View Full Version : Are Our Elections Going To Be Hacked?

09-05-16, 14:30
I have a genuine distrust of what is going on in our government, but is this, or is it not legit?


U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies are probing what they see as a broad covert Russian operation in the United States to sow public distrust in the upcoming presidential election and in U.S. political institutions, intelligence and congressional officials said.

The Kremlin’s intent may not be to sway the election in one direction or another, officials said, but to cause chaos and provide propaganda fodder to attack U.S. democracy-building policies around the world, particularly in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

After Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) ended a secure, 30-minute phone briefing by a top intelligence official recently, he was “deeply shaken,” according to an aide who was with Reid when he left the secure room at the FBI’s Las Vegas headquarters.

“It doesn’t really matter who hacked this data from Mrs. Clinton’s campaign headquarters,” Putin said, referring to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, in an interview with Bloomberg News. “The important thing is the content was given to the public.”

Recently, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said he favors designating the various voting systems used in the country’s 9,000 polling places as “critical infrastructure”

Today, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson hosted a phone call with members of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) and other Chief Election Officials to discuss the cybersecurity of the election infrastructure.

09-05-16, 14:45
Would it not be funny to see Clinton win with 80+% despite independent polls showing 50/50 splits before the election? Not that they are that stupid...

09-05-16, 15:14
I suppose they would need to target just a couple of swing states like FL, OH, or PA to make some fireworks.

09-05-16, 15:17
This has the potential to make the 2000 election look trivial by comparison. What if there is evidence of hacking? Do we have a paper "do-over"? Who orders it? With the Dems in the White House as of now, and all the cabinet seats (like DHS for instance) occupied by libtards, it could get interesting. If the initial results show Cuntlery winning they will stonewall any attempts to challenge the election. If she loses they will pull out all stops to overturn the results. And then there's the 4-4 SCOTUS who will likely not be able to reach a consensus opinion. Then what? Who is the final arbiter? Methinks the ones holding the reigns of power at that time would be (God help us 'cause we know who that is).

Can you spell c-o-n-s-t-i-t-u-t-i-o-n-a-l c-r-i-s-i-s?

09-05-16, 15:20
I'm going to do a testimonial proof of life video and selfie of me voting Trump. I suggest others do the same for the class action lawsuit.

09-05-16, 15:30
This has the potential to make the 2000 election look trivial by comparison. What if there is evidence of hacking? Do we have a paper "do-over"? Who orders it? With the Dems in the White House as of now, and all the cabinet seats (like DHS for instance) occupied by libtards, it could get interesting. If the initial results show Cuntlery winning they will stonewall any attempts to challenge the election. If she loses they will pull out all stops to overturn the results. And then there's the 4-4 SCOTUS who will likely not be able to reach a consensus opinion. Then what? Who is the final arbiter? Methinks the ones holding the reigns of power at that time would be (God help us 'cause we know who that is).

Can you spell c-o-n-s-t-i-t-u-t-i-o-n-a-l c-r-i-s-i-s?

The SCOTUS thing is interesting, but not a killer. If you end up having a split 4-4, then the ruling from the lower court stands. That 70% of fed appeals benchsitters are on the left doesn't bode well.

I still don't know how you hack 9,000 different voting entities. Maybe you can hack enough of the big ones? That would be mostly in Dem controlled cities- and there I worry more about them corrupting the voting than Putin.

I think the threat is real, but I think the remedy coincides with the Progressives desire for national control of elections and a move away from the electoral college. I think they would take the hit of Hillary losing if it comes down to electoral college/House of Rep issues and we go to nationalized presidential elections.

09-05-16, 15:35
I thought that if there was some sort of tie or issue with the candidates Congress decided. Seeing that Harry Died is so troubled I guess they are not concerned about a Republican congress deciding. Seems like ground work is being laid for one side to claim fowl if Hillary looses to me. David

09-05-16, 15:40
If the risk is false and Russia isn't hacking the Election, then this is sowing a seed of doubt early.
Lots of Battleground States in this Election on the East Coast will be reporting in early. They've time to fix any possible security breeches now, but even that might raise some suspicion.
Odd isn't it?

09-05-16, 15:40
NO need to. Last election, EVERY voting machine in Philthadelphia came PRE-loaded with 5,000 straight DEMOCRAP tickets already voted.

In the DEMOCRAP precincts of Chicago, 103% of eligible voters managed to cast ballots.

