View Full Version : Circus was in town today - SEIU in Richmond, VA

08-13-16, 23:37
SEIU invaded Richmond, VA today.


News claims 10K people. I have my doubts. Did not go down there. So glad the heat index was 105.

Notice the multi-purpose sign on right.

Lived here 60 years and have never seen anything like this. Why now? Tim Kaine.... your new VP and POTUS after Hillary stokes out.

Tell your friends, it's a party not to be missed!

Vote against Trump in November. It's time to make things right.

08-13-16, 23:59
Unfortunately, it has been seen in Seattle that the $15 hour crowd immediately had their hours reduced because employers could not afford to "keep" as many hired hands as they used to. I'm not sure where the figure came from. Why not $14 or $16 per? Ironically, I bet that many of the politicians riding this sled have employees not making this much per hour. I don't begrudge anyone making a good wage. I merely hate to see politicians preying upon gullible citizens and encouraging them to think unrealistically. I was a teacher and every four years somebody running for governor would promise teachers and or state workers a big salary increase, and all these dumb asses fell for the hype. Sometimes I did too so I also was a dumb ass.

08-14-16, 01:07
When I was 18 I learned all I wanted to know about unions while at a large cigarette company. Later, my father, nearing death said... I wish I knew then what I know now. He was in a big union. When he died, he had what was basically an honor guard of union guys. After his funeral my FIL at the time, came over to me and said your father must have been someone special I've never seen anything like that outside the Military. My FIL was on the Yorktown at Midway. He got fished out of the water and apparently near death was asked if he wanted anything. He said a cigarette. So someone lit one up put it in his his mouth because he couldn't lift his arms. He obviously survived and also became a union man. I was informed by my then wife to not bring up the topic of unions in a negative manner.

Two old school union guys. Two opposite visions of what is right and wrong. It turned out my FIL drove a street car. It also turned out my father greased the tracks so the they couldn't stop ( in his youth ). My father was an MP and cop before he went private sector union.

It's so bizarre to watch people have the same general feelings and reasons on right vs wrong and yet still be so completely 180 on organizations that regulate their lives.

We all do this. I know what I want to happen this election. I also know that the 15% here that will not be on my side are not necessarily my adversary. It's their thing. They have their reasons. Honestly, I would not not want to change someone's mind unless they actually felt it.

You have to go with your gut. I don't think any of us are really dumb asses at any given time, no matter what we do. We are just doing the best we know how.

I think that is part of the allure of the 'global' mentality. If we all just become one, everything will be hunky dorey. That's just not human nature. Humans will never get it right across the board. They will simply keep getting it better.

08-14-16, 02:38
Well said!

08-14-16, 03:30
Fools, their replacements are on the assembly line as we type . . .


08-14-16, 04:06

I'm surprised they could get a permit. They seem to be the strong arm Thug branch of the Democratic Party.

08-14-16, 06:28
The company I work for has spent over 6 million dollars on automation the last two years. We aren't anywhere near done. And we were already a multi-robot facility.

These people are pricing themselves out of the labor force, because of their fundamental lack of understanding how things work. The reason they don't make $15 per hour, is because they have no marketable skill set worth $15 per hour. Arbitrarily setting a value on a job is the quickest way to ensure the applicant pool is immediately reduced to only those worth the arbitrary number.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-14-16, 06:29
The Purple People Eaters!

http://americanassetprotection.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/SEIU32J.jpg :haha:

08-14-16, 08:43
When I was 18 I learned all I wanted to know about unions while at a large cigarette company. Later, my father, nearing death said... I wish I knew then what I know now. He was in a big union. When he died, he had what was basically an honor guard of union guys. After his funeral my FIL at the time, came over to me and said your father must have been someone special I've never seen anything like that outside the Military. My FIL was on the Yorktown at Midway. He got fished out of the water and apparently near death was asked if he wanted anything. He said a cigarette. So someone lit one up put it in his his mouth because he couldn't lift his arms. He obviously survived and also became a union man. I was informed by my then wife to not bring up the topic of unions in a negative manner.

Two old school union guys. Two opposite visions of what is right and wrong. It turned out my FIL drove a street car. It also turned out my father greased the tracks so the they couldn't stop ( in his youth ). My father was an MP and cop before he went private sector union.

