View Full Version : Would there be another panic if the Hildebeast wins?

09-02-16, 18:16
Title says it all. If she wins, will there be another panic in November? If so, how bad will it be? Similar to 2013, not as bad, or worse?

09-02-16, 18:17
Already got a Laarue Predatobr on order just in case...

09-02-16, 18:26
Yep. Gonna be a huge panic. Already started, actually.

I heard BCM lowers are going for $2,500. I've got one for $2,000 if anyone is interested... and I'll cut a huge deal on PMAGs. $80/ea.

09-02-16, 18:28
^^^ I have a couple as well and 3 sionics. ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-02-16, 18:31
Not to be a pessimist, but I think the panic is going to start before she officially wins.

Although the truth is us gun owners are the ones that are doing most of the damage. I know that she would love to end private gun ownership, and she will not only try but also succeed in some ways to some degree. It's just that realistically she won't be able to do it overnight.

Most of the damage is the people buying everything up only to flip for a profit like the .22lr guys at Walmart, and the guys posting Saigas for sale saying they are banned and this is the last you'll see of them.

I get it that anyone here should have already been stocking up for years. You just have to remember not all of us have all of the disposable income to buy pallets of ammo, and multiple SCAR 17s &c. A lot of us are younger and only had a couple years to buy due to age restrictions. Anyone in their 20's knows that being a 25 year old you're most likely going to have other expenses that get in the way.

I hope there won't be a panic, but come on. These panics are like the olympics, they come every 4 years now.

09-02-16, 18:54
I just panic'd up 16lb of H4350, 12lb of VV N540. I have a panic HK MP5k-N parts kit enroute to convert my panic HK SP5K at TSC Machine ASAP. Also panic'd up a NIB KAC MP5-N & MP5SD-N suppressor as well.

09-02-16, 19:04
depends on what happens in the Senate and House.

09-02-16, 19:14
Huge panic as she will appoint at least three far left, anti 2a SCOTUS judges. She will be way worse. It won't matter what the Congress looks like.

09-02-16, 19:15
I didn't think there was even a question as to *if* there would be a panic. The only unknown here in my opinion is the magnitude of said panic.

09-02-16, 19:16
I refuse to panic. I am gonna get stuff because I want it. I still use pretty much the same mags I've been using for nigh on 15 years or better.

You'd think it was Hong Kong 1997 or something.

I do think that it is pretty sad that our whole way of life can be upheaved because more "minorities" and PoliSci 101 types get chartered to polls while everyone else just lets it slide.

I watch Lauren Southern because A. she's hot, fit, and blonde (and I don't normally like blondes) and B. She made a point about immigration. That there are people educated, English fluent, and want to be Americans/Canadian/British but get jerked around for years just to be told "No". Meanwhile she suggested people just paint their faces black or brown and show up with a Quran and get the Royal treatment. She got kicked off BBC for saying that because people were giving her a blank stare while she was explaining as to why big government and the dole is to "migrant" advantage so they will always vote that way.

Then you have these young people that think everyone should get free wi fi, free iphones, free housing, free college, free car etc just for turning 18.

And if someone tells them that such a thing is unrealistic they say you are sexist, racist, whateverist.

Then if you cite the piss poor nature of people who had to actually live that way (under Communism), they say "Well they didn't do it right!"

The way I look at life is 30 mo' years and a wakeup. Hopefully God is merciful enough to let me live in a decent part of Heaven, totally ignorant of all the ills of the world.

Because down here seems to be getting more convenient but also worse.

As a kid I didn't have much but appreciated all I had. Now 12 year olds got attitudes, spread VD, steal, carry guns, etc

Bleh. Mebbe Willie's onto something. I am a debbie downer.

09-02-16, 19:33
To whichever mod edited my poll, I don't appreciate your little joke. This site generates ad revenue from the traffic, and it's extremely discourteous of you to behave that way towards the people who generate money for this site. I didn't violate any rules, so why should I get this kind of treatment? Furthermore, this thread has generated interest, which keeps people on the site, which makes you guys money. I took time out of my day to create this thread, and I would appreciate a little more respect.

Outlander Systems
09-02-16, 19:40

09-02-16, 19:51
To whichever mod edited my poll, I don't appreciate your little joke. This site generates ad revenue from the traffic, and it's extremely discourteous of you to behave that way towards the people who generate money for this site. I didn't violate any rules, so why should I get this kind of treatment? Furthermore, this thread has generated interest, which keeps people on the site, which makes you guys money. I took time out of my day to create this thread, and I would appreciate a little more respect.

There is always TOS. You might fit in better.

09-02-16, 19:54
Yep. Gonna be a huge panic. Already started, actually.

I heard BCM lowers are going for $2,500. I've got one for $2,000 if anyone is interested... and I'll cut a huge deal on PMAGs. $80/ea.

I hope it's a YUGE panic ! I got a carbine to unload - low low price of $2000. I will beat Euro's PMAG's price - only $75 each. :)

09-02-16, 20:04
2013 was a wake-up call, those who did'nt learn from it, never will. I reload, have done so for 32 yrs, I've got plenty of rifles, shotguns, handguns, and mags a plenty for everything. I built up a nice stash of parts for my pistols as well. I'm currently making sure I have enough components to last me for awhile, I figure full panic mode will hit the day after the election, provided cankles the cunt wins. (I'm not so sure she will, at this point in time) If/ when full panic mode hits, I'll be prepared. My suggestion to anyone who dose'nt reload is, instead of buying that next rifle/ handgun/ shotgun, maybe look at buying a press, dies, and components instead. The last time ammo dried up, I had plenty, and if I needed more all I had to do was go load it up. 10-15 minutes in front of a Dillon 550 will get you 100rnds of 9mm/.45, easy

So, at this point, I figure one has about 2 months to prepare, I just bought some pistol powder yesterday, and while certian powders have been iffy for awhile, they had what I wanted. I bought a 8 lb jug.The only primers they did'nt have were lrg rifle.(I have plenty) So, components are still available, for now, how it stays this way is anyone's guess.

09-02-16, 20:05
I hope it's a YUGE panic ! I got a carbine to unload - low low price of $2000. I will beat Euro's PMAG's price - only $75 each. :)

I undercut you both. $60 sticker price. No really, I have 3 y/o pmags marked at $60 I didn't pay that much ($15), but never needed to take them out the package and like to look at something some egghead marked at $60.

I did, however, pay 90 bucks for a Glock 17 standard cap mag back in like 2001-02ish.

09-02-16, 20:08
"Will there be a panic"

Yes. 4-8 years of it.
It's gonna make '13 look like business as usual.

09-02-16, 20:10
I just panic'd up 16lb of H4350, 12lb of VV N540. I have a panic HK MP5k-N parts kit enroute to convert my panic HK SP5K at TSC Machine ASAP. Also panic'd up a NIB KAC MP5-N & MP5SD-N suppressor as well.

A man with a MP5K-N don't need no panic!!

09-02-16, 20:11
History dictates there will be some type of panic buying. To what degree, who knows. I think the most important thing is to buy all you can when prices are normalized. If you have the cash, stack it deep. At the very least, there will be an up tick in prices and availability will go down some.

It may not be right as she takes office, but after she appoints the SC and they decide to hear a case on firearms. NO one has a crystal ball that I know of. Use common sense and buy monthly.

Hillary is going to be elected, how you deal with this is up to you.

09-02-16, 20:11
I've got the special edition 9mm S&W Shield used by Seal Team 12 to silently eliminate guard dogs and sentries, it minimizes cycling noise by retaining the spent case in the ejection port after firing, which tactically stops it from going into battery. Pair it with a suppressor and you've got yourself one hell of a quiet, manually operated pocket pistol.
I'm asking $4500.

09-02-16, 20:15
Are you kidding? A Hillary victory would soon empty shelves of most firearms and ammo.

09-02-16, 20:40
Yep. Gonna be a huge panic. Already started, actually.

I heard BCM lowers are going for $2,500. I've got one for $2,000 if anyone is interested... and I'll cut a huge deal on PMAGs. $80/ea.

No matter what, Novermber is going to spike prices before the election.

09-02-16, 20:52
I did, however, pay 90 bucks for a Glock 17 standard cap mag back in like 2001-02ish.

I think I sold you that magazine :)

I got a few more at that price if you need them.

09-02-16, 20:59
I think I sold you that magazine :)

I got a few more at that price if you need them.

Maybe. I got them at an Eastman show and they had restricted markings. One dude was selling, not pricing but selling, P226 mags for $200. That was back when gun shows were at least moderately interesting. I distinctly recall a .308 Galil for 4 grand.

I had a like 5 guns and a few mags and thought I had an arsenal. Aaah....youth.

ETA I saw a Colt 4" nickel for 500 even around '04ish and thought "Pssht....I'll get it later". My priorities were so outta wack. Having a life and being all sociable overruled my thinking. I look back and should've gotten that Python. They may not be the best revolvers ever but it was shiny with a wood grip and said Colt.

09-02-16, 20:59
There is always TOS. You might fit in better.

If you're talking about what I think you're talking about...I can't tolerate the language in that place. Or the politics for that matter. Last time I was there I saw a thread accusing the Israelis of genocide and I haven't been back since.

Alex V
09-02-16, 21:36
I've been panic buying ammo for the last 3 years.

09-02-16, 22:01
I've been panic buying ammo for the last 3 years.


Doc Safari
09-02-16, 22:11
I'm quietly stocking up. I view it as the sprinkles before the hurricane storm surge hits.

