass and after watching them, I wanted my money back. Take in consideration that I base all films on just a few: HEAT, Collateral, Sicario, Triple 9, Miami Vice (2006)-more on that

Hurt Locker- I thought it would be something entirely different, it was a joke.

Point Break (2015) - I was super excited to see it, it sucked compared to the first one, just like every other re-make, they try too hard to be better than the first and end up being horrible. The first one it was bank robbers who stole money to fund there entire year so they didn't have to work, this is about finding yourself and they steel money to give it away or burn it- stupid!!!

Miami Vice (2006) - I've seen it 50 times, I own the special edition, wide screen edition, directors cut, un-rated edition on Blue Ray, DVD and VHS and also have 2 versions recorded on my DVR- I HATE Jamie Foxx. Michael Mann had planned a sequence that included drug boats, airplanes and fast cars for the ending had to be re-written like 2 days before they shot because Foxx wasn't satisfied with his salary after winning an Oscar just a few days before.

Titanic- to be honest I knew what was gong to happen before I ever saw the movie, SPOIL ELERT- The ship sinks at the end! BTW- Both jack and rose could have fit on that plank of wood! I have only seen it once!

Terminator Genisys/Rise of the Machines/ Salvation- ALL SUCKED and were weak!!!! You cant make a Terminator movie after T2- Judgement Day- you just cant!

Every Transformer movie- I get it, they were cool but too lame, typical nerdy kid hooks up with hot slut and save the world! I saw shorter lines at the Red Cross Relief tent after catastrophic disasters than the line to get into these movies- Garbage!!

Jason Bourne:
Full blown Aids, HIV-Type 2, Stage IV Cancer, Hepatitis C, Renal Failure, Type 1&2 Diabetes, Parkinson's, ALS and MS, those are all things I would rather have that have to see that again. Horrible!!!

08-12-16, 00:31
I'm not an Army guy but I just liked Hawkeye (can't remember his name right now) and his attitude in Hurt Locker. He'd do whatever and just go back to his car and light up and kept his cool.

I have never seen a Jason Bourne movie and never will.

MIAMI VICE! GAH! Michael Mann forgot that Miami Vice was meant to be equally fun AND thrilling. Castillo was miscast. Jamie Foxx was a bitch and whats his name acted Crockett like he had autism and was on Quaaludes. Also the real time trip to Cuba was lame. The shootouts boring.

They should've gotten Dinozzo and the black dude from Psych. To do Crockett and Tubbs.

08-12-16, 00:46
God Miami Vice sucked. Should have been Moore's crowning achievement but it might be his worst movie ever. The only thing that didn't suck was the new theme music, not sure it was better than the original, but it didn't suck.

Everyone was horribly miscast. Even worse, they managed to make Gong Li look like hell. Where they actually trying to make her look Cuban? Or was she supposed to be one of those many Asians that populate cuba and find their way to Florida in the narcotics trade?

Farrell was the gayest he's been since Daredevil, Foxx was horrible as Tubbs. I actually hated Gina and Trudy, that's when you know you've done something wrong. Then as a final insult, for Castillo, the guy who actually might have been the most interesting character of the series, they cast some guy who might as well have been playing Nick Notle's boss on 48 Hours.

And they didn't even come up with a new story line, they just cobbled together three previous ones from the TV series. And with all the actual bad guys that exist in South Florida, they use nazi bikers as the main bad guys?!? Are you effin' kidding me?

Don't even get me started on the Barrett .50 cal bullshit in that one.

08-12-16, 01:11
Return of the King.

I didn't read the books before seeing it. I thought it would be interesting.

It started to be interesting. It almost ended interestingly.

Then some stupid deus ex machina eagles show up and save Frodo and Sam, spoiler alert. WTF. They should have died.

Then the movie "ends" like 5 times over the course of like 30 minutes? Come on, just roll credits already.

Best Picture my ass.

08-12-16, 07:56
Promethius....good initiative, poor execution. Great plot and all but really boring.

Thin Red Line. The theater started off packed, ended with about 20, and most of us were sleeping.

Pearl Harbor. Enough said. I will say chicks in 40s's outfits do turn me on a little, but that movie was so utterly and fantastically ****ed up it was even hard to just focus on the women. And what was with the whole gay thing between the two dudes? Cause you just know they were gay.