It's so bizarre to watch people have the same general feelings and reasons on right vs wrong and yet still be so completely 180 on organizations that regulate their lives.

We all do this. I know what I want to happen this election. I also know that the 15% here that will not be on my side are not necessarily my adversary. It's their thing. They have their reasons. Honestly, I would not not want to change someone's mind unless they actually felt it.

You have to go with your gut. I don't think any of us are really dumb asses at any given time, no matter what we do. We are just doing the best we know how.

I think that is part of the allure of the 'global' mentality. If we all just become one, everything will be hunky dorey. That's just not human nature. Humans will never get it right across the board. They will simply keep getting it better.

Your FIL probably also hated Japs, times change.

08-14-16, 10:13
Several of my local fast food franchises have already tossed out counter staff in exchange for more reliable, always sober and ready for work touchscreens.

08-14-16, 10:38
Notice the multi-purpose sign on right.

In case anyone thinks this is all not interconnected....

Fools, their replacements are on the assembly line as we type . . .


Who cares- pretty soon they'll get their cut by default.
This just gives 'em a guiding "cause" until the right paperwork gets signed.

Anyone remember the "army of the poor" from Bracken's old EF&D books?

08-14-16, 15:27
I just love the blind demand that people get a $15 an hour wage.

When will people realize that the true minimum wage is (and always has been) ZERO dollars per hour? Nobody has to pay you a damned thing.

I used to be so naive, and actually get into arguments with these people back when the arbitrary number was $10 or $12, trying to explain that minimum wage jobs aren't careers, they're just meant to provide a small income and basic skills to people entering the workforce. Can you take direction, be trusted with money, show up on time, provide service to a customer, etc... Damned near every business out there has some of these aspects. From the cashier at the local burger king, to the top floor offices of some of the worlds biggest companies. Basic skills, helping kids be better future employees.

Now I get that these people don't care. They think that you should clear thirty grand a year to show up. There is no need to push to advance, to get better at anything. Time in service should make you advance, regardless of performance. The good old union way I guess. Spend thirty years at the local fry up and you should pretty much own the place. Screw 'em. I almost pity the young people that they rope into their BS, rather than pushing them to work harder and to have a better life.

26 Inf
08-14-16, 15:38
This is what confounds and concerns me - according to surveys the population of the US is set to grow by 25% in the next 45 years.

Currently the number of middle-income Americans is shrinking. The middle income population fell to below 50% in 2015. The monetary gap between the middle and upper income Americans is widening, also. Upper income earners held 49% of the household income in 2015. It is pretty widely quoted that that figure was 29% of the wealth held by the upper income folks in the mid-70's. Sounds like the lower income folks have a whooping 2% of the household income.

Bottom line is the middle income has been shrinking for quite some time. Seems to me someone ought to realize pretty quick that if the trend isn't reversed, there may not be enough folks able to buy a companies goods, whether they are made by robots or an underpaid worker.

We have a whole bunch of people babbling 'let the market work it's magic.' It is obvious they intend to be out before the house of cards comes tumbling down.

26 Inf
08-14-16, 15:45
trying to explain that minimum wage jobs aren't careers, they're just meant to provide a small income and basic skills to people entering the workforce.

Stormin - when I was a kid we mowed lawns, had paper routes, etc. Now for the most part those jobs are held by adults. Those entry level jobs are now all that is available in many areas. I agree 40 years ago, hell 20 years ago that was the way it worked, but the economy has changed.

08-14-16, 16:48
Throughout my life I've been called a heartless Nazi and a bleeding heart hippie, and a Das Kapital Communist.

So...be advised I rorate my wheels a little different.

The $15 an hour people are wrong because the market won't bear a sandwich artist making $15 an hour without having to charge more.

Everybody is trying to make money. Mandatory Bongocare, high taxes, and just a bunch of people making finance law who never took an Economics class are killing this country.

The politicians pay themselves first. I have yet to see a lawmaker living out of his car.

I have seen people get good jobs and those jobs get destroyed because their company needed to "right-size" and "get fit". A lot of industry jobs get sent over thanks to the EPA and all the other bullshit so shop class kids no longer have a good job out of high school.

Not everybody working at Wal Mart or Starbucks with a college degree is doing so because they took a BS liberal arts major. It's because nobody was hiring and they took what they could get.

