View Full Version : Smoking gun email on Benghazi ?

08-15-16, 10:42
This may be the true smoking gun email on Benghazi we have been waiting for. It strongly suggests, HC and close admin people were aware of the attack as it was happening, there were assets ready and able to go, and the OK to go never came, in direct contradiction to what was claimed (under oath?) and may be the true smoking gun. If under oath, and sufficient evidence exists to prove HC and crew lied, what are the possible legal ramifications?

There's some things that confuse me. Why does the State give the OK for a response? As a military related option, why does something like that not fall on the SecDef or other? Obviously, when you have that many layers to get through for a mil response to a fast moving dynamic situation, your chances of a timely response are nill. That does not excuse what appears to be the reality of the event and denial:

The source, Fox News, not exactly an unbiased source, and objective study needed, but this looks like something she and crew could hang (politically speaking) for:

'Spinning up as we speak': Email shows Pentagon was ready to roll as Benghazi attack occurred

"As the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was unfolding, a high-ranking Pentagon official urgently messaged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top deputies to offer military help, according to an email obtained by Judicial Watch.

The revelation appears to contradict testimony Defense Secretary Leon Panetta gave lawmakers in 2013, when he said there was no time to get forces to the scene in Libya, where four Americans were killed, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.

“I just tried you on the phone but you were all in with S [apparent reference to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton],” reads the email, from Panetta’s chief of staff Jeremy Bash. “After consulting with General Dempsey, General Ham and the Joint Staff, we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak.”



08-15-16, 11:12
Interesting. I have no doubt that Hillary is a duplicitous harridan, but we all know that the fix is in and this info ain't goin' nowhere.

Doc Safari
08-15-16, 11:32
I am beginning to think that Ambassador Stevens should be considered another "Clinton Casualty" because he knew too much about our government shipping weapons to jihadists through Turkey, and may very well have made threats to disclose what he knew (my speculation).

I think his death was planned. Dead men tell no tales. The fact that some very professional operators had to become innocent victims just compounds the tragedy. I guarantee Hillary Clinton never lost a minute of sleep over their deaths.

08-15-16, 11:32
It may be a factual document, it may be a true smoking gun, but really who on the "D" side gives a damn at this point?
I have no doubt that she has some is not the majority of the fault for these guys being left to fend for themselves, but it truly only makes a difference if the general public is seriously outraged that She let it happened.
Except for a small few who know the difference, I don't think most give a damn.

08-15-16, 13:25
Here is the unredacted email that supposedly vindicates what HC, and Panetta said to the committee for that off that cluster fu%$ . There were not assets within faster response times (on the anniversary of 9/11 no less) to a unstable area as there should have been (and again, ignoring the repeated requests for additional security) due to poor planning and leadership which falls on the desk of HC and the Obama admin. And that's nicest way I can put it.

End of the day, it was a massive failure on all levels and the buck on that one stops at her desk.


08-15-16, 13:41
Here is the unredacted email that supposedly vindicates what HC, and Panetta said to the committee for that off that cluster fu%$ . There were not assets within faster response times (on the anniversary of 9/11 no less) to a unstable area as there should have been (and again, ignoring the repeated requests for additional security) due to poor planning and leadership which falls on the desk of HC and the Obama admin. And that's nicest way I can put it.

End of the day, it was a massive failure on all levels and the buck on that one stops at her desk.


Only a very few of us really give a crap. The rest of America is going to get exactly what it deserves come November and on.

08-15-16, 14:28
Only a very few of us really give a crap. The rest of America is going to get exactly what it deserves come November and on.

That particular event really sticks in my craw and one of the most pointed failures of leadership at best, to outright treason at worst, in recent memory. Obviously, not a singular failure of HC, bu the buck stops at her desk and there's plenty of blame to go around for it, but it seems only a fraction of people are/were aware of what it.

08-15-16, 14:38
It is likely as close to an Alamo event as we have had in a very long time.
That the Men on the ground fought and some died valiantly, while those that were responsible for the event live even now relatively unscathed by their lack of Leadership speaks volumes as to where we have fallen as a Nation.
It's a crying shame we cant gather enough momentum to get people to take interest.

08-15-16, 15:25
" It's a crying shame we can't gather enough momentum to get people to take interest. "
When the Army and Marines go to war, America goes to the mall.
Want people to care, have mandatory military service like many countries, with no

08-15-16, 16:23
sadly the todays world is about pokemon now ?

" It's a crying shame we can't gather enough momentum to get people to take interest. "
When the Army and Marines go to war, America goes to the mall.
Want people to care, have mandatory military service like many countries, with no

08-15-16, 18:47
Don't think for a second that anything at all will ever come of this, or anything else you have found that apparently incriminates HRC. She is above the law.

