View Full Version : The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal

08-21-16, 10:29
What's amazing about this article is that it was published in the Huff Post, ground zero for The Smug White Liberal, so credit where credit us due. The only reason they published is because of who wrote it (a black women) but she's spot on and "gets it" in some key areas. Section O win:

"My problem with Liberalism is that it’s more concerned with policing people’s language and thoughts without requiring them to do anything to fix the problem. White liberal college students speak of “safe spaces”, “trigger words”, “micro aggressions” and “white privilege” while not having to do anything or, more importantly, give up anything. They can’t even have a conversation with someone who sees the world differently without resorting to calling someone a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigot and trying to have them banned from campus, or ruin them and their reputation. They say they feel black peoples’ pain because they took a trip to Africa to help the disadvantaged, but are unwilling to go to a black neighborhood in the City in which they live"

Full article:


08-21-16, 11:25
See...she talks about "white liberals". And while she's mostly spot on with their behavior, it's ALL liberals at the heart of the problem.

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08-21-16, 11:43
That article made me want to puke. Yes, there is a problem with contemporary "liberalism".....it is a mental disorder.

08-21-16, 11:49
What an idiotic diatribe. Spouting off the same wrong BS that her party line always spouts off. At least she understands that the liberal democrats are no friend of the "black man". Now she just needs to make the jump to understanding that these politicians that her and her people have been voting for are not a friend to any freedom loving American, regardless of skin color.

It may be wishful thinking, but I keep hoping that one day black people will wake up and realize that black men are going to prison because black men are committing crimes. The same reason that white or brown men go to prison. The system does not give a free pass to white men who commit crimes. Never has, never will. Why should we give a free pass to black men that have committed a crime? Don't want your people in prison? Then convince them to stop committing the crimes that land them there. Nobody cares about your skin color lady.

08-21-16, 13:24
While 99% of that was black whining that white hippies were being more communist than thou.....

She did make a good point about these BS laws these Dems write up meant to generate revenue affecting black folks the most. A. Black folks in these shithole areas usually don't have(or keep I should say) much money and B. The money generated usually isn't put to use in those trouble areas (no extra policing, no school overhauls, etc).

So essentially some dude selling loosies is gonna get arrested and fined because he is selling loosies since he can't (we'll assume....) get regular work. Everything is illegal so what the hell? That is the mentality bred.

Not everyone is a bisexual Prius driving person with a do nothing job and a gated community home.

And she's also right about white kids going to a 'safe' part of Africa and trying to teach some little pygmies how to read and not defecate in their own drinking water and then act like they are the Great White Hope, but those same people won't drive down certain streets or go to certain neighborhoods. And I personally believe all that Africa money and effort would be put to better use here.

So she does raise a point or two.

08-21-16, 14:11
Is there a reoccurring theme in that little essay ?
I dunno, I was taught that you are in charge of your own destiny, apparently She wasn't. I have this feeling that the ire She may be feeling is because She has trusted the Democrats to care for her cradle to grave and now She has come to understand, "You are responsible for your own well being".
I must also add, If a Black Man gets caught up in a "Stop and frisk" wtf was he carrying and who put that $hi+ in his pocket?
These folks are some hopeless Mopes.

08-21-16, 14:30
She gets it half right: The limousine liberals are no more in the camp of minority rights than the RINOs are in the camp of individual freedom loving American patriots. Smug white liberals love to preach the gospel that white people are the cause of all of the world's problems...except them, because they're some of the few "good" white people. As result, everyone needs to pay up except them. On top of this, they view themselves as superior to other races. In their mind, minorities would be lost without them. It's their white man's burden.

An example I heard recently was from my brother. He works in real estate in NYC and is an extreme liberal (he's young though, so there's still time). His last boss was an ultra rich real estate broker who, despite her obvious love for capitalism, was as left wing as they come, AND was a lesbian. When my brother took the job, his first thought was that she must at least believe in equality and be very philanthropic with her vast wealth (which is the way he justifies both hating rich people and wanting to be rich at the same time). Well, on one of the first townhouses he was going to help sell, they had to go in and do some clean up or something of that nature before the prospective buyer showed up. While they were sweeping the floor, my brother's boss remarked loudly that this work was beneath her and was "[N word] work." This socialist lesbian could have said "grunt work" or "drudge work" but she chose to make a racial thing; the people beneath her, black people, were made to do this work.