09-02-16, 22:25
I fear that Fly man's social assessment is correct. Sometimes I wish that I could stick my head in the sand but am afraid to bend over and remain in that position. What's the joke about being screwed and not getting a reach-a-round? My opinion is that bad things will come about because as a group our population is ignorant. Too we have pc rules that prohibit even the discussion of crime or immigration or other concerns unless a particular line is taken. For me this is maddening and is keeping me from getting my groove back so I can be a happy old man and just sit on my porch and wind my watch and bitch because my arthritis is killing me. But no. I've got to watch the whole place go to hell in a hand basket. Am I clairvoyant? No. Omniscient? No. Have crystalized balls? Yes. But they don't help me predict anything. Well, at least Eurodriver has a club foot and new 4 Runner and an active hurricane to take his mind off serious issues. Fly man has at least a couple wild chicks and tinnitus to occupy him. Me? I've got crystalized balls and an idiot for a neighbor.

09-02-16, 22:39
I'm looking forward to the surplus and dip in prices once Donaldus Magnus wins. ;)

09-02-16, 23:29
I'm looking forward to the surplus and dip in prices once Donaldus Magnus wins. ;)

If that happens, I am going to have soooooo much fun smiling/smirking at every Hillary and Bernie bumper sticker wielder I see. I'm having fun just thinking about the possibility. Of course I'll have to be careful to not run over all the rioters in the street while I do it...

09-02-16, 23:46
Maybe. I got them at an Eastman show and they had restricted markings. One dude was selling, not pricing but selling, P226 mags for $200. That was back when gun shows were at least moderately interesting. I distinctly recall a .308 Galil for 4 grand.

I had a like 5 guns and a few mags and thought I had an arsenal. Aaah....youth.


09-03-16, 00:02
You know....I do my hair in a 90's way, put on a green jacket and try to be cool like Benicio Del Toro with my SR-25, but it just isn't the same.

I remember that movie being out for like a week and thought it was badass. I went to the midnight showing because a bud said it was so awesome. And it was. It finds new life because Sarah Silverman gets cold cocked.

09-03-16, 00:28
It finds new life because Sarah Silverman gets cold cocked.

Favorite part of a film I don't particularly care for. Great gun handling, etc. but I just didn't care enough about any of the characters to be interested in what happened to them. Except for Silverman of course, that part was awesome.

09-03-16, 03:05
Honest question, most of you probably wont like my philosophy on this but I will ask anyway.

Do you remember the Branch Davidians in Waco? David Koresh? I don't agree with his views on the 7th seal and the return of Jesus Christ but I will say, he wasn't all talk and no walk, he put up and threw down. No one was gong to take his guns away without a fight, and he gave the ATF a good fight. Of coarse, Janet Reno had the National Guard burn his compound to the ground killing everyone including children, but then years later a man named Timothy McVeigh blew up the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City using nitrogen based fertilizer and diesel fuel. They said that Davin Koresh was holding people against there will yet today there is something like 250 survivors that walked away days, weeks and months before all that took place. I just hate hearing people say "aint no one going to take my guns", yet a senile old woman is running for president and has every so called "patriot" scared shitless.

09-03-16, 03:29
going to sell on craigs list so I can get the reply !

yoz dawgs
just show up that old abandon shopping market place at 2 am just bring all dem gunz I pay ya cash !

09-03-16, 03:54
Of course there will be a run on all things firearms related when Hillary is selected.

For years, people have been saying that gun control is Kyrptonite for Democrats . . . she is running with gun control as one of her top priorities. Even her daughter has been banging that drum for her and bringing attention to Justice Scalia's death . . .

I've been stocking up since her husband's ban expired twelve years ago, noticed an uptick all summer.

09-03-16, 04:47
Here's a newsflash for those that are still in some kind of alcohol induced trance. There is already a panic happening. But, it's not a traditional panice like we saw before. It's more of a slow surge. Some stores are already placing purchase orders to secure product for the next 3-4 months.

There are also a lot people quietly stocking up on stuff without ringing alarm bells. The 2nd surge will happen sometime this month, my guess is right around the time of the first debates. When we hit the 30 day mark before the elections and the polls begin to look more solid we will then see more buying. Some people are fearing that the Republicans could lose a few senate seats in addition to a possible Hillary Empire.

09-03-16, 05:07
Heh. People panic-buying rifles that will beome illegal to possess as Hillary's term progresses, and ammo that will be illegal to shoot.

Why do people assume there will be a grandfather clause?

Doc Safari
09-03-16, 06:57
Honest question, most of you probably wont like my philosophy on this but I will ask anyway.

Do you remember the Branch Davidians in Waco? David Koresh? I don't agree with his views on the 7th seal and the return of Jesus Christ but I will say, he wasn't all talk and no walk, he put up and threw down. No one was gong to take his guns away without a fight, and he gave the ATF a good fight. Of coarse, Janet Reno had the National Guard burn his compound to the ground killing everyone including children, but then years later a man named Timothy McVeigh blew up the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City using nitrogen based fertilizer and diesel fuel. They said that Davin Koresh was holding people against there will yet today there is something like 250 survivors that walked away days, weeks and months before all that took place. I just hate hearing people say "aint no one going to take my guns", yet a senile old woman is running for president and has every so called "patriot" scared shitless.

I think you err saying a lot of us are scared shitless.

The "fear" is that the salad days are over, not that we might have to put up or shut up.

09-03-16, 07:03
Heh. People panic-buying rifles that will beome illegal to possess as Hillary's term progresses, and ammo that will be illegal to shoot.

Why do people assume there will be a grandfather clause?

Maybe they don't give a damn?

09-03-16, 07:10
I hope it's a YUGE panic ! I got a carbine to unload - low low price of $2000. I will beat Euro's PMAG's price - only $75 each. :)

I'll be the first to tell you, I am 110% a capitalist at heart. The Sandy Hook did more for the QUALITY of my gun collection than 15 years of hard work. Granted, QUANTITY dipped a bit but all was good. I did take a huge gamble. If new laws had been introduced, I would have been SOL, but all was good in da hood.

09-03-16, 07:14
A man with a MP5K-N don't need no panic!!


09-03-16, 07:17
Heh. People panic-buying rifles that will beome illegal to possess as Hillary's term progresses, and ammo that will be illegal to shoot.

Why do people assume there will be a grandfather clause?

I don't think the firearms that Hillary Clinton and other Democrats want to ban will be grandfathered this time. They were grandfathered in 1994, but the Democrats have learned a lot since then. The next round of anti-firearm legislation will address firearms that were not included in the 1994 Crime Bill, such as the M1 Garand.

We have to be politically active and 100% successful at blocking legislation that will disarm taxpayers. The Democrats only have to be successful once to cause us a great deal of harm. It's not a matter of if, but when it will happen.

09-03-16, 07:42
I don't think the firearms that Hillary Clinton and other Democrats want to ban will be grandfathered this time. They were grandfathered in 1994, but the Democrats have learned a lot since then. The next round of anti-firearm legislation will address firearms that were not included in the 1994 Crime Bill, such as the M1 Garand.

We have to be politically active and 100% successful at blocking legislation that will disarm taxpayers. The Democrats only have to be successful once to cause us a great deal of harm. It's not a matter of if, but when it will happen.

Only one candidate will stop the Hildabeast, his name is Donald J. Trump, he also happens to be the NRA endorsed candidate.

Outlander Systems
09-03-16, 07:56
T2C is ABSOLUTELY correct...

Look less to the previous AWB as precedent, and look more at the recent policy decisions in NY, CT, and CA...

09-03-16, 07:56
Maybe. I got them at an Eastman show and they had restricted markings. One dude was selling, not pricing but selling, P226 mags for $200. That was back when gun shows were at least moderately interesting. I distinctly recall a .308 Galil for 4 grand.

I had a like 5 guns and a few mags and thought I had an arsenal. Aaah....youth.

ETA I saw a Colt 4" nickel for 500 even around '04ish and thought "Pssht....I'll get it later". My priorities were so outta wack. Having a life and being all sociable overruled my thinking. I look back and should've gotten that Python. They may not be the best revolvers ever but it was shiny with a wood grip and said Colt.

Same here. When I started I had a bunch of random firearms and almost no ammo. Only mags I had are those that came with the guns. Never thought to stock up on ammo. It was something you bought when you need it. When I bought my first 500 rounds of 7.62x39 I thought I had an arsenal.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

09-03-16, 08:01
Heh. People panic-buying rifles that will beome illegal to possess as Hillary's term progresses, and ammo that will be illegal to shoot.

Why do people assume there will be a grandfather clause?
Simply because I don't want to wait and find out I have to pay double for the same ammo

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

09-03-16, 08:17
As someone said above, the panic has already started.

The last time I was in Cabelas, there were scads of primers. My last trip, one week ago, there were four boxes.

I bought all four. It is going to get far worse as the election nears.

Outlander Systems
09-03-16, 08:37

My last trek to Cabela's resulted in finding out they sold out of bulk WWB 9mm...

09-03-16, 08:45
Maybe they don't give a damn?


1) Good luck trying to make ownership of millions of ARs illegal. They might ban transfer, but not ownership...not for a long time.

2) Banning things make people want it even more. See marijuana, heroin, cat-less exhaust systems, fireworks, meth, moonshine, etc.

Alex V
09-03-16, 08:53
2) Banning things make people want it even more. See marijuana, heroin, cat-less exhaust systems, fireworks, meth, moonshine, etc.

I have one of those lol

09-03-16, 08:54
...........1) Good luck trying to make ownership of millions of ARs illegal. They might ban transfer, but not ownership...not for a long time.......

I don't think there will be confiscation at first, but risking arrest if you are heard firing a weapon in a rural area or the slip of the tongue by a friend or neighbor is not out of the realm of possibility and likely during the Clinton administration.

People who plan to protest vote or not vote at all will be responsible for Hillary's victory in November.

