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08-30-16, 21:17
A review of Dr, Lott's new book The War on Gun via the Washington Times:



By John R. Lott Jr.

In his new book, “The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies,” John Lott methodically dismantles one popular gun-control myth after another.

It has been said that a lie told often enough becomes the truth, and a similar phenomenon is overwhelming the gun debate in America. Oft-repeated untruths have formed common beliefs that often sway the debate about firearms. Gun-control advocates have learned that their exaggerated claims are likely to go unchecked by a largely sympathetic media, allowing them to control the narrative and shape public opinion.

What is more, as Mr. Lott explains, billionaire elitists like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg are spending hundreds of millions of dollars lobbying legislators, funding conclusion-driven research, developing “grass-roots” organizations, and literally training reporters to cover gun control issues the way they want them covered; the purpose being to negatively distort the public’s view of firearms so that there is less resistance when gun rights are taken away. There is an astonishing amount of money being poured into the gun-control movement, and the success of the movement will ultimately depend on how the public perceives the issues — meaning that facts are now more important than ever.

Thankfully, Mr. Lott has set the record straight in “The War on Guns.” In his usual methodical style, he answers the baseless rhetoric and hyperbole of gun-control advocates with facts and statistics. And better yet, in addition to providing an abundance of tables and graphs, Mr. Lott states his case in a way that is easy to comprehend so that the reader, too, can start setting the record straight when confronted with misinformation.

The following are among the many common claims that Mr. Lott thoroughly debunks:

• Mass shootings just don’t happen in other “civilized” countries with the same frequency;

• More guns equal more crime and more death;

• Universal background checks reduce crime;

• Congress has banned firearms research;

• Gun registration helps law enforcement solve crimes;

• Australia sets a positive gun control model;

• Gun-free zones prevent (rather than attract) mass shootings;

• “Assault weapon” and “large-capacity magazine” bans reduce crime and reduce fatalities in mass shootings;

• Armed citizens never prevent mass shootings.



08-30-16, 21:32
My bookshelf is going to collapse one day.

08-30-16, 22:33
You can toss facts and figures at people all day long, but it doesn't matter.

Gun Control is simple. Those who have guns, have control. I admit, I'm at a point where shooting isn't as fun for me as it used to be. It'd be great if life were some hippie commune

Sadly, I've seen it. People will break in on you, rape you if female, kill you, take anything of value, and burn your house down. No amount of midnight basketball, free breakfast and lunch, or special programs will prevent this. Neither will more police. You'd need a solid 1:5 Officer/Citizen ratio to make a dent. And that's not speed trapping or writing seatbelt tickets. That is hardcore, ass off seat, pounding pavement, knowing street corners inside and out policework that is actively discouraged these days.

Without a criminal element, they can't sell illusion of security. Look at Selma PD. They had no shit Blue Flu to get a raise. Like within the last week. And Selma is a shit hole.

No person of authority is gonna say "SURE, KID! Stock right on up!".

NFA had nothing at all to do with crime and everything to do with Jim Crow, leeriness of a Bonus Army 2.0, fears of a Draft revolt for involving the US in another World War at the end of a Depression, and plain ol' not wanting another 1861.

Nothing at all to do with public safety or mobsters. Just like a lot of Gun Control. Lots of racist and classist roots.

I have known several older black folks no longer with us who were deathly afraid of being near a gun. Because just having a gun while being black got you hung, shot, or a 25 year prison sentence.

So, while I applaud Mr. Lott for his efforts, none of them will appeal to the conscience of anyone at the Executive level.

08-30-16, 22:35
My bookshelf is going to collapse one day.

It is my opinion that the three best ways to die (in no particular order) are:
-Quietly in your sleep, surrounded by children, grandchildren, and other loved ones.
-In a pile of brass, surrounded by the corpses of a hundred foes, shortly after learning that your stand ensured victory.
-In a pile of books, after your bookshelves collapse under the weight of the paper on them.

Gun Control is simple. Those who have guns, have control.

"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."
-Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, August 1927

"That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or the labourer's cottage, is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there."
-George Orwell, January 1941

08-30-16, 22:41
It is my opinion that the three best ways to die (in no particular order) are:
-Quietly in your sleep, surrounded by children, grandchildren, and other loved ones.
-In a pile of brass, surrounded by the corpses of a hundred foes, shortly after learning that your stand ensured victory.

-In a pile of books, after your bookshelves collapse under the weight of the knowledge contained within them.

Fixed it for you lol

08-30-16, 23:36
So, while I applaud Mr. Lott for his efforts, none of them will appeal to the conscience of anyone at the Executive level.

I would suggest that Mr. Lotts book is intended for gun owning Jim Zumbo's as anyone in government. If we can't all get on the same page, we don't stand a chance against our enemies. This will be a valuable reference to hand to the doofus gun owner in your life.

08-31-16, 01:05
I would suggest that Mr. Lotts book is intended for gun owning Jim Zumbo's as anyone in government. If we can't all get on the same page, we don't stand a chance against our enemies. This will be a valuable reference to hand to the doofus gun owner in your life.

You have a point. At times, my cynicism colors me.