Executive Decision. Steven Seagal AND Kurt Russell? Should have been a homerun. It was a strike-out.

08-12-16, 08:19
When I first saw Dune as a kid in the theaters back in the 80s I was like... WTF did I just watch?

Yes, that was a major let down. Now that's a movie that needs to be re done proper and I'm surprised it has not been. Dune sucked out loud on all levels.

Alex V
08-12-16, 08:26
The remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still with Neo. Holy crap that was terrible. I almost walked out of the theater several times.

The Happening, really? Trees trying to kill us? After 6th Sense, Signs and The Village [yeah Unbreakable sucked as already discussed] I was expecting to be entertained, I really wanted my money back for that one.

My picks:
X-Files- I figured the movie would raise the stakes. Maybe some gore, maybe a dark revelation behind the Alien conspiracy, maybe Gillian Anderson would get naked. Everyone had these far out theories. And it was bees and corn. Bees and corn.

That is the only thing that disappointed me. I loved the rest of it. It was a continuation of Season 5 and lead right into Season 6, it was perfect. The second X-Files movie was total shit however. THAT was a true disappointment!

08-12-16, 08:41
Highlander II was the first film that I was like- wait, Hollywood doesn't know what it is doing? How do you F that up?

All the Robocop crap after the first one.

The last season of X-files from this year was horrible.

08-12-16, 08:46
2 pages and no one has brought up the complete sh!tshow called Pearl Harbor?? I was so disappointed with that epic farce I have refused to watch it again.

I also think Titanic was way overblown for us to get to the end, the ship sank and people died.
I'll add Enemy at the Gates to Pearl Harbor

The last two Die Hard

Battlefield Earth

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08-12-16, 09:09
Serenity- the wrap up movie for the FireFly series. The series was amazing. Funny good dialogue and made fun of the Hollywood cliches. The move sucked so bad I have mostly blocked it out of my memory.

Doc Safari
08-12-16, 09:37
Terminator 2: The liquid metal robot was a contradiction in terms. They said it couldn't form complex mechanisms to make its arms into weapons, yet a robot in and of itself is a complex mechanism. So which is it? I was totally bummed at what a stupid concept this was. It ruined the entire series as far as I'm concerned.

Any of the new Star Treks with the new crew. Okay, I get it. Shatner, Nimoy, and all the others are either dead or are geezers. I also thought it was clever to "reset" the series by making the timeline be altered. That opens up a whole new universe of stories. Too bad the new crew isn't even as good as the actors on the fan-based Star Trek Continues website, and the whole concept of Star Trek has been muddied by Star Wars.

Smokey and the Bandit II
The first one was so good, and so watchable that you wanted to see it again and again. The second, and subsequent installments were horrible and had no reason to exist.

Star Wars The Force Awakens
It's not terrible, but it derives so much from the original 1977 Star Wars as to be almost a remake. The entire Star Wars universe is in desperate need of some new ideas.

08-12-16, 09:43
I catch even more hate when I say I liked Thin Red Line better.
I hated that movie.

Absolutely , but the Japs were eye shooting SOB's in it.

08-12-16, 09:43
Shooter. The movie from Point of Impact. They basically rewrote the whole story.

08-12-16, 09:57
Terminator 2: The liquid metal robot was a contradiction in terms. They said it couldn't form complex mechanisms to make its arms into weapons, yet a robot in and of itself is a complex mechanism. So which is it? I was totally bummed at what a stupid concept this was. It ruined the entire series as far as I'm concerned.

Smokey and the Bandit II
The first one was so good, and so watchable that you wanted to see it again and again. The second, and subsequent installments were horrible and had no reason to exist.

Whoever woulda thunk the Terminator would be Col. Ryan from The Unit?? I liked it; I liked the first three Terminator movies. After those, not so much.

Agree re: Smokey & the Bandit II. That said, it DID have one of the more memorable lines, one I love to repeat:

Junior: "Look, Daddy, an alligator!"

Sheriff Justice: "That reminds me I gotta call yo' mama..."

08-12-16, 10:23
Yes, that was a major let down. Now that's a movie that needs to be re done proper and I'm surprised it has not been. Dune sucked out loud on all levels.