09-03-16, 09:00
New York, New Jersey, soon California. Not to mention Australia, most of the EU (soon to be even more restrictive). If the Congress goes Democrat, you bet you'll see more Federal-level restrictions. And If Hillary is able to appoint 4 SC Justices then existing firearms laws will be re-interpreted (potential double whammy - legislative changes and constitutional re-interpretation). And if you look at the Federal judge appointments Obama has made, you'll see that that process has already begun. Hillary will have a tail wind for her mission.

Yes, the inexorable liberal agenda will make possession of certain weapons illegal and you can be certain that ARs and AKs etc will be at the top of the list. There won't be confiscations...too dangerous and labor intensive. They'll just arrest you if they catch you shooting the things. One gun at a time. They're playing the long game.

09-03-16, 09:02

09-03-16, 09:11
New York, New Jersey, soon California. Not to mention Australia, most of the EU (soon to be even more restrictive). If the Congress goes Democrat, you bet you'll see more Federal-level restrictions. And If Hillary is able to appoint 4 SC Justices then existing firearms laws will be re-interpreted (potential double whammy - legislative changes and constitutional re-interpretation). And if you look at the Federal judge appointments Obama has made, you'll see that that process has already begun. Hillary will have a tail wind for her mission.

Hillary only needs to appoint one Supreme Court judge to have a liberal, anti gun majority which will allow her to neuter the 2A.

09-03-16, 09:22
Hillary only needs to appoint one Supreme Court judge to have a liberal, anti gun majority which will allow her to neuter the 2A.

Yes. But in 8 years she will have the opportunity to appoint 3, maybe 4. So much the worse for the 2nd Amendment.

09-03-16, 09:26
I have already picked up almost all I want. I have one more lower for one more build and some ammo to go. After that I will make popcorn and watch the show.

09-03-16, 09:33

1) Good luck trying to make ownership of millions of ARs illegal. They might ban transfer, but not ownership...not for a long time.

2) Banning things make people want it even more. See marijuana, heroin, cat-less exhaust systems, fireworks, meth, moonshine, etc.

They will simply make it illegal and offer a reward for snitches.
Ex-Wives will be lining up three deep on the eighteenth Birthday of your youngest kid to turn you in.
They will come for your guns by simply turning off your electricity, water and and "bennies" like your job, bank account and 401K.

09-03-16, 09:56
They will simply make it illegal and offer a reward for snitches.
Ex-Wives will be lining up three deep on the eighteenth Birthday of your youngest kid to turn you in.
They will come for your guns by simply turning off your electricity, water and and "bennies" like your job, bank account and 401K.

Why would they attempt something so blatant? It's unnecessarily confrontational. That would be fraught with backlash potential, not to mention danger, by the molon labe crowd. It would be absolutely stupid to send law enforcement on confiscation missions to homes of people on "the list". Far easier to just pick them off one at a time. Take your AR to the local range? "Hello sir...please hand over the rifle and any other semiautomatic firearms you have with you".

09-03-16, 10:06
Why would they attempt something so blatant? It's unnecessarily confrontational. That would be fraught with backlash potential, not to mention danger, by the molon labe crowd. It would be absolutely stupid to send law enforcement on confiscation missions to homes of people on "the list". Far easier to just pick them off one at a time. Take your AR to the local range? "Hello sir...please hand over the rifle and any other semiautomatic firearms you have with you".

I don't think it will be done like that everywhere, but I think that's a distinct possibility in some locations. It will likely work well in States that already have an anti-gun agenda. Those who hold out will simply have everything cut off until they comply.
You don't need a confrontation, they just quit providing (what they see as) services until you come back on board and turn in the guns and ammo.
I'm thinking there are a lot of West coast and upper East coast States that would find that a dandy idea if they offered you the chance to turn them in first.

09-03-16, 10:18
They will come for your guns by simply turning off your electricity, water and and "bennies" like your job, bank account and 401K.

I can't see any legal basis for any of those things unless it's written as part of the new laws, and I think that would be a real stretch. "Failure to turn in your guns will result in turning your water off". No, can't see them resort to unrelated non-Federal issues like that. How would they even know you possessed guns that you hadn't turned in? They'd have to prove it, and 4473's and NFA tax stamps won't be sufficient since the guns could always have been sold, or lost in the proverbial "boating accident". If they had a reason, "probable cause" to suspect that you did have illegal guns, they'd just send the cops out with a nice legal search warrant.

09-03-16, 11:10
Maybe I'm off base?
I just keep thinking if they really don't want confiscation, then why are they lining up all of these questionable Laws in the 9th Circuit Court? I think it is because Hillary intends to stack the SCotUS with some seriously Socialist Progressives Justices. The drive would be to get some gun control like Britain and Australia and with that Court lined up in her favor it will happen.
They will ask for your Guns and offer to pay you for them. They will round up people at ranges sure, but there will be hold outs and some will be very vocal about it. After the hold outs become a thorn in the side of this, they will offer rewards for people to snitch others out.
The "Come and Take It" crowd will either live in States that refuse to acknowledge that authority or be caught in States that support this stuff. Those folks will bear the brunt of this.

You wake up late because your alarm didn't go off, you hit the shower, no water, you walk outside to see WTF?
There they are and maybe they have a Warrant and maybe not, but they got you. There will likely as not, not be a fight if you have a Wife and Kids in the House. Most folks will likely walk them in, open the safe and turn the guns in.
They cuff you and stuff you and turn the utilities back on.
If you don't get caught that way, where can you go and where can you hide without cash in your pocket or access to it?

The Clinton's have a way of smelling like roses no matter what shenanigans they do. They have a real knack for turning this stuff upside down on folks.
Who would have ever thought after burning the folks in Waco to a crisp, any Clinton, let alone Hillary would be back on top and in line to be POTUS?
I don't think legal will have anything to do with it, legal will be completely re defined.

09-03-16, 11:18
Maybe I'm off base?
Most folks will likely walk them in, open the safe and turn the guns in.

Most folks won't even wait til they get to the house.



09-03-16, 11:26
Honest question, most of you probably wont like my philosophy on this but I will ask anyway.

Do you remember the Branch Davidians in Waco? David Koresh? I don't agree with his views on the 7th seal and the return of Jesus Christ but I will say, he wasn't all talk and no walk, he put up and threw down. No one was gong to take his guns away without a fight, and he gave the ATF a good fight. Of coarse, Janet Reno had the National Guard burn his compound to the ground killing everyone including children, but then years later a man named Timothy McVeigh blew up the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City using nitrogen based fertilizer and diesel fuel. They said that Davin Koresh was holding people against there will yet today there is something like 250 survivors that walked away days, weeks and months before all that took place. I just hate hearing people say "aint no one going to take my guns", yet a senile old woman is running for president and has every so called "patriot" scared shitless.

I'm not sure what your philosophy is from your post. Not sure what your main question is either. To answer your first question, yes, I remember Waco and David.

1. What is the point of this post? What are you getting at? David Koresh was a bad ass that stood up to the feds and the rest of us are a bunch of sissies?

2. What is the "Honest question…" from the start of your post?

3. Are you not "scared shitless" of another American Revolution and the damage it would do? From where I'm sitting that senile old woman wants this fight to happen and is doing everything in her power to make it happen. It seems that any sensible reasonable person should want to avoid such a fight, doesn't it?

Since tone doesn't come across well in the printed word, I wish to explain that I am interested in your post, your question, and what you are getting at. I'm not yet disagreeing with you yet or trying to be argumentative. My tone is conversational and exploratory. Just trying to understand what you mean by your post.

09-03-16, 11:40
Why would they attempt something so blatant? It's unnecessarily confrontational. That would be fraught with backlash potential, not to mention danger, by the molon labe crowd. It would be absolutely stupid to send law enforcement on confiscation missions to homes of people on "the list". Far easier to just pick them off one at a time. Take your AR to the local range? "Hello sir...please hand over the rifle and any other semiautomatic firearms you have with you".

I highly doubt "they" are going to walk up to the "take-it-from-my-cold-dead-hands" types at a shooting range with a loaded gun in their hands and surrounded by a bunch of other potential "take-it-from-my-cold-dead-hands types", and ask someone to hand over their weapon that they don't want to hand over. None of my friends and family that are in LE will ever attempt that feat. They've said so. I know there will be some that follow orders, but I've had more LEOs tell me they simply won't do it, than those that say they will.

Going to people's homes seems to be their MO. See Randy Weaver and David Koresh.

What I wonder is how many times they will pull this crap and get away with it, before the all out war starts over it. Things will reach a tipping point somewhere along the line. LE is the key to this fight. The winner of this fight will be the side that LE is on. We aren't going to willingly hand in our guns, so LE will have to come take them and arrest us one at a time, in whatever way that happens with whatever consequences come with it. If LE refuses to enforce illegal, unjust, unconstitutional laws, then it doesn't matter what words the lefties write down on their pieces of paper. The people who enforce or refuse to enforce their laws hold all the power, up until the point and all out civil wars starts. If they succeed in starting the civil war they seem to be after, we will kick their asses as we outnumber them. I have no doubt they realize this, and they must have some sort of plan. I suppose its possible that they think they can make us all lay down and take it, but if that's the case, they are in for a rude awakening.

09-03-16, 11:41
Are you not "scared shitless" of another American Revolution and the damage it would do? From where I'm sitting that senile old woman wants this fight to happen and is doing everything in her power to make it happen. It seems that any sensible reasonable person should want to avoid such a fight, doesn't it?