The Russians will hafta take a number; behind the DNC, BLM, whatever the hell replaced ACORN, the SEIU, the Teamsters, the heads of the 5 families, the New Black Panthers, and a laundry list of other DEMOCRAP operatives, who are ALREADY hacking the election, and who have tons more experience at doing it. :rolleyes:

09-05-16, 15:53
Putin's hacking and the dems vote stealing interfere with each other and Trump wins, and the Dems can't complain without exposing their guilt.

I can dream...

09-05-16, 15:54
How to Hack an Election by a Guy who has done it.

Andrés Sepúlveda rigged elections throughout Latin America for almost a decade. He tells his story for the first time.
For eight years, Sepúlveda, now 31, says he traveled the continent rigging major political campaigns. With a budget of $600,000, the Peña Nieto job was by far his most complex. He led a team of hackers that stole campaign strategies, manipulated social media to create false waves of enthusiasm and derision, and installed spyware in opposition offices, all to help Peña Nieto, a right-of-center candidate, eke out a victory. On that July night, he cracked bottle after bottle of Colón Negra beer in celebration. As usual on election night, he was alone.


The attacks against the state election boards came weeks after the DNC hack that leaked embarrassing emails about the party, leading to the resignation of DNC (Democratic National Committee) ChairwomanDebbie Wasserman Schultz.
Some security experts and law enforcement agencies raised concerns about politically motivated hacking, pointing finger over the Russian state-sponsored hackers in an attempt to damage Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

09-05-16, 18:03
I've suspected the elections were rigged since Bill Clinton's second term. I think were being taken for a ride. I have zero proof and no way to get any proof...

Outlander Systems
09-05-16, 19:12
I have a conspiracy theory, that a lot of Anti-USG conspiracy theories are actually external propaganda originating from a certain NE Asian country...

At any rate, I wouldn't be surprised, in the least, if there was some tomfoolery, or a dash of chicanery, involving cyberattacks during the election...

09-05-16, 20:45
Corrupted. By various leaders and groups based in the U.S.

09-05-16, 21:04
Yes. It won't be the first time either. I've said it before- we only have the illusion of a choice. I saw something interesting today... two newspapers, both dated 1 September. Form your own conclusions.


09-05-16, 21:09
To be honest, I'm more worried about what the clinton camp will try to pull.

Then again it was Stalin, a Russian, (well, Georgian, Soviet anyway) Who said "It doesn't matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes."

brushy bill
09-05-16, 21:21
To be honest, I'm more worried about what the clinton camp will try to pull.

Then again it was Stalin, a Russian, (well, Georgian, Soviet anyway) Who said "It doesn't matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes."

I've suspected the elections were rigged since Bill Clinton's second term. I think were being taken for a ride. I have zero proof and no way to get any proof...

NO need to. Last election, EVERY voting machine in Philthadelphia came PRE-loaded with 5,000 straight DEMOCRAP tickets already voted.

In the DEMOCRAP precincts of Chicago, 103% of eligible voters managed to cast ballots.

The Russians will hafta take a number; behind the DNC, BLM, whatever the hell replaced ACORN, the SEIU, the Teamsters, the heads of the 5 families, the New Black Panthers, and a laundry list of other DEMOCRAP operatives, who are ALREADY hacking the election, and who have tons more experience at doing it. :rolleyes:

I am MUCH more concerned with our domestic enemies than ANY foreign enemies. Not even remotely close.

09-05-16, 22:02
Actually I think we are doing more to ourselves than our foreign enemies could ever dream.

I bet Putin and President China probably sit up, watch MSNBC and laugh their asses off at us.

09-06-16, 00:05
what I think to !!!
and the muzzis are laughing as they invade so many places
Actually I think we are doing more to ourselves than our foreign enemies could ever dream.

I bet Putin and President China probably sit up, watch MSNBC and laugh their asses off at us.

09-06-16, 03:29
Even if someone wanted to hack enough machines to alter the outcome, why would they? The election isn't decided by popular vote. I'm not sure I know a way to hack the Electoral College.

09-06-16, 06:15
I really wished they sent you out a scantron sheet with your DL photo attached to it and a really fancy "ELECTION OF 2016-HELP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" #2 pencil prior to the election. 2008 & 2012's election pencil would have read "YES WE CAN" & "YES WE DID, SO FU CRACKERAZZCRACKER" resepectively. You also would be required to leave your thumb print on the sheet. This is common for any professional license or board (engineering-medical) in the US. A NICS check is run before the ballot is ever mailed and it had to be mailed to a physical address/po box or you pick it up prior from the post office. I would be completely fine waiting 6-8 weeks to hear who won.

