View Full Version : IPhone 7 Out

09-08-16, 09:36
I didn't see a thread on this, so please move as needed mods if one exists

Rules of this thread:

Please don't post something like "Iphones suck I use X" responses that add nothing to the discussion. This thread is for those who use Iphones. These threads often go to chit because someone feels the need to tell us how much they suck and X OS or X phone is better. Don't like IPhones/Apple products, don't buy them. Capiche? Onto thread:

Who plans to get one? Not me, at least not at this time.

Why? I don't like being a beta tester for latest tech cuz it's new and shiny. I prefer vetted tech that has had it's bugs, problems (and there's always problems), etc worked out. Companies rush to market these days finds them doing far less pre testing than they used to and just let the consumers be the beta testers. I don't see anything in the 7 the 6 does not offer me that would cover all needs.

For me the 7 actually has a major drawback, The lack a headphone jack. I plug some high end headphones into the phone and get very good fidelity. Unless Apple has designed some lossless signal, it will be compressed and sound like chit. My experience so far with BT wireless has been fail. It's not even close to sound quality of hard wired system. However, The 7 phone will offer a Lightning connection and Lightning should be able to deliver higher quality audio than headphones connected over a 3.5mm jack. So, may not be total fail after all, but we will see I guess.

Most people don't know, or care, what good music sounds like as the wear their Beats headphones or ear buds, but some do. I download or record from lossless sources, which does suck up a lot of memory, but makes a big difference in sound quality.

I'm using a 5S that just started to slow down a bit and getting clunky, and a 6s will be a major upgrade that will save $ I can spend on other things like ammo and beer.

Here’s what Apple announced:

■ New iPhones, called the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.

■ The new iPhones lack a headphone jack.

■ The new iPhones have a revised home button with force sensitivity, which will vibrate to give feedback.

■ The iPhones are water-resistant.

■ The Plus model of the new iPhone includes a dual-lens camera to take professional-grade photos.

■ A new Apple Watch, called Apple Watch Series 2, which includes GPS.

■ Pokémon Go is available for Apple Watch.

■ An update on how Apple Music is performing.

■ Tweaks to its iWork suite of productivity apps.

Source/more intel


09-08-16, 09:45
I have an old 5s and have been waiting for the new one to come out. I will most likely upgrade to the 7 and skip the 6s. The 6s has lots of reported issues with the home button detaching from the chip set and becoming inop, Apple knows about it but refuses to issue a recall/fix. The new 7 should not have this same issue. If you use the headphone to lighting link adapter how much fidelity would you lose?

09-08-16, 09:58
I have an old 5s and have been waiting for the new one to come out. I will most likely upgrade to the 7 and skip the 6s. The 6s has lots of reported issues with the home button detaching from the chip set and becoming inop, Apple knows about it but refuses to issue a recall/fix. The new 7 should not have this same issue. If you use the headphone to lighting link adapter how much fidelity would you lose?

Actually, should gain some some fidelity and I added that to the OP after looking into it some more. Hadn't heard home button was a major issue on the 6. Thanx.

Outlander Systems
09-08-16, 10:02
Longtime Apple dude.

The 7 is the most disappointing launch of an iPhone yet.

There were, seemingly revolutionary additions in previous editions, where calling this an "evolutionary" design is generous at best.

With the healthy competition, like Samsung's GearVR, that *IS* revolutionary, Apple needs to lose the conservative approach, and go back to thinking creatively.

Total letdown.

09-08-16, 10:07
I don't plan on getting one, but I really despise media. If it wasn't bad enough with trying to stir every damn pot into a whirlpool, they gotta try all the time to do this with topics that don't even constitute that kind of response.

Last night, the local news was in shock, gasping, accentuating all of their IMPORTANT stuff. They kept going over and over about the "New iPhone will LACK the BASIC headphones JACK. but they have this new fangled cord that plugs into the lightning jack.

I almost missed it, for how fast they tried building up emotion about the product that I actually laughed out loud in front of the family while we watched it, and explained that the lightning jack would most likely give better audio and power relay. Especially if it's not like, a "jack" that is 3.5mm female to a lightning male.

But, no, I don't buy iPhones, I don't use them. But, I won't knock them for anything more than their price, and sadly, even that is "competitive" based on our over inflated market.

09-08-16, 10:09
Whenever my 5S finally dies, I'm just going to pick up an SE.

Size of a 5S, guts of a 6S.

09-08-16, 10:23
I don't plan on getting one, but I really despise media. If it wasn't bad enough with trying to stir every damn pot into a whirlpool, they gotta try all the time to do this with topics that don't even constitute that kind of response.

Last night, the local news was in shock, gasping, accentuating all of their IMPORTANT stuff. They kept going over and over about the "New iPhone will LACK the BASIC headphones JACK. but they have this new fangled cord that plugs into the lightning jack.

I almost missed it, for how fast they tried building up emotion about the product that I actually laughed out loud in front of the family while we watched it, and explained that the lightning jack would most likely give better audio and power relay. Especially if it's not like, a "jack" that is 3.5mm female to a lightning male.

But, no, I don't buy iPhones, I don't use them. But, I won't knock them for anything more than their price, and sadly, even that is "competitive" based on our over inflated market.

I'm guilty as charged on that. I just saw the continued mention of no 3.5 mini jack and didn't see the fine print on the supplied lightning jack. Only drawback I assume is you can't listen and charge at the same time either. Not a deal breaker for some, might be for others.

09-08-16, 11:19
I use a Samsung but I've seriously thought about getting a jailbroke iPhone.

I can see a lot of bitching over the changes but I think overall the lightning is a step forward from a normal jack.

On my personal chill time, I listen to my headphones and really, honestly most personal dedicated MP3 players are kinda going the way of the dodo and Apple's apps seem less sketchy/Russia-y.