Yeah, I'm scared, but I'm not afraid to admit it.
More than anything what really concerns me is how many people out there simply "Don't Get It." You know we could go on for an hour or two about the crimes the Clinton's have been involved in and most people either refuse to acknowledge it or refuse to believe.
Yeah, She's pushing an agenda and it is as dividing as what we have put up with for the last eight years and no, I don't think she or the rest of the Socialist Progressives will be happy until they break America.
Yeah, it scares me a lot. I don't want to see a Civil War, but I think gun confiscation might be the issue at the point of the spear.

09-03-16, 11:59
Well, the people have spoken. If she wins, I no longer have any doubt that there will be a panic, whether it's warranted or not. Looks like I have some shopping to do, as I will likely have to cover my shooting needs for the next two years. Good bye .22 LR; it was nice seeing you again, I only wish you could stay longer!

09-03-16, 12:06
Yes. But in 8 years she will have the opportunity to appoint 3, maybe 4. So much the worse for the 2nd Amendment.

She'll get four, not eight.

Every election since John Quincy Adams, when Person from party A got two terms (or four) and another person from Party A won election, they only got one term.

Of course, a thing has never happened until it happens.

09-03-16, 12:26
She'll get four, not eight.

Every election since John Quincy Adams, when Person from party A got two terms (or four) and another person from Party A won election, they only got one term.

Of course, a thing has never happened until it happens.

And that again, scares the crap out of me.
The only thing that could be worse is if Trump wins the popular vote by an overwhelming landslide, but Hillary wins by the Electoral College. That will rip us in half.

09-03-16, 13:20
I highly doubt "they" are going to walk up to the "take-it-from-my-cold-dead-hands" types at a shooting range with a loaded gun in their hands and surrounded by a bunch of other potential "take-it-from-my-cold-dead-hands types", and ask someone to hand over their weapon that they don't want to hand over. None of my friends and family that are in LE will ever attempt that feat. They've said so. I know there will be some that follow orders, but I've had more LEOs tell me they simply won't do it, than those that say they will.

Going to people's homes seems to be their MO. See Randy Weaver and David Koresh.

What I wonder is how many times they will pull this crap and get away with it, before the all out war starts over it. Things will reach a tipping point somewhere along the line. LE is the key to this fight. The winner of this fight will be the side that LE is on. We aren't going to willingly hand in our guns, so LE will have to come take them and arrest us one at a time, in whatever way that happens with whatever consequences come with it. If LE refuses to enforce illegal, unjust, unconstitutional laws, then it doesn't matter what words the lefties write down on their pieces of paper. The people who enforce or refuse to enforce their laws hold all the power, up until the point and all out civil wars starts. If they succeed in starting the civil war they seem to be after, we will kick their asses as we outnumber them. I have no count they realize this, and they must have some sort of plan. I suppose its possible that they think they can make us all lay down and take it, but if that's the case, they are in for a rude awakening.

This article is the most rational, realistic look at what would go down if straight up confiscation happened on a Federal level. This is IMHO one of Paul's best articles.


That said, I can 110% guarentee there will be LEO's who will go after you and your guns with whatever cost to all parties involved and sleep soundly at night. If you have spent any time around LE enough, there are always those in any given dept looking to put a feather in their hat of who do not hold values in line with the constitution. Most will not, but some will.

09-03-16, 13:54
As I have said: For every officer who throws his badge down in disgust, there will always be a less moral person there to pick it up.

All I know is if people don't start shit, there won't be shit.

There are places that God's Own SWAT team would get eaten alive. Because at the end of the day; people are not viewing confiscation as making the world safe and full of sunshine. They are looking at it like people messing with their property that they bought with their own money.

And the guys who shave their heads, wear those gay "tactical" Oakleys, and wack off to Magpul videos or tactical YouTube videos and think they could kick a Navy SEALs ass are full of it. They would get eaten alive and gunned down by a horde of black dudes with rifles.

There are department, large in scale, who can't even keep ammo on hand for guys to get qualed. And the overtime. And just, well....it would be hard.

Some people might comply and some people might just wanna see how real people keep it.

Feelings can get pretty hard here lately.

See....and I was thinking, man...it's the future and whatnot. Haven't we outgrown Clintons and the touchy-feely "oh you shouldn't do that" of the 90s?

Nobody ever suffered from leaving well enough alone.

There it is.

09-03-16, 14:04
That said, I can 110% guarantee there will be LEO's who will go after you and your guns with whatever cost to all parties involved and sleep soundly at night. If you have spent any time around LE enough, there are always those in any given dept looking to put a feather in their hat of who do not hold values in line with the constitution. Most will not, but some will.

I seriously think that if Hillary is elected, yes it will start another panic, but who here hasn't been stocking up for the last several years thinking it would happen again? People caught that far behind the power curve, will simply pay more.

I have more faith in a lot of my local LEO's than that of which you speak. I'm pretty sure out here in the sticks, these guys are on our side. If if came down to "We will come after your pension if you don't." you have to ask, who's pension wont they come after?

No, if "they" don't want this to escalate then "they" need to take a step back from the brink they keep pushing the Country towards. Hillary simply isn't the answer to the needs of this Country, nothing could further divide us than her.

09-03-16, 14:07
As I have said: For every officer who throws his badge down in disgust, there will always be a less moral person there to pick it up.

All I know is if people don't start shit, there won't be shit.

There are places that God's Own SWAT team would get eaten alive. Because at the end of the day; people are not viewing confiscation as making the world safe and full of sunshine. They are looking at it like people messing with their property that they bought with their own money.

And the guys who shave their heads, wear those gay "tactical" Oakleys, and wack off to Magpul videos or tactical YouTube videos and think they could kick a Navy SEALs ass are full of it. They would get eaten alive and gunned down by a horde of black dudes with rifles.

There are department, large in scale, who can't even keep ammo on hand for guys to get qualed. And the overtime. And just, well....it would be hard.

Some people might comply and some people might just wanna see how real people keep it.

Feelings can get pretty hard here lately.

See....and I was thinking, man...it's the future and whatnot. Haven't we outgrown Clintons and the touchy-feely "oh you shouldn't do that" of the 90s?

Nobody ever suffered from leaving well enough alone.

There it is.

Lol, this.

I think most non LE people here would be shocked at how LITTLE ammo most LE agencies have on hand. Nowhere near what would be needed to fight off one or two attacks. Hell, they buy the same ammo from some of the same sources we do. Unless they have a squared away training/supply dept, most would be SOL in getting bullets just like us.

I am not worried about the short game. It is the long game I worry about. The "current LE is racist, we need new officers" mindset that would lead to a dept full of those who would carry out bad things. Just like how you have an huge number of not worth a shit management at the USPS for the most part. I worry about the ATF decision here and there that bans this or that until we are slowly left with a sling shot and pea gravel.

That said, the hunger for absolute power by some in the US is unseen before. To do the things they want to do, eventually guns will have to go to meet those ends. That is what scares me.

09-03-16, 14:13
I don't think LE is to the point yet that the government can get away with confiscation. On a federal level, yes, and even in some states (they know who they are), but 90% of state and local LEOs will not show up to work if a confiscation order comes down the pipe. You will see sheriffs all over the country refusing to obey, and millions of militia will come out of the woodwork ready to back those sheriffs if the fed tried something stupid. You might even see states secede from the union.

09-03-16, 14:16
Ever see Robocop 3? Where they want the police to go after people and kick them out of their homes? And the black Sgt. says not just no, but hell no? They all toss their badges down and go off to fortify the position and informally deputize the people.

Well OCP and their mercenary company start giving street thugs guns and body armor to fight the cops and citizens then Robocop flies in on a jet pack. I thought the movie was lame at the time but in hindsight yeah....

Lots of guys with highly suspect tattoos carrying badges and guns out there. Like I don't know what a 5 point crown means. Gimme a break. Used to you couldn't have more than so many tattoos and what you had, needed to be covered.

Disclosure, I am Trypanophobic like a mofo and have no tattoos but still whatever.

09-03-16, 14:23
That said, the hunger for absolute power by some in the US is unseen before. To do the things they want to do, eventually guns will have to go to meet those ends. That is what scares me.

You have to ask yourself why?
If they can't seem to keep Gun Control working in Chicago, why in the world do they think it will work Nation wide? How do they intend to carry that out, if they can't do it in Chicago?
The recent screwing with the laws concerning powder was a rather blatant attempt at an end around for restricting ammunition, but who pushed that and why?
I dunno, I'm an old fart who really just wants to be left alone, this stuff is getting too stupid.

09-03-16, 14:51
You have to ask yourself why?
If they can't seem to keep Gun Control working in Chicago, why in the world do they think it will work Nation wide? How do they intend to carry that out, if they can't do it in Chicago?
The recent screwing with the laws concerning powder was a rather blatant attempt at an end around for restricting ammunition, but who pushed that and why?
I dunno, I'm an old fart who really just wants to be left alone, this stuff is getting too stupid.

Aye. This proves Killary A) Didn't learn shit from the 90s reign and B) is really outta touch.

In the 90s, the youngest war vet was in his early 40s, maybe super late 30s if we use Vietnam as a measuring stick.

Now there are several age groups of veterans who really feel like their hard work is shit upon . Same with Police who bust their ass only to get punished for doing their job. Plus the growing number of gangs, OMCs, disaffected Americans, etc.

In the early 90s, the Wall was down, it seemed like "hey it's all good" so gun grabbing was able to pass.

But now? The world is shit. Terrorism is a real concern, cities have been burning, and nobody likes or trusts anybody else anymore.

Probably THE worst time in history to go after guns. But I guess when one is sheltered and protected and special, they wouldn't see that.

09-03-16, 15:45
Yeap ^.

