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View Full Version : Around 80 handguns stolen during gun shop robbery

09-06-16, 06:30
From my local news, a small town gun shop was robbed the other night. From how fast it went, they had definitely cased the place prior to the robbery. Not tech geniuses however, they tried to cut the CCTV/Security system lines out back, but cut the cable TV and internet lines instead.


Didn't touch any of the long guns...just pistols & ammo. This town is roughly 150 people, very rural, with spotty cell signals in the actual town itself.

09-06-16, 06:45
Ya' know... this same thing happened at a gun shop in the East Hills here on Pittsburgh a few years ago... and we NEVER heard anything about it since! Makes me think there may be some real pros out there planning nefarious things...

09-06-16, 06:52
They mention in the video, that when the one guy decided to elbow the top of the glass case to get in, he left blood...that's most likely the best lead they'll get, as long as the guy is in a DNA database. If not, who knows. This shop isn't too far from the Twin Cities (MN), Chicago, and the Quad Cities (IA). So who know's where these will end up.

09-06-16, 07:08
Two Chicago area gun shops were recently hit. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Two-Suburban-Gun-Stores-Robbed-in-Less-Than-an-Hour-391242621.html

09-06-16, 08:03
The article uses the term "robbery" and then describes a burglary.

Robberies at gun stores usually don't end well

09-06-16, 08:35
The article uses the term "robbery" and then describes a burglary.

Robberies at gun stores usually don't end well

That was my first thought. You'd have to have a pretty sophisticated plan and a lot of manpower to make the usual 2-5 armed store guys not start going full OK Corral.

Mr. Goodtimes
09-06-16, 08:58
I'm actually surprised this doesn't happen more often. I worked in a very large retail gun shop for a few years and always thought the place would be pretty easy to clean out.

- It was a large building, lots of space to move around.

- It was very busy so it would be easy to case.

- lots of inventory unsecured on the showroom floor.

- Located in a commercial area, so the area is a complete ghost town after about 9:00 pm.

The hardest part would have been getting in but once in everything you would want is at your fingertips.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-06-16, 10:14
The article uses the term "robbery" and then describes a burglary.

Robberies at gun stores usually don't end well

Many members of the media, and the public for that matter, don't know the difference.

09-07-16, 20:10
Just had one happen in the Tampa Bay Area this weekend.

This is like the 3rd or 4th that's I can recall happening in the Tampa Bay Metroplex in the past year.

09-07-16, 20:16
This is why we need UBC's !!!!!!

09-07-16, 20:32
From my local news, a small town gun shop was robbed the other night. From how fast it went, they had definitely cased the place prior to the robbery. Not tech geniuses however, they tried to cut the CCTV/Security system lines out back, but cut the cable TV and internet lines instead.


Didn't touch any of the long guns...just pistols & ammo. This town is roughly 150 people, very rural, with spotty cell signals in the actual town itself.

Don't worry I put in an request to the honorable Gov. Mark Dayton that Minnesota needs to put up some signs "banning all theft of guns on this property" around Minnesota gun stores so once that law passes we should be all good, I mean come on guys its just "common sense", by the way can some one tell me which font is the sacrasm one;)

09-08-16, 03:13
This sort of thing happens pretty often.

When they were building the first Cabela's in TX, they had a lot of firearms stored in a "secured" Conex container that a crew blow torched their way into. Military Gun Supply had a bunch of rifles (AKs) and the like stolen by a crew who drew a truck through their security bared front windows.

09-09-16, 04:14
Steel hollow posts filled with concrete are commonly placed in front of gun shops in my area to prevent running a vehicle through the front. Otherwise, entry can be made, cases smashed, handguns stolen, and then escape carried out before police response. Another trick is entering by breaking through the roof, although this tactic has become less common.