View Full Version : Review: Batman Vs. Superman

08-24-16, 10:50
I won't lie, I didn't want to like this movie. I thought the very premise was lame, and I generally find Affleck as interesting as a blender as an actor. This is actually a difficult movie to review. It's a perfect movie for modern times: Batman has serious PTSD, Super Man is full of angst, and Lex Luthor has some type of spectrum disorder. I thought Jesse Eisenberg (Lex Luthor) was often the high points of the movie. He held nothing back for the part.

Affleck does a tolerable job of it, the supporting actors are all top shelf, and the visuals and CGI are stunning. Some scenes quite beautiful in fact, bordering on art, which is one thing Director Zack Snyder is known for. I was not a huge fan of 300 for example, but it was visually stunning. Such is the case with this movie.

BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN attempts to jam an awful lot into one movie, but for the most part it works. So what's wrong with it? Well, nothing exactly, but some where along the way super hero movies decided to take themselves very seriously, and this movie takes itself so seriously I kept wondering if it was a movie about Batman vs. Superman. There's no humor, no wink wink nod nod to the audience that it's all in silly fun. The movie more or less confirms for you people suck, trust no one, and even the good guys are not so good. Meh.

What made such movies like this so much fun, was it was of the "we know, that you know, that we know, people don't run around in bat suits or fly, but suspend your disbelief and enjoy this silly movie"

When such movies start to take themselves too seriously, I start to take them seriously and can't suspend my disbelief and start asking Qs like "Why does SuperMan need a cape to fly? and "If Batman wanted to protect himself with that suit he may not want to leave the entire mouth area open" and so forth.

The super mega monster at the end was fairly generic and could have been more interesting and the inclusion of Wonder Women and others (obviously setting us up for Justice League movies) in the movie was lame, but what ever.

Me, I miss when such movies were meant to be light hearted silly fun, similar to what a good James Bond movie was, and no longer is. This was a solid movie all around, but to me, the entire genre jumped the shark a while ago and this one the pinnacle example of that issue. I'm forced to split the rating:

For those who don't care about my issues with this and other modern super hero movies: B+/A-

For those who "get" what I'm saying about these movies, C+


08-24-16, 11:14
Good review, Will. I'm with you in your assessment, although I might be inclined to give it a "B", mainly because I wasn't expecting anything other than a further fleshing out of a fantasy genre that was a big part of my childhood. I occasionally wonder what I would have thought in those days, if somehow I had been able to have seen any of the current Henry Cavill films back then for contemporary comparison to Adventures of Superman with George Reeves. What would a child of 6 ever have thought of the two portrayals side-by-side?

08-24-16, 11:41
Good review, Will. I'm with you in your assessment, although I might be inclined to give it a "B", mainly because I wasn't expecting anything other than a further fleshing out of a fantasy genre that was a big part of my childhood. I occasionally wonder what I would have thought in those days, if somehow I had been able to have seen any of the current Henry Cavill films back then for contemporary comparison to Adventures of Superman with George Reeves. What would a child of 6 ever have thought of the two portrayals side-by-side?

I have to wonder who these movies are intended for. Clearly, not really for kids. Adults who grew up with the super hero genre and "need" something more serious? I couldn't even count how many people in this movie are killed in every possible manner. No blood and guts, but dark and very serious. The whole unintended consequences focus of Super Man seemed like an attempt to lecture us on Iraq etc., or was that my imagination ? Also seemed a lot of intentional 9/11 visual references. Is the director a known anti War activist or something? Taking super heroes to the point of actually attempting to cover some of the potential negatives and lessons of it, was not what I watch super hero movies for personally, unless it's done as humor. It seemed a, albeit well done, attempt to cover all the modern crap we face currently, and we have the news for that.

08-24-16, 11:47
This movie was better than I thought. I hated that Affleck was chosen to play Batman, but he actually did a decent job (no comparison to Bale though, but it is also a different Batman portrayal altogether). The woman who played Wonder Woman did a good job, but she just is not Wonder Woman to me. I wanted to see Gina Carano as WW (she is a top five for me so I am a little bias). I do feel they compiled a little bit too much in this one movie. I would give it a B- at best.