Military in harm's way have to look out for our own- we can expect no help from people in DC. Anyone remember a little place called Mogadishu and some Army guys that were trying to roll up an infamous warlord's henchmen? Expect debacles like that to become the norm under Clinton. When I hear people say she's "hawkish", I remind them of that. Benghazi was just ops normal as far as she's concerned.

08-15-16, 19:45
Don't think for a second that anything at all will ever come of this, or anything else you have found that apparently incriminates HRC. She is above the law.

Yep, the FBI has already declared "nothing willful" and Lynch has already declined to prosecute. That is the final word regardless of any "after the fact" information or evidence that may surface. Rule of law does not apply in this case. But if you unknowingly obtain an upper with a 14.5 barrel without a fixed muzzle device and you own an AR lower that is "constructive possession" regardless of intent and at a minimum they will snatch your property.

But Hillary can "Ooops I'm so effin incompetent I got a bunch of people killed" and still be GTG to be President. Don't forget, incidents like this are the foreign policy experience she brings to the table that makes her the better choice than an untested Trump.

08-15-16, 19:48
Yep, the FBI has already declared "nothing willful" and Lynch has already declined to prosecute. That is the final word regardless of any "after the fact" information or evidence that may surface. Rule of law does not apply in this case. But if you unknowingly obtain an upper with a 14.5 barrel without a fixed muzzle device and you own an AR lower that is "constructive possession" regardless of intent and at a minimum they will snatch your property.

But Hillary can "Ooops I'm so effin incompetent I got a bunch of people killed" and still be GTG to be President. Don't forget, incidents like this are the foreign policy experience she brings to the table that makes her the better choice than an untested Trump.

Whoa! Stop right there. We're the little people they make rules for. Shut up, stand in line, and say "thank you Ma'am, may I have another" when the anointed Queen deems to take away things that you worked hard to own. After all, you're supposedly law abiding, right? You can have exactly as much freedom as she wants for you.

08-15-16, 19:48
She absolutely disgusts me. Makes makes my skin crawl.

08-16-16, 04:00
Assange is claiming he hasn't even began leaking the heavy stuff yet, stated he's holding of till October.

The MSM is in with the Clintons and the rest of the Marxists so as it has been said if the gate keepers don't report it, it is has if it never happened.

It was revealed yesterday in one of the mountains of emails that Hillary staffers have discussed having to purchase adult diapers for her and what size/brand she uses, LOL!

08-16-16, 04:40
Want people to care, have mandatory military service like many countries, with no deferments.

Been say'in this for years.

Mr. Goodtimes
08-16-16, 06:34
I am beginning to think that Ambassador Stevens should be considered another "Clinton Casualty" because he knew too much about our government shipping weapons to jihadists through Turkey, and may very well have made threats to disclose what he knew (my speculation).

I think his death was planned. Dead men tell no tales. The fact that some very professional operators had to become innocent victims just compounds the tragedy. I guarantee Hillary Clinton never lost a minute of sleep over their deaths.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-16-16, 06:57
I remember reading at the time that Stevens was trying to secure some Man Portable SAM's that had gotten in to the hands of the rebels> The concern and rightly so, was that although near the end of their lifespan, terrorist could replenish the battery packs and still make low level kills.
Stevens went in to get them back and was killed for his efforts.
It would certainly explain the necessity to allow thing to happen as they did. If you're on the Clinton/Obama team you didn't want to be held responsible for those being used.

08-16-16, 07:31
When this first happened in the heat of the 2012 elections, I told my wife and some others that BHO, HRC, and the administration were trying to down play this into something other than terrorism. With that bogus video about Islam (remember they had the pastor arrested on something stupid) they claimed this was a protest that got out of hand. They couldn't afford to let terrorism look like it was making a come back with their "GM is alive and Bin Laden is dead" speech going forward into the elections. They all knew it wasn't true from the start.

Where's the charges for all involved with this hoax? Maybe the facts are coming out in the October emails..

08-16-16, 17:56
I am beginning to think that Ambassador Stevens should be considered another "Clinton Casualty" because he knew too much about our government shipping weapons to jihadists through Turkey, and may very well have made threats to disclose what he knew (my speculation).

I think his death was planned. Dead men tell no tales. The fact that some very professional operators had to become innocent victims just compounds the tragedy. I guarantee Hillary Clinton never lost a minute of sleep over their deaths.

you mean Chris. I say this because when he was alive she had no ****ing clue who he was, but in death they were on a first name basis. Horrible loss, that Chris etc.

08-16-16, 18:06
you mean Chris. I say this because when he was alive she had no ****ing clue who he was, but in death they were on a first name basis. Horrible loss, that Chris etc.

Dead men tell no tales.

08-16-16, 18:17
Not only will this not be reported, it won't be investigated further. This is just "old news" for fools who actually still believe the laws of this country apply equally to the political elite.

ETA: Not calling OP or anyone else fools, if it wasn't obvious.