I think I'll wait for the inevitable revision though.

09-08-16, 11:22
I have a 5, and will likely need to upgrade soon.

I think I'll go for the 6 Plus, if the price comes down significantly.

I have Bluetooth earbuds (Jaybird X2), and I honestly don't love them. They're just not loud enough for me to get amped in the gym.

Alex V
09-08-16, 11:26
I was one of the dorks that lined up outside the AT&T store in June of 2006? for the original iPhone. I am very easy on my electronics and the original iPhone lasted me until 2010 when I got the iPhone 4. I had that one until 2014 when I got the 6. It is still working just fine, but I think I will get the 7 before the end of the year. My problem is space. I cheap'ed out and got the 16GB :( now I am out of space. I could save and go with the 6S in 128gb, but will more than likely just say screw it and go for the 7.

09-08-16, 11:32
I'm not blown away by it, but probably get it.

I had myself timed fora new upgrade with ATT and the release of new phones. My contract is up this Oct.5th. However I have read companies are no longer subsidizing phones and I will have to pay full price for a new phone? If this is actually the case I am thoroughly annoyed and likely will not buy the 7 in october but when my 6 takes a dump. I am good on my gear so that likely will not be until the 8 comes out in two years.

09-08-16, 11:37
I'm not blown away by it, but probably get it.

I had myself timed fora new upgrade with ATT and the release of new phones. My contract is up this Oct.5th. However I have read companies are no longer subsidizing phones and I will have to pay full price for a new phone? If this is actually the case I am thoroughly annoyed and likely will not buy the 7 in october but when my 6 takes a dump. I am good on my gear so that likely will not be until the 8 comes out in two years.

Same for me. Yup, no more subsidizing phones at ATT. You either pay retail up front, or a monthly fee in addition to the contract. They have separated phones from contracts.

Alex V
09-08-16, 11:49
I'm not blown away by it, but probably get it.

I had myself timed fora new upgrade with ATT and the release of new phones. My contract is up this Oct.5th. However I have read companies are no longer subsidizing phones and I will have to pay full price for a new phone? If this is actually the case I am thoroughly annoyed and likely will not buy the 7 in october but when my 6 takes a dump. I am good on my gear so that likely will not be until the 8 comes out in two years.

That is true. My wife got a 6S a few months ago and its $30/mo for 30 months. You can upgrade to a new phone in 24mo and not pay the last 6 months if you choose, just start paying on a new phone. Meanwhile, the service did not get any cheaper, so our bill just went up $30 a month. Except for the first month when it was $50 more because of the $20 activation fee. No lube was offered.

09-08-16, 11:56
I bought my 6 on the ATT next plan which is pretty much full retail value divided by however many months you want (sort of - you get a few choices). You're on contract till you pay off the balance instead of the $350 early exit fee they used to have. You can also trade your old phone in for a credit if you want to update.

I think the whole every generation of phone MUST be revolutionary mentality of many folks is naive to the point of retardation. Companies need to recoup their expenses for the developments that have made. If they dumped all tech into 1 phone we would be waiting a decade for the next generation till they have recouped development and mfg expenses. The model they have works as it allows for incremental upgrades and a constant revenue stream to find new development. It's not Apple or Samsung or Intel's fault that individuals are too gullible and easy to separate from their cash. That's purely on the consumer.

I like SOME of the upgrades on the 7, but will probably pass as my 6 is still working fine. Next year is the 10 yr anniversary of the iPhone, so the 7s or whatever they call it might be a better feature set. By then my son will undoubtedly have a phone of his own and we can play the hand me down game.

09-08-16, 12:17
I have always had an iphone, but........ I am not going to not have a earpod jack. I see those things getting lost. Its bad enough the phone wears a charging cord like am umbilical cord most of the day. I refuse to do that with earphones also. If one of the apple guys want to follow me around all day to charge and keep up the my new shiny earpods, then I will buy an iphone. Otherwise its a deal killer. Besides I hate having to jailbreak my phone all the time.

My att contract is up in jan, so I have a bit of time to decide where I want to go next.

Does anyone have a good link to the features ? I missed half of it at the gym this morning.

09-08-16, 12:26
That is true. My wife got a 6S a few months ago and its $30/mo for 30 months. You can upgrade to a new phone in 24mo and not pay the last 6 months if you choose, just start paying on a new phone. Meanwhile, the service did not get any cheaper, so our bill just went up $30 a month. Except for the first month when it was $50 more because of the $20 activation fee. No lube was offered.

Now I don't feel so bad getting bent over by Sprint.

In comparison, at least my company discount gets the juices flowing a little bit.

Alex V
09-08-16, 13:27
I have always had an iphone, but........ I am not going to not have a earpod jack. I see those things getting lost. Its bad enough the phone wears a charging cord like am umbilical cord most of the day. I refuse to do that with earphones also. If one of the apple guys want to follow me around all day to charge and keep up the my new shiny earpods, then I will buy an iphone. Otherwise its a deal killer. Besides I hate having to jailbreak my phone all the time.

My att contract is up in jan, so I have a bit of time to decide where I want to go next.

Does anyone have a good link to the features ? I missed half of it at the gym this morning.

The phone will come with standard wired earbuds that plug into the lighting port. Plus the phone comes with a lighting port to stereo Jack adapter.

09-08-16, 13:39
Looking to upgrade my 5S at some point because I've got a 16gb model.

I was going to upgrade to a 6S 128gb model so I can retire my 64gb iPod touch from 2009. With the 7 offering a 256gb, I may have to weigh if the 256gb 7 is worth the extra cash over a 128gb 6S.

The water resistance intrigues me, especially since my close-to 1 year old has become enamoured with grabbing my phone and chewing on it. I just don't like paying to be a company's beta tester.