08-24-16, 12:00
I have to wonder who these movies are intended for. Clearly, not really for kids. Adults who grew up with the super hero genre and "need" something more serious? I couldn't even count how many people in this movie are killed in every possible manner. No blood and guts, but dark and very serious. The whole unintended consequences focus of Super Man seemed like an attempt to lecture us on Iraq etc., or was that my imagination ? Also seemed a lot of intentional 9/11 visual references. Is the director a known anti War activist or something? Taking super heroes to the point of actually attempting to cover some of the potential negatives and lessons of it, was not what I watch super hero movies for personally. It seemed a, albeit well done, attempt to cover all the modern crap we face currently, and we have the news for that.

That's the problem with movies these days. Everyone involved is an uber-leftist and sometimes an enjoyable film or series gets sunk when they roll their propaganda too hard. Iron Man 3 really pissed me off because I enjoyed the first two. Yes, the antiwar message was present in the first but trying to give Iron Man PTSD? **** that, I'm done.

Acronym disorders getting pushed by the left are just as bad as their overabundance of alphabet agencies.

08-24-16, 12:04
I hated that movie - with a passion.

08-24-16, 12:07
In my opinion, growing up in the 90's with Batman the animated series, that eventually got me into the comics, Ben Affleck is the best live action Batman we've had on screen. Period. The way they incorporated the speed, and the brutality of Frank Miller's Batman (The film took several cues from The Dark Knight returns) was just amazing. Sure, Bale had the stoic, moves uber slow tank of a Batman, and did a decent job as Bruce Wayne, but in my eyes Affleck nailed everY facet of the Batman I grew up loving.

08-24-16, 12:33
This movie was better than I thought. I hated that Affleck was chosen to play Batman, but he actually did a decent job (no comparison to Bale though, but it is also a different Batman portrayal altogether). The woman who played Wonder Woman did a good job, but she just is not Wonder Woman to me. I wanted to see Gina Carano as WW (she is a top five for me so I am a little bias). I do feel they compiled a little bit too much in this one movie. I would give it a B- at best.

Depending which rating option you choose, we are in general agreement it seems.

That's the problem with movies these days. Everyone involved is an uber-leftist and sometimes an enjoyable film or series gets sunk when they roll their propaganda too hard. Iron Man 3 really pissed me off because I enjoyed the first two. Yes, the antiwar message was present in the first but trying to give Iron Man PTSD? **** that, I'm done.

Acronym disorders getting pushed by the left are just as bad as their overabundance of alphabet agencies.

I think the super hero genre has pretty much taken its course and has no place left to go, but they are easy to make and continue to be profitable, so on they go. I'll rent them generally for some fun visuals, and once in a while pleasantly surprised by one, but not often

I hated that movie - with a passion.

I can't see hating it with a passion for any particular reason, but I can totally see it not being everyones cup O tea.

08-24-16, 12:38
I absolutely hated this movie.

It seemed like a "Let's make it work, but in reverse order of how Marvel did it".

From the CGI Affleck workout montage where he is all swollen up (just for the very next shot of him walking towards the camera where he's not) to the 15 minute "boo-hoo Superman is dead" drawn out scene.

Wanted to like the movie, was convinced otherwise.

08-24-16, 12:42
I thought the character development for WW was terrible. Plus, I can't stand Ben Affleck who appears to be expanding faster than that other liberal tub Alec Baldwin.

I thought it telling that my little nephew and his friends (ages 10-13) spent most of the ride home debating among themselves why it was so bad. All I did was chuckle a little on the way home.

08-24-16, 12:44
In my opinion, growing up in the 90's with Batman the animated series, that eventually got me into the comics, Ben Affleck is the best live action Batman we've had on screen. Period. The way they incorporated the speed, and the brutality of Frank Miller's Batman (The film took several cues from The Dark Knight returns) was just amazing. Sure, Bale had the stoic, moves uber slow tank of a Batman, and did a decent job as Bruce Wayne, but in my eyes Affleck nailed everY facet of the Batman I grew up loving.

