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09-05-16, 09:34

Graphic court documents detail that at least three teenagers reported they had been sexually assaulted by 40-year-old Aric Babbitt and 36-year-old Matthew Deyo.

According to search warrants, a 16-year-old boy and his parents reported a sexual assault to police on Aug. 14.

The teenager said Babbitt had been his teacher and mentor and was in charge of him while volunteering at Lincoln Center Elementary.

The teenager told police that Babbitt and Deyo said they would take him to a jazz concert in Minneapolis in April and would treat him to a hotel stay. While at the hotel, Babbitt and Deyo provided the boy with alcohol and marijuana, and he became intoxicated, according to the search warrant.

And for even more sickness;


I grew up in
Winona, MN Now I live in
S. St. Paul, MN I've worked at Lincoln Center for 11 years! This is my 14th year of
teaching over all:
1999 - 2013 I've taught...
1st grade,
2nd grade,
3rd grade,
3rd-4th multi-age,
5th grade,
6th grade,

I'm pretty sure they got over by committing suicide
I'm also quite sure more victims will come forward.

09-05-16, 11:02
Simple man by charlie daniels.
Nuff said. Thread solved.

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09-05-16, 11:10
Simple man by charlie daniels.
Nuff said. Thread solved.

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09-05-16, 11:45
Simple man by charlie daniels.
Nuff said. Thread solved.

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

Are you going to do that Daniel? It's funny. Every time I'm around a bunch of he-man troglodytes they espouse those beliefs, but yet in my life I think I've heard of <5 cases of folks taking action into their own hands despite ~half a million sexual assaults occurring annually in the USA. (Source: rainn.org) Is it because these he-man troglodytes have never had a family member or loved one sexually assaulted or murdered? Or is it more likely that it is all talk and no action?

09-05-16, 11:59
Or is it more likely that it is all talk and no action?


09-05-16, 12:13
I remember the video of the Dad at the Airport popping his Sons assailant with one shot to the head.
That was a determined Man.
I'm not sure why it doesn't happen more often, perhaps access to the guy, the full knowledge that killing them will get you put in jail for perhaps life, or something else. I am though pretty sure that the Dad in that video, kept his mouth shut and just rolled on in with what he decided needed to be done.

09-05-16, 12:24
I remember the video of the Dad at the Airport popping his Sons assailant with one shot to the head.
That was a determined Man.
I'm not sure why it doesn't happen more often, perhaps access to the guy, the full knowledge that killing them will get you put in jail for perhaps life, or something else. I am though pretty sure that the Dad in that video, kept his mouth shut and just rolled on in with what he decided needed to be done.
That worked out pretty well for all concerned, including society in general. Do you think it set a precedent for how that kind of incident would be universally handled?

09-05-16, 12:29
Do you think it set a precedent for how that kind of incident would be universally handled?

It depends what the perp looks like, and who the victim was.

09-05-16, 12:36
That worked out pretty well for all concerned, including society in general. Do you think it set a precedent for how that kind of incident would be universally handled?

No, I don't think so.
I think the State wants justice, but they want to be the one dealing it out. That the Dad did what he (and I) felt was right is beyond question and yes, it is justice. Having said that, I've seen the way people drive, I would prefer most of them leave the executions to the Sate.
That Dad was pretty lucky he didn't spend the rest of his life in a cage or get the needle.
Sometimes a State can be as bad as a Vigilante, that someone needed killing got killed, may just mean they need someone, like the Dad to take his place.

09-05-16, 15:43
I don't know what I would do.
I am childless.

I do know how messed up kids get from sexual abuse, usually irreparably. I know how these people who do it don't really think they were wrong. Like a 40 odd y/o man actually claiming a 10 y/o seduced him.

I guess it would depend heavily on
A: My age at the time
B: The strength of my relationship with child's mother and her influence over me.
C: The celerity of the investigators and Judicial system to get offender locked up and out of reach.

