View Full Version : Why do Californians put up with this s***?

08-27-16, 23:56
So, I finally hit the 200 post count. I wasn't really in a hurry, and didn't have any specific posts planned for this section when I hit the magic number. But I came across this tonight, and was dumbfounded on multiple levels.


If you don't want to watch the video, basically the product is a work-around for the new pending laws coming to California. The change in question, as I understand it, declares any rifle equipped with a bullet button, that isn't featureless, will now be considered an Assault Weapon. Once the law takes effect, new non-featureless rifles with a bullet button would be illegal to purchase. And, on top of all that, if you currently own a non-featureless rifle with a bullet button, you have to register it as an "assault weapon". In order to avoid registration you can, flat out ignore the law, convert the rifle to be featureless, or modify the firearm to meet the new definition of having a fixed magazine. What would the third option entail? The new definition of a fixed magazine is, "an ammunition feeding device contained in, or permanently attached to, a firearm in such a manner that cannot be removed without disassembly of the firearm action." WTF?

For those that do want to watch the video, the product being reviewed is one that does not circumvent the disassembly requirement, but seeks to make that more efficient. You can see it in action starting around the 7:30 mark. Watching the guy use and discuss this thing is what leads me to the following questions.

First. Why the hell do citizens (maybe more aptly described as Subjects) of this state put up with this garbage? On top of this disassembly travesty, Californians will soon need to register to purchase ammo, and pay $50 for that privilege! So this question goes far beyond the couple of items I've specifically named in this post. Just in general, what the hell are they thinking, standing by and letting the government have its way with them?!?

Second. And this is specific to the actual product in the video, would anyone in a free state actually think this work-around isn't that bad? This guy, and I'm not really attacking him personally, seems to convey that this solution is actually pretty nice and makes the new law not that big of a deal. He says something like, "with a little bit of practice I could get used to this." Ultimately, it proves how rights can slowly be taken away. As long as it's only a little bit at a time, the people don't seem to really be bothered all that much.

This is a perfect example of "nudge", and is a case study proving that we need to fight every attempt at eroding our rights. No matter how infinitesimally insignificant it might seem, we need to be vigilant. It's death by a thousand cuts and absolutely makes my blood boil. Frankly, I feel like if Californians are going to be this stupid and complete doormats, I'd like to find a way as a non-resident to purchase and register a truckload of bullet button rifles, then turn around and sell them for a small fortune after the law takes effect.

Rant over. What say you?

08-28-16, 00:15
Outvoted by high populace cities. When as little as one city can have the same number of people as or more than the rest of the state, and vote for things that affect the entire state, as opposed to just that city, you get California.

People in Los Angeles don't have a clue and couldn't care less about Redding. They vote based on their own myopic universe.

08-28-16, 00:25
Some of us are tied to the state until we can retire. I would love to leave and move to AZ but I am 11 years away from retirement with a rising career here. Would be stupid at this point to leave and try and start over at an agency that only pays half of what I make. Do I want to stay here? No, but family and money tie me to the state.

08-28-16, 00:27
I agree with your assertion. The answer likely is that simple. Too many idiots being brainwashed by the media, academia, etc. for those rational minds to impart any influence. It's just frightening that it could get to this point in time where such laws seem rational and constitutional to such a large segment of society. I guess it reiterates my point that we cannot give up another inch without a relentless opposition. I don't want to live in a world where people like Travis Haley and Larry Vickers are doing videos on the "takedown tactical speed reload." If we're not careful, we'll get there. It's almost a guarantee if one of the current presidential candidates wins in November.

08-28-16, 00:50
Some of us are tied to the state until we can retire. I would love to leave and move to AZ but I am 11 years away from retirement with a rising career here. Would be stupid at this point to leave and try and start over at an agency that only pays half of what I make. Do I want to stay here? No, but family and money tie me to the state.

At some point we all have to make a choice as to what is most important to us. I just got back to Texas after a 4.5 year stint there and couldn't be happier.

Money and family was nice but I value my freedom more. I just felt "wrong" the whole time I was there. I wish I never took the job and made the move in the first place so the financial hit wouldn't have been so bad but live and learn.

It's a shame though because the land is actually badass there. Lots of cool places to go and the rural areas aren't so different from the rest of the western US. The retards in Sacramento have sway over the whole state unfortunately.