This example is just one of many; they have no problem with using terms like "porch monkey" or "house boy" to describe black people who decide not to goosestep to the Democrats' drum (ex. Colion Noir).

The problem is that many people like this writer still blame the problems on conservatives. The issue is that conservatives are still the enemy, but that white liberals just aren't helping. They still believe that freedom is slavery, and that more bureaucracy, taxes, and laws are the answer to creating equality. And they still believe that ALL white people are the enemy.

So, there was a lot right, and a lot wrong with this article in my opinion.

08-21-16, 14:57
Im only the enemy of those that get in my personal business

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08-21-16, 15:33
Is there a reoccurring theme in that little essay ?
I dunno, I was taught that you are in charge of your own destiny, apparently She wasn't. I have this feeling that the ire She may be feeling is because She has trusted the Democrats to care for her cradle to grave and now She has come to understand, "You are responsible for your own well being".
I must also add, If a Black Man gets caught up in a "Stop and frisk" wtf was he carrying and who put that $hi+ in his pocket?
These folks are some hopeless Mopes.

First I think stop and frisk is a bunch of BS and statements like hers are what really piss me off.

With that said, if a person is stopped and searched and has something illegal the fact of the matter is they're breaking the law!
If you get caught with something illegal or doing something illegal its nobodys fault but your own, stop trying to shift blame, be an adult and accept responsibility for the fact that you broke the law.

08-21-16, 15:51
After some more thought....we really need to do away with that bullshit term "African American". Charlize Theron is blonde and blue eyed and African American. Like 99% of Black folks in America ain't got a damn bit of African to them. If I took a few homeboys and kicked their ass out of a helicopter and shouted "G G G G G UNIT!!" and flew off, they would be in someone or something's shit by the next day. I can spot me a black African emigre from a mile off. They are usually thin, working three jobs, and have on smart looking outfits. Shoes match, belt, pants pulled up, shirt tucked in, and happy as F to be in the US of A.

So please stop saying African American like it's a real thing. It's not. You Black. Be Black. Own it. Nothing wrong with it.

Because I have an.....unusual...lineage and get pissed because of the forms. I just put white because I'm lazy and DGAF.

Dennis Miller had a bit about how anyone preceding your great grandparents would probably regard you as a total stranger. Too much generational divide.

Because I believe if black folks who actually descended from slaves could meet their ancestors for a day, they would likely get told "What are you bitching about? You got it made."

I remember a buddy of mine in HS. He was always getting F'd by the mall cops. Like we would ride bikes to the mall to play Street Fighter II and they would bypass me and follow him like the KGB.

I said "Man, your clothes are messing you up." He wore Dickie pants, Timbs, white T shirts, a backwards snapcap and a pager. It was broke but he begged his plumber uncle for it to look cool. He had on chains and earrings. Me, I just wore normal jeans, Adis, and a band T shirt.

I told him people were gonna think he was in a gang. He insisted it was just a style. But he got hassled and patted down sooooo much. Finally I said, "look man. I bet if you wore khaki dockers and a polo shirt nobody would hassle you".

He did and he was invisible. A total ghost. Even the same mall cops overlooked him that previously hassled him. But at school the other black kids hassled him something fierce. He got called Carlton and Urkel, yet more girls were approaching him.

And.....that's the problem. You want to be separate but equal. An Oxymoron.
A Contradiction.

Barrel of Crabs.

And Passive Aggressive articles just perpetuate the hate.

Me, I don't personally care about race one way or another. After a while I just tune it all out. I'm at a point in life where I just don't care.

Caring is for hippies and young people. I just do my thing and go home. I'm at the middle point in life. It takes a lot to get to me. I burned up all my passion in my early 20s.

Like Hillary is probably going to be president and our quality of life as a whole will go down.

Oh well. Started at the bottom, still here.

Can't tax a poor man and you can
only hang me once. Fuggit. All of it.

I'll go live in a shack with a hairy she hippie and just live off love and sunshine.

08-21-16, 16:16
The Morning of the Boston Bombing I went to Lowes to get some lumber, while pulling out of the parking lot I saw a car with a "Coexist" Sticker, I had to stop and ask that Hippy "So how do you think that Coexist Shit was working in Boston today?"
He walked away and left his patchouli wake and his Wife behind him.

