View Full Version : That's Doctor Frahkensteen. (RIP Gene Wilder)

08-29-16, 15:33
Gene Wilder died today.
What a comedian...RIP.

08-29-16, 15:39
He was married to Gilda Radner, and was in Willy Wonka and Blazing Saddles.

He had a good run

08-29-16, 15:41
He was married to Gilda Radner, and was in Willy Wonka and Blazing Saddles.

He had a good run

Man, I loved Blazing Saddles and Young Frankstein. RIP.

I'm surprised activists haven't had all evidence of Blazing Saddles removed from the record yet.

08-29-16, 15:42
Damn, that sucks. He was funny as hell and a fantastic actor. RIP Gene.

08-29-16, 16:13
He had some classics that's for sure and leaves me with some very fond childhood memories to be sure. The Producers a true classic. RIP

08-29-16, 16:24
He had some classics that's for sure and leaves me with some very fond childhood memories to be sure. The Producers a true classic. RIP

I forgot about the Producers. That was classic. I sometimes hum Springtime for Hitler for like no reason. Sadly it has been overshadowed by that lame remake.

Also those buddy movies he did with Richard Pryor. Man, as an 80s kid I loved those movies.

You know you're getting old when your actors are dying of old age and not drug overdose.

08-29-16, 16:42

RIP Mr. Wilder.

08-29-16, 20:00
Stir Crazy. RIP.

08-29-16, 20:57

RIP Mr. Wilder.

"Abby Normal."

Wilder had writing credits on a lot of those Mel Brooks classics.

Straight Shooter
08-29-16, 22:07
Precious few actors/celebs or Hollywood types ever bother me when they pass. But this guy was a treasure. Grew up with him, Willy Wonka is one of, if not THE best childrens movie ever made, and nothing has ever touched Blazing Saddles for comedy genius.
Mr. Wilder was one of the very few you never heard anything bad about, always good. Stayed out of the limelight. Seemed like a genuine goo dude.
Godspeed sir.

08-29-16, 22:10

Probably the best Gene Wilder scene! "Whaaat?, Whaaat?"

08-29-16, 22:28
I loved Silver Streak. Great movie. RIP to a true Artest.

08-30-16, 02:20
He passed Sunday but his family announced it Monday.

One of the all time greats for sure.

08-30-16, 07:29
"What Knockers"

"Well, my name is Jim, but most people call me... Jim."

Jim: Look at my hand.*
[raises hand and holds it level]*
Bart: Steady as a rock.*
Jim: [raises his other hand, which is violently trembling] Yeah, but I shoot with this one.*

08-30-16, 08:06
I loved Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein, but Willy Wonka is just creepy as hell. I hated it as a child, and I still refuse to watch it.

Big A
08-30-16, 09:32
"What Knockers"

"Well, my name is Jim, but most people call me... Jim."

Jim: Look at my hand.*
[raises hand and holds it level]*
Bart: Steady as a rock.*
Jim: [raises his other hand, which is violently trembling] Yeah, but I shoot with this one.*

"Well what do you wanna do?"
"I dunno...play chess...screw."
"Let's play chess."

08-30-16, 11:11
They all were good flicks. I thought his Willy Wonka performance was a million times better than the one Johnny Depps.

Straight Shooter
08-30-16, 12:31
They all were good flicks. I thought his Willy Wonka performance was a million times better than the one Johnny Depps.

OMG..Depp fvcks up EVERY re-make he ever does. Someone shoulda slapped the shit outta him for that piece of dogshit remake of Willy Wonka he did. AND for Lone Ranger, just saying.

08-30-16, 14:31
OMG..Depp fvcks up EVERY re-make he ever does. Someone shoulda slapped the shit outta him for that piece of dogshit remake of Willy Wonka he did. AND for Lone Ranger, just saying.

He is a good actor.
He can pull off a roll.
But for god's sake in a kids movie around kids would he channel a creepy, weirdo child molester?
He seems able to become any character, why be a Michael Jackson type?

The cat in the hat was a creepy remake as well, although it was not him.

08-31-16, 03:19
I don't really like Depp, refuse to watch his remake of Willy Wonka and the Lone Ranger.

He is type casted as weirdo due to his relation with director Tim Burton.

However he did nail portraying John Dillinger in Mann's masterpiece Public Enemies.

08-31-16, 13:24
I don't really like Depp, refuse to watch his remake of Willy Wonka and the Lone Ranger.

He is type casted as weirdo due to his relation with director Tim Burton.

However he did nail portraying John Dillinger in Mann's masterpiece Public Enemies.

He was also pretty good in "Blow", basically if you can get him away from Tim Burton and his bizarre art direction, Depp is pretty good.

08-31-16, 15:10