09-08-16, 13:47
I've had two iPhones a 6 & a 6S. I was a BB and Android guy. Tried a Windows phone and loved it. It crapped out and the new Windows phones were not being offered on Verizon. They're selling old Windows phones. I switched to a 6 and bitched for about 3 months until I figure it out. . Then I got the 6S and didn't like the touch some disabled it.

I bought the Note 7 last week and before the recall was issued it was prob going back. I missed my iPhone. I knew how it worked and liked it. Imdo like the Android's memory card option and I liked the web browsing more I could make the font so much easier to read. The retina scan was ok. It was a little to dirty for me. I used the code and finger print scanner more. My iPhone font is maxed out but still gets hard to read. It is like fine print in this iPad mini. It only uses 1/2 of the screen and I can't finger pinch zoom. I need to start using TapTalk. The biggest thing I missed in my week away from my iPhone was the silence button and the phone book. The phone book worked much better when typing an email or text. With the Droid I had to keep going to the opine book the iPhone just recognized addresses.

I've paid for the Note 7 and its on the way back. I'm going to get the 7 with 256MB and rock on. The great news is the 6S & 6 pricing will drop. The 5SE is also a cool little option especially for kids.

Anyone having a volume issue with their 6S. I did some googling and called tech support today. They told me the 7 has a better speaker too. So that's a bonus. I'm iften in blue tooth or speaker phone and it's fine.

09-08-16, 16:52
No audio jack.......well....? I guess that's different.

What was the line of thinking there? (No sarcasm, honest question? Is it better audio?)

09-08-16, 17:19
No audio jack.......well....? I guess that's different.

What was the line of thinking there? (No sarcasm, honest question? Is it better audio?)
I cant remember at this moment but i think one of the tech youtubers said they are using that free space for another sensor or something.

Sent from my SM-T237P using Tapatalk

09-08-16, 17:35
No audio jack.......well....? I guess that's different.

What was the line of thinking there? (No sarcasm, honest question? Is it better audio?)


09-08-16, 18:08

And apple claims they need for water proofnes.

09-08-16, 22:07
How bout adding a micro sd slot...

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

09-09-16, 00:43
And apple claims they need for water proofnes.

Interesting. I watched a lot of videos before buying the Note 7. One showed a 15 min video with the Note 7 & 6S under water. All the Note 7 feature worked including the pen. The 6S came out just fine too.

How bout adding a micro sd slot...

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

I agree.

09-09-16, 13:18
It's matte, not jet black.

09-09-16, 13:24
Prices dropped today. Just picked up a 6+. Doing back from old 5S now.

09-09-16, 13:50
My 5S drowned about 2 weeks ago after hopping out of my boat and forgetting it was in my pocket, whoops! I'm gonna pick up a 7 and hope their waterproofness is better than my forgetfulness.

Plus, the new camera looks pretty badass and has the "no shaky" picture feature.

09-09-16, 20:09
Yeah but does it start fires like the Galaxy 7 (http://technews4u.net/exploding-galaxy-note-7-burns-down-garage-jeep-in-another-case-airlines-now-banning-the-device/)?

09-09-16, 20:29
My 5S drowned about 2 weeks ago after hopping out of my boat and forgetting it was in my pocket, whoops! I'm gonna pick up a 7 and hope their waterproofness is better than my forgetfulness.

Plus, the new camera looks pretty badass and has the "no shaky" picture feature.

I was at a party back in 2012 when my boss whipped out his brand new iPhone (less than a day old) to answer a call and lost control while standing next to a pool. We both watched it tumble through the air and fumbled to grab it. It landed on end right at the edge of the pool. We both gasped for a split second wondering what would happen - it was 50:50 odds. Before either of us could grab it, it fell into the pool; the screen still lit as it sank to the bottom. After a second on the bottom, the screen flickered out. We both stared at the bottom of the pool until he said, "I knew I shoulda gotten that insurance."

Mr. Goodtimes
09-09-16, 20:52
I was really hoping this iPhone would have the wireless charging

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-09-16, 21:29
I'm hanging onto my 3 yr old 5s model. It's been uber reliable and I prefer the size vs the larger phones. So when the current 5se becomes the 6se, 7se, whatever...I'll upgrade for better camera quality, better speakers, and water resistance. If they offered the 7plus camera in the 5s size, I would bite. That may be 1-2 yrs down the road or never.

09-09-16, 22:45
My 6 that is just shy of 2 years old will not hold a battery charge for more than 3 hours or so. It will suddenly lose power and shut down when the battery gets down to about 20%. Since I have Apple everything, I suppose that the 7 is in my near future. In for a penny...

09-10-16, 01:52
I'm hanging onto my 3 yr old 5s model. It's been uber reliable and I prefer the size vs the larger phones. So when the current 5se becomes the 6se, 7se, whatever...I'll upgrade for better camera quality, better speakers, and water resistance. If they offered the 7plus camera in the 5s size, I would bite. That may be 1-2 yrs down the road or never.

Dude.. I'm still rockin' a 4S. Combined with a LifeProof case it has been ultra reliable and I am not nice to phones one bit. I still get a full day out of an overnight charge.

09-10-16, 03:29
My 5S drowned about 2 weeks ago after hopping out of my boat and forgetting it was in my pocket, whoops! I'm gonna pick up a 7 and hope their waterproofness is better than my forgetfulness.

Plus, the new camera looks pretty badass and has the "no shaky" picture feature.
Don't forget it's only water resistant apparently only good to 1 meter for 30 mins. Plus the fine print at the bottom that even though it's water resistant any water damage is not under warranty

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337Z using Tapatalk

09-10-16, 04:16
I have Bluetooth earbuds (Jaybird X2), and I honestly don't love them. They're just not loud enough for me to get amped in the gym.
Scooter, how loud do you have your music in the gym?!? I have the same headphones for the gym and listen on the third click from completely muted. Anything more is almost unbearable...