08-28-16, 01:33
Because CA gun owners are grossly outnumbered by people who care more about the rights of Muslims than the rights of people who wish to be able to defend themselves from Muslim terrorists.

Places like Berkeley actually had a "Ho Chi Mihn" park during Vietnam. If that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the bizarrely left contingent in your state, I don't know what will. Oakland has an actual list of property crimes they will no longer respond to. There are sanctuary cities from people who are here illegally.

The mantra is "progressive change." The problem is that once you've done everything that lays the foundation for equality, you then run out of things to change but nobody knows how to stop being "progressive" and now criminals are seen as the new "victims of the system" and those who would protect themselves from criminals are the new "oppressors."

But don't worry, there is still a long way to go. It isn't England yet where you can't own a knife with a point for reasons of "public safety" and criminals still can't sue you if you protect your property with barbed wire and they hurt themselves while trying to rob you.

08-28-16, 01:41
I can't say I disagree with any of the replies. They just further affirm that I will never set foot in that state. My greatest hope is that the population there grows so large that the state tips over into the ocean and capsizes. If you need a reference for that comment. Go here...


08-28-16, 01:59
"Ultimately, it proves how rights can slowly be taken away. As long as it's only a little bit at a time, the people don't seem to really be bothered all that much."

"Just in general, what the hell are they thinking, standing by and letting the government have its way with them?!?"

"Why the hell do citizens (maybe more aptly described as Subjects) of this State [California] put up with this garbage?"

"Frankly, I feel like if Californians are going to be this stupid and complete doormats."

"Too many idiots being brainwashed by the media, academia, etc. for those rational minds to impart any influence."

"What say you?"

Where to begin, with this tired argument/ insult against those of us living in California, the Nation's most polpulated State.

First, you are making generalizations against a great many people whom you likely know little to nothing about.

Stop and consider that many of us living in California do not agree with these laws and regulations, and did not support their enactment.


How did all of this occur; Political corruption, gerrymandering, lobbyists, East-Coast transplants (politicians), Liberal enclaves in major population areas ( SF, LA, Sacramento, etc.), Liberal Judicial appointments...

If Hillary Clinton is elected, a likely possibility, you will be in a similar circumstance within the next few years, no matter which State that you reside.

Instead of making asinine proclamations regarding California and those of us whom live and work here give thought to what constructive actions that can be made to support the individuals working to defeat and over-turn the anti-gun laws.

Many of these same laws find their way to other places.

Because eventually there may be no 'Free States' to move to.

So, what are you prepared to do if and when that should occur?

08-28-16, 05:19
Why do Californians put up with this s***?

Says the guy with no location in his profile. Simple answer - they have to if they are law abiding citizens and want to continue to be so.

08-28-16, 08:25
1) People put up with this BS because there is no other choice. The system is rigged. If everyone here hasn't figured it out yet, if the the folks at the top don't *want* to go along with your choice, you can vote til your fingers fall off and it won't matter.
Your two choices are either A) continue in your daily routine with one more thing to bitch about the politicians screwing you over with, or B) use the business of your guns for what they were made for- anti-tyranny defense. NEITHER option is a good one because A) gets you nowhere and B) gets you on the 6'0clock, and life is just to damn sweet for that right now.

2) More laws simply mean more business opportunity. If you think all these gun/gear related companies are friends of an individuals 2A rights... try again. We're here simply to take symbiotic advantage of one another until the whims of our dear leaders change, and then I defy anyone to walk into a formerly 2A-friendly manufacturer's store and attempt to buy something legal two days earlier. Why? See #1 You either spit in the law's face and go out of business in grand style after perhaps a highly publicized raid, or you bitch and moan to your previous customers, and keep a few LE contracts on the side....BUT WAIT! here's some convoluted garbage "workaround" that's *almost* as good as your 2-day-ago-legal firearm! Molon Labe bitches!

3) I'm tired of the California/NY/Etc. Etc. people bleating about their victimhood. You had chances to stop it. It didn't work (see #1), and thinking you're actually going to repeal any of this nonsense once passed is like just as delusional as saying that disarming everyone stops crime.
I know that living this close to Mordor, once Hillary gets elected, it's over for me too. And the next state, and the next, and every other one after that like a bunch of dominoes. If you think you live in a free state, remember your rights are some politician's whim away from irrelevancy.