Any of my opinions of the genre are based on movies and movie characters. Have not read a comic book since I was a kid. I saw 300 thinking it was actually about 300, vs a totally fictionalized homo erotic comic book version of 300, which was why I didn't like it much other than the cool visuals. People have said the movies captured the comic book version of 300 and liked it. Me, 12ft drag queens, etc is not what I go to movies for as a rule. I grew up watching the original Super Man and Batman, and they were fun and intended as entertainment for kids and harmless silly waste of time for adults. I can't speak to how any of the super hero movies reflect the comic book versions and story lines. Now I', more careful to find out what the movie is actually based on, which is why I did enjoy movies like Sin City and such.

Some comic books are intended as dark and adult oriented, and those have made some good movies. Super Man, Batman, SpiderMan, etc, not so much.

08-24-16, 13:13
People making these DC movies need to do some soul searching. I liked Suicide Squad because it was like Dirty Dozen with supervillains

But Batman isn't supposed to kill people. Superman isn't supposed to be an asshole.

I remember being a wee lad and seeing that scene where Superman is just drinking and it literally horrified me.

Captain America they got right. He's a soldier with 1940s wholesomeness and no prejudices and stands up for his friends no matter what they are going through. Lot of complexity without being too dark.

Even at like almost 90, Adam West would still be a better Batman than Affleck. No matter what he does, he will always be the pervy D-bag from Mallrats.

I wish they'd do something more Silver Age. People get enough depressing stuff in their own lives. They don't need to pay 20 bucks to see it in Imax

08-24-16, 13:18

"Well that all seemed horrible."
"Yeah, what happened to us?"
"You forgot to smile and you killed people."

08-24-16, 13:27
People making these DC movies need to do some soul searching. I liked Suicide Squad because it was like Dirty Dozen with supervillains

But Batman isn't supposed to kill people. Superman isn't supposed to be an asshole.

I remember being a wee lad and seeing that scene where Superman is just drinking and it literally horrified me.

Captain America they got right. He's a soldier with 1940s wholesomeness and no prejudices and stands up for his friends no matter what they are going through. Lot of complexity without being too dark.

Even at like almost 90, Adam West would still be a better Batman than Affleck. No matter what he does, he will always be the pervy D-bag from Mallrats.

I wish they'd do something more Silver Age. People get enough depressing stuff in their own lives. They don't need to pay 20 bucks to see it in Imax

Both are pulled from Frank Miller's interpretation of the characters. This Batman is older, has far less to lose, and frankly doesn't give a damn what he does to the scum he deals with, including killing some, and breaking that golden rule. More Punisher than Adam West's classic. I feel like the death of Robin was the reason for this in the film, but was never fleshed out because Snyder is a douche. In the comic, Superman is the golden boy working for the US government, and is tasked at stopping Batman who in the Government's eyes had went rogue. They are both aging heroes in his world. Most of the modern dark tones, and gruff Batman's Hollywood loves, are translations of Miller's work on the character.

The scene before he rescues Superman's mother was the worth the price of admission for me personally.


08-24-16, 13:32
I wouldn't have liked the "300" comic, either.

Batman vs Superman was disappointing. Superman Teenage Angst? No thanks. Lex Luthor as a pitiful, creepy nerd? No. The Death of Superman in the last third of a movie? It took 3 comic books for Superman to fight Doomsday to a standstill (as Doomsday swatted aside the rest of the Justice League) and finally die, in the arms of Lois Lane, from his wounds. The only good thing about the movie was getting to see Wonder Woman to fight for the first time on the Big Screen and without restraint.

DC animation is better than Marvel. Marvel live action movies are better than DC. DC could clean up if they turned their animation talent loose on the live action side of the house

(I didn't like Marvel's Civil War either)

People making these DC movies need to do some soul searching. I liked Suicide Squad because it was like Dirty Dozen with supervillains

But Batman isn't supposed to kill people. Superman isn't supposed to be an asshole.

I remember being a wee lad and seeing that scene where Superman is just drinking and it literally horrified me.

Captain America they got right. He's a soldier with 1940s wholesomeness and no prejudices and stands up for his friends no matter what they are going through. Lot of complexity without being too dark.