The Dune mini series was good. As was the follow up.

08-12-16, 10:47
I catch even more hate when I say I liked Thin Red Line better.

That hate is deserved. Go blow your a$$ off with a hand grenade now.... lol

08-12-16, 10:48
For me... Hannibal.

The book was soooo good. The movie stunk.

08-12-16, 10:55
Unless you saw The Matrix in 1999, you wouldn't really appreciate how novel the idea was at the time.

Agree. Plus the mindbender of what was real and what was the dream or really what was what?

08-12-16, 11:16
Avatar The visual effects were great, the movie as a whole is trash.

I Am Legend As a huge Matheson fan, this was probably my favorite novel he wrote. The film was nothing like the novel. Even though I enjoy Will Smith usually, this move disappointing the hell out of me. I was really, really hyped for this.

American Sniper Bradlley Cooper was incredible in this film, first off. But I had issue with tons of other themes and moments that were made up just for the film.

08-12-16, 12:14
People hating on Serenity need to rewatch it...

Granted it didn't have Mal's usual humor, and I didn't like the fate of some characters, and the Operative was probably meant to be Jubal, but it actually did satisfyingly explain the Reavers, plus that bit at the end with River was badass.

We can woulda, coulda, shoulda Firefly all day and I could. And no, I haven't gotten over it. But Serenity really did try to tie it all in and be accessible to newcomer and show obsessor alike.

And people laying on hate for Thin Red Line can hate away.

08-12-16, 12:30
Shooter. The movie from Point of Impact. They basically rewrote the whole story.

They had to rewrite the story or the Swagger would have been a 50 year old nam vet. I know what you are saying Memphis went from a disgruntled FBI shooter to a novice who got "on the job" sniper training and there were a few other deviations from the book that didn't improve things.

But I think that Shooter was about as good as we were going to get. Did you see what they did to Atlas Shrugged? Could have been lots worse.

08-12-16, 13:05
Unless you saw The Matrix in 1999, you wouldn't really appreciate how novel the idea was at the time.

I saw The Matrix when it first came out and I found nothing about it novel. I am a huge science fiction fan and have been reading the genre since I learned to read in the 60s. Everything in The Matrix had already been done but better.

Humans as Batteries- Check. Vampires have been using humans as the source of their power for centuries and this version was the lamest yet. I mean, seriously. How much electricity do human bodies generate, even if all were linked together? Not enough to power an Evil Empire and the massive electronic prison holding the human race in thrall. Lame Duck and Major Plot Hole all rolled into one.

The One. With Cheat Codes- Check. The ability for a savior of the world to bend reality is a staple. Heinlein alone did it in several novels and where would your average superhero be without the ability to bend reality? But Neo never did anything significant with his Power of the Cheat Codes. All he did was dodge a few bullets in slow motion. Yawn. At least Superman amuses himself by letting a few bounce off his chest before dispatching the badguys.

Shared Artificial Reality- Check. Mind Control and Hive Mind. To keep the populace docile. But in an environment where the populace is allowed, unchecked, to start wars that can wipe out millions of power sources that the Evil Empire depends on to dominate, not just the world, but all of reality.

Mysterious Religious Babble and The Prophecy- Check. Staples in nearly all fantasy, whether the world is based on magic, technology or both. Even Star Wars had Mysterious Religious Babblings and a Prophecy.

Like most attempts by Hollywood to bring science fiction to the big screen, The Matrix was a pale imitation watered down to appeal to a wider audience. Nothing mind bending, new or innovative. The only thing ground breaking about the movie was showcasing the technology of 3D panning of a still

08-12-16, 19:21
American Sniper Bradlley Cooper was incredible in this film, first off. But I had issue with tons of other themes and moments that were made up just for the film.

They made his brother(marine) out to be a total puss who idolized Chris. They made Mark Lee look like a man that couldn't handle war- "you got a god"- apparently Mark was one tough dude. The ending with the Deltas on the roof top, "Shit weve been compromised, god dammit legend stand the **** down"- apparently that didn't happen either.

08-12-16, 20:20
The Point Break remake was horrible and the first thing I thought of when I saw the thread. Felt like I had my life stolen for a coupe hours. People that don't like the Matrix must not have suffered through the VCR era.