08-21-16, 16:26
I suppose we're adding the acronym "SWL" to the lexicon

08-21-16, 16:26
The Morning of the Boston Bombing I went to Lowes to get some lumber, while pulling out of the parking lot I saw a car with a "Coexist" Sticker, I had to stop and ask that Hippy "So how do you think that Coexist Shit was working in Boston today?"
He walked away and left his patchouli wake and his Wife behind him.

Aw I don't believe that. What's a hippie doing at Lowe's? They have people for that. If you shop at Whole Foods man, I won't think less of you. Despite the insane prices, some of that stuff certainly keeps me regular.

08-21-16, 16:27
I suppose we're adding the acronym "SWL" to the lexicon

No, I refuse. I'm sticking with "mighty whitey"

08-21-16, 16:29
Would that be the "Mighty Uptighty Whitey" or MUW?

08-21-16, 16:32
More Acronyms......Wonderful.

08-21-16, 17:08
Susan Sarandon is the epitome.

08-21-16, 17:26
Susan Sarandon is the epitome.

Ah yes, Tim Robbins' mom. She is terrible. She was perfectly cast in Rocky Horror.

Her and Charlie Sheen's old man. The guy they sent after Col. Kurtz (pbuh), what's-his-face.

08-21-16, 17:49
Charlize Theron is blonde and blue eyed and African American.

Good line (and true), I'm going to use it.

08-21-16, 19:01
I keep saying the single common denominator in every last major urban cesspool that keeps the black folk down, is decades of liberal democrat rule. They keep focusing on all us racist republican Saltine Americans, but most of them couldn't name a single republican in power within 250 miles of them! Even the cities where power has transitioned to majority black run government, they're easily as likely to continue the policies that disadvantage blacks.

Meanwhile most of us evil racist white republicans couldn't give a flip what color you are. Do right, work to earn your dollar and treat people right, we'll stand right there with you. Every black family in my neighborhood is just as welcome and equally nice as every other family. So I guess I don't get it. What has all that "enlightenment" got them? Are they happy? It sure doesn't look like it from where I'm sitting. :(

08-21-16, 21:07
They say they feel black peoples’ pain because they took a trip to Africa to help the disadvantaged, but are unwilling to go to a black neighborhood in the City in which they live"

More to the point, they are actually inherently racist because they believe at some level, that black people could never succeed on their own or advance themselves in any way without the assistance of "enlightened" white activists.

You typically don't see white liberal activists advocating for Asians, why not? Could it be they believe that Asians are more capable than black people and therefore don't need their assistance?

08-21-16, 21:08
What an idiotic diatribe. Spouting off the same wrong BS that her party line always spouts off. At least she understands that the liberal democrats are no friend of the "black man". Now she just needs to make the jump to understanding that these politicians that her and her people have been voting for are not a friend to any freedom loving American, regardless of skin color.

It may be wishful thinking, but I keep hoping that one day black people will wake up and realize that black men are going to prison because black men are committing crimes. The same reason that white or brown men go to prison. The system does not give a free pass to white men who commit crimes. Never has, never will. Why should we give a free pass to black men that have committed a crime? Don't want your people in prison? Then convince them to stop committing the crimes that land them there. Nobody cares about your skin color lady.

Absolutely spot on.

08-21-16, 21:14
What an idiotic diatribe. Spouting off the same wrong BS that her party line always spouts off. At least she understands that the liberal democrats are no friend of the "black man". Now she just needs to make the jump to understanding that these politicians that her and her people have been voting for are not a friend to any freedom loving American, regardless of skin color.

It may be wishful thinking, but I keep hoping that one day black people will wake up and realize that black men are going to prison because black men are committing crimes. The same reason that white or brown men go to prison. The system does not give a free pass to white men who commit crimes. Never has, never will. Why should we give a free pass to black men that have committed a crime? Don't want your people in prison? Then convince them to stop committing the crimes that land them there. Nobody cares about your skin color lady.

So long as black people live as a "race" rather than a "individual person" they will never be free. I can't imagine what it must be like to make sure I'm living as a "white person" each and every day and am in conformity with the white community and the practices and standards of the those who decide what it is to be "white."

Amazing how race based ideology from the 1930s and 40s is easily recognized as "evil" by everyone, but race based ideology from the 1960s to the present is viewed by many as "positive advocation."

08-21-16, 21:17
Ah yes, Tim Robbins' mom. She is terrible. She was perfectly cast in Rocky Horror.