Even at like almost 90, Adam West would still be a better Batman than Affleck. No matter what he does, he will always be the pervy D-bag from Mallrats.

I wish they'd do something more Silver Age. People get enough depressing stuff in their own lives. They don't need to pay 20 bucks to see it in Imax


08-24-16, 13:38

"Well that all seemed horrible."
"Yeah, what happened to us?"
"You forgot to smile and you killed people."

It should have ended after they saved Martha IMO. The Doomsday fight was completely unnecessary and a waste of one of Superman's ultimate enemies.

I wouldn't have liked the "300" comic, either.

Batman vs Superman was disappointing. Superman Teenage Angst? No thanks. Lex Luthor as a pitiful, creepy nerd? No. The Death of Superman in the last third of a movie? It took 3 comic books for Superman to fight Doomsday to a standstill (as Doomsday swatted aside the rest of the Justice League) and finally die, in the arms of Lois Lane, from his wounds. The only good thing about the movie was getting to see Wonder Woman to fight for the first time on the Big Screen and without restraint.

DC animation is better than Marvel. Marvel live action movies are better than DC. DC could clean up if they turned their animation talent loose on the live action side of the house


(PS- I didn't like Marvel's Civil War either)

Luther was really bad. They tried to make him into a Joker off-shoot imo, and it failed miserably. The death of Superman was one of my very favorite DC comic series, and like I said, they wasted Doomsday completely if that truly was supposed to be THE Doomsday, and not one of the million clones. Here's to hoping.

If Marvel would have followed the Civil War comics, the film would have been much more significant IMO. I didn't really care for it either. Spider-Man was great though.

08-24-16, 13:43

"Well that all seemed horrible."
"Yeah, what happened to us?"
"You forgot to smile and you killed people."

Ha! That made Batman vs. Superman worth it!

Here is an alternative ending to Dark Knight Rises:



08-24-16, 13:43
Willis, I agree with you on all counts, especially about Spider-Man. Spider-Man and Ant-Man stole the show

08-24-16, 13:45
Anybody can be The Punisher. Not care and just go to town on hoods.

Meh, Maybe Frank Miller just doesn't understand. Why even dress up like a bat at that point? Just get an M249.

Ostensibly comics are for kids. But kids grow up and they have kids and the torch gets passed. My Batman would inspire terror but won't kill somebody. It's kind of lazy.

Per Civil War, I liked it, but it was more a spat than a full on civil war.

DC has some deep stories and interesting characters but can't make a movie to save their life.

Marvel meanwhile gives us Deadpool.

Meh, I'm sorta tired of comic book movies anyways.

08-24-16, 13:47
Also people forget that Lex Luthor is a supervillain because Superboy dropped some chemicals in teen Luthor's garage by accident that made him prematurely bald.

That is canon

08-24-16, 15:54
Also people forget that Lex Luthor is a supervillain because Superboy dropped some chemicals in teen Luthor's garage by accident that made him prematurely bald.

That is canon

I read that comic when I was a little kid

08-24-16, 16:32
I like it more than I thought I would which isn't saying much. And DC is way behind the curve when it comes to making decent movies.

08-24-16, 16:35

My Mom's name is Martha.


What no way!!


Oh cool, thanks bro-man.


Up, up, and away!


08-24-16, 16:47
Zack Snyder needs to be stopped.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

08-24-16, 19:43
I liked the movie. I was entertained. (Cue Gladiator clip) But, when it comes to a lot of movies my standards can be a bit low. I mean I like Doom and found it quite entertaining, but I know many hate it.

Both are pulled from Frank Miller's interpretation of the characters. This Batman is older, has far less to lose, and frankly doesn't give a damn what he does to the scum he deals with, including killing some, and breaking that golden rule. More Punisher than Adam West's classic. I feel like the death of Robin was the reason for this in the film, but was never fleshed out because Snyder is a douche. In the comic, Superman is the golden boy working for the US government, and is tasked at stopping Batman who in the Government's eyes had went rogue. They are both aging heroes in his world. Most of the modern dark tones, and gruff Batman's Hollywood loves, are translations of Miller's work on the character.

The scene before he rescues Superman's mother was the worth the price of admission for me personally.


