View Full Version : M4C demographics poll

08-22-16, 00:57
I've always wondered what the demographics are here. So I'm making a poll to see.

Very unscientific as only GD posters will be able to vote.

Please answer truthfully or not at all. Thanks.

Sorry in advance if the choices don't quite cover your case, there are only 10 poll options so I tried to hit the major ones.

It's also inherently biased towards US members, but please vote if you're not in the US as well and see if some options (like native) can fit the intent of the poll.

08-22-16, 03:58
I didn't see options for "Trans Asian."

08-22-16, 04:14

Outlander Systems
08-22-16, 07:13
American. Wasn't on the list.

08-22-16, 08:15
American. Wasn't on the list.

Look again, white male 36-60 is clearly there.

08-22-16, 09:15
Look again, white male 36-60 is clearly there.

I hope you're joking. Either way, I'm sure there are lurkers who would love to paint us as a bunch of racist assholes. Not funny.

08-22-16, 09:32
I hope you're joking. Either way, I'm sure there are lurkers who would love to paint us as a bunch of racist assholes. Not funny.

Oh geez, SJW isn't your best look. Clearly, it's a joke. Unless one has never set foot outside of their white male 36-60 household.

08-22-16, 09:34
That's a pretty big spread on the ages there - I'd be more curious in a breakdown of;

Under 20
20 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59
60 - 69

Just for curiosity's sake.

26 Inf
08-22-16, 09:43
I want to be accurate as possible in order to not skew the results. What would you mark if your were 15 with 47 years of experience?

08-22-16, 09:45
Oh geez, SJW isn't your best look. Clearly, it's a joke. Unless one has never set foot outside of their white male 36-60 household.

Based on your time/post count I figured you were joking. It's not a "SJW" thing, it's more in the vein of not saying crap that adds nothing to the conversation and lets people take things out of context. If we were chatting over a beer and had known each other for a while, I'd casually dismiss it as a joke with no comment. On the internet, it's there for somebody to see basically forever.

ETA: You know what? I probably went off half-cocked on this. Avoiding typing things that can be taken out of context is a largely futile exercise- we're going to be painted as criminals, bigots, and worse by the "tolerant" left no matter what we do (short of abandoning our principles, like they wish we would). Joke away, at least it won't result in a social media bomb here. Sorry for the threadjack.

08-22-16, 09:58
whats with grouping the 36-60 year olds, lol.

08-22-16, 10:28
What about those of us who are 1/2 black (from the waist down)?

08-22-16, 10:30
whats with grouping the 36-60 year olds, lol.

What's with 1-35?

Limited poll entries, I'm guessing. ;)

08-22-16, 11:11
whats with grouping the 36-60 year olds, lol.

What's with 1-35?

Limited poll entries, I'm guessing. ;)

As mentioned, I ran out of poll options. Age wasn't as important to me as the other things, so I crammed 3 age categories into the last 3 poll spots. I figured 1-35 meaning people born since the 80s and generally are more tech savvy than older generations, having grown up with it. Most don't have much, or any, recollection of the cold war from a first hand perspective. Many came of age in the Global War on Terror. 36-60 are a bit wiser, but not retired. And unless you caught the very very tail end of the war, you wouldn't have served in Vietnam in this age bracket. 61+ is generally near or past retirement age, although of course many people still work. And they would have at least had the chance of being drafted to fight commies in South East Asia.

That's a pretty big spread on the ages there - I'd be more curious in a breakdown of;

Under 20
20 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59
60 - 69

Just for curiosity's sake.

Make an age poll in a new thread, there's a 10 option limit to polls on m4c.

08-22-16, 19:03
There's no option for transwoman negro carrot. Poll is invalid.

08-22-16, 19:24
This Thread


08-22-16, 19:54
Took it but trying to figure out why it matters. It's news to anybody that the vast majority on this site, and most other gun forums, are old white guys?

08-22-16, 19:59
I, for one, think it's interesting to see these numbers because it often feels like there's nothing but a bunch of older white guys on here.

08-22-16, 20:22
I, for one, think it's interesting to see these numbers because it often feels like there's nothing but a bunch of older white guys on here.

Yep good point. Poll confirms what I already thought about the majority, but it's nice to see we have actually a wider variety of folks on here than I thought.

08-22-16, 21:20
I hope to be an old white guy someday.

08-22-16, 23:29
I, for one, think it's interesting to see these numbers because it often feels like there's nothing but a bunch of older white guys on here.

Define "older white guy"…

Specifically, what if someone is a mutt? And what age constitutes "old"? I don't need you to define the "guy" part...

08-22-16, 23:30
Took it but trying to figure out why it matters. It's news to anybody that the vast majority on this site, and most other gun forums, are old white guys?

'Seasoned", dammit--SEASONED.

Dagnabbed kids.

08-23-16, 06:34
Can't see the poll in tapatalk. Is there an option for "damn dirty hippie"?

Edit: guess I just voted "old white guy". :D

08-23-16, 08:43
I'm trans black female.

08-23-16, 08:55


Probably my favorite movie right there.

08-23-16, 10:51

Probably my favorite movie right there.

It's a TV show

08-23-16, 10:52
It's a TV show

You lost me there?

08-23-16, 11:39
You lost me there?

Oh wait disregard. Was on Tapatalk, thought you were referring to Firefly's Generation Kill video.


Fifth Element is one of my favorite movies too.