Otherwise, Who knows? Anything to do with kids already bothers me. Like, really really bothers me. Like I have had to excuse myself from certain scenes once my function was completed.

And if it happened to a little life I helped bring into the world and knowing how disillusioned I am. It would be best if I were never in such a scenario.

09-05-16, 18:16
Are you going to do that Daniel? It's funny. Every time I'm around a bunch of he-man troglodytes they espouse those beliefs, but yet in my life I think I've heard of <5 cases of folks taking action into their own hands despite ~half a million sexual assaults occurring annually in the USA. (Source: rainn.org) Is it because these he-man troglodytes have never had a family member or loved one sexually assaulted or murdered? Or is it more likely that it is all talk and no action?

Do you really think if one of your troglodytes had done anything, they would come onto an internet gun forum and tell the world about it? Hmac, You think that?

I don't. I think they'd do what needed to be done and never speak of it to anyone because they didn't do it for the attention and they don't want to get caught. The type of men you speak of are the type that handle their business quietly. There are a LOT of missing persons and unsolved homicides in this country. A lot...

09-05-16, 20:04
Are you going to do that Daniel? It's funny. Every time I'm around a bunch of he-man troglodytes they espouse those beliefs, but yet in my life I think I've heard of <5 cases of folks taking action into their own hands despite ~half a million sexual assaults occurring annually in the USA. (Source: rainn.org) Is it because these he-man troglodytes have never had a family member or loved one sexually assaulted or murdered? Or is it more likely that it is all talk and no action?

He shoots, he scores...


09-05-16, 20:06
I remember the video of the Dad at the Airport popping his Sons assailant with one shot to the head.
That was a determined Man.
I'm not sure why it doesn't happen more often, perhaps access to the guy, the full knowledge that killing them will get you put in jail for perhaps life, or something else. I am though pretty sure that the Dad in that video, kept his mouth shut and just rolled on in with what he decided needed to be done.

All depends upon what you have to lose, what has already been lost and how much more you are willing to pay.

09-05-16, 20:20
Gee, I wonder why we won't be hearing too much on the MN news about the lovely gay couple who raped a bunch of boys.

09-05-16, 20:35
Do you really think if one of your troglodytes had done anything, they would come onto an internet gun forum and tell the world about it? Hmac, You think that?

I don't. I think they'd do what needed to be done and never speak of it to anyone because they didn't do it for the attention and they don't want to get caught. The type of men you speak of are the type that handle their business quietly. There are a LOT of missing persons and unsolved homicides in this country. A lot...

I definitely agree with this. I'm not saying most horriffic actions are met with personal retribution, but I have to believe the majority of the cases it does happen would be kept in secrecy and not publicly lauded.

09-05-16, 23:20
Gee, I wonder why we won't be hearing too much on the MN news about the lovely gay couple who raped a bunch of boys.

Same reason most have never heard of the Carr brothers or De'Marquise Elkins and Dominique Lang. Just doesn't fit the popular narrative.

09-08-16, 05:14
I definitely agree with this. I'm not saying most horriffic actions are met with personal retribution, but I have to believe the majority of the cases it does happen would be kept in secrecy and not publicly lauded.

Do you really think if one of your troglodytes had done anything, they would come onto an internet gun forum and tell the world about it? Hmac, You think that?

I don't. I think they'd do what needed to be done and never speak of it to anyone because they didn't do it for the attention and they don't want to get caught.

Thank you for proving my point. The type of people who would do that shit are not the type of people who sit on internet gun forums or shooting ranges and say "Simple man by Charlie Daniels. Nuff said" or any other bullshit about "If my family member were abused I would kill errrybody". It's kind of like, the easiest way to know someone was not MARSOC, was if they say they were MARSOC...