Not sure if it is from the comic book/novel, or just the animated movie(Yes I've watched it) but I remember a line from Batman the Dark Knight Returns, "I've spent years looking for a good death." Kind of an a look at his outlook at that point.

Anyway, the think the grittier versions of the comic characters comes from the fact that there had been a trend of trying to make the characters more interesting and complicated. I will honestly tell you I find pure moral characters to be a bit bland. Then again one of my favorite literary characters is John Kelly, or better known as John Clark. We can get into the whole moral philosophical discussion but it is true, complicated characters with a touch of evil or darkness are interesting. I mean how many people loves the Dark Knight for the Joker? I know more than a few.

As far as 300, the outlook I took from the movie and the comic book was less something designed to be historical but more a bit of spartan propaganda before the battle. Take the opening scene where Dilios is telling how the war start, the story is being told by firelight before a battle, it is imaginable that a man might make the heroes of his men up to be gods of war to further inspire the men more so if they are outnumbered 3 to 1. It is a thought at least.

Fair warning, I am not a comic book reader, never have been. That said, I have read more than a few books and when it comes to movies I like to be entertained. I also like stories that I find interesting. I am pretty easy to entertain though, I also don't take most of the shit seriously, so there is that.

08-24-16, 22:02
From what I understand, 300 was actually a pretty close representation of what the Greeks thought the Battle of Thermopylae was like.

And it's Frank Miller. Homo-erotic fascism is pretty much his schtick.

08-24-16, 22:07
FWIW I liked Sin City. I am aware there is a sequel but didn't see it. That was peak Jessica Alba.

Back inna day, Dark Angel was a beloved show of mine. Donkey Lips even made a guest appearance

08-24-16, 23:24
FWIW I liked Sin City. I am aware there is a sequel but didn't see it. That was peak Jessica Alba.

Back inna day, Dark Angel was a beloved show of mine. Donkey Lips even made a guest appearance

Oh, I loved watching Dark Angel. It was for the quality storytelling and Jessica's fine a-- er, acting. I really like her. Acting

08-24-16, 23:33
From what I understand, 300 was actually a pretty close representation of what the Greeks thought the Battle of Thermopylae was like.

I tried to like 300, but the comic book on film style just ruined it for me.

08-25-16, 04:05

My Mom's name is Martha.


What no way!!


Oh cool, thanks bro-man.


Up, up, and away!


When they scene played, in Christian Bale's Batman voice I said to my wife; "WTF, you mean my mom was your mom too? She was a WHORE?!?!"

Other than the plot holes, like how Superman can scorch Earth everyone . . . I enjoyed this one. The first Superman movie in this latest installment blew me away and I wasn't even looking forward to seeing it.

I enjoyed how they introduced Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, and Cyborg.

IIRC this is the first R rating for a Batman film, something Bale wanted to do with the Dark Knight trilogy.

08-25-16, 07:58
"JINGLY KEYS! Fun for babies, not for BATMAN!"

Big A
08-25-16, 08:45
I saw it in theaters and thought it was awful. The plot was all over the map. I just don't like Jesse Eisenberg. I've tried but I just don't care for him and hope his characters die in a gruesome manner. Zod gets turned into Doomsday, but it's not really supposed to be Doomsday but it's Doomsday...

I've heard from a few nerd friends that the extended cut actually changes the movie to what it should have been in theaters but that extra ~40 minutes would have made it excruciatingly longer but I have not watched the extended cut yet.

08-25-16, 09:27
FWIW I liked Sin City. I am aware there is a sequel but didn't see it. That was peak Jessica Alba.

Back inna day, Dark Angel was a beloved show of mine. Donkey Lips even made a guest appearance

Yesssss....Jessica Alba. But we cannot forget Carla Gugino. DAMN!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-25-16, 13:07
Before we chump on Zack Snyder....he did do a decent enough Dawn of the Dead update and he gave us Sucker Punch. Jena Malone made that movie happen for me.

08-25-16, 14:45
For those who saw Batman Vs. Superman, did you notice he uses a push sled during his workout?! I thought that was really cool. At 27 seconds. If it works for Bat Man...