08-12-16, 20:39
They made his brother(marine) out to be a total puss who idolized Chris. They made Mark Lee look like a man that couldn't handle war- "you got a god"- apparently Mark was one tough dude. The ending with the Deltas on the roof top, "Shit weve been compromised, god dammit legend stand the **** down"- apparently that didn't happen either.

I liked the movie overall, just a shame they couldn't do a more faithful adaptation.

08-12-16, 20:39
Battlefield Earth

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I read the book- and usually they're better than the movie, but the book sucked.
So I watched the movie to see if they could un-suckify it.
They failed. Miserably.

Shooter. The movie from Point of Impact. They basically rewrote the whole story.

I can actually sit through that and not throw something at the TV, but... I always envision Swagger being a better character as more like a Clint Eastwood grizzled older fella, that would have shot everyone with an old Springfield or something, then said something manly and epic, flicked his cigar and strolled off into the sunset with no damns given. :laugh:

Agree. Plus the mindbender of what was real and what was the dream or really what was what?

It's called "Total Recall", both of which movies were better than all the Matrix awfulness combined. ;)

American Sniper. Totally agree on that, and would have made my top three except I've done my best to literally erase that movie from my mind.
Everyone's running around flailing over it after it cam out and I'm like "did we watch the same movie"? I did like Cooper as Kyle, but... if you read the book, the movie just.... wasn't "there" you know? I expect artistic license to be liberally applied in any movie but.... this wasn't even close.

08-12-16, 21:34
Highlander 2: The SICKening... :bad:

I was in college, and saw it opening weekend. 2 hours of the best days of my life that I'll NEVER get back... :fie:

08-12-16, 21:58
American Sniper.

I could have easily put up with the drama and BS had they just included the beachball scene.

And making his brother look like a wuss was disrespectful.

08-12-16, 23:14
American Sniper.

I could have easily put up with the drama and BS had they just included the beachball scene.

And making his brother look like a wuss was disrespectful.

I waited the whole movie for that one dammit! :laugh:

But I think character development as a whole in that movie was just so lacking that some of the other characters who, in the book, were major players in the story, just got glossed over to the point where I almost wonder why they really bothered to give them the same names.

08-13-16, 00:47
American Sniper.

I could have easily put up with the drama and BS had they just included the beachball scene.

And making his brother look like a wuss was disrespectful.

That would have been so much better than the made up Syrian sniper that Kyle never shot.

08-14-16, 12:16
Smokey &The Bandit III


King Kong remake with Jack Black

Mad Max Fury Road, the worst movie I think I've ever seen.

I'm sure I'll come up with more.

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08-14-16, 12:34
Hannibal would've been lame even with Jodie Foster.

Hannibal Lector is played out. He was an arrogant, fussy little man who preyed on patients. Nothing more.

Brian Cox, the original Lector, was portrayed the best. The detective didn't put up with his bullshit. At the end of the day he's just a guy who uses big words, speaks in self involved riddles, and is simply one well placed .45 round away from not being anything anymore.

08-14-16, 13:53
Hannibal would've been lame even with Jodie Foster.

Hannibal Lector is played out. He was an arrogant, fussy little man who preyed on patients. Nothing more.

Brian Cox, the original Lector, was portrayed the best. The detective didn't put up with his bullshit. At the end of the day he's just a guy who uses big words, speaks in self involved riddles, and is simply one well placed .45 round away from not being anything anymore.

I actually fell asleep in the theater. So bad.

And as long as we're ripping Hannibal, the remake of Manhunter, Red Dragon, not so good.

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08-14-16, 14:29
The Hateful 8. It just seemed like 2 hours of Tarantino trying to cram the N word in anywhere he could.

08-14-16, 19:18
The Hateful 8. It just seemed like 2 hours of Tarantino trying to cram the N word in anywhere he could.

On that note, Inglorious Basterds was so disapointing that I skipped out on Django Unchained.

08-14-16, 19:27
The original Inglorious Bastards was epic.

Especially when Fred Williamson stumbles upon some kraut Nazi chicks lezzing out butt naked on a creek and forgets himself and tries to join in and they all shoot MP40s at him.

It wasn't a comedy but that was some Blazing Saddles shit right there.

Fred was the man.