So.... yeah. /rant. Had a great philosophical point but can't remember what it was. :o

08-28-16, 09:15
Because CA gun owners are grossly outnumbered by people who care more about the rights of Muslims than the rights of people who wish to be able to defend themselves from Muslim terrorists.

Yes. In other words, the majority rules.

08-28-16, 10:56
deleted - ST911

...and this thread became a "racial issue" how again? Typical here.

08-28-16, 11:03
First. Why the hell do citizens (maybe more aptly described as Subjects) of this state put up with this garbage?

Who says we are putting up with it? I've been fighting this non-sense with every legal means in my power since I was a child. You don't seem to understand that our government is completely corrupt and they just do whatever they want without our consent. We didn't vote for these things. Our "leaders" just decided these things would be law, wrote them down on paper, and dropped a gavel saying it was so. How did these leaders get into power? Good question. Everyone I know votes against them every election. I have no doubt that the illegal aliens and FSA types are voting to get more free stuff, but the majority of CA citizens vote against this crap and these people. Are we outnumber? Maybe. I don't think so. One of our members here on M4C has a quote in their signature that explains this all pretty well. Paraphrasing here: Those who vote, control nothing. Those who count the votes, control everything. Who is counting the votes in CA? Who is counting the votes in YOUR state? Who is counting the votes for our presidential elections? Or how about the internet meme with Hillary's awful wicked smile standing next to a smug BHO laughing, "Go ahead and vote at us…"

Next subject: Compliance. Let's see now… I can keep my ARs and AKs, as is, if I take 30 seconds to install a stupid little $10 part. Literally, 4 turns of a flat head screwdriver, and my AR is no different than yours. OR…… I can march up to the the Capital and wage war with my unjust corrupt government. Hmmm… Tell me what state you are in. I will have no trouble finding some unjust law that infringes upon your freedom and then I'm going to ask you why you don't sacrifice your life and freedom to put a stop to it immediately. Why do you put up with that s***? Actually, I don't even need to do that. We have a whole bunch of Federal laws already that infringe upon the 2A. Why are YOU putting up with that s***? Are you a subject of the federal government? No longer a citizen? Think this through. If I put the bullet button on, I can legally keep my rifle. I can practice, take classes, use it for self-defense, have it in hand if the SHTF again. OR…. I can not comply and risk felony prosecution. OR…. I can what? Have a one man revolution? What if I could get 100 likeminded individuals to march on Sacremento with me? What then? Think man, think.

If you think this cancer is going to stay in CA, NJ, and NY, then you are not thinking at all. This evil cancer is coming to a state near you, like it or not. CA is the testing grounds to see what the citizens will do about this sort of infringement. When Hillary gets elected and this same s*** goes federal, what are you going to do? What did you do during the last AWB under Mr. Hillary Clinton? What would you have ME do? You need to explain to me exactly how I should resist this tyranny. What actions should I be taking to put a stop to this illegal unconstitutional crap? What would you do if these laws passed in YOUR state tomorrow? You're a fool if you think that it couldn't happen. Am I supposed to abandon the land where I grew up? The land where all of my friends and family are? The land where I'm 20 years into a fantastic career that doesn't exist anywhere else in the world? The land with the best weather and scenery in the entire country? Concede territory to the enemy? That is your answer? Turn tail and flee my own state because these vile politicians have temporarily gained the upper hand? No way man. Not me. If you want to be a coward and run away from a fight, go ahead. Not me. I'm staying and fighting. This is MY land. MY state. I'm not giving it up to a bunch of commie bastards. No way, no how.

My greatest hope is that the population there grows so large that the state tips over into the ocean and capsizes.

Really? This idiocy again? Okay. One more time…

There are more people in CA voting AGAINST this communist/socialist crap than any other state in the ENTIRE country. More than TX. Far more than Florida. Many times more than UT, MT, GA and 5 other pro-gun states combined. Is that clear? There are more PRO-GUN voters in CA than in any other state in this entire country. It appears, according to the vote counters, that we are still outnumbered by the FSA types (Free S*** Army), but I have my doubts about that, as previously stated.

So you want MILLIONS of your ALLIES in this terrible fight against an overreaching tyrannical government to fall into the ocean and die? Really? Are you sure you don't want to re-think this ignorant remark? Instead, how about if we just wish all the anti-freedom, gun-hating, liberals fall into the ocean and leave all the millions of good guys and this gorgeous state right where they are?