The lack of a 3.5mm jack is not going to phase even the lowest end headphone makers. Those who want a cord will have a plethora of lighting cable headphones available to them before Christmas, and that's if you can't just use the ones that come with the 7 in the box... Bluetooth audio (or cordless audio of some nature) is where things are headed, and I have little doubt that half of the phones released in the next six months will drop the jack entirely. Someone just had to do it first. Apple seems to like to be the company that says "screw it" and moves to the next step. The market seems to always follow. These days you can pick up bluetooth earbuds for the same cost as a pair of wired ones if you're not an audiophile like me.

For the audiophile, anyone serious about sound has headphones that have a replaceable cable. Lightning cables for these headphones will be out in no time... Furthermore, I don't know too many people running truly high end cans that don't already have a DAC/AMP that they're plugging them into anyway, even if it's just to have enough power to drive them properly. For those people a Lightning to 3.5mm (male) cable will replace their 3.5mm tp 3.5mm cable that they already use. Nobody in the high end audio market is throwing up their hands in frustration at the lack of a jack. Heck, even B&W announced their flagship P7s in a Bluetooth variant (with 17 hour battery life) a week BEFORE the iPhone announcement. Somebody had already told them what was coming.

Water resistance is a big plus, and while I personally have never killed a phone due to water, my best friend and wife both have. The 1M for a half hour rating would have been more than sufficient to keep them in the clear. Not worrying about getting caught in a downpour with my phone is sufficient for me. It's happened more than once at the range and on the golf course. (Now that I have said this, I will somehow kill my current phone with water before I can even buy the new one.)

I've owned every one of them since the 3G, so I'll end up buying this one too. I just don't know if I am going to stick with the gold or switch to a new color. I'm also debating buying the gigantic one this time around, as the way I use my phone has changed a lot in the past year. I actually might benefit from the larger screen, even if I hate giving up some of the ease of use of the smaller phone. I haven't ordered mine yet simply because I know that the holidays are coming up and the wife would love to buy me something non-firearm related for a change. :-)

09-10-16, 07:57
My 6 that is just shy of 2 years old will not hold a battery charge for more than 3 hours or so. It will suddenly lose power and shut down when the battery gets down to about 20%. Since I have Apple everything, I suppose that the 7 is in my near future. In for a penny...

When my 5 started doing that, put a Mophie case on it and they work great and new life to phone:


09-10-16, 07:57
"I knew I shoulda gotten that insurance."

Duly noted ;)

09-10-16, 08:12
Scooter, how loud do you have your music in the gym?!? I have the same headphones for the gym and listen on the third click from completely muted. Anything more is almost unbearable...

The lack of a 3.5mm jack is not going to phase even the lowest end headphone makers. Those who want a cord will have a plethora of lighting cable headphones available to them before Christmas, and that's if you can't just use the ones that come with the 7 in the box... Bluetooth audio (or cordless audio of some nature) is where things are headed, and I have little doubt that half of the phones released in the next six months will drop the jack entirely. Someone just had to do it first. Apple seems to like to be the company that says "screw it" and moves to the next step. The market seems to always follow. These days you can pick up bluetooth earbuds for the same cost as a pair of wired ones if you're not an audiophile like me.

For the audiophile, anyone serious about sound has headphones that have a replaceable cable. Lightning cables for these headphones will be out in no time... Furthermore, I don't know too many people running truly high end cans that don't already have a DAC/AMP that they're plugging them into anyway, even if it's just to have enough power to drive them properly. For those people a Lightning to 3.5mm (male) cable will replace their 3.5mm tp 3.5mm cable that they already use. Nobody in the high end audio market is throwing up their hands in frustration at the lack of a jack. Heck, even B&W announced their flagship P7s in a Bluetooth variant (with 17 hour battery life) a week BEFORE the iPhone announcement. Somebody had already told them what was coming.

Water resistance is a big plus, and while I personally have never killed a phone due to water, my best friend and wife both have. The 1M for a half hour rating would have been more than sufficient to keep them in the clear. Not worrying about getting caught in a downpour with my phone is sufficient for me. It's happened more than once at the range and on the golf course. (Now that I have said this, I will somehow kill my current phone with water before I can even buy the new one.)

I've owned every one of them since the 3G, so I'll end up buying this one too. I just don't know if I am going to stick with the gold or switch to a new color. I'm also debating buying the gigantic one this time around, as the way I use my phone has changed a lot in the past year. I actually might benefit from the larger screen, even if I hate giving up some of the ease of use of the smaller phone. I haven't ordered mine yet simply because I know that the holidays are coming up and the wife would love to buy me something non-firearm related for a change. :-)

What are you considering high end cans? I use B&W P7s and find the 5s and now 6+ does a fine job with them. They have an Impedance of 22 ohms, so not power hungry types. Also depends on how loud you plan to play them. I don't tend to play music on headphones all that loud and not even close to the max of what the phone can supply. Wireless is the future no doubt, and there's no technical reason it can't sound as good as hard wire, but currently does not. With this change by Apple and major manufacturers following, I suspect they will work on that, but most people buy cheap ear buds couldn't tell the difference anyway. The "aptX" codec is the current favorite for less audible compression using Bluetooth, but it's still sub par comparing a compressed signal to lossless or at least with minimal compression.