Per Silence of the Lambs...honestly I liked it years back but really kinda meh.

Manhunter really was the best "Lecter" movie of them all. Red Dragon was pointless

08-14-16, 20:15
The original Inglorious Bastards was epic.

Especially when Fred Williamson stumbles upon some kraut Nazi chicks lezzing out butt naked on a creek and forgets himself and tries to join in and they all shoot MP40s at him.

It wasn't a comedy but that was some Blazing Saddles shit right there.

Fred was the man.

Per Silence of the Lambs...honestly I liked it years back but really kinda meh.

Manhunter really was the best "Lecter" movie of them all. Red Dragon was pointless

Inglorious Bastards was so horrible, I don't even remember the lesbian nazi's.

08-14-16, 20:21
Inglorious Bastards was so horrible, I don't even remember the lesbian nazi's.

You are dead to me, Steyr. Just....dead to me.

08-14-16, 20:26
Mad Max Fury Road, the worst movie I think I've ever seen.

Thank goodness someone else agrees. I thought my two friends and I were the victims of a cruel joke when we went to see this. What a piece of garbage. Between the whiny characters, the thinly-veiled leftist agenda and feminist bullshit, and the fact that the second half of the movie was essentially the first half in reverse, I'm hard-pressed to see how it could be worse. It's basically a movie with no point, as far as I'm concerned. Yet people here whose opinions I respect were singing it's praises. I couldn't figure it out, and still haven't.

Re: Serenity, I actually thought it was way better than the previews made it look. I hadn't seen Firefly, and thought Serenity looked stupid. I was bored one weekend and saw it on a friend's recommendation. It made me into a Firefly fan.

08-14-16, 20:45
People missed the point of Fury Road and part of what made it brilliant.

This was meant to be a semi Apocryophal Mad Max tale. Set indeterminately between Road Warrior and Thunderdome.

People didn't like that it wasn't centered on Mad Max, but again that was the best part. He's mad. Unpredictable. Lost all of who he was. Prior to the end he was a cop. Now there are no laws. He got caught up in the middle of something that wasn't his fight but decided to help anyways. When Furiosa became the queen of her tribe he could've stayed, been her king, and had a safe life.

But he wasn't ready. He disappears unceremoniously like out of a Western.

This was a grand coup and upset for Furiosa and her people who were enslaved but just another day in the wasteland for Max.

Like....Fallout. You liberate some area from raiders but all you really wanted was bottle caps and a better gun.

I don't see how people thought it was feminist or man-hating.

Let's be real....warlords gonna warlord. Part of that is enslaving women.

Mad Max can't really love or settle at this point. So once he's done, he is done.

08-14-16, 21:08
@Firefly, If you are that deep into the Mad Max storyline, I guess I can see how it'd be relevant and interesting. However, I stand by my opinion that as a standalone movie, Fury Road stank. Maybe I should re-watch the old ones since it's been a while. I'll keep them in the queue for next deployment.

Regarding The Matrix, I loved it when I first saw it, but I think I outgrew it or something. Haven't really thought about it in years. The sequels were a HUGE letdown, so they make this thread's list for sure.

Kingsmen. People told me it was awesome, but literally nothing else. So, I figured spy intrigue psychothriller. At the time, I had no idea it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously, and for the first hour I don't think it did either. Dumb pre-teen fantasy movie that couldn't be taken seriously, but wasn't funny enough to be a comedy.

Snowpiercer. Dumb concept, poor execution, and the ending basically made the whole thing feel pointless where you thought they were building to some kind of big revelation. I was bored when I decided to watch it. A cautionary tale against abnormally high RottenTomato ratings.

Doom. This made me decide that video games made into movies were just never gonna do it for me.

Every Superman remake movie ever. I absolutely loved Superman as a kid, but in this age of retro-comic movie madness, they just can't seem to get it right. Also agree with Windtalkers, The Phantom Menace, and Pearl Harbor being on the list. Actually, pretty much anything with Ben Affleck, although most of them weren't exactly "anticipated hits".

08-14-16, 21:23
Every Superman remake movie ever. I absolutely loved Superman as a kid, but in this age of retro-comic movie madness, they just can't seem to get it right. Also agree with Windtalkers, The Phantom Menace, and Pearl Harbor being on the list. Actually, pretty much anything with Ben Affleck, although most of them weren't exactly "anticipated hits".