Welcome to General Discussion. :)

08-28-16, 11:07
Yes. In other words, the majority rules.

I'm not sure about this. I have no way to prove this or verify my suspicions, but I suspect a rigged system. I suspect voter fraud, and I suspect it on multiple levels.

I know illegal immigrants that vote.
I know of liberals that vote "early and often".
Even with these fact, I think we'd still win, which is why I strongly suspect vote counting fraud.

This is all pure speculation on my part, but it would sure explain a lot.

08-28-16, 11:08
If you think this cancer is going to stay in CA, NJ, and NY, then you are not thinking at all. This evil cancer is coming to a state near you, like it or not. CA is the testing grounds to see what the citizens will do about this sort of infringement.

Bingo! Every one with the wise crack comments about "leaving" better be the first to help STOP IT. It's coming to a state near YOU, not IF...but WHEN.


08-28-16, 11:17
3) I'm tired of the California/NY/Etc. Etc. people bleating about their victimhood. You had chances to stop it. It didn't work (see #1), and thinking you're actually going to repeal any of this nonsense once passed is like just as delusional as saying that disarming everyone stops crime.

You think this fight is over? Its not. It will never be. At some point they will push too far too fast, and the sleeping giant will wake.

What do you suggest? You make it sound like we should give up because its over. Have you given up? What will you do when this tyranny crosses the state border or goes federal? What will you do when someone from the outside tells you that you had the chance to stop it, but failed?

Even if we somehow overturned all this non-sense tomorrow, it will creep back in. It always does. I recently toured the Reagan Museum. He fought this same fight back in the 80s and won. Our enemies learned from their defeat and they've come back with new and improved tactics. They are winning at the moment, but they can never win in the long run. Americans won't allow it. Its just a question of how much we are willing to tolerate and for how long.

08-28-16, 12:05
A couple of things. First, Alexander Solzhenitsin's Gulag Archepelago: "And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you’d be cracking the skull of a cutthroat.”

Augustine: "Justice being taken away, then, what are kingdoms but great robberies?"

Martin Luther King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" :One may well ask: 'How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?' The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that 'an unjust law is no law at all.'

Continued: "Now, what is the difference between the two? How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law. Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust."

And for light reading there's always Tom Paine's evergreen "Common Sense".

Our aspiring lords and masters can go to hell.

08-28-16, 17:41
The question I want answered is when they leave California why do they insist on bringing the worst of their laws, attitudes and habits to Austin Texas?
One might think that they would have learned better, but Nope!

08-28-16, 18:04
There's more to life than guns. Uprooting your whole life and livelihood is kinda hard if you have a family.

I would like to think enough people would be able to get the laws repealed.

08-28-16, 19:16
Them beaches though......and the traffic and taking the hours and hours to go from.....Well....anywhere really.........

It's mostly a state of mind....and traffic.....

Some cousins of mine were visiting this last week from so cal. The dad said he'd like to move here...so I said...why don't you. "Oh, but I make more money there..."

Lol....no you don't. You make 1/3 more and spend double to live.......talked houses, gas, registration, taxes, insurance, price of milk in the store.....

Have at it.. I don't givea crap how nice it is. The riff raff and traffic with no mass transit ruined that place. Crime like nobody's damn business..... But that balboa beach yo...... Good grief....

08-28-16, 19:42
Bingo! Every one with the wise crack comments about "leaving" better be the first to help STOP IT. It's coming to a state near YOU, not IF...but WHEN.


You are correct, my friend. It is all our fight.

I've been sending contributions to people like Rocky Chavez and others in California and Colorado, who have been fighting the good fight in the Occupied Territories.

Just look at people like Bloomberg. They are playing longball, trying to pick off states one at a time. They are patient.

Honestly, we all need to be involved, and stay involved, regardless of state boundaries. If you think they are not after the "red" states in flyover country, you are sadly mistaken.

I would much rather help my brethren and sistren (sp?) in California, than have to drive to Austin and stand on the steps of the Capitol to try and regain my rights.

08-28-16, 23:05
I would much rather help my brethren and sistren (sp?) in California, than have to drive to Austin and stand on the steps of the Capitol to try and regain my rights.