Why we have to jump through the hoops we do to buy a gun, get a DL, or hell cash a check from the drawers bank but do not to vote (to stamp out fraud) is damn criminal to me. I personally think proof of paying income tax should be a requirement as well. And if you have been on welfare over 1 year and do not have a disability type condition (in my best soup nazi voice) "NO VOTE FOR YOU!"

It will never happen. One, that would hurt their ability to vote early<- (lol, yeah right, after 1pm maybe) and vote often. Two, it would kill the media circus involved in the elections and their minute by minute coverage. And finally, it would forever free those of us named Chad from ever having to go through the shit we did when the hanging chads where the culprit in a stalled decision. After the 100th person told me "it's all your fault" it lost whatever snappy humor it started out with.

09-06-16, 07:53
Yes. It won't be the first time either. I've said it before- we only have the illusion of a choice. I saw something interesting today... two newspapers, both dated 1 September. Form your own conclusions.


Here's SNOPES, in the Clinton's pockets, trying to cover up changes.

They claim it was a "standard" revision. And that the "early" prints had the "pro-trump" wording and that it was changed mid day through printing.

Yeah... Sounds legit...

09-07-16, 03:05
The fourth estate has been the fifth column for a century now . . .

It's being set up.

If Trump some how wins, the Feds will declare the elections were hacked . . . aka false flag . . . and suspend the elections. Barry will have a third term and a ninth year to wrap up some loose ends. Then some a special election will be attempted again with a landslide Hillary win.

It's like one of my uncles always says; "Want to know when they are lying? Every time their mouths move."

09-07-16, 15:57

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter lashed out at Russia on Wednesday, accusing the government of President Vladimir V. Putin of demonstrating a “clear ambition to erode” international order and warning Russia to stay out of the American elections.
He also warned Moscow that Washington “will not ignore attempts to interfere with our democratic processes,” a clear reference to the F.B.I. investigation into allegations that Russia hacked into computer systems of the Democratic National Committee. Mr. Carter accused Russia of “undercutting the work and contributions of others rather than creating or making any positive contributions on its own,” and said that Moscow was sowing “instability rather than cultivating stability.”

Carter did nothing but escalate the tension with those statements.

09-09-16, 09:23
You know I was taught to expect our enemies to attempt to hack our information. We expected that it would be a part of the Cold War and adjusted to keep that information "In House".
Now everything is digital, most communications from your Grocery List to the position of a Unit in Combat flow through digits.
That we have arrived at a place where we cannot secure our technology is either an outright lie or we allow this falsehood to be put forward to cover someone's a** in a big way.
I'm thinking that if you are believing that it is possible, but not probable that Russia is actually hacking this stuff, well then you are smart enough to understand what Hillary did with her e-mails was illegal.
So then why is She even still on the ticket and why are we having the debate?

09-09-16, 09:40
I have a genuine distrust of what is going on in our government, but is this, or is it not legit?


U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies are probing what they see as a broad covert Russian operation in the United States to sow public distrust in the upcoming presidential election and in U.S. political institutions, intelligence and congressional officials said.

Along the lines of what Averageman said:


I don't think Russia is likely to actually tamper with the election - but who knows. Regardless, I do think the Dem side and "deep state" is setting the stage to try and nullify any results that go for Trump or otherwise fail to reinforce the totalitarian agenda of Hillary and company.

I think this election cycle has already shown that the US political system is in no way a democracy of any kind (as a representative republic or otherwise) and therefore the legitimacy of the entire federal system is in question. I don't see that being fixed regardless of who wins in November or whether the win was clean or not. Even in the event that Trump wins (say 60/40) and is recognized as such and takes office, I expect that Dem side will forever treat the result as illegitimate and do everything to undermine national government. And that is my best case scenario.

We are already in a situation where the executive blatantly disregards federal law and the Constitution, where high officials are guilty as sin of serious felonies and are not even prosecuted, where the SCOTUS is highly political... I don't see this going anywhere good.

09-09-16, 14:12
We're getting Hillary any way you paint it. Get ready...you have about 60 days to do so...if you have not been prepping already.

09-09-16, 14:22
We're getting Hillary any way you paint it. Get ready...you have about 60 days to do so...if you have not been prepping already.

And this kind of malarkey just kind of puts the melted cheese on the tortilla, doesn't it?
If the Battleground States go for Trump early in the count and it looks like Hillary will lose, we will here about this by Five O'clock Central Time Zone. "We've been Hacked" will be the Headline the next morning.
Both the "D" and the "R" guys well entrenched in the Washington money flow want to keep the game going and the money rolling in.