08-31-16, 01:12
I doubt if the gun lobby at he time opposed the NFA since the lobby's concern was sporting firearms and right to own handguns. Widespread civilian interests in owning/shooting studying assault rifles or military style weapons is a relatively new thing of the last 40 years, and this interest is much more intense today than it was forty years ago. In the 1950s and 60s NRA members bought very large numbers of military surplus 1911s, M1 carbines, and Garands. The general public bought tons of foreign and domestic surplus weapons through the mail until the Gun control Act of 1968 went into effect. But, it was much later before movies and video games aroused the interest of idiots and other incompetents in owning black rifles with high capacity magazines. Then liberal, misinformed, fearful, obsessive, often urban people found a new targets to vilify: the rifles themselves and the folks like us who assert that we have legitimate needs and rights to own them.

08-31-16, 05:15
Heard a two hour interview by Dr. Lott about this on Coast to Coast a few weeks back.

He is the man.

08-31-16, 19:33
I would suggest that Mr. Lotts book is intended for gun owning Jim Zumbo's as anyone in government. If we can't all get on the same page, we don't stand a chance against our enemies. This will be a valuable reference to hand to the doofus gun owner in your life.

True. We've been relatively lucky that our opponents haven't been able to keep to a consistent message, either. Not for lack of trying, though. The prohibitionist higher ups have been trying to codify the language and message for years in order to avoid tipping their hands too far ("gun safety" vs gun control, "commonsense," "reasonable regulation," etc.). They've been stymied by their own side several times, however, when someone goes a little too far in the name of political expediency (ref. the Mass. AG magic reinterpretation of statues or California's "gunpocalypse" laws).

If they manage to keep on the same page before we do, then we're even for even more hurt.

08-31-16, 21:13
Why John Lott isn't on the NRA board of directors is beyond me. His book "More Guns, Less Crime" was used to destroy anti gun "statistics" on a regular basis and with such efficiency that it is no longer challenged openly but simply portrayed as a "ridiculous suggestion" by the Bill Mahers of the world.

08-31-16, 21:26
Why John Lott isn't on the NRA board of directors is beyond me. His book "More Guns, Less Crime" was used to destroy anti gun "statistics" on a regular basis and with such efficiency that it is no longer challenged openly but simply portrayed as a "ridiculous suggestion" by the Bill Mahers of the world.

I was just wondering if you realize that because your avatar I read all your posts in the voice of Peter from Office Space. :) Other then that I tried to have to push people to John Lott's book but the opposing side generally turn their head when I try to present facts to their emotionally driven argument.

08-31-16, 21:35
I was just wondering if you realize that because your avatar I read all your posts in the voice of Peter from Office Space.

You and everyone else.

08-31-16, 21:41
I read it more like the guy from band of brothers. The wine guy.

08-31-16, 21:54
I read it more like the guy from band of brothers. The wine guy.

I forget that character, such a good series, disappointed that half the cast was English.

08-31-16, 21:55
I forget that character, such a good series, disappointed that half the cast was English.

He was the office space guy but in WWII

08-31-16, 22:01
I was just wondering if you realize that because your avatar I read all your posts in the voice of Peter from Office Space. :)

LOL! Says Ron Swanson.... Hank, i read all yours thinking you should end half your posts with "Please and Thank You..."

And count me as a second thinking about the captain in Band of Brothers

08-31-16, 22:12
LOL! Says Ron Swanson.... Hank, i read all yours thinking you should end half your posts with "Please and Thank You..."

And count me as a second thinking about the captain in Band of Brothers

I've never seen Office Space so I always think of Captain Nixon from Band of Brothers.

08-31-16, 22:25
LOL! Says Ron Swanson.... Hank, i read all yours thinking you should end half your posts with "Please and Thank You..."

And count me as a second thinking about the captain in Band of Brothers

If I ended with "please and thank you" I'd have to shut up which just isn't in my nature.

08-31-16, 23:15
If I ended with "please and thank you" I'd have to shut up which just isn't in my nature.


Take Care,


08-31-16, 23:44
I will be buying this book. Hell, I need to buy books in general. I have not read a book since 2010 (not including my course books).

08-31-16, 23:46
I read it more like the guy from band of brothers. The wine guy.

This! His two best roles were BoB and Office Space.

08-31-16, 23:51
Lott's works are great.

Here is another similar resource.


Big A
09-01-16, 07:42
This! His two roles were BoB and Office Space.


09-01-16, 09:25
i think it's funny that many states have needle exchange or just straight up needle dispensing programs. the liberal ideology being, they're going to do it anyway, might as well make it healthier or safer (because people who do inject-able drugs are the most concerned about health and safety).

but if you extend the same logic to guns... that would be ridiculous. but all the gun owners want is to be left alone. they'll pay for their own guns, just stop trying to take them away.

09-01-16, 20:59
sorry you are so wrong about this :)

nancy pelosi told us that if nobody had guns nobody would be doing anything bad !!!!! and after all we are not important people that need protection that only belongs to the likes of rosy odenell and other hollywood and gov type of folks not us amoebas at the bottom of the pool :)

yes sarcasm :)

ya know its sad some libs have said they would rather be raped then risk being killed with there own gun since the bad guys would just take it from them and kill them with it and at least you live if you are just raped !!!!!

YIKES SCARY as we know

People will break in on you, rape you if female, kill you, take anything of value, and burn your house down. No amount of midnight basketball, free breakfast and lunch, or special programs will prevent this.