Your comment makes all the sense in the world. Isn't that why we are fighting over in Iraq and Afghanistan? So we don't have to fight those nut jobs here on our own soil? Isn't that what we did in WWII as well?

I wish that was how all the people in the red states would look at this fight. Help us fight it and stamp it out in CA, NJ, NY, Etc., so that you don't have to fight it in your own state in the coming years. Join us in the fight, or at the very least take pity on us, but for goodness sake don't wish a watery death on all of us and our families.

08-29-16, 00:05
Really? This idiocy again? Okay. One more time…

There are more people in CA voting AGAINST this communist/socialist crap than any other state in the ENTIRE country. More than TX. Far more than Florida. Many times more than UT, MT, GA and 5 other pro-gun states combined. Is that clear? There are more PRO-GUN voters in CA than in any other state in this entire country. It appears, according to the vote counters, that we are still outnumbered by the FSA types (Free S*** Army), but I have my doubts about that, as previously stated.

So you want MILLIONS of your ALLIES in this terrible fight against an overreaching tyrannical government to fall into the ocean and die? Really? Are you sure you don't want to re-think this ignorant remark? Instead, how about if we just wish all the anti-freedom, gun-hating, liberals fall into the ocean and leave all the millions of good guys and this gorgeous state right where they are?

Welcome to General Discussion. :)

I realized this might get a little contentious. I certainly do not mean to knock any of those living under these ridiculous laws, but continuing to fight for the right. For some reason I got really heated when I saw that video, and wasn't exactly tactful in some regards. The capsize comment was in jest. But, obviously, if that were to happen I would prefer your scenario play out.

Frankly, the comments inferring that 2A proponents are being disenfranchised is of what's become of your laws. I'd understand it not being easy to leave and cannot say what I'd do in the same situation. My real point of the original post was more so cautionary of what we can expect in the future if we do not fight tooth and nail every step of the way; no matter how small the proposed change. I know that's preaching to the choir here, but it'll hopefully sink in with those who are thinking of not voting for Trump. Not to delve too much into the politics, but we know full well what we'll get with Hillary. Her nominees ending up the court will be a blow to our rights for longer than my lifetime. Trump is a bit of wildcard but he's been fairly consistent during the campaign in regards to the Second Amendment. With the advice and consent of his party in congress, we should at least end up with a Court which is more friendly to the Constitution. Again, the court is really all that matters.

So, in an effort to be more constructive, what would you all advise we can do to support those in your State? On the same note as "why don't you all move", maybe we should instead ask ourselves the same question. I understand it's a beautiful State. Maybe we could organize a couple million of us to move there and help vote in better representation to turn things around:D

Again, in all seriousness, any thoughts on how we can help would be welcome. This Ohioan would be more than happy to lend some assistance.

08-29-16, 01:31
Bingo! Every one with the wise crack comments about "leaving" better be the first to help STOP IT. It's coming to a state near YOU, not IF...but WHEN.


Honestly, what would you suggest? I'm not a resident of those states so I can't vote on their laws. I'm not going to be a resident of those states because I refuse to live where I can't enjoy my freedoms and I'm certainly not going to contribute to the government of those states by becoming a resident and paying into the tax base. If I happened to live in CA, and held the values I currently have, I'd leave as soon as possible.

I'm an NRA Life Member and I refused to register my FFL with any subject states. That's about all I can do from here. And honestly, I've got my hands full trying to stave off similar legislation from subject state transplants like Wasserman Schultz.

But if there is a course of action you'd suggest, if there is something I could be doing to help that I'm not doing, by all means let us know.

By the by, you mentioned racism. Do you happen to recall what many black families did when they realized they couldn't overcome racism in the south? They went north to places where their opportunities were greater and their rights more respected. Were they wrong to leave when they realized they were hopelessly outnumbered and would never be treated fairly?

As gun owners we are in a very similar situation. We are being denied our rights, we are viewed as criminals and potential criminals and it is very much a regional thing.

08-29-16, 01:35
Just look at people like Bloomberg. They are playing longball, trying to pick off states one at a time. They are patient.

They have the money. If I was a billionaire I'd be doing much the same but to counter their efforts. Right now, thanks to the Obama economy, best I can do is be a Life Member of the NRA and hope they occasionally act in my best interests and in the interests of CA gun owners.