Not to mention everyone I know or talk to has this deep gut feeling that something bad is looming on the horizon. You can sense this in most people who post on gun boards as well. Everyone is uneasy about the future. That common feeling was no where near as popular in the 90's. I think it is the main reason gun sales are so strong. Everyone then was affraid to be associated with militias or Weavers. Now we see the truth in what really went down with guys like Weaver, and that makes people much more suspect of the govt & gun bans.

09-03-16, 15:54
I just bought another Liberty Safe this past week, so I can store all the stuff I bought during the last panic, and a couple of items from the panic before the last one. I'm actually starting to panic that I didn't buy a big enough safe. We'll see when it gets here. It seems I am beginning to lose track of all these panics. This may result in a panic because I can't remember all the panics.

09-03-16, 15:57

09-03-16, 16:29
I just bought another Liberty Safe this past week, so I can store all the stuff I bought during the last panic, and a couple of items from the panic before the last one. I'm actually starting to panic that I didn't buy a big enough safe. We'll see when it gets here. It seems I am beginning to lose track of all these panics. This may result in a panic because I can't remember all the panics.

I have room in my house if you need to stash some goodies. :)

09-03-16, 16:33
More than anything what really concerns me is how many people out there simply "Don't Get It."

And me too. For a while there during the first Clinton and Bush years I did the gray man thing that we talk about here in regards to talking about the gun issue. I just kept quiet and let idiots spout off about idiotic things. No need to argue with fools. Can't teach a pig to sing, right? I figured that their ignorant misguided opinions would never have an effect on my life, so I just let them cling to their absurd ideas. In fact, when I heard stupid liberals saying stupid things, it often served as a reminded to stop at the gun store and pick up that next Glock on my list. I used to buy 3-4 guns a year, but I liked Bill Clinton's one gun a month plan much better. He was the OG gun salesman of the century before BHO came in and stole his title.

In recent years, I've come to realize that strategy was wrong. Now I openly and calmly discuss the gun issue with facts and citations. I tear apart the lies told by the media and the current president. I use common sense explanations and analogies. Them: "Why do you need a gun in your house? Are you planning to shoot somebody?" Me: "Why do you have a fire extinguisher in your house? Are you planning to burn it down?" Because of this new strategy, I run into, and converse with a lot of those people who "don't get it".

Just talked to one the other day that had this convoluted idea that people keeping so many guns for self defense was the very reason that we were having so much crime. Anger and resentment over us acknowledging a potential threat and being prepared to deal with it, was somehow the cause of violent attacks in this idiots mind. When pressed she just got more confused. When given real world examples of how she was wrong, she couldn't seem to process it at first. It looked like my facts were literally making her dizzy. I was stuck with her for several hours and the subject kept coming back up. I kept sussing out the details of her objections to the guns and what the alternatives ought to be in her mind, I was able to direct my comments in a more effective way. By the end of the night, I think I heard that pig at least humming a tune, even if she wasn't singing just yet...

Mr. Goodtimes
09-03-16, 16:53
New York, New Jersey, soon California. Not to mention Australia, most of the EU (soon to be even more restrictive). If the Congress goes Democrat, you bet you'll see more Federal-level restrictions. And If Hillary is able to appoint 4 SC Justices then existing firearms laws will be re-interpreted (potential double whammy - legislative changes and constitutional re-interpretation). And if you look at the Federal judge appointments Obama has made, you'll see that that process has already begun. Hillary will have a tail wind for her mission.

Yes, the inexorable liberal agenda will make possession of certain weapons illegal and you can be certain that ARs and AKs etc will be at the top of the list. There won't be confiscations...too dangerous and labor intensive. They'll just arrest you if they catch you shooting the things. One gun at a time. They're playing the long game.

At that point it's time to put out and throw down.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-03-16, 17:07
"Why do you have a gun in your home? Are you planning to shoot somebody?"

I dunno. Go ask some of these hoods if they are planning on robbing me or attacking my loved ones.

Go ask some of these young, 'underprivileged' 'urban' youths if they plan on robbing a store while a friend or loved one, or hell, just a regular little old lady is buying gas.

Go ask some of these illegals if they are planning on raping and robbing a female family member.

Go ask some of these "refugees" if they plan on shooting up anymore picnics, gay clubs, Army recruiting stations.

Go ask BLM if they are considering burning down my house or my neighborhood because some dipshit got what he had coming. If a black, or anyone for that matter, is unlawfully killed by the Police you can bet I WILL be loud and vocal in my displeasure that the standards were not upheld. But so far, it's just been people getting what they had coming.

I think I, and anyone else who keeps personal weapons, should be very much at the bottom of the interrogative of "why".

And for the record, Hell fcking Yes I will freaking pump round after round into someone meaning to explicitly cause me death or grievous bodily harm, will not stop until I am satisfied they are absolutely not a threat, will handcuff or ziptie their moribund body, and gladly allow the system to work. And if I run out of ammo and they still want to dance I will stab their goddamn chests and slit their throats. If my knife breaks I will put all my effort into breaking their neck or strangulating them.

So as long as nobody does that to me; my personal weapons will continue to happily and peacefully punch holes in paper, perforate soda cans, and the occasional clay disc.

Because if I am at my home or on MY time then....no, IDGAF. No mercy. F you, the whore that had you, and the bastard that knocked her up.

Otherwise it is my duty to be as humane and , dare I say, Christian about it. Because God never gives up on fools.

Lo eso es.

Outlander Systems
09-03-16, 17:08
Cough...Bliss v. Commonwealth...cough cough.

Boba Fett v2
09-03-16, 17:45
I just panic'd up 16lb of H4350, 12lb of VV N540. I have a panic HK MP5k-N parts kit enroute to convert my panic HK SP5K at TSC Machine ASAP. Also panic'd up a NIB KAC MP5-N & MP5SD-N suppressor as well.

I had no idea you planned to convert your SP5K into a MP5-N. BTW, I sent you a PM on TOS a while back.

09-03-16, 18:07
Cough...Bliss v. Commonwealth...cough cough.

And that, exactly that, right there is the perfect example of how they simply wont give up. That was 1822, and so at what point is the whole issue settled? It simply wont be until the get their way, that's the problem.
If there was ever a more intrusive, hard headed and misguided group in America it is clearly the gun grabbers. No matter how many times they have run full tilt in to the stone wall of logic, the Constitution and the founding philosophies of this great Nation, they simply back up and go full tilt head long at it again.
I have to ask, why does my right to self defense so offend them? If it isn't a clear cut case of wanting to usurp the freedoms and liberty's of the common man, then what exactly un-sugar coated is it?
It is clearly a power grab for the bigger end goal.

09-03-16, 18:12
The panic started in the summer of '68... and has YET to let up!

09-03-16, 18:17
I have room in my house if you need to stash some goodies. :)
It could be a stressful drive to your AO with all these shooting irons in my POV. I may get stopped across State lines and be subject to asset forfeiture (taking my guns) if they think I'm a bad guy. Something else to panic about. The OP may be correct. It's a new era in America where everyone is in a state of panic. I expect to see millions of citizens curled up in the fetal position, "weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth" after November's First Tuesday results are known.

For me, if we've had our first snow of the season, I'll be hauling hay to the far reaches of my operation to feed hungry cattle. At that instant, the rest of the world will seem very very far away.

09-03-16, 18:22
Let me come work at your ranch. I'll work for knowledge and food.

I can ride, shoot, and count things but that's about it. I just want to get away.

09-03-16, 18:37
Let me come work at your ranch. I'll work for knowledge and food.

I can ride, shoot, and count things but that's about it. I just want to get away.
Fall round up starts then end of this month. Three squares and a bunk plus pay....it's salary. No hourly work in the ranch business. Cutting out about 90-110 head for market. Need a chute guy who can operate the thing without smashing his hand. The ability to count is a big plus. Other than that I've got riders working the neighbor's 292,000 acre spread rounding up my strays mixed in their herd. It's open range out here.

09-03-16, 18:45
Ever see Robocop 3? Where they want the police to go after people and kick them out of their homes? And the black Sgt. says not just no, but hell no? They all toss their badges down and go off to fortify the position and informally deputize the people.

Well OCP and their mercenary company start giving street thugs guns and body armor to fight the cops and citizens then Robocop flies in on a jet pack. I thought the movie was lame at the time but in hindsight yeah....

Lots of guys with highly suspect tattoos carrying badges and guns out there. Like I don't know what a 5 point crown means. Gimme a break. Used to you couldn't have more than so many tattoos and what you had, needed to be covered.

Disclosure, I am Trypanophobic like a mofo and have no tattoos but still whatever.

What is that, like a gang tattoo? Are you saying there are active gang members in our police? I have a hard time believing that. In our Army yes, I know because I met more than a few of them in Georgia. But I've never met any cops who remotely seemed like gang members.

But you do hit on an interesting subject. Historically, whenever a government goes full on 1984, the first unmistakable sign is that they replace law enforcement with criminals. Once that happens you're past the point of no return.

09-03-16, 18:52
If Euro gets to go to your ranch, let me go too. Shoot, I'll even pay. I too seek to escape society. Plus, I already been an Injun, now I want to be a cowboy.

I promise it won't get Brokeback....initially. :p

Boba Fett v2
09-03-16, 18:54
Fall round up starts then end of this month. Three squares and a bunk plus pay....it's salary. No hourly work in the ranch business. Cutting out about 90-110 head for market. Need a chute guy who can operate the thing without smashing his hand. The ability to count is a big plus. Other than that I've got riders working the neighbor's 292,000 acre spread rounding up my strays mixed in their herd. It's open range out here.
Where are you located?

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

09-03-16, 19:04
Where are you located?

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
70 miles +/- east of Las Vegas, New Mexico here in San Miguel County.


09-03-16, 19:04
What is that, like a gang tattoo? Are you saying there are active gang members in our police? I have a hard time believing that. In our Army yes, I know because I met more than a few of them in Georgia. But I've never met any cops who remotely seemed like gang members.