Most Americans in this country have no college education. It is still a minority. What has happened is that they have put their hands in the economy and so heavily tainted it that everyone is finding each other to rob, bar, or deny in order to keep their fat American life.

Half the country doesn't work but gets benefits, the other half struggle to keep a job or get a job and are told they are on bullshit for wanting a living wage, because they get no sympathy and are quickly reminded that they do not qualify for the benefits that they have been paying for out of their taxes each pay period.

Why not let people keep their money and invest it personally, so when they get laid off from their job or "right-sized", they can sit on their nest egg until better days come?

Oh forgot...that would fck uo the Ponzi scheme that is Anerica.

Same with Right to Fire. I have to give them 2 weeks, an ass kissing letter, and train a replacement, but they can have me tossed out the building that day just because? And no appeals. And it is done by middle management because the people at the top are too important.

And word gets around so nobody wants to work on eggshells.

This is what we've done to ourselves. As a country. I love Laissez Faire Capitalism, but we don't have it.

Because if I wanted to start a business it would be almost prohibitive with all the taxes and mother may I's and penalties and audits. If I get TOO successful then I become an evil white male who isn't paying my "fair share". No I wasn't up late or working hard, or making calculated business risks,....nooo.....I was snorting coke off of a 17 year old Russian Whore's ass on my yacht, having money fights with Smithers, and swimming in a money bin like Scrooge McDuck.

So I get taxed to death as punishment for prosperity. Because if you have no money or no voice it is easier to foment class warfare and criminalize people.

Go fight a case in court with modest means. The Judge don't care, the prosecutor don't care, and the jury was too stupid to get out of jury duty. And you are guilty until proven innocent.

So the system is broke. And they could fix it but...the Mafia called Congress won't allow it.

Bongocare had NOTHING AT ALL to do with getting people care and EVERYTHING to do with getting more money out of folks and reducing personal determination.

Hellarycare will essentual communize everyone.

So...there is some merit to the grievance of wage, but not in the way people are thinking. And no fix in sight.

08-14-16, 17:35
The really very sad thing is we are talking about $15.00 an hour. This is where we have gotten to, essentially unskilled, no-skills labor comes in the door at $15.00 an hour. This is called a "Living Wage" and what many aspire to achieve.
You know there was a time not long ago when Americans were a lot better than that, there was a core group of entrepreneurs who would go out and seize a piece of the market and not let go.
I guess there still are, they are selling weed to guys making $15.00 an hour.

08-14-16, 18:36
This is what confounds and concerns me - according to surveys the population of the US is set to grow by 25% in the next 45 years.

Currently the number of middle-income Americans is shrinking. The middle income population fell to below 50% in 2015. The monetary gap between the middle and upper income Americans is widening, also. Upper income earners held 49% of the household income in 2015. It is pretty widely quoted that that figure was 29% of the wealth held by the upper income folks in the mid-70's. Sounds like the lower income folks have a whooping 2% of the household income.

Bottom line is the middle income has been shrinking for quite some time. Seems to me someone ought to realize pretty quick that if the trend isn't reversed, there may not be enough folks able to buy a companies goods, whether they are made by robots or an underpaid worker.

We have a whole bunch of people babbling 'let the market work it's magic.' It is obvious they intend to be out before the house of cards comes tumbling down.

Thing about it tho 26...I have no problem paying people what they are worth. I have guys that started at $8.00 an hour 10 years ago that now make mid $20's. They are the ones who show up every day, on time, work OT, and take advantage of training I not only provide but also pay for.

When I have someone come to my office disgruntled about their pay, it's always the sob that misses a day every other week, calls in sick for OT, and doesn't extend their skill set beyond what I hired them for.

The wage should reflect the value of the job being performed. To increase someone's pay arbitrarily is a slap in the face to those who are not only worth what they are paid, but have also earned it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-14-16, 18:48
In Mountain country or the Rust Belt, you could get a job with shop class and 9th grade education and get a house, job, stay at home wife, 3 kids, do time, and be a foreman.

Not now.

Used to a degree, any degree, guaranteed a middle class job and slightly higher quality of life.

Not now.

I'm a Gen X'er and I wish to say that I'm sick of folks blaming the Millenials.

Blame the goddamned bongo banging baby boomers.

