View Full Version : NRA- Failure to Receive Certificate- Updated

08-20-16, 10:35

For a while I've been looking for something to do business-wise in the gun scene. Turns out to be just another round of door slamming. Typical. :(
But, after a couple classes I've taken where I knew certain portions well enough to teach it myself, I figured I'd look into some sort of Instructor/AI gig.
A semi- nearby range offered NRA Instructor certification classes, and I figured, what the hell- maybe I can get into that and have a little side-hustle with some part time training classes locally or at the range.

Turns out they had a Rifle instructor class, which don't come around very often (apparently everyone on the earth is a an NRA Pistol instructor :rolleyes: ), so I signed up.
Go through the class no problem as expected, am informed by the instructor that it may take slightly longer to receive the certificate and instructor number than usual since I'm not currently an NRA member.
Well, I figure that's to be expected, kind of like Amazon drags their feet for an extra few days if you pick the "free shipping" option....:rolleyes:

Then the stupid starts.
I wait a month for stuff to show up. Nothing.
I called the instructor for the class- nothing he can really do, since information is entered into an online database, and after that it's on the NRA to sort out. He re-states it may take a little longer than average to get the certificate/login #.

So, I wait some more- with work and all, another month goes by. Still nothing.
So I call the NRA, manage to get a person on the phone, tell them the issue, and they "put me in touch" with the training dept.
Which there apparently isn't a real person running, just an answering machine robot, with a bunch of option selections which have nothing to do with the issue, or getting a contact further up the line. Typical.

After that helpful conversation, I go to the NRA instructor website, and send them an email outlining the issue through their contact form on said page.
Over a week later, I've still got.... nothing.

Seriously? :angry:
Is this par for the course for NRA customer service? They just take your damn money and disappear?
The course was $350, PLUS I had to drive 2 hours EACH way for ALL 3 DAYS of the class, PLUS I had to take a day off work with no pay (they were totally stoked about that)- so I'm in this around $450 (+ work missed), that I've currently gotten f***-all for....

My God, you know they could have just sent me the damn book for $50, and then take an online test..... I mean if you want to INSTRUCT other folks and you DON'T already know the material covered in the class, then.... *maybe* you should be taking other classes to get your knowledge and skill level up first, eh? :rolleyes:

At this point, I either just want the certificate for this class rating OR I want my $450 back!
Anybody here with the NRA that can help?



So, anticlimactically everything has worked out, due to an unexpected semantics squirk;
A few posts down (#6) I mentioned I had an NRA membership a few years back- it was simply a trial membership that lapsed, and had not been renewed.
Apparently the NRA never deletes anything.... so given that I was "not a member" at the time of the class I had the instructor register me under "not a member", but they actually still had my original number on file...
So eventually they emailed back with the old membership # and everything got sorted.

So... yeah. Facepalm of the week.
I honestly can't blame the instructor- he told me everything he was supposed to about cert and membership requirements, and the book says nothing about this, like "if you were previously a member check to see if your number is still on file...".

That being said.... it sure would have been nice if they had been a little more proactive and sent an email to this effect, otherwise the request would apparently have just sat out there in limbo forever.
I can't believe that an instructor cert. request on a multi-year outdated number didn't ping *something* *somewhere*...But, s**t happens I guess.

26 Inf
08-20-16, 10:58
Could it be that the root of your problem is that 'I'm not currently an NRA member'?

I gather from my dealings with them the membership number is what they use to track you.

It seems to me that if you are going to ride the NRA Instructor Certification as a source of credibility they would want you to be a member. Because, why would they allow you to present their courses and, presumably use their materials, and present their certificates, without being a member?

Not being a hater here, just trying to be realistic.

They offer instructor insurance, etc.

08-20-16, 11:06
You don't have to be an NRA member to be an NRA instructor. They'll issue you an instructor ID number. Simple process.

Contact Gloria Brooks at NRA training. She's pretty helpful. gbrooks@nrahq.org

08-20-16, 11:08
Not meaning to be critical, but if I was going to take an NRA firearms instructor course and subsequently teach, I think the first thing I'd do would be to become an NRA member.

08-20-16, 11:12
...one time, for $40.