09-10-16, 09:22
Duly noted ;)

Note that standard AppleCare doesn't generally cut it for liquid damage, which is always due to user-abuse. I believe AppleCare+ does. It at least gives you the option of paying, like, $79 for a replacement phone, and at most, a new phone for free if the Apple Store genius is feeling generous. I believe that most of the carriers have an option for a monthly insurance fee that covers all-risk, including theft, water, dropping, and blenders. I've availed myself of that replacement policy three times over the last few years. Our corporate cell phone policy with Verizon pays for the phones and always buys the insurance.

09-10-16, 09:26
You can send you phone in for a battery replacement or go to a store I think.

As for the insurance, its a scam. You pay your monthly fee, then if you need to use it, it costs you big time. Not as much as out of pocket purchase, but still high.

09-10-16, 09:35
Mod note - removed Benito's racial slur.

You have to be kidding with this shit, right?

09-10-16, 09:39
Don't forget it's only water resistant apparently only good to 1 meter for 30 mins. Plus the fine print at the bottom that even though it's water resistant any water damage is not under warranty

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337Z using Tapatalk

I wish they would just make one to be about as waterproof as it is with a life proof case. Would it be that hard to just build those features in? I like the Lifeproof cases but I hate having to have the screen covered. The plastic always scratches and looks like shit.

09-10-16, 09:42
Note that standard AppleCare doesn't generally cut it for liquid damage, which is always due to user-abuse. I believe AppleCare+ does. It at least gives you the option of paying, like, $79 for a replacement phone, and at most, a new phone for free if the Apple Store genius is feeling generous. I believe that most of the carriers have an option for a monthly insurance fee that covers all-risk, including theft, water, dropping, and blenders. I've availed myself of that replacement policy three times over the last few years. Our corporate cell phone policy with Verizon pays for the phones and always buys the insurance.

Thanks for the heads up. I wonder how Squaretrade compares. Anyone know?

09-10-16, 10:38
As far as screen and battery replacement, I've got a 2 y/o 5S that took one too many tumbles onto the floor and cracked the screen.

Local phone repair place did the repair for $30cheaper than the Apple Store. I think that may just be the route going forward for me.

09-10-16, 17:38
I've got a 5s that took a crap just from the moisture of my glass of water sweating on my night stand. I had to take it completely apart & dry it with a heat gun before the screen would work again. It's still not the same but at least legible.
I wanted an SE, just because I really like the size, but they have been OOS from my carrier since they were introduced.
The water resistant rating alone is enough to talk me into the 7, despite hating the size of it.

09-10-16, 18:02
I'm just glad that my company can't stick me with a crappy 16GB version on the next upgrade.

09-10-16, 18:14
the last three generations (including this one) have been nothing but disappointing. There is no reason to upgrade.

Outlander Systems
09-10-16, 18:36
No joke. Where's my holographic projector, and laser keyboard?


the last three generations (including this one) have been nothing but disappointing. There is no reason to upgrade.

09-10-16, 21:14
My iphone battery just went dead watching that vid.

09-11-16, 07:01
You can send you phone in for a battery replacement or go to a store I think.

As for the insurance, its a scam. You pay your monthly fee, then if you need to use it, it costs you big time. Not as much as out of pocket purchase, but still high.

For the 11 of us on our Verizon corporate account, we've had 6 replacements for broken screen or water damage over the last three years...didn't cost us anything.

09-11-16, 07:27
What are you considering high end cans? I use B&W P7s and find the 5s and now 6+ does a fine job with them. I use the same headphones. I listened to them un-amped and then added mine, the difference was notable enough that I don't go without it now. Not much on having things loud, but there was more depth to the sound with my amp than without. I'd say that once you hit the P7 level you're STARTING to talk about high end headphones.

09-11-16, 07:47
I use the same headphones. I listened to them un-amped and then added mine, the difference was notable enough that I don't go without it now. Not much on having things loud, but there was more depth to the sound with my amp than without. I'd say that once you hit the P7 level you're STARTING to talk about high end headphones.

What amp are you using?

09-11-16, 07:53
What amp are you using?
FiiO Mont Blanc (http://www.fiio.net/en/products/16) for right now.

09-11-16, 08:49
FiiO Mont Blanc (http://www.fiio.net/en/products/16) for right now.

The only place there should be a noted difference would be in based support and tightness as a rule from amplification at listening volumes. One can spend more than the P7s, but like other B&W products, that does not mean you'll get better sound per se. B&W products are not cheap, but often the equal or better to speakers costing far more. I have compared the b&w nautilus 803d against speakers 5X the cost and would still take the b&w nautilus 803d, much less the 802d.

09-11-16, 08:56
I'll totally agree on B&W quality. I'm a firm believer in their products and plenty of my money has made it's way to their accounts. ;-) From my surround sound system (CM series speakers) to my office's two channel set up (685 S2s pair with my favorite turntable). IMHO they're like the BCM of the audio world. Built well, priced right, and they'll do all that you need them to. You can spend more and not get a whole lot more in quality, or spend less and not know what you're missing.

09-11-16, 09:26
I'll totally agree on B&W quality. I'm a firm believer in their products and plenty of my money has made it's way to their accounts. ;-) From my surround sound system (CM series speakers) to my office's two channel set up (685 S2s pair with my favorite turntable). IMHO they're like the BCM of the audio world. Built well, priced right, and they'll do all that you need them to. You can spend more and not get a whole lot more in quality, or spend less and not know what you're missing.

Just ordered a MONT BLANC-E12 to try. My main system:

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b374/willbrink/11808-2stereosetup.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/user/willbrink/media/11808-2stereosetup.jpg.html)

09-11-16, 10:27
The problem that most people have with the lack of headphone jack is-
You cannot charge the phone while using the headphone adapter. This is especially useful in car suing the AUX jack. Many cars and radios do not have Bluetooth music audio support unless you have a brand new radio or car. Or if you are sitting by the pool and have a radio built into your pool deck or hot tub you cannot play music and charge at the same time if it is not a Bluetooth radio. Or when riding your side by side/ATV with radio unit. Unless it is Bluetooth. Not to mention that Bluetooth kills your battery faster than just using the headphone jack for someone like my cousin who has his in all day at work listening to podcasts(mechanic who doesn't want to touch his phone to answer calls etc with nasty hands all day) Bluetooth would kill his phone battery quickly where the headphone jack does not.