08-29-16, 05:13
You think this fight is over? Its not. It will never be. At some point they will push too far too fast, and the sleeping giant will wake.

What do you suggest? You make it sound like we should give up because its over. Have you given up? What will you do when this tyranny crosses the state border or goes federal? What will you do when someone from the outside tells you that you had the chance to stop it, but failed?

Even if we somehow overturned all this non-sense tomorrow, it will creep back in. It always does. I recently toured the Reagan Museum. He fought this same fight back in the 80s and won. Our enemies learned from their defeat and they've come back with new and improved tactics. They are winning at the moment, but they can never win in the long run. Americans won't allow it. Its just a question of how much we are willing to tolerate and for how long.

I think this post gets it. The liberal anti gunners never stop. Never. The pro 2A people get backed into a corner, fight their way out, then go back about the business of their lives. Meanwhile, the anti's...win or lose...are always advancing the agenda.

It's important to support orgs like ILA that actively fight against this shit. Instead, we can't even get many people to do that, because the NRA is not "pure enough".

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-29-16, 09:39
So, in an effort to be more constructive, what would you all advise we can do to support those in your State? On the same note as "why don't you all move", maybe we should instead ask ourselves the same question. I understand it's a beautiful State. Maybe we could organize a couple million of us to move there and help vote in better representation to turn things around:D

Again, in all seriousness, any thoughts on how we can help would be welcome. This Ohioan would be more than happy to lend some assistance.

Thank you for reconsidering your first post. If you think videos like that frustrate you, how do you think we feel over here stuck behind enemy lines?

I wish had had good answers for your quoted questions. I don't. I remember back in '86 when FL started CCW. I was really pissed that I couldn't do that here, and that is when I really started getting pissy about the government messin' with my guns. But what really started "grinding my gears" was the '94 AWB. The issue of "gun control" has been on the front burner for me ever since then. I talk about it every chance I get. Obsessively some times, and some times when I probably shouldn't. I work hard to bring voters to our side. I've converted a lot of libtards in all those years, and push a lot of fence sitters our way. I've made a whole lotta new shooters by taking them to the range on my own dime. I've been an NRA member since the 80s. I vote in every election and poke and prod other people around me to go vote whenever I think they are on our side.

Sadly, I must admit that my efforts have largely failed. The power-grabbers grab more power and make more unjust laws daily, without our consent. It would seem that I, and others like me, have accomplished nothing. It seems to me that some sort of fight is in our future. I wish we could accomplish restoring freedom, limiting government power, reducing taxation, and holding criminal law makers accountable through peaceful means, but from where I am sitting it seems like they have so corrupted the system, that force is quickly becoming the only option we have left. I don't want it to go that way, and no sane person should, but when all peaceful means fail do to corruption, lies and cheating the system, we will have no other alternative. We will only tolerate so much and only for so long…

My only suggestion for you at this point would be that when the dust up starts, come lend a hand if you can. Fight it in my backyard instead of yours. If you or anyone else have alternatives, I am all ears.

08-29-16, 19:44
They have the money. If I was a billionaire I'd be doing much the same but to counter their efforts. Right now, thanks to the Obama economy, best I can do is be a Life Member of the NRA and hope they occasionally act in my best interests and in the interests of CA gun owners.

If I had Bloomberg's money I'd be doing my own version of the Berlin Airlift - airdropping vitally needed supplies to freedom-loving Americans, hemmed in by the stench of socialism.......

Besides, think of just how much fun it would be to fly some sweet old DC-3's over Hartford, Trenton and Sacramento! We'd get the Magpul guys to design the posters announcing the project, and have Matt Best shoot a video of it.

It would be epic! :D

08-29-16, 20:57
If I had Bloomberg's money I'd be doing my own version of the Berlin Airlift - airdropping vitally needed supplies to freedom-loving Americans, hemmed in by the stench of socialism.......

Besides, think of just how much fun it would be to fly some sweet old DC-3's over Hartford, Trenton and Sacramento! We'd get the Magpul guys to design the posters announcing the project, and have Matt Best shoot a video of it.

It would be epic! :D

That kind of gave me chills. Tell me where to direct my donation.

08-29-16, 21:04
If I had Bloomberg's money I'd be doing my own version of the Berlin Airlift - airdropping vitally needed supplies to freedom-loving Americans, hemmed in by the stench of socialism.......

