View Full Version : Chinese mystery structures in the South China Sea

08-12-16, 21:30
Any ideas?

In addition to China's lightning-fast construction of military aircraft hangars on reefs in the South China Sea, mysterious facilities have also emerged.

Satellite imagery published by the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI), a unit of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, shows several unidentified hexagonal structures on Fiery Cross, Subi, and Mischief reefs.


08-12-16, 21:50
So they've finally started building the Argus deep space telescope array (http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Argus_Array).



Enterprise-D in the background. :rolleyes:

08-12-16, 22:13
Looks like a water purification/desalination set up to me. Fingers crossed that they are silos.

08-12-16, 22:16
When you look at where they are placed on the reefs, they sure appear to be placed as one would place defensive weapons of some sort.

08-12-16, 23:04
never seen a desalination plant like that :)

the reef/edge is also in good condition ? so no underground pipes to get the water which also means you cant see surface pipes to get the water
so they are IMHO %100 not desalination but could be wrong :)
even the small ones in some islands I have been on have surface pipes that are large enough to be seen as they have support structures etc..
the underground ones are in a dif area and you can see where they were put out for years and years
AND there would be only one :)
also on a small island like that makes no sense ? as how would one get the water to and from there etc..

08-12-16, 23:42
Looks like a water purification/desalination set up to me../snip

never seen a desalination plant like that :) ../snip

Maybe not desal but I bet it has to do with water reclamation of some sort.

http://i447.photobucket.com/albums/qq194/leaveammoforme/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-08-12%2023.27.52_zpsdo3mvueu.png (http://s447.photobucket.com/user/leaveammoforme/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-08-12%2023.27.52_zpsdo3mvueu.png.html)

Zoomed in sceen shot of structure in question.

Red lines show openings between tanks/pits/whatever. Blue line is what I think is bridge over a spillway. Yellow circled area appears to be a reservoir.

Blue gold baby.

08-13-16, 00:43
When you look at where they are placed on the reefs, they sure appear to be placed as one would place defensive weapons of some sort.

I saw this a few days ago and it sure looked like they were placed to be air/point-defense installs. I hadn't seen the closer up ones. My first thought was some kind of mini-reactor to make the places more self-sufficient and more of a PITA to target. But four per island? Same thing with a multipanel anti-satellite do-hicky.

Distributed freshwater storage? But the locations are too perfect for some kind of defense system.

Some kind of Aegis-style missile pod system?

30-50 feet across each subsection?

If it was the US Navy, I would say it is some sustainability BS

08-13-16, 15:09
again I could be wrong :)
I just don't see it
tanks wrong shape ?
desalination holding tanks are small compared to the rest of the space used and again why a whole bunch on each corner area and where are the pipes that are drawing water in ? and how are they getting it off island ? just makes no sense unless they invented a new way but again tank shape ? and then I say OK new tanks shape and back to ask why so many and where are the draw pipes keeps coming up that says its something else ?

unless its purely decoy :)

reading others thoughts the idea of a stable building platform for some kinda large defense item seems more probable

I dont think its silos ?

and could be some kinda hold back for something else ?
or where they will store av fuel say so if one tank goes they do not loose all of it or something like that ? as to why its spread out ?

its a good mind tease though :) hahahahahaha

they are laughing at us right now :)

Maybe not desal but I bet it has to do with water reclamation of some sort.

http://i447.photobucket.com/albums/qq194/leaveammoforme/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-08-12%2023.27.52_zpsdo3mvueu.png (http://s447.photobucket.com/user/leaveammoforme/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-08-12%2023.27.52_zpsdo3mvueu.png.html)

Zoomed in sceen shot of structure in question.

Red lines show openings between tanks/pits/whatever. Blue line is what I think is bridge over a spillway. Yellow circled area appears to be a reservoir.

Blue gold baby.

08-13-16, 19:55
Attack against the USA is imminent!

08-13-16, 20:11
Attack against the USA is imminent!

Any moment, the skies will fill with bright red parachutes and columns of VT4 tanks will roll down Main Street in Anytown, USA.

08-13-16, 20:15
Crop rings🌽

08-13-16, 21:34
Guys, come on.... there's one on every corner. They can only be one thing. Starbucks.

08-13-16, 22:40
Some kind of defensive weapon as noted. I suspect these are only the foundations or some part of the structure, not the weapon itself. Setting up cells like this and filling them with dirt would be a decent way to build a cheap but solid foundation for something you wanted up high a bit, like close-in radar, close-in guns, or some types of missiles.

08-13-16, 23:01
hahahahahah good one :)

Guys, come on.... there's one on every corner. They can only be one thing. Starbucks.

08-13-16, 23:06
Some kind of defensive weapon as noted. I suspect these are only the foundations or some part of the structure, not the weapon itself. Setting up cells like this and filling them with dirt would be a decent way to build a cheap but solid foundation for something you wanted up high a bit, like close-in radar, close-in guns, or some types of missiles.

What sort of attack would be expected? If that place became a place of war, I can't imagine it being able to defend against a realistic attack intent on taking it out.

On the other hand, what if they are skyscraper foundations? Then they will be full of citizens and who is going to take that out in one fell swoop?

08-14-16, 20:06
What sort of attack would be expected? If that place became a place of war, I can't imagine it being able to defend against a realistic attack intent on taking it out.

Better tell the US Navy that, because their ships are subject to attack and have only a few points of defensive weapon installations.

More seriously - these would seem a natural for short-range SAM sites, whatever their equivalent is to Sea Sparrow, to defend against cruise missiles that get through outer defenses. I don't think they could successfully defend against hundreds of our cruise missiles in one attack, but maybe one dozen or even a few dozen. Maybe.

On the other hand, what if they are skyscraper foundations? Then they will be full of citizens and who is going to take that out in one fell swoop?

Not an engineer, but what I know is that skyscrapers are very heavy and need really good foundations - bedrock when at all possible, huge rafts of deep pilings when they aren't. These man-made "islands" will not support the weight of skyscrapers.

08-14-16, 20:17
Better tell the US Navy that, because their ships are subject to attack and have only a few points of defensive weapon installations.

I was thinking more Hiroshima than Pearl Harbor.

08-14-16, 20:40
I was thinking more Hiroshima than Pearl Harbor.

The point defense stuff isn't useful against a ballistic RV, but would be useful against a cruise missile that could be either conventional or nuclear. If you fail to defend against a potential threat, you invite an attack of that sort - IOW - assuming that any attack would be a ballistic missile and therefore not defending against conventional attacks would make a conventional attack much easier to perform. A conventional attack doesn't automatically start nuclear WW3 - it might well lead there, but it's not a sure thing. Nuking these atolls by ICBM is pretty much the start of nuclear WW3.

08-15-16, 05:36
I can just see it . . .

Some straight laced Ivy League CIA analyst with a slide ruler pushes his spectacles up off his nose and says; "Um sir, we've determined those structures to be waste collection tanks sir."

"Yes sir, that is correct sir . . . they're vats of poopy."

08-15-16, 06:31
well now they are begging to be blown up :) just for the fun of it
even better if a bunch of people are around :)

I can just see it . . .

Some straight laced Ivy League CIA analyst with a slide ruler pushes his spectacles up off his nose and says; "Um sir, we've determined those structures to be waste collection tanks sir."

"Yes sir, that is correct sir . . . they're vats of poopy."