View Full Version : Hacked Nancy Pelosi Memo on ISIS

09-01-16, 11:31
Not a big surprise even she knows that considering the committees she's on, but if true, it makes Obama and HC look bad to those who really don't understand how ISIS formed, where they started, etc. For those who know, nothing new to see here:

NEW YORK – An internal Democratic Party memo allegedly hacked from Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)’s personal computer and posted by purported hacker *****fer 2.0 seems to agree with Donald Trump’s sentiments that the policies of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama helped to create the Islamic State.

“In short: Our invasion created the atmosphere for a Jordanian to start a Muslim sectarian war, which ultimately created ISIS,” states an October 2, 2014 memo from Mike Ryan, policy director for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).

The memo, titled, “ISIS Backgrounder,” was clearly attempting to first blame the creation of the Islamic State on the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq in 2003, a war supported by Clinton. IS did not exist as an organization until about June 2014.

However, the memo details the situation “worsened after U.S. troops left Iraq, helping quickly deteriorate the situation further.” Unmentioned is that the bulk of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq took place under the Obama administration and was completed by December 2011.

The memo further relates IS is armed with U.S.-made weapons seized from Iraq troops. The weapons seizures took place largely after the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq.

Regarding the “creation” of IS, the memo states:

“When the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 we triggered a massive insurgency against our presence,” the memo stated. “Around this time, a Jordanian ex-convict named Zarqawi travelled to Iraq with one goal: to establish a religious state just for Sunni Muslims.”

“…Zarqawi was killed by American forces in 2006. His successors now lead the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).”

The memo further outlines the origins of some of the terrorist group’s weapons:

ISIS owns hundreds of millions of dollars of sophisticated weapons, including vehicles and GPS-equipped weapons. Many of these are American-made and were captured from Iraqi troops.

The memo depicts IS as the “most extreme and powerful Sunni jihadist group worldwide and has rapidly taken control of large parts of Iraq and Syria.”

The descriptions are a far cry from Obama’s classification of IS as “a jayvee team” in a New Yorker interview released January, 2014.

The October 2014 memo details the number of fighters IS was thought to possess at the time:

Fighters: 20,000-31,500 fighters, and as many as 15,000 of them are believed to be foreign recruits. Those 15,000 come from 80 different countries. Reports indicate that approximately 100 are from the United States.

Earlier this month, Trump sought to spotlight the role the Obama administration’s policies played in leading to the deteriorating Middle East security situation that aided in IS’s rise to power.

“ISIS is honoring President Obama,” Trump said at an August 10 rally in Broward County. “He is the founder of ISIS. He is the founder of ISIS, okay? He is the founder. He founded ISIS. And I would say the cofounder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.”

During a radio interview with Hugh Hewitt, Trump clarified his remarks about Obama founding IS: “He was the founder. His, the way he got out of Iraq was that that was the founding of ISIS, okay?”

In a follow up tweet, Trump indicated his comments about Obama founding IS were sarcastic, seemingly explaining that he didn’t mean the president actually founded IS but was referring to Obama’s policies.


09-01-16, 11:53
Appeasement in this region......just as good of an idea as it was for Neville Chamberlain.

09-01-16, 11:59
We just need to be nice to these people and give them jobs and opportunity.

Your jobs, in particular.

09-01-16, 12:02
We just need to be nice to these people and give them jobs and opportunity.

Your jobs, in particular.
If you show them love they'll put down their arms

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

09-01-16, 12:11

The whole Obama/Clinton/Pelosi deal in a nutshell

09-01-16, 13:01
I am shocked. These people are cancer to everything they touch. As I said before they are unqualified to even manage a McDonalds which is why they have to manage a country instead.

09-01-16, 13:10
I am shocked. These people are cancer to everything they touch. As I said before they are unqualified to even manage a McDonalds which is why they have to manage a country instead.

Other than professional politician, what job could they really hold down?

09-01-16, 13:17
Other than professional politician, what job could they really hold down?

Wal Mart door greeter?

Maybe they'd fail the background check and drug test, so possibly not even that.

09-01-16, 13:42
How about the job of uber driver?

About new vehicles and jobs, I just now figured out that Eurodriver bought a new 4-Runner so he can be a uber driver. You see, his Mercedes wasn't big enough so now he can pick up several people and haul them all over town. Our good friend has made an investment allowing him to go in business for himself. Yep. That's it.

09-01-16, 13:45
Barry and his posse decision to withdraw troops using lack of SOFA as an excuse needs to go in the history books as biggest F up ever.

Social Justice Warriors for the win....lol.....I'll be so glad when this faze of tardedness isn't en vogue anymore. It's genuinely exhausting for me. I can only roll eyes and face palm so much before nausea sets in.

09-01-16, 16:11
I just wish to chime in that I miss the days when I had total ignorance of the term "Social Justice Warrior"

I may do that. Be an Uber driver. I'd have fun with it and wear a glitter suit, cape, Elton John glasses, and demand to be called "Dr. Detroit"

09-01-16, 17:05
I think that the term has already achieved pejorative status especially the social justice part. Let me draw you a picture. Once, the terms moron, idiot, and imbecile were respectable scientific terms, and then the 1915-20 versions of M4carbine guys began using these precise terms to describe dumb asses and incompetents. The Fly man's great great grandfather and others like him may have been some of the original offenders. In the same way that the terms moron, idiot, and imbecile developed odor, so has the phrase social justice warrior developed a smell. Whom can we blame? Why, the Fly man, of course. It's genetics. Like great great grandfather, like grandson. We can blame our frequent poster for helping to ruin the term social justice warrior. How did a nice old man like me become so cynical and contrary. I had to sing "We Shall Overcome" once too many times during my 100's of hours of sensitivity training. That's how.

09-01-16, 17:24
I just wish to chime in that I miss the days when I had total ignorance of the term "Social Justice Warrior"

I may do that. Be an Uber driver. I'd have fun with it and wear a glitter suit, cape, Elton John glasses, and demand to be called "Dr. Detroit"

Get down, Skridlow, with your Hapkido self.

09-01-16, 17:34
Willie my man, if I'm being a buzzkill just let me know. I didn't take ALL your change from your change jar. Just enough for RC and a Moonpie. Cut me some slack :p

I ripped off the "We are the World" bandaid years ago.

Meh everybody is a hippie or on dope these days anyway.

09-01-16, 17:40
Social Justice, and Economic Justice are just other terms for oppressive Communism, and we all know how that works out. The schools have done a great job of telling our kids that it is more "FAIR", and they have bought into it. Scary.

09-01-16, 20:07
Let's be honest. They didn't want to use the words Al Queda anymore because the "Alpha Male" Obama killed Osama in his PJs and so there could no longer be an Al Queda. So the next time there was an Islamist target needed to fill the the bomb salesmen's quotas in DC, they called it ISIS. John "I served in Viet Nam" Kerry calls it Daesh. Whatever, it is all the same.