Taken was a movie, and it was a good movie because it was so unrealistic. Also, do you not think if after the sexual assault of your kid if one of the suspects gets toasted the LEOs aren't going to come straight to you? I do. You'd be suspect #1, and you better be damn good at your craft because if you do some sleuthy killing and get busted later for it you're going down. At least Gary could claim psychological distress because of overwhelming public support thanks to being on national TV for a week straight. And if you don't get your kid's abuser quickly enough? He ends up in prison before you can get to him. I think this is why we don't hear about it very often...not because there are half a million troglodyte fatbodies that are so good at murdering child molesters and rapists that even LEOs can't track them down...:rolleyes:

Steyr, Gary was included in the <5 cases I've heard about in my life. Maybe that's the only one, come to think about. Here we are like 30 years later and "Father kills sons abuser" hits on Google are almost exclusively about Gary.


09-08-16, 07:29
Got no dog in this fight but it reminded me of this

Manslaughter charges dropped against a Bronx man who beat to death his wife's would be rapist with a tire iron


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09-08-16, 10:20
That worked out pretty well for all concerned, including society in general. Do you think it set a precedent for how that kind of incident would be universally handled?

It worked out well for him too, his sentence was deferred. Probably not the outcome you'd get up north though.

Are you going to do that Daniel? It's funny. Every time I'm around a bunch of he-man troglodytes they espouse those beliefs, but yet in my life I think I've heard of <5 cases of folks taking action into their own hands despite ~half a million sexual assaults occurring annually in the USA. (Source: rainn.org) Is it because these he-man troglodytes have never had a family member or loved one sexually assaulted or murdered? Or is it more likely that it is all talk and no action?

I can't speak for whoever you are talking about but I know what I would do.

09-08-16, 11:35
What most concerns me isn't that some parent didn't get to get some justice, what concerns me, really concerns me is that this happened at all.
Yeah there are always going to be some sick individuals who enjoy raping young boys, always has been, likely always will be. That it happened to be a school Teacher with over a decade in the system, very likely there are a lot of young men out there right now who were assaulted by this guy.
This stuff doesn't happen in a vacuum, likely (especially if there were as many as 6 victims) someone at one time or another told an adult. That it was hidden, swept under a rug or the charge was never pursued only added more victims to the final tally.
I think we've kind of grown numb to young kids being sexualized and abused. It's a damned shame, there are likely some young boys/men that will never recover from what this pervert did to them.
Having the opportunity to commit suicide rather than being forced to face justice and their victims is a shame, they took the easy way out of that one and I hope if there is a hell, they are well entrenched in the horrors of it.

09-08-16, 11:39
What most concerns me isn't that some parent didn't get to get some justice, what concerns me, really concerns me is that this happened at all.
Yeah there are always going to be some sick individuals who enjoy raping young boys, always has been, likely always will be. That it happened to be a school Teacher with over a decade in the system, very likely there are a lot of young men out there right now who were assaulted by this guy.
This stuff doesn't happen in a vacuum, likely (especially if there were as many as 6 victims) someone at one time or another told an adult. That it was hidden, swept under a rug or the charge was never pursued only added more victims to the final tally.
I think we've kind of grown numb to young kids being sexualized and abused. It's a damned shame, there are likely some young boys/men that will never recover from what this pervert did to them.
Having the opportunity to commit suicide rather than being forced to face justice and their victims is a shame, they took the easy way out of that one and I hope if there is a hell, they are well entrenched in the horrors of it.

This is why sex crimes need to be rooted out and have severe penalties. This shit is like a chain that never ends. Many of these victims will never recover and some may even become gay or molesters themselves. One pervert can **** up dozens of lives that a small % will then go on to wreck other kid's futures as well like some sort of disgusting reverse-pyramid.