Besides, think of just how much fun it would be to fly some sweet old DC-3's over Hartford, Trenton and Sacramento! We'd get the Magpul guys to design the posters announcing the project, and have Matt Best shoot a video of it.

It would be epic! :D

I think these would still be CA legal and very appropriate for airdrops.


08-29-16, 21:22
Why did these people move to California?

What keeps others from moving there and hitting the polls?

Still America, isn't it?

08-29-16, 21:43
Thank you for reconsidering your first post. If you think videos like that frustrate you, how do you think we feel over here stuck behind enemy lines?

I wish had had good answers for your quoted questions. I don't. I remember back in '86 when FL started CCW. I was really pissed that I couldn't do that here, and that is when I really started getting pissy about the government messin' with my guns. But what really started "grinding my gears" was the '94 AWB. The issue of "gun control" has been on the front burner for me ever since then. I talk about it every chance I get. Obsessively some times, and some times when I probably shouldn't. I work hard to bring voters to our side. I've converted a lot of libtards in all those years, and push a lot of fence sitters our way. I've made a whole lotta new shooters by taking them to the range on my own dime. I've been an NRA member since the 80s. I vote in every election and poke and prod other people around me to go vote whenever I think they are on our side.

Sadly, I must admit that my efforts have largely failed. The power-grabbers grab more power and make more unjust laws daily, without our consent. It would seem that I, and others like me, have accomplished nothing. It seems to me that some sort of fight is in our future. I wish we could accomplish restoring freedom, limiting government power, reducing taxation, and holding criminal law makers accountable through peaceful means, but from where I am sitting it seems like they have so corrupted the system, that force is quickly becoming the only option we have left. I don't want it to go that way, and no sane person should, but when all peaceful means fail do to corruption, lies and cheating the system, we will have no other alternative. We will only tolerate so much and only for so long…

My only suggestion for you at this point would be that when the dust up starts, come lend a hand if you can. Fight it in my backyard instead of yours. If you or anyone else have alternatives, I am all ears.

I can only imagine the frustration actually having to live it, rather than simply read about it. You're a better man than I, and as much as you may feel your efforts are in vain, you need to keep pushing forward. As others inferred, the one thing the progressive left is great at is losing. Before anyone thinks I'm crazy, let me explain. They have an iron will to relentlessly and annoyingly push their agenda. They'll gladly make asses of themselves; losing time and time again until others who are somewhat in the middle just give up. Those not fundamentally opposed to their efforts simply grow weary. It's not that the progressives ever make convincing arguments. They make noise. They keep at it until enough people give in just so they'll shut the hell up.

We need to do the same. I've actually discovered a formula that works, and it seems you employ the same tactics. Become relentlessly vocal. But do it in a sense that isn't simply noise. Overwhelm those middle of the road minds with so much knowledge that they start to see the hard Left for what it is. Then when engaging with these noisemakers, make them fight on our playing field. I had a "debate" with some SJW on Facebook the other day over the "cocks not glocks" fiasco. She tried to drag me down to her level; slinging ad hominems and straw-men. I refused to entertain a defense against those fallacious arguments. I called them out as garbage, and more or less told her, "try again". It went back and forth two rounds, with the SJW trying to use the same tired noise, and with myself refusing to fight on that level. I continued to elevate to ration, facts, and logic. She had no idea what to do. They never do. Ultimately, she blocked me and potentially pulled the original post. Did I change her mind? No. Did I maybe make her think twice about pedaling the same bullsh*t next time? Maybe. Yet the true impact is made on those watching from the sidelines. The entire time I was firm but kind, factual and direct. She was petulant and vitriolic. She was exposed. That's the picture that was painted to those on the outside; who maybe don't hold a firm view either way. I know this works, as I've seen it within my own circles. Simply put, embarrass them without being an a-hole; do it with grace. Make THEM give up before they have a chance to annoy others to the point of giving up. Let those other's takeaway be, "well, that guy was trying to have a conversation, but she only wanted to scream and yell." Regardless of facts or feelings, be "in your face". If both parties start with that commitment, facts will ultimately win out.

In closing, again, I apologize for the inference drawn from my original post. Regardless of location, demographic, or anything else, I will not leave a fellow patriot alone in their time of need.