08-25-16, 17:59
This movie had so much potential and Snyder blew it. Affleck was surprisingly it's few saving graces. I actually like Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and her theme song works for a warrior. Let's start with the biggest problem. Superman. Superman is not supposed to be some moody brooding whiner. You know who plays Superman perfectly? Chris Evans as Captain America. That is how Superman should be played. Especially in this day and age, Superman should be that icon that we all aspire to, that we try to emulate whose morals and conduct in life serve as an example for all. Yes Superman has killed in the comics before so I didnt have that problem with that in the last movie. Next up, how many freaking story lines did they try to cram into one movie? The Death of Superman, The New Gods, The Dark Knight, a JLA origin story. I'm suprised that Miller didn't try to shoe horn The Killing Joke in there. They should have dialed it way back. I agree that Doomsday was used way too early. Whiny, unstable, immature Lex Luthor? Luthor should be an genius unhinged narcissistic sociopath megalomaniac. The John Byrne Luthor from the 1986 reboot was the best. Oh so they killed off Superman..and Clark Kent. Yeah smooth move. Good luck working that out. The only hope is that TPTB use this as an opportunity to lighten up the man of steel during his rebirth. As for the cinematography? Flat out lazy. First of all can we ditch the crappy filters on the cameras and go with natural light and stop hilighting the blues and oranges? Next up, night time and rainy shots? Flat out laziness. Reportedly the suits at Warner Brothers have taken note and have put Snyder on a very short leash and he now has handlers whose job it is to make sure he doesn't screw up any more. Maybe they're forcing him to watch Marvel movies? WB has also blown Suicide Squad. I am hoping like hell they get their heads out of their 4th point of contact with Wonder Woman and the next justice League movie. They can't continue to bring in the $$$ despite putting out a crap product.

08-25-16, 18:14
To be fair, Captain America has killed too, but that was WWII. In the more modern films he tries not to do that.

When Superman stopped standing for Truth, Justice, and the American Way....he stopped being Superman.

Meh I'm over DC at this point. While I liked Suicide Squad, I doubt I'd watch it again.

Like the first Independence Day, I liked it in theaters but now....meh

08-25-16, 19:09
To be fair, Captain America has killed too, but that was WWII. In the more modern films he tries not to do that.

When Superman stopped standing for Truth, Justice, and the American Way....he stopped being Superman.

Meh I'm over DC at this point. While I liked Suicide Squad, I doubt I'd watch it again.

Like the first Independence Day, I liked it in theaters but now....meh

I love that movie! It's just an old school monster/UFO movie with way better effects. Trick with that one is just to have fun with it. It's a movie that didn't take itself too seriously, so I didn't either. When they decide to make Super Hero movies into the Deer Hunter, I lose interest as I can't take it seriously, yet that's what they are asking of me. The entire genre has jumped the shark for me. There's plenty of dark adult oriented comic book figures to make movies about.

Personally, I thought the first Thor was a lot of fun and second one not half bad. Not sure what the Thor movies don't get better reviews. Me, didn't think much of the Capt America movies at all but people seem to like them. Thought the last one was awful.

08-25-16, 20:29
This movie had so much potential and Snyder blew it. Affleck was surprisingly it's few saving graces. I actually like Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and her theme song works for a warrior. Let's start with the biggest problem. Superman. Superman is not supposed to be some moody brooding whiner. You know who plays Superman perfectly? Chris Evans as Captain America. That is how Superman should be played. Especially in this day and age, Superman should be that icon that we all aspire to, that we try to emulate whose morals and conduct in life serve as an example for all. Yes Superman has killed in the comics before so I didnt have that problem with that in the last movie. Next up, how many freaking story lines did they try to cram into one movie? The Death of Superman, The New Gods, The Dark Knight, a JLA origin story. I'm suprised that Miller didn't try to shoe horn The Killing Joke in there. They should have dialed it way back. I agree that Doomsday was used way too early. Whiny, unstable, immature Lex Luthor? Luthor should be an genius unhinged narcissistic sociopath megalomaniac. The John Byrne Luthor from the 1986 reboot was the best. Oh so they killed off Superman..and Clark Kent. Yeah smooth move. Good luck working that out. The only hope is that TPTB use this as an opportunity to lighten up the man of steel during his rebirth. As for the cinematography? Flat out lazy. First of all can we ditch the crappy filters on the cameras and go with natural light and stop hilighting the blues and oranges? Next up, night time and rainy shots? Flat out laziness. Reportedly the suits at Warner Brothers have taken note and have put Snyder on a very short leash and he now has handlers whose job it is to make sure he doesn't screw up any more. Maybe they're forcing him to watch Marvel movies? WB has also blown Suicide Squad. I am hoping like hell they get their heads out of their 4th point of contact with Wonder Woman and the next justice League movie. They can't continue to bring in the $$$ despite putting out a crap product.