09-08-16, 13:31
The victim who submitted Polaroid pictures of himself naked with Babbitt, told investigators the 40-year-old teacher at Lincoln Center Elementary, who also happens to be friends with his family, began acting as his mentor when he came out to his family.
The teen said the couple plied him and other teen boys with pornography, alcohol and marijuana at their house, their cabin in rural Crow Wing County and even at a hotel in downtown Minneapolis during gay pride weekend.
Babbit and Deyo had given the teen, gifts of underwear and yoga shorts. When the teen’s mother got curious, Babbitt told her the gifts were just “a gay thing”.
The district had placed Babbitt on administrative leave Aug. 17 after learning of the South St. Paul police investigation. According to South St. Paul School District Superintendent Dave Webb, the school district has identified even more possible victims during its review. The school district continues to conduct separate investigations.

An amazing amount of fail at every level. I blame the Parents more than the kid, you turn your 16 year old gay Son over to an Adult as his "Gay Mentor?"

09-08-16, 14:42
Got no dog in this fight but it reminded me of this

Manslaughter charges dropped against a Bronx man who beat to death his wife's would be rapist with a tire iron


Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

I guess all you have to do is make sure you don't use a gun.

09-09-16, 03:40
Are you going to do that Daniel? It's funny. Every time I'm around a bunch of he-man troglodytes they espouse those beliefs, but yet in my life I think I've heard of <5 cases of folks taking action into their own hands despite ~half a million sexual assaults occurring annually in the USA. (Source: rainn.org) Is it because these he-man troglodytes have never had a family member or loved one sexually assaulted or murdered? Or is it more likely that it is all talk and no action?

So says a childless bachelor . . .

09-09-16, 11:15
This is why sex crimes need to be rooted out and have severe penalties. This shit is like a chain that never ends. Many of these victims will never recover and some may even become gay or molesters themselves. One pervert can **** up dozens of lives that a small % will then go on to wreck other kid's futures as well like some sort of disgusting reverse-pyramid.


09-09-16, 11:32

Well apparently he had already "Come Out" to his parents, Babbit was a Family friend and with their permission became his "Mentor".
You know, that right there was my WTF moment. He tells his parents that he is gay, so they find him a mentor,....?
You need a mentor to be gay?

WTF were these parents thinking?

26 Inf
09-09-16, 17:50
WTF were these parents thinking?

Obviously, they weren't really thinking it through. Perhaps they were kind of looking at it from the perspective of 'we don't know shit about being gay.' They obviously trusted the guy, just as many of us trust folks. It is truly a big bag 'o shit.

09-10-16, 03:39

I know two men who were raped by older cousins when they were young, they have struggled with their sexuality ever since. One has since married an incredible woman while they other who is now almost 40 has never been in a relationship.

Yes, many times juvenile victims of sexual assaults grow up "confused" and almost every pedophile were themselves victims at a young age.

09-10-16, 07:32
I don't see any personal references here from those who've been there, so I will say this:
I been down this road already, both as the child, and as the parent.
The "me as a child" part was nearly 40yrs ago now.

It is a dark road, sometimes very dark. There is no light ahead, even now.

You do not want to go down it, ever.

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09-10-16, 22:10
We have to face the fact that the "justice system" is simply not equipped to deal with sexual predators effectively. We see far too many instances where a predator gets a slap on the wrist or serves a sentence, then gets out to violate again. Frequently the results are a dead victim, because all they learned was that a witness testifying equals an undesirable outcome.

The odds of rehabilitating a violent sexual predator are incredibly small. Releasing one back into society is akin to playing Russian roulette. :(

09-11-16, 00:10
Well apparently he had already "Come Out" to his parents, Babbit was a Family friend and with their permission became his "Mentor".
You know, that right there was my WTF moment. He tells his parents that he is gay, so they find him a mentor,....?
You need a mentor to be gay?

WTF were these parents thinking?

No kidding. My parents never found me a "mentor" once I turned 16 as a straight male. That task was all up to me. Luckily, I had a mildly pudgy, 18 year old neighbor with a host of daddy issues.

Anyway, back to the lovely, molesting gay couple. It's Minnesota. The extreme cold slows the synapses...

09-11-16, 08:50
Gee, I wonder why we won't be hearing too much on the MN news about the lovely gay couple who raped a bunch of boys.

This exactly.