Her best role was "Pretty Baby" where she played a stupid, self absorbed whore.

08-22-16, 00:37
I don;t know what to make of that article. She's a lawyer.

I'm a democrat is her opening.
Liberal elites is her point.
Hold politicians feet to the fire is her closing.

To me that sounds like someone that knows they are losing and fighting for the wrong side. Remember Clinton says we are the enemy so they must be a singular entiry to defeat us. They can't be individuals.

It sounds like this person may realize the only freedom is through individual effort.

(1)The truth is that Liberalism is about making elites feel better about themselves and their lives without requiring the underlying action of significantly improving the lives of African-Americans. (2)Hillary Clinton rightly says that it’s not about what you say about problem, but you should be judged by what you are doing to solve the problem. In this election, let’s take her at her word and take a deeper look at what Liberalism is really doing for us.

(1) Hey, it's time to wake up, we've been screwed.
(2) Hillary Clinton RIGHTLY says.... let's take her at her word.....

IOW,,, her word is s*it.

While there is a strong black culture element in that essay. To me it reads as it's time for a change. The elite Liberals, black and white have been screwing the black community. That's actually true.

I agree with Steyr that we all should be individuals but when a religion such as Liberalism has taught you group think and promised you treasures that never come true, it's time to consider an alternative. That doesn't necessarily mean you will shift from group to individual. Most likely you will want to retain the cultural group until you get out from under the Liberal umbrella. It's only then you could expect to be an individual.

I think the article is a step in the right direction. I'll read it again tomorrow when I'm not tired but it seems like a good thing to me. Like an awakening.

It would be interesting to flat out ask her, is she voting for Hillary. It sounds like to me she is saying don't vote for Hillary as she is nothing but a smug pretentious Liberal.

08-22-16, 18:27
ANOTHER elite dem deciding WHITE people are the problem is the bottom line ?

08-22-16, 18:46
Ultimately, it is always someone else's fault.

08-22-16, 22:28
ANOTHER elite dem deciding WHITE people are the problem is the bottom line ?

I'm not sure if that's a statement or question, but either way... I'm all for division in the Dem party mindset. Hell, they can blame it all on me if they want. Just stay home, don't vote... vote for green party, vote for Trump.. just divide. If hating whitey makes them not vote en mass, then hate away. At least until after this election.

26 Inf
08-23-16, 01:34
I suppose we're adding the acronym "SWL" to the lexicon

Are we replacing WASP?

08-23-16, 02:47
"It may be wishful thinking, but I keep hoping that one day black people will wake up and realize that black men are going to prison because black men are committing crimes. The same reason that white or brown men go to prison."


We are all treated equal by the "Just us System"?


Convicted of 3 FELONIES, gets 6 mos.

This? https://www.facebook.com/MicMedia/videos/vb.174742062548592/1208070825882372/?type=2&theater

Sigh...I am probably more conservative that most on this thread, but come'n man....really?


08-23-16, 04:39
"It may be wishful thinking, but I keep hoping that one day black people will wake up and realize that black men are going to prison because black men are committing crimes. The same reason that white or brown men go to prison."


We are all treated equal by the "Just us System"?


Convicted of 3 FELONIES, gets 6 mos.

This? https://www.facebook.com/MicMedia/videos/vb.174742062548592/1208070825882372/?type=2&theater

Sigh...I am probably more conservative that most on this thread, but come'n man....really?


How many black men have skated on rape? Bill Cosby anyone . . .

An ex-girlfriend of mine was raped by a black male student in high school on her sixteenth birthday. You want to know what happened to him . . .

He got sent to live with an auntee out of state.

The stories you posted along with the white youth pastor in Iowa who "sodomized the homosexuality out of" over thirty underage boys in his care and got nothing but probation from a judge who in all likely hood was a fellow pedo, and countless other rapists don't get the punishment they deserve. Nor the black NCAA football player who just got done raping a white girl for "400 years of slavery" (his own words).

Death to all rapists.

08-23-16, 05:45
More to the point, they are actually inherently racist because they believe at some level, that black people could never succeed on their own or advance themselves in any way without the assistance of "enlightened" white activists.

I liken this to the "Thank You for Your Service" you get from a Liberal Socialist who wants to shake your hand all while wearing a sour face as if you are beneath them.
I always say, "Thank You for buying the ammo, we couldn't have killed them without you." and give them a hearty hand shake.

Then go wash my hands.