But you do hit on an interesting subject. Historically, whenever a government goes full on 1984, the first unmistakable sign is that they replace law enforcement with criminals. Once that happens you're past the point of no return.

Everytime an officer of certain backgrounds gets hemmed up on anything to do with:

-Gun trafficking
-Evidence tampering

It is usually gang/collective of dipshits related. A lot play the whole "Oh I was a dumb kid but now I want to give back." BS.

Same with dudes that have obvious AB insignia. They get the Aryan cross or SS runes under the armpit. In fact, they use prior military service to convince a BI it was "just being a teenybopper".

Or guys with "Fraternity" brands.

Same with some of these Blue Knights wannabes that have a police theme but get all 1%ery. Lots of BS goes on. It usually gets handled sooner rather than later but it's out there.

The point is to stop the BS not perpetuate it but again, these people are still in the minority and usually get Federally fcked sooner than later. And it is chicken soup for the soul when it happens because the vast majority of decent guys get judged by assholes like these.

09-03-16, 19:10
You don't accept PMs, but how long does that last/can I stay? I've got nowhere to be until Halloween.

P.S. 98% serious.

09-03-16, 19:18
97% serious myself. I dunno how to ride a horse, but am willing to take lessons. Can swing the hell out of an ax and have experience shoveling chicken coops

09-03-16, 22:41
And you can use Eurodriver's new 4 Runner for a ranch vehicle. :lol:

09-03-16, 23:02
When my neighbor to the south and east bordering my ranch was up for sale, they made this video. Bell Ranch is 10 times the size of my place, and we share a common range with La Cinta Creek and the Canadian River. Our herd mixes during the year and our separate brands keep things straight. Both our operations were started at the same time, part of the Pablo Montoya Land Grant. In the video my place sits up on the mesas in the background to the north. I know most of that crew and some have worked my place over the years. They run 3000-4000 head; I run 750 head. If I had the $83 Million dollars, I could have bought the place. I was a day late and a dollar short....:)


09-03-16, 23:04
What is that, like a gang tattoo? Are you saying there are active gang members in our police? I have a hard time believing that. In our Army yes, I know because I met more than a few of them in Georgia. But I've never met any cops who remotely seemed like gang members.

This has been the case for at least 20 years. They busted a bunch of Miami cops who had an organized drug ring going due to their ongoing affiliation with the gangs they belonged to prior to their jobs in law enforcement.

09-03-16, 23:15
OH5, do you allow employees to carry weapons on the ranch? I ask because in years past two friends worked on large ranches which prohibited carrying any firearms.

09-03-16, 23:34
We all carry to some extent. I have one permanent foreman and he's usually carrying a Winchester 30-30 in a scabbard. My permanent ranch hand carries a pistol in his saddle bag when mounted. We have to ride because we're not all open plains except to the south end of my place opposite New Mexico 419. Up here on the mesas we have problems with Mountain Lions from time to time, and getting to the cattle requires going to areas without established trails for even 4x4s. I'm on horseback about 50% of the time when handling the stock. For seasonal hands bringing a firearm is something we don't encourage, but it's not prohibited. We ask they keep the gun in the bunkhouse or in their vehicle. For seasonal hands, this is a dry operation. Liquor is available in town after hours, but it's a long drive. Most don't even bother. Keep in mind that this is a business, and we also maintain insurance as well, including workmans comp. Certain limitations on how the work is done keeps premiums lower.

brushy bill
09-03-16, 23:48
People who plan to protest vote or not vote at all will be responsible for Hillary's victory in November. Exactamondo little Fonzies!

brushy bill
09-03-16, 23:52
It's a new era in America where everyone is in a state of panic. I expect to see millions of citizens curled up in the fetal position, "weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth" after November's First Tuesday results are known. Sad expectation, but probably pretty accurate in most cases.

09-04-16, 00:06
Well, the people have spoken. If she wins, I no longer have any doubt that there will be a panic, whether it's warranted or not. Looks like I have some shopping to do, as I will likely have to cover my shooting needs for the next two years. Good bye .22 LR; it was nice seeing you again, I only wish you could stay longer!

Seriously. I may as well just wait til the prices jack up and sell all my .22 as there probably won't be a point to bothering with it.
I never thought I'd see the day 5.56 and 9mm were more available than f***ing .22. :rolleyes:

This article is the most rational, realistic look at what would go down if straight up confiscation happened on a Federal level. This is IMHO one of Paul's best articles.


That said, I can 110% guarentee there will be LEO's who will go after you and your guns with whatever cost to all parties involved and sleep soundly at night. If you have spent any time around LE enough, there are always those in any given dept looking to put a feather in their hat of who do not hold values in line with the constitution. Most will not, but some will.

Which is exactly why confiscation (or martial law for that matter) will never happen. Respect to Mr. Howe, but he's looking at it from the black and white perspective of most gun owners.
Ask Bulletdog how it really works- he lives in CA. Somehow with a supposed overwhelming majority of pro-gunners they seem to always get more stupid laws not less... :rolleyes:
We're all going to be sitting here at the 999th cut wondering if the 998th cut was to far.

You have to ask yourself why?
If they can't seem to keep Gun Control working in Chicago, why in the world do they think it will work Nation wide? How do they intend to carry that out, if they can't do it in Chicago?

It's the classical Theory of Libtasticy- It exists, therefore it works.

09-04-16, 02:02
Before this thread is trashed a few things.

Someone asked questions and has a poll about another panic. This isn't a Donald Trump v. Hillary Klinton thread- the premise is that she has already won which makes him a non-issue.

This isn't about Moldy Labia or Waco.

This isn't about the PoPo or Miami Vice rounding up guns or sending your family to FEMA styled day camps under the Denver airport. Stick to the logical reasons, and whether you think it will or won't be an issue.

09-04-16, 02:25
This isn't about the PoPo or Miami Vice rounding up guns or sending your family to FEMA styled day camps under the Denver airport. Stick to the logical reasons, and whether you think it will or won't be an issue.

Starting with the 2008 election, which was the first election since the sunset we have seen panics. The Great Obama Gun Sale of 2008 set panic buying records like we had never seen before. With the 2012 election cycle between a known gun banner (Romney) and a guy we really knew wanted to ban guns there wasn't really a panic. But the reason for this is people were still trying to get product on the shelves and orders filled from four years ago. Then came Sandy Hook and just when it seemed like you might finally get your PMAGs after all, everything cleared out.

The Sandy Hook panic buy was unprecedented. I watched entire inventories if shit grade WASRs worth $400 and bottom feeder ARs worth $600 sell out in a weekend all priced for $3,000. Then there were the $100 Pmags and that is IF you were lucky enough to not pay $125. Then came the attempted "Night of the Long Knives" where NRA A rated Harry Reid flipped (big surprise) and tried to organize a last hour "everytown" ban even though all of their bills had just been rejected. That caused another spike.

We still haven't fully recovered from 2012. Shelves aren't stocked with ammo at reasonable prices. Sure you can buy a Colt 6920 for a great price RIGHT NOW, but that won't last forever. We've seen how quickly large surpluses can be cleaned out in a week or less.

Come November, when people start thinking long and hard about how Hillary might actually win, the cycle will continue and I think every Presidential election from now on with be associated with some kind of panic buy. Whether it is rifles, mags or ammo...something will be in short supply or at risk of ban and prices will go crazy.

09-04-16, 09:46
The key word in this thread is panic. I'm about done with people I encounter freaking out about this issue or that issue. Where I live it's all about planning for the future, short term and long term. Survival in a semi-wilderness dictates that kind of thinking. We lose power on occasion, sometimes a week or more at a time. We have generators and solar. We have lots of canned and freeze dried food to last us a while when the road to the highway washes out or snowed in for a spell. Also, I've been slowly adding to my stash of guns and ammo for a long time, with a serious focus since I retired from the Army and took over this family ranching operation in 1999.

For an escape, today my wife and two kids plus my foreman, wife and kids are all going to town and we'll see the movie Hell or High Water. Some of it was filmed SE from here in Tucumcari. Since it was filmed totally in this State, it should be worth seeing. The reviews I'm hearing are good.

09-04-16, 10:07
Honest question, most of you probably wont like my philosophy on this but I will ask anyway.

Do you remember the Branch Davidians in Waco? David Koresh? I don't agree with his views on the 7th seal and the return of Jesus Christ but I will say, he wasn't all talk and no walk, he put up and threw down. No one was gong to take his guns away without a fight, and he gave the ATF a good fight. Of coarse, Janet Reno had the National Guard burn his compound to the ground killing everyone including children, but then years later a man named Timothy McVeigh blew up the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City using nitrogen based fertilizer and diesel fuel. They said that Davin Koresh was holding people against there will yet today there is something like 250 survivors that walked away days, weeks and months before all that took place. I just hate hearing people say "aint no one going to take my guns", yet a senile old woman is running for president and has every so called "patriot" scared shitless.

This always makes me think. How far would I really take it if push comes to shove? My son's are old enough to fend for themselves, girlfriend wouldn't miss a beat as she has plenty of friends and family to look out for her... Have a brother who would take care of our parents; I couldn't stand behind the "I can't take the chance because X, Y and Z need me" tactic.

Even just a few years ago, I really wondered if I'd have the stones. But now after everything that I've seen happen to this country and the people I care about in the last 7 years, I really think the direction this Administration, and those that associate and agree with them have taken this country, have me to a point where I would make that stand if, for no other reason, is that I couldn't live with myself if I didn't. I'm teaching my kids about patriotism and what it means to stand up for what you believe in for so long, most of my adult life would be a big lie if I didn't stand up. Plus, I just couldn't let my kids down that way

09-04-16, 10:12
Will there be a panic is She is elected?
Certainly. If you've been watching and doing your due diligence, you should be fine.
There is always however, one more thing you wanted to set back. This might be the time.