Frankly, Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman was one of the few high points of Dawn of Justice. (Not that I expected much from that movie. Although I didn't expect to like Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, but did, so it had that going for it.)

08-14-16, 21:45
Frankly, Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman was one of the few high points of Dawn of Justice. (Not that I expected much from that movie. Although I didn't expect to like Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, but did, so it had that going for it.)

Never saw it, but if that was a high point, I doubt I want to.

08-14-16, 22:09
Never saw it, but if that was a high point, I doubt I want to.

He was actually good.

I wouldn't watch it, because it's just not a very good movie.

08-14-16, 23:00
You are dead to me, Steyr. Just....dead to me.

Sorry the combination of completely fictionalized history and another shitty Tarantino movie was just too much to take. I have a pretty high tolerance for both, I made it through "Franeknstein's Army" and "The Watchmen" without hating either. And Tarantino has done some great stuff like "Jackie Brown" and "Reservoir Dogs" but he has also done some of the worst films of all time like "Natural Born Killers" (no doubt made worse by the participation of Oliver Stone) and Kill Bill 1 & 2.

It's hard for me to watch mindless history because there are so many stories of men and events that have never been told. To waste time on crap where Himmler and Hitler are assassinated is just too much to waste time on. Might as well have the Germans developing a secret Nazi program to clone dinosaurs and have a Jurassic Park theme. You can have Patton the the 3rd ID run straight into a bunch of Velociraptors and Audie Murphy can attack them along with the 101 Airborne parachuting out of the sky with M1 Thompsons blazing.

08-14-16, 23:10
You do know there are TWO different Inglorious Bastards movies....right?

One with Fred Williamson, Bo Svenson and guns, guts, glory and an attempt to destroy a Nazi rail gun. It was like Dirty Dozen or Suicide Squad and was made in 1978. It had this long haired gypsy dude who mumbled and there were a lot of one liners. It was also re-cut and re-released as GI Bro.

If you were referring to Tarantino's movie there simply aren't enough words in any language that properly emphasize how insulting that film was to my intelligence.

I liked Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. After that, it takes more than comic book references, casual N bombing, and blaxploitation references to make me care.

Captain America LITERALLY had more scholarly merit to WWII history than that....that....abomination.



See, this gets overlooked now because instead of being original, people just steal the names of good movies and put out their crappy ones.

08-15-16, 02:24
You do know there are TWO different Inglorious Bastards movies....right?

One with Fred Williamson, Bo Svenson and guns, guts, glory and an attempt to destroy a Nazi rail gun. It was like Dirty Dozen or Suicide Squad and was made in 1978. It had this long haired gypsy dude who mumbled and there were a lot of one liners. It was also re-cut and re-released as GI Bro.

If you were referring to Tarantino's movie there simply aren't enough words in any language that properly emphasize how insulting that film was to my intelligence.

I liked Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. After that, it takes more than comic book references, casual N bombing, and blaxploitation references to make me care.

Captain America LITERALLY had more scholarly merit to WWII history than that....that....abomination.



See, this gets overlooked now because instead of being original, people just steal the names of good movies and put out their crappy ones.

Oh, THAT movie. Yes, I know it existed and Tarantino lifted the title because he's sucks. I thought you were talking about his POS film and that explains why I didn't remember the lesbians. Been a long time since I saw the 1978 film and I probably saw an edited version.

But now that an uncut DVD exists it is actually inbound and I'm glad we got that cleared up. For a moment I thought you had lost your mind.

08-15-16, 07:13
I like the apparently new Inglorious Bastards. Never knew there was an older version. I never took it to be historically accurate, just good entertainment

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08-15-16, 08:39
Did you see what they did to Atlas Shrugged? Could have been lots worse.

Ugh. One of my most anticipated movies ever, but they just dicked the dog on it. New cast every movie, truncating large portions of the storyline. I was in the line for opening night of Part 1 and Part 2 . . . I didn't even bother with Part 3. That being said, Rearden's speech in Part 2 was, I thought, fairly well done.

My thought was that they should have done something like BoB or The Stand with a 10-part miniseries or something. There's just too much in that book to cover in 3 90-minute movies.