09-12-16, 06:20
I stupidly bought an 8gb Iphone 5C to replace my old phone cuz I thought it was enough space and it was only $100. The only app I have is snapchat and I still run out of room. No music at all. POS.

When I saw the Verizon $350 125gb Iphone7 w/ trade in at 0% APR for 24 months I jumped on it. It adds $16 to my bill but I get 16x more storage and the jump from an iPhone 5C to a 7. I just wish they let me pay the $350 up front today and take the monthly bill lower. I cannot afford not to be able to have emails/files/videos on my phone. Literally.

ETA: I have never used headphones with an iPhone so I give zero ****s about that. It's actually surprising to see different tastes people have as I consider music quality about #999 on a list of 1000 things I care about in a phone.

09-12-16, 08:12
I agree...the only one time I listen to to music is in the car, and I just plug it in via the Lightning connector. When I need an actual headphone connector for my Bose noise cancelling headphones, I'll pop the $9 for the Apple adapter.

09-12-16, 11:32
steyrman your cousin would be better served by just using Bluetooth headphones and leaving his phone plugged in... Then he also loses the potential to snag a wire while working on anything.

09-12-16, 11:34
steyrman your cousin would be better served by just using Bluetooth headphones and leaving his phone plugged in... Then he also loses the potential to snag a wire while working on anything.

I think he has tried that before and didn't care for it but it wouldn't hurt to give it a go again to see if he likes it now compared to then.

09-12-16, 18:51
I think he has tried that before and didn't care for it but it wouldn't hurt to give it a go again to see if he likes it now compared to then.

The new ones are absurdly affordable and much more comfortable due to lighter weight and better ear retention... The wife has a $20 pair from Amazon that she has used daily at the gym for the past six months. Loves them and won't go back.

09-13-16, 08:50
I'm currently running with a 5S. My first smart phone was an iPhone 4. A couple of years ago, Best Buy was running a deal where you trade in your working smart phone and get a $100 BB gift card. Then they'd sell you a 5S for $100. So I got a free upgrade. I'll probably go with the 6S when I upgrade. I know I'll definitely be going with more storage. I fill up the 16GB so fast.

09-13-16, 09:43
I pre-ordered the 7 Plus yesterday. 128MB was a must-have. I used my old 5 (32MB) as my iPod and was already running out of space.

09-13-16, 09:46
No audio jack.......well....? I guess that's different.

What was the line of thinking there? (No sarcasm, honest question? Is it better audio?)


Close off an unlicensed accessory port. To get access to the programming API's to access bluetooth or USB connected devices you have to pay for a hardware OEM license.

Mfg's worked around that using the audio headphone port. (It was also a common denominator across phones)

Apple fixed that!

09-13-16, 09:53
With ever new version, I feel less and less like switching from a Galaxy to an Apple phone. The newer Galaxies are also water resistant..adding to their appeal.

No thank you on Apple phones. If you like them, you can have them.

09-14-16, 20:44
For the 11 of us on our Verizon corporate account, we've had 6 replacements for broken screen or water damage over the last three years...didn't cost us anything.

It cost you plenty. What's the monthly insurance cost five bucks a phone each month? That's about two grand or $333 a phone. What's a screen cost? Damn I just looked on Verizon's web site. Total protection is $33 for three lines. At $11 a month you're getting SCREWED! Thats $4,356 in costs for three years of coverage.


Close off an unlicensed accessory port. To get access to the programming API's to access bluetooth or USB connected devices you have to pay for a hardware OEM license.

Mfg's worked around that using the audio headphone port. (It was also a common denominator across phones)

Apple fixed that!

That may be a more accurate reason for ditching the Jack. Would the adapter solve the issue?

09-14-16, 21:47
On a corp account, so I had them order me one. Paid out of pocket 100 bucks for the 128gb. Last iPhone was the 4s. Guessing this will be much better then that one.

09-15-16, 04:37
After looking at the wife's 6S a bit harder I went with the SE due to size. I like my phone stashed in my pocket and not on a Batbelt.

I wish the little bugger was waterproof... Next gen. is supposed to be.

09-15-16, 07:07
It cost you plenty. What's the monthly insurance cost five bucks a phone each month? That's about two grand or $333 a phone. What's a screen cost? Damn I just looked on Verizon's web site. Total protection is $33 for three lines. At $11 a month you're getting SCREWED! Thats $4,356 in costs for three years of coverage.

Yeah, that's a lot, I agree. We pay substantially less than that for our corporate account on a per-phone basis through a third-party company whose name escapes me at the moment.

09-15-16, 12:43
On a corp account, so I had them order me one. Paid out of pocket 100 bucks for the 128gb. Last iPhone was the 4s. Guessing this will be much better then that one.

There will be a huge difference.

I just checked our business account and the pricing is awesome.

The 7 7Plus 6S 6S Plus 6 SE

16G n/a n/a $179.99 $0.99 $0.99
32G $199.99 $319.99
64G n/a n/a $149.99 $299.99 $49.99
128 $299.99 $419.99 $399 $499.99
256 $399.99 $519.99

SE is $0.99 for 16G and $49.99 for 64G that's a no brainier if the size works for you.

I think the 6S is a good deal for the 64G it's a dumb idea for the 128 at $100 more than the new 7. Looks like I'll be buying the 128 7. I can't swallow another $100 for 100 GB in memory. The $100 is worth it to me to jump from 32-128. I am doing OK with the 6S at 64GB. I'd like to try the plus but the price is too much for my budget. The availability on many of the phones just is not there anymore.