09-04-16, 10:17
Will there be a panic is She is elected?
Certainly. If you've been watching and doing your due diligence, you should be fine.
There is always however, one more thing you wanted to set back. This might be the time.

In my case, it's morel like a hundred things. Everytime I get a new gun, I need more magazines and ammo. It's a never ending exponential cycle, and the more I have the more I need!:sad:

09-04-16, 10:34
In my case, it's morel like a hundred things. Everytime I get a new gun, I need more magazines and ammo. It's a never ending exponential cycle, and the more I have the more I need!:sad:
That brings something to mind as I down my 4th cup of coffee this morning. Sometimes too many guns means too many different calibers and the ammunition to find to feed those guns. For someone starting out, I would recommend cross caliber weapons that use the same ammo. A good Smith & Wesson revolver in .357 magnum and a lever action Winchester, Henry, etc. using the same ammo. In the Old West it was done that way with the .44-40 in the Winchester and the Colt Single Action Army.

In military rifles, a Colt 6920 and an Arsenal SLR 106 using the same ammo. You could also do a .44 magnum pistol and lever action rifle in the same caliber. I have followed this rule, but also violated it as well with too many different kinds of weapons. If I was starting out for the first time, I'd keep it simple with cross caliber weapons. Keeps the potential for panic to a minimum.

09-04-16, 11:02
By inclination and experience, the notion of self-sufficiency ("be prepared") appeals to me. I probably had all the necessary hardware, etc. thirty years ago. I live off the beaten path, have a well, a whole house generator on natural gas, some reserves of essentials (TP!).

We're all works in progress, and this world isn't our real home anyway. Mental and physical preparation, sure. Panic? More like a failure to plan.

"I've done the best I can. And to hell with it." Vinegar Joe Stillwell, Burma, 1944.

Dist. Expert 26
09-04-16, 11:28
Here's my philosophy for what it's worth.

No matter what happens in November, eventually we're screwed. No way around it. The republic our founding fathers established is long dead and isn't coming back, probably ever.

Will Hillary get elected? Maybe. Maybe not. People hate her. I only know of one person who actually wants to vote for her. I think trump has a real shot.

There's going to be a panic without a doubt. How far it will go remains to be seen, but I think it's mostly going to be in vain. I'm just gonna buy some powder, primers and bullets then ride things out. Eventually things will level out, just like every other time something bad happens.

09-04-16, 12:50
By inclination and experience, the notion of self-sufficiency ("be prepared") appeals to me. I probably had all the necessary hardware, etc. thirty years ago. I live off the beaten path, have a well, a whole house generator on natural gas, some reserves of essentials (TP!).

We're all works in progress, and this world isn't our real home anyway. Mental and physical preparation, sure. Panic? More like a failure to plan.

"I've done the best I can. And to hell with it." Vinegar Joe Stillwell, Burma, 1944.

I agree with this. I think a lot of people are stocking up on ammo and magazines,etc. are forgetting about stocking up on supplies. Have food, water and means of communications, bug in bug out, whatever
Things are going to be really bad. I foresee our Military becoming very weak while at the same time a Nationalized police force is strong. We already know gun bans are coming and there will be no grandfathering
We need to prepare for the future of this country which is going to be like Venezuela

09-04-16, 13:20
Brass Tacks:

People are realizing that what is perfectly accessible today may likely not be so after the election. Thus, people are buying guns. Most probably won't shoot them but a few times and will sit aside.

I have recounted it before but I remember in '08 a 19 y/o college girl asking where/how she could get an M4, ammo, and mags. She was not a shooter. She said she just had a "bad feeling" and this was before the election.

Nothing too terrible happened cosmically speaking but this was 8 years ago. Now it seems there is more doom and gloom.

There is this grim calm now but there will be another big run on guns in October.

And if I were a politician of any shade, and people were buying up guns simply because I might get elected; I would be doing some severe soul searching and self evaluation.

And as an aside....This whole deal of panic and despair takes the fun out of shooting.

Do I really think anyone will ever come after me....like a robber? No. Not because I live in such a great area, but because I am just not a person worth robbing. Not rich, too ugly to rape, too mean to fight with, and just all around not anyone worth bothering.

I have what I have because I just liked shooting. Honestly I don't even shoot human shaped targets except for when I had to qual. I just get an IPSC or bullseye and take my time.

When I've gone, I usually take a revolver, bolt gun, and my .22. Just because lately I haven't felt like shooting offhand.

But this isn't about my predilections. It's about this now or never hysteria that seems to make people lose their composure. The gouging, the neckbearding, the dread, and all of it.

Nothing I can do about it one way or the other. I have what I have. My State will go Republican but my district is so blue it is pathetic.

There ya go

09-04-16, 14:36
I just simply can't comprehend someone that wanted an AR, AK, Glock or whatever having not done so by now.

I do get some are just hoarding to flip for profits.

But at the end of the day lets say you have 10k each of two different calibers and one K each of your odd calibers.

You and your kids can go to a three gun match one weekend and eat up 350 pistol rounds, 200 rifle and 150 shotgun.
Plus hit the range for fun now and then.

Those ammo forts can get small fast.

I think most people have bought so many guns and magazines,
That spare parts and ammo will be a wrench in then works.

09-04-16, 15:02
That brings something to mind as I down my 4th cup of coffee this morning. Sometimes too many guns means too many different calibers and the ammunition to find to feed those guns. For someone starting out, I would recommend cross caliber weapons that use the same ammo. A good Smith & Wesson revolver in .357 magnum and a lever action Winchester, Henry, etc. using the same ammo. In the Old West it was done that way with the .44-40 in the Winchester and the Colt Single Action Army.

In military rifles, a Colt 6920 and an Arsenal SLR 106 using the same ammo. You could also do a .44 magnum pistol and lever action rifle in the same caliber. I have followed this rule, but also violated it as well with too many different kinds of weapons. If I was starting out for the first time, I'd keep it simple with cross caliber weapons. Keeps the potential for panic to a minimum.

Yep, which is why I'm trying to divest myself of 300BLK. I knew I shouldn't do it but did it anyway. Not gonna shoot suppressed, so why a new caliber? Now I've got a 10.5" pistol upper I've only put 60 rounds through and 300rds of Barnes Vor-TX 110gr, which is > $1 a round. I'll either let them go soon or sit on it until prices go through the roof, not sure. If I sold now I could buy more ammo. Oh well, mainly trying to narrow things down to 5.56, 9mm, and some .308. I've got plenty of all three, just not enough if ya know what I mean.

09-04-16, 15:42
Title says it all. If she wins, will there be another panic in November? If so, how bad will it be? Similar to 2013, not as bad, or worse?

Already started. Actually several months ago. We cannot get BCM or Colt AR's. Certain types of 5.56 are hard to get as well.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-04-16, 16:05
That brings something to mind as I down my 4th cup of coffee this morning. Sometimes too many guns means too many different calibers and the ammunition to find to feed those guns. For someone starting out, I would recommend cross caliber weapons that use the same ammo. A good Smith & Wesson revolver in .357 magnum and a lever action Winchester, Henry, etc. using the same ammo. In the Old West it was done that way with the .44-40 in the Winchester and the Colt Single Action Army.

In military rifles, a Colt 6920 and an Arsenal SLR 106 using the same ammo. You could also do a .44 magnum pistol and lever action rifle in the same caliber. I have followed this rule, but also violated it as well with too many different kinds of weapons. If I was starting out for the first time, I'd keep it simple with cross caliber weapons. Keeps the potential for panic to a minimum.

I started when I was a kid. Back then I didn't know how many guns I wanted. The older I get, the more I realize I want every gun. And then there are some I want that don't exist yet. Unfortunately my collection will never be complete until they invent time travel!:lol:

ETA: should probably mention, I'm not really into prepping for civil war or whatever. I believe in the concept of a militia, but I'm not that guy with a bunch of web gear and camo in his closet, not that I necessarily discourage a more active role. My deal is I like to shoot, and I like to collect. I like guns period, from Chinese hand canons to modern "assault weapons." I'm just as happy posting up next to the pond with a .22 and a giant box of ammo as I am shooting the big boys. I even like cleaning my guns, for crying out loud. And I particularly enjoy trading guns. My only worry is that all these things will become impossible or cost prohibitive if there's a panic, especially if it's followed by legislation. I'm not stocking up to fight off an army, just to enjoy my hobby for as long as possible no matter what happens.

09-04-16, 16:11
Already started. Actually several months ago. We cannot get BCM or Colt AR's. Certain types of 5.56 are hard to get as well.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This has been my observation also.
I'm looking at magazines, right now you're fine as long as you want MagPul, others are a little tricky.

09-04-16, 16:35
Being pragmatic. Worst case scenario it would be 2018 at the earliest before any Federal ban. EOs only do so much.

But Male Klinton was actually able to sell the AWB and it was still slim and then came the backlash.

Assuming Klinton gets it, a lot of people really do not like her. I can see where she would be obstructed.

I think the darkest days will be November to June if she gets it. Then people will try to pump out as much as possible.

The world is a much different place than 1993.

In 1993:

The Wall was down.
Economy was up
There was racial tension but not to this level
It was a real swords to plowshares era.

In 2016:
Terrorism is a very real concern
Europe is in disarray
The Russians are a near peer force to be reckoned with and are very active in SWA
The Chinese essentially own us
Longtime allies are kinda offset from us. Japan wants a sovereign army and probably has nukes because North Korea is being run by a kid who is a bit of a wild card.

