View Full Version : DHS and Elections

08-30-16, 21:48
Hate quoting things from headlines on Drudge, but there seem to be a real constitutional issue here.


Even before the FBI identified new cyber attacks on two separate state election boards, the Department of Homeland Security began considering declaring the election a "critical infrastructure," giving it the same control over security it has over Wall Street and and the electric power grid.

Johnson also said that the big issue at hand is that there isn't a central election system since the states run elections. "There's no one federal election system. There are some 9,000 jurisdictions involved in the election process," Johnson said.

I don't see the DHS taking over elections. I can see even most democratic Secretary's of State not letting the feds come in and tell them how to run elections. I guess you could use the voting rights acts as a standard for the Feds getting into elections and if the DHS is just giving resources- but taking over the elections? That seems like a pretty big leap over the states rights.

08-30-16, 22:08
Sure, that's a great idea...

08-30-16, 22:14
Welp, I certainly feel more free

08-31-16, 00:06
Well if DHS runs their Election security like they run their airport security, God help us.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

08-31-16, 00:50
Actually, if I can use Pre-check and go to the front of the line.....

08-31-16, 05:14
Well they've done such a great job with healthcare and so many other institutions/industries what could possibly go wrong?

08-31-16, 06:06
Actually, if I can use Pre-check and go to the front of the line.....

And I do.

08-31-16, 08:46
If that doesn't send a chill down your spine...

What's next--the Reichstag catches fire?

Doc Safari
08-31-16, 09:17
If that doesn't send a chill down your spine...

What's next--the Reichstag catches fire?

Don't say that too loud.

I've been reading articles all morning about the ability to suspend the elections if a candidate dies.

That got me thinking: would Obama do something to Hillary knowing it would be blamed on her health problems?

Or would Hillary do something to Trump so both she and Obama win?

08-31-16, 10:06
^^^^ It wouldn't be the first person the Clintons have killed

Straight Shooter
08-31-16, 10:22
Gents- we are at the point..NOW...its ANYTHING & EVERYTHING GOES to get that bitch in office, which Ive said on here and elsewhere over a year now, is gonna happen.
Many here believe that something like DHS or some other .gov taking over the election would be something "not even THEY would do".
I say wrong. The election has been decided, in my opinion. ALL STOPS pulled to get her in office.
Lord, I truly hope Im sooo wrong, but Im predicting a Clinton win by 2%-4% or better. It has to be large enough that Trump has no grounds for a recount, they HAVE to "get it right" the 1st time. It HAS to be a big enough spread so the lib media can sit back & crow about how "the religious right..conservatives/republicans/tea party/ ect. ect. is dead". How the country "has finally moved towards the Left", so that now they have a "moral compass" to pass all the leftie legislation they've ever wanted, to load the courts with even more Bader Ginsburgs, and to bring about their Final Solution.
We are in un-charted, never-before-seen grounds in this country. I absolutely think we are close to civil war, and when she gets in, KATY-BAR THE DOOR.

08-31-16, 11:44
Is this the same DHS that did not stop the Sacramento and other Muslim terrorists before they struck?

Yeah...they will do a great job.

Maybe Comey and the FBI can help! LOL

We are beyond f*cked for this election cycle....beyond...

08-31-16, 12:27
DHS tossed this out as a trial balloon regarding the death of a candidate and election suspension. What about a massive election system hack attack on electronic voting machines? Will that cause DHS to suspend or void the election results? We always thought something like this could happen, but it's interesting to see it now fleshed out as a National Security issue, and so soon. Things are moving fast in the US in a direction I'm not comfortable with. At this point I'm just along for the ride and anxious to see where we land......

08-31-16, 15:12
The interesting thing is that they say that the 9,000 systems are an issue- seems more like compartmentalization than anything.

More my point of bringing it up is the constitutional issues with the Feds telling states how to run their elections- or trying to take them over. The bigger issue is, this close to the election, you want to try to change horses mid-stream?

08-31-16, 15:13
Sure, that's a great idea...

What could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:

08-31-16, 15:16
What did Stalin say? Something about it's who counts the votes that matters?

08-31-16, 15:35
Your Democracy has been hacked

Straight Shooter
08-31-16, 15:37
What did Stalin say? Something about it's who counts the votes that matters?

My sig line..." Those who cast the votes decide nothing...those who count the votes decide everything".

08-31-16, 15:44
All your votes are belong to us.

Outlander Systems
08-31-16, 17:03
The question I find most pertinent; what have they been up to that a Trump presidency scares them this badly...

09-01-16, 07:40
The question I find most pertinent; what have they been up to that a Trump presidency scares them this badly...

Well for starters, assuming he lives up to his word, the Dems won't get up to 20 million new Democrat voters.