Yep the Millenials are self important queers who have unrealistic expectations. Point.


Those same Millenials have been fighting a coming up on two decades of war, are policing YOUR streets, and went to college LIKE YOU TOLD THEM TO.

Black folks now have to really, really make it a point not to get into college.

50 years ago, if you were black and not a Sidney Poitier looking brother your black ass didn't get in.

If it weren't for the has been bordering on never-was boomers, we would be in a literal Golden age right now.

We have more now than we ever did. We have medicine and technology that is astonishing. 30 years ago AIDS was a show stopper. Now it is like Diabetes. Diabetes used to be a show stopper, now you'll die of old age with it.

I remember being the last generation vaccinated for Smallpox. My old man's greatest, keep you up at night fear was Polio.

We sent boys to fight in jungles and cities with wood stocked rifles, C Rats, canvas clothing, and a "goid luck, cuz".

Now our soldiers have shit out of Science Fiction.

Our streets were policed by big dumb guys who needed only a semi clean record, an ability to whip an ass, not lie, and off they went with a Model 10, a wood baton, Peerless cuffs, NO BODY ARMOR, and a radio as huge as those Vietnam war Walkie Talkies.

Now your average officer has education, body armor, more human less lethal, and high cap Glocks.

How are we having problems?!

We have everything but they try to cap it or limit it with their fcking taxes and pointless laws.

Crime WAS going down. Blacks have NO REASON to bitch. A half black guy is freaking PRESIDENT.

What happened here?

Socially we were getting much freer. I see a mixed couple, oh well, part of the scenery.

60 years ago thay was ILLEGAL in half the country.

I'll tell ya what happened. People were getting too free and too fulfilled and it was sending Big Government to obsolesence.

So now we take nothing and turn it to everything.

I know for a FACT black folks got shot unnecessarily before 2014. It got handled. People went to jail. 92 y/o grandmother in ATL anyone?

Keep shit stirred and you need some politician to "get tough" and "fix it"

Before 9/11, Islam was just another religion. Now, walking on eggshells.

I'm sure dumping a bunch of military aged men from Syria with no vetting or monitoring has nothing at all to do with keeping terror and fear foremost on everyone's mind.

They are selling us our own property and ransoming us with our own liberty just so they can keep their fatcat job and perks.

Dig on that.

08-14-16, 19:39
Stormin - when I was a kid we mowed lawns, had paper routes, etc. Now for the most part those jobs are held by adults. Those entry level jobs are now all that is available in many areas. I agree 40 years ago, hell 20 years ago that was the way it worked, but the economy has changed.

No, the expectation has changed. The economy simply is the result of all of those who participate in it. People expect to be able to get by with minimum skills, and while there is always that one "I know a guy with a good degree working at WalMart" scenario, it's not the majority of cases. Over half of the people earning minimum wage in this country are under 25 years of age. People relatively early in their working lives just building.

One of the biggest reasons for this drive to higher minimum wages is that many union contracts (indeed many corporate programs as well) use the MW as a baseline for their wage scales and rises in the MW as triggers for contract renegotiations. You really think that the SEIU gives a damn about a MW earning non-members living conditions? They want their lives as bleak as possible, and their members lives as glorious as possible, to drive further unionization.

We disagree in the nature of the "shrinking middle class" and have been down that road before on this forum, so I'll just agree to disagree and let that one be...

26 Inf
08-15-16, 00:06
No, the expectation has changed. The economy simply is the result of all of those who participate in it. People expect to be able to get by with minimum skills, and while there is always that one "I know a guy with a good degree working at WalMart" scenario, it's not the majority of cases. Over half of the people earning minimum wage in this country are under 25 years of age. People relatively early in their working lives just building.

Could our differing viewpoint be based on location?

Dist. Expert 26
08-15-16, 01:16
Firefly on point, as usual.

The minimum wage argument is, frankly, BS. My department makes less than half of what another department does, yet we're expected to know how to fix everything they break and do it before the customer gets pissed off. The skills required to do that far surpass the skills required to work in the other department. But I'm good with that. Life isn't fair and I like what I do.

As to the greater issue of politicians destroying the country, I've given up any semblance of hope. We can't vote our way out of a mess that we voted ourselves into. The only question now is how fast things disintegrate and what America 2.0 will look like.