08-23-16, 08:21
The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal...

... usually disappears, after their first rape, car jacking, or armed robbery in their house. In America at least. In Europe, they just bend over and scream, "THANK YOU SIR! MAY I HAVE ANOTHER?!" :rolleyes:

It would seem the solution would be, to MAKE them live in da' 'HOODS that their political heroes have created. 12 mos. worth of it oughta fix what ails them - a lack of common sense! :sarcastic:

08-23-16, 09:01
... usually disappears, after their first rape, car jacking, or armed robbery in their house. In America at least. In Europe, they just bend over and scream, "THANK YOU SIR! MAY I HAVE ANOTHER?!" :rolleyes:

It used to disappear, but I think we're getting close to Europe now. When someone gets mugged, it's not the mugger's fault anymore; it was a the racist system that prevents minorities from getting jobs. It's not a mass shooter's fault that he shot up a school/theater/club, it was the access to weapons, the racist/homophobic/etc. society, his emotional distant mother, or other factor that fueled his homicidal rage. And in cases of black on white crime, the attitude is now "Well, y'know, slavery, Jim Crow...I guess being a white guy I kinda had this coming..." When someone is the victim of a crime these days, the answer isn't "How do I defend myself if this happens again?" it's "Who will save me??"

08-23-16, 09:16
The Morning of the Boston Bombing I went to Lowes to get some lumber, while pulling out of the parking lot I saw a car with a "Coexist" Sticker, I had to stop and ask that Hippy "So how do you think that Coexist Shit was working in Boston today?"
He walked away and left his patchouli wake and his Wife behind him.

Those goddamn stickers are on like half the damn cars out here.






I shake my head every time I see one.

08-23-16, 12:04
I don't hate 'em.

I pity 'em.

08-23-16, 13:14
I don't hate 'em.

I pity 'em.

Mr. "T" said it best, "I Pity The Fool !"

08-23-16, 13:46
"It may be wishful thinking, but I keep hoping that one day black people will wake up and realize that black men are going to prison because black men are committing crimes. The same reason that white or brown men go to prison."


We are all treated equal by the "Just us System"?


Convicted of 3 FELONIES, gets 6 mos.

This? https://www.facebook.com/MicMedia/videos/vb.174742062548592/1208070825882372/?type=2&theater

Sigh...I am probably more conservative that most on this thread, but come'n man....really?


Works both ways. Remember the Duke LaCrosse case where Mike Nifong had DNA evidence exonerating the defendants and suppressed it? If not for a lab tech coming forward and leaking the evidence those kids might all be in jail today.

So it is "just us", you and me and everyone else. People with money and popularity get away with murder...literally. OJ Simpson and the affluenza kid. They both killed people and they both got away with it. They would both be caught up in other incidents but never really got what they deserved.

And if you lack money, influence or popular support you can find yourself in jail for very minor things, or worse for things you didn't even do but nobody believes you.

08-23-16, 17:23
I think its kinda both :) ahhahaha
like not sure what the article is trying to be is it trying to be look at me I am so diverse and cool ? but what I got from it again bring RACE into it
something the dems are really good about is hatred of other races and control

ALL elite dems are that way not just the white !!!!

agree on divide and voting sadly they will vote party line

I'm not sure if that's a statement or question, but either way... I'm all for division in the Dem party mindset. Hell, they can blame it all on me if they want. Just stay home, don't vote... vote for green party, vote for Trump.. just divide. If hating whitey makes them not vote en mass, then hate away. At least until after this election.

08-24-16, 00:18
I think its kinda both :)ALL elite dems are that way not just the white !!!!

agree on divide and voting sadly they will vote party line

Yeah, pretty bizarre considering their reality is that of the enlightened individual.

08-24-16, 06:09
Works both ways. Remember the Duke LaCrosse case where Mike Nifong had DNA evidence exonerating the defendants and suppressed it? If not for a lab tech coming forward and leaking the evidence those kids might all be in jail today.

So it is "just us", you and me and everyone else. People with money and popularity get away with murder...literally. OJ Simpson and the affluenza kid. They both killed people and they both got away with it. They would both be caught up in other incidents but never really got what they deserved.

And if you lack money, influence or popular support you can find yourself in jail for very minor things, or worse for things you didn't even do but nobody believes you.

This! Tt's mind boggling that post actually came from someone on M4C. Leftist propaganda is strong I guess.