View Full Version : Review: The Huntsman

08-26-16, 18:26
Watched this last night. It's not a bad movie per se, just not memorable in the least. Just pulls from the generic book of similar films, has a few fun moments, is utterly and totally predictable. Too bad as it has a great cast, but they couldn't make this one stand out from dozens of movies just like it. Spoiler, love wins in the end...Pass.

I'd give it a C- as the visuals and CGI are quite good in places.


08-26-16, 18:29
Was Wu-Tang's Winter Warz used at all in the soundtrack? Because I would watch for that alone

08-26-16, 18:36
Will, are you a closet Dungeons & Dragons geek?

I bet you are. It's always the ones who talk about going to the gym. ;)

08-26-16, 18:46
Will, are you a closet Dungeons & Dragons geek?

I bet you are. It's always the ones who talk about going to the gym. ;)

Never plaid the game once in my life. I'm a closet geek about all sorts of things, but not that one. For example, I love animated films from Pixar, Disney etc and watch pretty much all of them, no kids needed. While my brother had to "suffer" through such movies, I'd be happy as a clam watching them with niece or nephew.