The whole migrant crisis is diminishing quality of life in First world nations.

US crime is actually on the rise due in no small part to a piss poor economy and a severe racial divide unseen since Reconstruction.

Not an atmosphere where people are really in a mood to give up their guns.

I am cautiously optimistic but I don't think Klinton can sell an AWB.

I mean Obama is better liked than her, got Bongocare passed, Sandy Hook happened, and they couldn't do it. And now most people don't blame anyone for being leery of government beyond the dole.

I DO think if she gets it a lot of fck-fck games will get played with ammo imports and taxes.

But as shrill as she is, she isn't a salesman. There is still Benghazi hanging on her shoulders and people think she is a senile old fart who shits herself and puts out hits on people.

So....as the great warrior poet 2Pac said, "Keep ya head up"

09-04-16, 16:41
I thought this was established the day she threw her hat in the ring?

09-04-16, 17:33
Being pragmatic. Worst case scenario it would be 2018 at the earliest before any Federal ban.

And even in 2018 it would be a shocker if the house flipped, R's almost always do well in mid terms, especially with a Clinton in the White House... And in 2020 she'd be making history winning a second term on the back of another 2 term D (yes FDR & Truman, but it was 3 terms to 1)... The danger is what she does to the SCOTUS when it comes to guns and I see more state level action with Hillary backing it.

09-04-16, 17:36
Yep, which is why I'm trying to divest myself of 300BLK. I knew I shouldn't do it but did it anyway. Not gonna shoot suppressed, so why a new caliber? Now I've got a 10.5" pistol upper I've only put 60 rounds through and 300rds of Barnes Vor-TX 110gr, which is > $1 a round. I'll either let them go soon or sit on it until prices go through the roof, not sure. If I sold now I could buy more ammo. Oh well, mainly trying to narrow things down to 5.56, 9mm, and some .308. I've got plenty of all three, just not enough if ya know what I mean.

I bought 300blk for this very reason. Since all but the barrel is the same as .556 I didn't have to spend extra money on mags, bcg's, and the like (I may or may not have still used it as a justification to buy more anyway). I've learned to appreciate calibers that transition, instead of buying different complete platforms. Hopefully if this gun scare actually comes to fruition there's a chance I can still get 300blk, while everyone is waiting in line outside of walmart for .556, 9mm, and .22 like last time. I really hope it doesn't happen again, but I have certainly been preparing. I've focused on spare parts this year, heard they were hard to come by in 2013. I'm happy with how many rifles I own, now just need to have the parts and ammo to keep them running.

ETA: If you do decide to dump your 300 BLK, I'd be highly interested in taking that 300 rounds of black tip off your hands ;)

Alex V
09-04-16, 18:07
Brass Tacks:

People are realizing that what is perfectly accessible today may likely not be so after the election. Thus, people are buying guns. Most probably won't shoot them but a few times and will sit aside.


A few months ago my mom texts me "I want to get an AR15 before that bitch bans them"

Okay mom. Here is a link to a BCM lower and a BCM upper. Ship them to this FFL.

If she puts 200 rounds through it EVER it will be a miracle. She does shoot her USP-C 9mm quite a lot tho, so maybe.

09-04-16, 18:47

A few months ago my mom texts me "I want to get an AR15 before that bitch bans them"

Okay mom. Here is a link to a BCM lower and a BCM upper. Ship them to this FFL.

If she puts 200 rounds through it EVER it will be a miracle. She does shoot her USP-C 9mm quite a lot tho, so maybe.

Sounds like a nice lady. :)

09-04-16, 20:20
There's validity to the statement that many should have started preparing for the potential times ahead, especially if you lived through all the past bans. It's the young ones that have no clue, nor could they be expected to understand it all unless they have been raised in a "gun environment". Those of us who are in the latter half of our existence here should be passing on our experience to any youngster who will listen. Our best legacy is the knowledge we leave with the next generation. My two youngest kids are squared away and my eldest son has already given me 4 grandchildren that I have been working with.

On a lighter note, my family and that of my foreman went to Albuquerque to see Hell or High Water. Enjoyable film and I recommend it if you haven't seen it. For us here in New Mexico it was nice to see familiar locations in Tucumcari, Clovis and Portales. In fact a lot of it was shot in Portales, New Mexico. The "Comanche 66 Casino" is actually the Route 66 Casino west of Albuquerque. Back to Portales, if you stop at the T-Bone Shack, don't expect anything else.....they don't have it.

09-04-16, 23:18
Maybe it's just because it's late, but I actually look forward to Cuban Paratroopers or 'Blue Helmets' landing outside my house as opposed to the continued self fracturing of this country.

09-05-16, 07:03
Maybe it's just because it's late, but I actually look forward to Cuban Paratroopers or 'Blue Helmets' landing outside my house as opposed to the continued self fracturing of this country.

Unfortunately, that's probably what it would take to bring this country back from the brink of this progressive apocalypse in which we're living.

09-06-16, 05:14
For an escape, today my wife and two kids plus my foreman, wife and kids are all going to town and we'll see the movie Hell or High Water. Some of it was filmed SE from here in Tucumcari.

Tucumcari, I'm a big Lee Van Cleef fan and Tucumcari is one of the towns he mentions in For A Few Dollars More, one of my all time favorites.

That brings something to mind as I down my 4th cup of coffee this morning. Sometimes too many guns means too many different calibers and the ammunition to find to feed those guns. For someone starting out, I would recommend cross caliber weapons that use the same ammo. A good Smith & Wesson revolver in .357 magnum and a lever action Winchester, Henry, etc. using the same ammo. In the Old West it was done that way with the .44-40 in the Winchester and the Colt Single Action Army.

In military rifles, a Colt 6920 and an Arsenal SLR 106 using the same ammo. You could also do a .44 magnum pistol and lever action rifle in the same caliber. I have followed this rule, but also violated it as well with too many different kinds of weapons. If I was starting out for the first time, I'd keep it simple with cross caliber weapons. Keeps the potential for panic to a minimum.

Caliber consolidation is a thing, I would love to be a "collector" but I keep things simple with modern military calibers.

I've been wanting to get one of Ruger's New Model Blackhawk convertibles, something about a wheel gun that can shoot 9mm/.357 Mag/.38 Spl . . .

09-06-16, 05:16
You and your kids can go to a three gun match one weekend and eat up 350 pistol rounds, 200 rifle and 150 shotgun.
Plus hit the range for fun now and then.

Those ammo forts can get small fast.

I think most people have bought so many guns and magazines,
That spare parts and ammo will be a wrench in then works.

If we see spiked prices due to high demand and low inventory much less an outright ban on things, I think most people will for go shooting tournaments and weekend plinking all together holding on to their stash for things to come . . .

09-06-16, 08:30
If we see spiked prices due to high demand and low inventory much less an outright ban on things, I think most people will for go shooting tournaments and weekend plinking all together holding on to their stash for things to come . . .

That's my fear. Some of the local ranges almost didn't survive the last panic because no one had any ammo to shoot. These panics are good for manufacturers and to an extent retailers (so long as they don't survive on their gun range), but they're just plain terrible for the shooter.

09-06-16, 08:51
I think while the consumer learned their lesson so did retailers.

I believe purchasing is at those or close to those previous panic levels. Difference? Retailers have seen it coming too and thyme have extra product on the shelf and orders in for more.

What I have noticed is many things being in stock, selling out, and then coming back in stock agian quickly. This is evidence of things selling quickly and the industry being able to keep up supply.

09-06-16, 09:05
In my former life I burned through pistol ammo by the case (rifle ammo was on me). Lots of range time, some competition. Mostly wheel guns. Did a lot of "ball and dummy" work on the timer. A normal session for me was 15 rounds and done--enough to keep an edge and on a good day maybe improve a bit--about 30 firing strokes. Maybe 2-3 times a week. My ammo went further and it kept me from getting sloppy.

I only fire off 18 rounds with the carbine, usually strings on paper or steel at 1,2, and 300. With the 15-22 it's a 25 round mag at 100 and in.

I still think less is more a lot of the time. I have .22 practice pieces that duplicate the center fires--Model 18 S&W, 1911 conversion kit, .22/45 Ruger, S&W 15-22--same idea. No .22 for Glock yet.

Just to balance it out I did fire a GE minigun in 5.56 a few years back. Impressive as hell...

09-06-16, 10:28
Fall round up starts then end of this month. Three squares and a bunk plus pay....it's salary. No hourly work in the ranch business. Cutting out about 90-110 head for market. Need a chute guy who can operate the thing without smashing his hand. The ability to count is a big plus. Other than that I've got riders working the neighbor's 292,000 acre spread rounding up my strays mixed in their herd. It's open range out here.

I can ride a roper, but I can't rope worth beans. I can shoot and I can chute.

I have some experience in these things. My g-pa is in the cowboy hall of fame as a rancher.

09-06-16, 23:28
Let me come work at your ranch. I'll work for knowledge and food.

I can ride, shoot, and count things but that's about it. I just want to get away.
Euro showing up to ship calves......this I gotta see.

Bout the time some big navajo gal takes a liking to the lad. [emoji7]

See dude, you long for wide open spaces in the desert, whlie sitting in Florida. I long for a beach and a mojito in Florida while i sit in the desert.

26 Inf
09-07-16, 11:04
See dude, you long for wide open spaces in the desert, whlie sitting in Florida. I long for a beach and a mojito in Florida while i sit in the desert.

The grass is always greener..... I lived in Nevada for a couple years. We were in the foothills of the Wassuk Range near Hawthorne, NV. Elevation about 4400, high-desert I guess you'd say. Why would you want to live anywhere else? I regularly kick myself in the ass for leaving.