A couple years ago, rumor was that Lex Luthor was going to be played by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

A charismatic, megalomaniacal bodybuilder perfectionist. A man who can almost literally do anything a human being can do, between his wealth, his intellect, and his physical strength and agility. And then along comes Superman, who can do all sorts of things he and every other human being cannot.

I withheld my opinion on a lot of things in Bats again Supes: Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ben Affleck as Batman, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther. Gal Gadot and Batfleck were great. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther was a mistake, a painful, horrible mistake, and the thought that it could have been Lex "The Rock" Luther, charismatic, billionaire genius bodybuilding borderline sociopath only makes the sting worse.

The only light I can see is that it looks like the Justice League movie will have a much lighter tone.

Frankly, I think Zack Snyder's problem is that the only sort of comic book movies he wants to direct are, well, Watchmen.

I don't have a problem with Batman killing people (because he's only human and sometimes you have to break a few eggs), I mean... originally, Batman was 'just' another costumed comic book vigilante who packed heat and gunned down gangsters. I don't have a problem with Superman killing when it's the only choice he has. Batman might be able to wear many hats, but a mopey Superman is just terrible.

Superman maybe shouldn't kill regular humans. But I agree that Superman should be a lot like Chris Evans's Captain America: Good, old wholesome optimistic, non-judgemental, red meat-eating, Nazi-punching Americana. All the best things about what makes Americans American: Veritas æquitas Americasque via.

But that's not the sort of movie or the sort of comic book hero Zack Snyder likes to make movies about.

08-25-16, 22:11
So I watched it today.

Fell asleep several times, pretty boring. Not as bad as Christopher Reeves "boring" but I really didn't care about most of the things the movie wanted to care about.

Ben Afleck was just weak as Batman, he just was.
Don't know the name of the guy who played Superman, and while he was better than some, we still haven't seen the definitive Superman for all time.

Here's a big huge problem. You have two super heroes with amazing powers and intellect, yet they can't even figure out they are both on the same team.

I would have liked the Lex Luther guy if he was playing any villain besides Lex Luther. He was decent, but Lex Luther isn't a little bitch dude.

Wonder Woman, why was she even in this movie? Some back story would have been nice. Does she actually have super powers or is she just really strong like Batman, because I swear she was making 100 yard long leaps at Doomsday.

Which brings me to my final problem, wtf is Doomsday? Why was that bullshit in this movie. I understand there are many Batman and Superman universes but if you are going to make a movie you have to somewhat stick with the original.

My first Batman that I ever read was a Famous First Editions large reprint of the original Detective Comics. This was my introduction to Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. If you read those original comics, there is a LOT of material there, you just need capable people.

08-26-16, 11:38
Why the hate for Captain America? Chris Evans is a amazing Captain America and the movies are some of the best live action comic movies.

08-26-16, 11:58
Why the hate for Captain America? Chris Evans is a amazing Captain America and the movies are some of the best live action comic movies.

No hate from me, but I found them some of the most boring of the super hero movies. First one was OK, but nothing special and the second one was meh. I just find CA a generally boring super hero to begin with but agreed, Chris Evans is perfect in that part.

08-26-16, 12:03
No hate from me, but I found them some of the most boring of the super hero movies. First one was OK, but nothing special and the second one was meh. I just find CA a generally boring super hero to begin with but agreed, Chris Evans is perfect in that part.