Sorry about the formatting! The looks fine from the edit screen. I'll fix it!

http://i859.photobucket.com/albums/ab160/usmcvet0331/usmcvet0331001/EAC77D2F-05AA-49F0-8394-748EBB8C82D7_zpsupyvpx2c.png (http://s859.photobucket.com/user/usmcvet0331/media/usmcvet0331001/EAC77D2F-05AA-49F0-8394-748EBB8C82D7_zpsupyvpx2c.png.html)

09-17-16, 09:26
Got mine yesterday. Pre ordered Wednesday from Best Buy and had an appointment at 8:30. I don't understand why people have to wait in line but whatever.

So far I like it a lot but I'm coming from an iPhone 5s. I got the regular 7 and I was surprised it didn't have the better camera as I just assumed they both had the same one. I was also surprised that it came with wired head phones??? I thought they were shipping with ear buds? Granted the wired ear buds have the lightning connector and it also comes with the lightning to mini plug adapter.

09-17-16, 11:22
Got mine yesterday. Pre ordered Wednesday from Best Buy and had an appointment at 8:30. I don't understand why people have to wait in line but whatever.

So far I like it a lot but I'm coming from an iPhone 5s. I got the regular 7 and I was surprised it didn't have the better camera as I just assumed they both had the same one. I was also surprised that it came with wired head phones??? I thought they were shipping with ear buds? Granted the wired ear buds have the lightning connector and it also comes with the lightning to mini plug adapter.

How do you like yours so far?

The wireless Earpods are an extra $170 which is a bit much IMO. But it is cool to have a small and wireless earphones. Just don't lose them.

09-17-16, 12:29
How do you like yours so far?

The wireless Earpods are an extra $170 which is a bit much IMO. But it is cool to have a small and wireless earphones. Just don't lose them.

I like it a lot. However, if youre coming from a 6/6+ the differences may not be that big.

09-17-16, 13:17
Well, they just lost me. I normally upgrade once the "S" model comes out, so about every 1.5-2 years. I'm going to skip the 7, hoping common sense prevails and the headphone jack is replaced.

I have hundreds of dollars in nice audiophile headphones already, and dont want to carry an adaptor now.

Further, F-Bluetooth. More batteries to charge. I travel a lot, and this is just one more thing to screw with if I go that route.

If Apple never goes back to a jack, I may consider switching to another platform for the first time in 8 years.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

09-17-16, 14:25
Well, they just lost me. I normally upgrade once the "S" model comes out, so about every 1.5-2 years. I'm going to skip the 7, hoping common sense prevails and the headphone jack is replaced.

I have hundreds of dollars in nice audiophile headphones already, and dont want to carry an adaptor now.

Further, F-Bluetooth. More batteries to charge. I travel a lot, and this is just one more thing to screw with if I go that route.

If Apple never goes back to a jack, I may consider switching to another platform for the first time in 8 years.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I feel similar per OP, but note the 3.5mm mini jacks days are probably numbered regardless, so a delay tactic at best is my guess. I was much more irritated when they changed charging ports pin size change making all my charging related stuff useless. As long as I can make a hard connection via lightning adapter I'll survive it as it does not make my expensive headphone and such useless and may in fact sound better. Major con to me is, you'll have to spend yet more $ on aftermarket thingy to allow charging simultaneously.

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-17-16, 15:27
Yeah, you probably won't be able to find a phone with headphone jack in 2-3 years. Apple is always the first ones to chunk this stuff. I remember when the iMac dumped the floppy disk drive and everyone screamed and hollered.

09-17-16, 15:51
I, for one, almost never use ear buds/head phones, anyway. I don't generally use my iPhone for music, either.

If I want to listen to music, I have Sonos speakers at home. If I'm in the car, I have a radio and CD player (although I would like to get a Bluetooth adaptor to run an iPod with my car and go handsfree with my cell, although I rarely make or receive calls in the car, and rarely have want for anything beyond what music is available on the radio or in my CD collection).

Only reason I might want to use ear buds or headphones would be to listen to music during an airplane flight. But that's something I do so infrequently that the expense of buying new buds is pretty minimal to me.

I would think that most guys on a gun forum would be less interested in the audio jack, given that headphones and ear buds have a pretty negative impact on your situational awareness.

09-18-16, 07:31
I would think that most guys on a gun forum would be less interested in the audio jack, given that headphones and ear buds have a pretty negative impact on your situational awareness.

Well said. Train like this guy and you don't have to worry about it.


09-18-16, 09:46
I'm kind of surprised to see this seeming dependence on a 3.5mm jack. I have an Wahoo ANT+ adapter that I always used with a foot pod and HRM.
When Apple switched to the Lightning connector, it no longer fit. Now I just plug it into an adapter, and plug said adapter into the phone.

This is no different. I get that its forced change, but with how far wireless technology has come, it was kind of inevitable. You still have wired connectivity if you need it for legacy devices. I don't get the butt hurt...

I saw the video on the new wireless ear buds, which from a design standpoint are the most interesting wireless buds I've seen. I tried some of the Jaybird ones, but the cable running across the back of my neck was a no-go. Apple's are true wireless. I just wonder how good they are at staying in. I'm sure there has to be some added weight considering each unit has a battery in it; which only has a 5 hour life. I'm sure in a few years that will get better as well though.

My gripe is with AT&T pricing structure. Now the only choices I get is $21.67 a month for 30 months or $649 up-front. I don't see upgrading from my 6 unless it was broken etc. I'm sure the iPhone 8 is going to be the tock improvement over the 7's tick.