Call me a pessimist, but until I see laws being repealed at the cyclic rate I stand by my position.

08-15-16, 01:17
Bongos? It took me a second to figure out that Fly man was talking about drums. Actually, these were really big with beatniks, who were born in the 1930s, and don't qualify for boomer status(1946-1964). I remember that Sandra Dee played with Troy Donahue's bongos during the old beach movies. Remember the Moon Dog character? She played with his bongos too. Probably the boomer kids who worked for a living and didn't have college deferments and thus were humping a 16 in Nam weren't beating them either. This was a college boy thing.

08-15-16, 01:41
Bongos? It took me a second to figure out that Fly man was talking about drums. Actually, these were really big with beatniks, who were born in the 1930s, and don't qualify for boomer status(1946-1964). I remember that Sandra Dee played with Troy Donahue's bongos during the old beach movies. Remember the Moon Dog character? She played with his bongos too. Probably the boomer kids who worked for a living and didn't have college deferments and thus were humping a 16 in Nam weren't beating them either. This was a college boy thing.

......Then I blame the dope smoking Canada retreating college boys. Actually...I like Beatnik chicks.

Look if you were murdering up Charlie, voting for Nixon, holding down a job with a haircut you could set a watch to, or doing good in the Sixties..... cool, but if you were riding around in Chevy vans with Flower Power and never outgrew it and got in political office and started screwing it up for everybody then those people need to be kicked in the ass over the edge of a boat in high seas with an oar shoved up their ass.

tl;dr It's all the fault of hippies. All of it.

08-15-16, 22:05
The thing that boggles my mind is that these retards want $15/hr, yet also want more mass importation of cheap labour competition.
Logically these people should be clamouring for a wall and a moratorium on third world immigration. These people ought to be supporting Trump. But alas they are retards and will vote for Hitlery.

08-15-16, 23:05
Several of my local fast food franchises have already tossed out counter staff in exchange for more reliable, always sober and ready for work touchscreens.

Honestly with all of the bad experiences I've had in fast food I'd rather have the touch screens. They don't screw up like the fast food workers seem to.

I just love the blind demand that people get a $15 an hour wage.

When will people realize that the true minimum wage is (and always has been) ZERO dollars per hour? Nobody has to pay you a damned thing.

I used to be so naive, and actually get into arguments with these people back when the arbitrary number was $10 or $12, trying to explain that minimum wage jobs aren't careers, they're just meant to provide a small income and basic skills to people entering the workforce. Can you take direction, be trusted with money, show up on time, provide service to a customer, etc... Damned near every business out there has some of these aspects. From the cashier at the local burger king, to the top floor offices of some of the worlds biggest companies. Basic skills, helping kids be better future employees.

Now I get that these people don't care. They think that you should clear thirty grand a year to show up. There is no need to push to advance, to get better at anything. Time in service should make you advance, regardless of performance. The good old union way I guess. Spend thirty years at the local fry up and you should pretty much own the place. Screw 'em. I almost pity the young people that they rope into their BS, rather than pushing them to work harder and to have a better life.

I agree that minimum wage jobs shouldn't be considered careers. They are places you go to get experience, learn to be responsible, then find a better job. A decade ago my family ran gas stations(they got out of it). We paid a few bucks over minimum wage based on experience. Thing was we expected better than minimum wage people. I see these fast food workers fighting for higher pay and honestly most of them don't seem qualified to justify it. I find it funny that they want it bumped to 15 bucks an hour when EMT's don't start out that high now and have a lot of extra training to do their job.

08-16-16, 08:32
I joined the Military at the beginning of the 1980's.
Looking for jobs in the 1970's pretty much sucked and I had too much pride to last long in "Fast Food" for the most part I did Farm or Construction Labor, it paid much better than flipping burgers.
I'm not sure how that still isn't true today?
Wanting to work in a dead end job is no excuse for demanding a "Living Wage". Most of those guys who stayed in Construction (where the real money was) moved on to being Equipment Operators and were forced in to the Unions, especially in Illinois.
I hated giving up the money, but I have a feeling the Unions were a lot better about taking care of things than they are now. I remember a Union Guido walking an illegal alien over to the edge of the building with his arm around his shoulder, they had a two minute one way discussion and the guy left, he didn't show up at that job site again.