Captain America and Batman are my favorite superheroes so I am a little impartial. Favorite anti-superhero's would have to be Spawn and Deadpool. Speaking of Spawn, I want to see Michael Kenneth Williams beef up and play him.

08-26-16, 15:40
Why the hate for Captain America? Chris Evans is a amazing Captain America and the movies are some of the best live action comic movies.

I liked the first one, but tried to watch The Winter Warrior and realized I missed a film in between and didn't want to have to watch another super hero gang bang to get caught up so I just stopped caring.

08-26-16, 16:00
I liked the first one, but tried to watch The Winter Warrior and realized I missed a film in between and didn't want to have to watch another super hero gang bang to get caught up so I just stopped caring.

Winter Soldier is the best movie Marvel has put out. You don't really have to watch anything besides the first film to see Winter Soldier. You miss a little if you don't see Avengers, but overall it's not THAT important.

No hate from me, but I found them some of the most boring of the super hero movies. First one was OK, but nothing special and the second one was meh. I just find CA a generally boring super hero to begin with but agreed, Chris Evans is perfect in that part.

Whaaaat. The first one was definitely meh, but the second one was great. It was the most libertarian/conservative movie disguised as something else that Hollywood has put out in a decade.

08-26-16, 16:03
Winter Soldier is the best movie Marvel has put out. You don't really have to watch anything besides the first film to see Winter Soldier. You miss a little if you don't see Avengers, but overall it's not THAT important.


08-26-16, 17:26
Winter Soldier is the best movie Marvel has put out. You don't really have to watch anything besides the first film to see Winter Soldier. You miss a little if you don't see Avengers, but overall it's not THAT important.

I 3rd this. Easily the best MCU film.

08-26-16, 17:31
Actually yeah. I liked Winter Soldier the best of them all. My only complaint is that Black Widow's hair looked flat and droopy and not styled like it was in Iron Man 2

08-26-16, 17:55
Why the hate for Captain America? Chris Evans is a amazing Captain America and the movies are some of the best live action comic movies.
No hate at all. In fact that is how Superman should have been played.

08-26-16, 18:20
Whaaaat. The first one was definitely meh, but the second one was great. It was the most libertarian/conservative movie disguised as something else that Hollywood has put out in a decade.

That's why I never listen to people's opinions on music, movies, or food, no two people seem to agree on any of it. First one was OK, second one was just a big mess of various action scenes I just didn't care about.

08-26-16, 18:27
That's why I never listen to people's opinions on music, movies, or food, no two people seem to agree on any of it.

Quoted for wisdom. Romans said never debate matters of taste. According to NSA algorithms, one might think I was a bitch emo 16 y/o Goth chick. Or an 80 y/o man shooing people off his lawn with a Garand and nope. None of the above.

08-26-16, 19:16
Quoted for wisdom. Romans said never debate matters of taste. According to NSA algorithms, one might think I was a bitch emo 16 y/o Goth chick. Or an 80 y/o man shooing people off his lawn with a Garand and nope. None of the above.

NSA would think I'm a crazy cat lady according to my social media.

Joke's on them, I'm a dude.

08-26-16, 19:30
NSA would think I'm a crazy cat lady according to my social media.

Joke's on them, I'm a dude.

Seen your pics. I remain unconvinced

08-26-16, 20:16
Seen your pics. I remain unconvinced

Which part?

Do I need to step up my cat game??


08-26-16, 20:37
Winter Soldier is the best movie Marvel has put out. You don't really have to watch anything besides the first film to see Winter Soldier. You miss a little if you don't see Avengers, but overall it's not THAT important.

Well I'm odd man out. I thought it was really boring, the fact that I didn't know the back story of most of the characters just made it worse. Still not "Green Lantern" bad, but I just didn't care for it.

With Marvel, I'm hit and miss. I thought the Toby McGuire Spiderman was excellent. I liked the first Fantastic Four, thought I wouldn't but it was ok. Thor was ok simply because it was a quasi comedy.

And that's about it, I've always been more of a DC comics kid anyway.

08-27-16, 20:50
Ah, cool. A pro-Muslim Batman. Fighting the Islamophobes of Gotham.