08-20-16, 13:50
I was an NRA member years back, just let it lapse.
At the time of the class, when the credentialing procedure was being discussed I considered re-upping, but was informed that if I sent in a membership request at that time it could get crossed up with the instructor ID procedure, and better to work it out afterwards.
As ST911 pointed out, there was no stated pre-requisite to be an NRA member to received an instructor certificate.

ST, thanks for the pointer- I'll follow up on that email Mon. or so.

08-21-16, 13:39
The way you describe the course, makes it sound like a money grab. First for them from you taking the course and then you grabbing the money by perpetuating it.

Not trying to sound like a jerk, but when you describe the class as you have and your purpose for taking it, I would never attend it.

As far as them not having there stuff together, I get monthly emails about activating my no cost firearms coverage. I activated it about 3 times now. I am a life member, so it is not like it runs through a renewal process every year. I also get tons of junk mail from them wanting me to join. They could really trim some expenses out if they would look at what they are blanket mailing out.

So I am not surprised your cert is held up.

08-21-16, 16:16
The way you describe the course, makes it sound like a money grab. First for them from you taking the course and then you grabbing the money by perpetuating it.

Not trying to sound like a jerk, but when you describe the class as you have and your purpose for taking it, I would never attend it.

As far as them not having there stuff together, I get monthly emails about activating my no cost firearms coverage. I activated it about 3 times now. I am a life member, so it is not like it runs through a renewal process every year. I also get tons of junk mail from them wanting me to join. They could really trim some expenses out if they would look at what they are blanket mailing out.

So I am not surprised your cert is held up.

Next time they call, tell them to take you off of the lists. They'll stop calling and mailing shit. I did and it stopped immediately. I only donate to ILA now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-21-16, 17:59
OP, I used to teach a 40 hour Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor course for a State agency. The NRA had information on their site at the time that if a participant had received certification from a law enforcement agency for police firearms instructor then they would certify them as an NRA Police Firearms Instructor. I made an arrangement with them for participants to mail membership dues to join and the required amount for the NRA Police Firearms Instructor certificate along with course curriculum. That went well for a number of years until a dimwit in the Law Enforcement Instructor certification section started rejecting the applications. When I called them on it, they told me to tell them to mail the material back in. It became commonplace for our participants so I sent a scolding letter to Wayne LaPierre, described the situation, told him I would not renew my membership nor would I renew my Police Firearms instructor certification when it became due. We went back to sending participants to the FBI certification classes or started self certification.

During all this, I found that the material went to the membership division first then on to the Law Enforcement Training division. I'd say that your paperwork is moving through the membership stage and then on to the section which oversees the Rifle Instructor certifications. I may not be 100% accurate so someone chime in if they know if this is not correct at this time.

09-01-16, 16:29
OP- Got an update for us?

09-01-16, 16:39
Next time they call, tell them to take you off of the lists. They'll stop calling and mailing shit. I did and it stopped immediately. I only donate to ILA now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Same. I hated having a big ass "OBAMA IS COMING FOR YOUR GUNS" flyer hanging out of my mailbox every few weeks.

I haven't heard from the NRA in years. It's been nice. Not even an email...

09-01-16, 17:03
Same. I hated having a big ass "OBAMA IS COMING FOR YOUR GUNS" flyer hanging out of my mailbox every few weeks.

I haven't heard from the NRA in years. It's been nice. Not even an email...

I actually found out from the lady who called me about my membership lapsing once. I mentioned they could save money by not calling me or mailing the all the junk, and she said she would be happy to take me off the list, or I could call anytime and have it stopped.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-08-16, 00:21
OP- Got an update for us?

Thread has been updated with end result.

09-08-16, 11:37
The NRA is a bit slow moving when dealing with instructor certifications. A close friend went back and forth with the NRA about his Training Counselor certificate for months.

I WOULD NOT bother with a NRA Pistol Instructor certification. They changed the NRA Basis Pistol course to 50% online learning and 50% hands on classroom/range with an instructor. The online fee priced the class out of reach for a lot of people, unless the instructor wants to teach the hands on part of the class at a lo$$.

The NRA is the biggest dog in the fight when it comes to fighting for our firearm rights in Washington D.C., but recent decisions pertaining to training have alienated a number of instructors in my part of the country.