09-19-16, 13:09
Prices dropped today. Just picked up a 6+. Doing back from old 5S now.

Prices where?

09-19-16, 16:16

Close off an unlicensed accessory port. To get access to the programming API's to access bluetooth or USB connected devices you have to pay for a hardware OEM license.

Mfg's worked around that using the audio headphone port. (It was also a common denominator across phones)

Apple fixed that!
See now, I can buy that a reason.

09-19-16, 18:07
Has anyone even bothered to see if a card swipe adapter will work through a Lightning adapter? I'm guessing no...

09-19-16, 20:15
Has anyone even bothered to see if a card swipe adapter will work through a Lightning adapter? I'm guessing no...

You'd be guessing wrong... :p


09-19-16, 20:35
Maybe the 3.5 jack will be the next automotive cig lighter socket? Outmoded but still in wide use, mostly beyond its original purpose. The card readers are definitely useful at gunshows etc.

09-19-16, 20:37
Ordered two ATT 128GB Black as soon as the store came up on 9/9, frustratingly stuck in processing where people that ordered hours or days later got shipping today per forums.macrumors.com, wouldn't care so much for waiting but I leave town for a week on Saturday.

09-20-16, 00:04
You'd be guessing wrong... :p


I reached out to Square spokeswoman Semonti Stephens, who said the Lightning to 3.5 mm Headphone Jack Adapter (like the one Apple is including in the iPhone 7 box when it ships Sept. 16) will work with Square’s reader.

Which was kind of the point of my post. Let all the conspiracy naysayers pause a minute before jumping to conclusions...

09-20-16, 00:37
Ordered two ATT 128GB Black as soon as the store came up on 9/9, frustratingly stuck in processing where people that ordered hours or days later got shipping today per forums.macrumors.com, wouldn't care so much for waiting but I leave town for a week on Saturday.


Mine isn't scheduled to be delivered til the last week of Oct through Verizon so zero ****s given on my end.

Seriously - why the **** is it taking that long?

09-20-16, 04:42

Mine isn't scheduled to be delivered til the last week of Oct through Verizon so zero ****s given on my end.

Seriously - why the **** is it taking that long?

Try Best Buy (who has a Verizon rep). I hear it also depends on the model. The 7+ are the ones in demand I'm coming from the 5s so the regular 7 was perfect for me, the 7+ is just too big to comfortably carry in jeans.

09-20-16, 19:22

Mine isn't scheduled to be delivered til the last week of Oct through Verizon so zero ****s given on my end.

Seriously - why the **** is it taking that long?

I think it's the colors. Today Verizon told me the black 128GB 7 was available to ship on the 28th. The other colors were not ready until mid to late October.

09-21-16, 11:09
MId-October ship dates for ATT matte black 7+ here. I'm actually okay with this, because companies need some time to design cases. Not to mention, I am actually completely unimpressed with iOS 10. I still haven't figured out how the new home button unlock works. Sometimes it works without pressing it, sometimes I have to press it 2-3 times to unlock it after it reads my fingerprint.

09-21-16, 11:30
MId-October ship dates for ATT matte black 7+ here. I'm actually okay with this, because companies need some time to design cases. Not to mention, I am actually completely unimpressed with iOS 10. I still haven't figured out how the new home button unlock works. Sometimes it works without pressing it, sometimes I have to press it 2-3 times to unlock it after it reads my fingerprint.

I like the MagPul Bump case I have on my 6S. I hope they make one for the 7. They're affordable and made in the USA too.

09-21-16, 16:09
MId-October ship dates for ATT matte black 7+ here. I'm actually okay with this, because companies need some time to design cases. Not to mention, I am actually completely unimpressed with iOS 10. I still haven't figured out how the new home button unlock works. Sometimes it works without pressing it, sometimes I have to press it 2-3 times to unlock it after it reads my fingerprint.

Settings > General > Accessibility > Home Button - toggle the switch and that will fix the annoying button press issue.

Case companies have had design specs for months.

09-21-16, 19:23
Case companies have had design specs for months.
Yup. One of the cases I was considering (Supcase) had iPhone 7 cases on Amazon prime the day after the release. They're out there.

09-22-16, 07:47
I like the MagPul Bump case I have on my 6S. I hope they make one for the 7. They're affordable and made in the USA too.

I got a Pelican for the new 6+ and it's GTG. Slimmer than other cases that give high level of protection.

VIP3R 237
09-22-16, 09:21
I like the MagPul Bump case I have on my 6S. I hope they make one for the 7. They're affordable and made in the USA too.

The Magpul cases for the 6 fit the 7, but they partially block the camera, I'm going to alter my case until Magpul releases the bump case for the 7

09-22-16, 11:32
The Magpul cases for the 6 fit the 7, but they partially block the camera, I'm going to alter my case until Magpul releases the bump case for the 7

This is what I just did. Opened up the camera hole a tad, fits perfect.

09-22-16, 14:40
I got a Pelican for the new 6+ and it's GTG. Slimmer than other cases that give high level of protection.

The Magpul cases for the 6 fit the 7, but they partially block the camera, I'm going to alter my case until Magpul releases the bump case for the 7

This is what I just did. Opened up the camera hole a tad, fits perfect.

Thanks guys. All good info.

The bump case is less than $15.00 and does everything I need and dies not get in the way.


09-23-16, 16:22
Bricked my first iPhone today. Damnit. I wish I had waited for the ios 10 update. Got that figured out The PIA VPN was not playing nice. I took it out and then noticed a 10.0.1 update out. I downloaded it and it bricked. The iTunes back up of yesterday was no good. I had to start over. Bummer, I had not backed up to iCloud since January. Training has occurred!

09-23-16, 18:42
I do not how you guys like Apple. I hate Apple. I prefer a phone I can take the battery out. NSA mu-zayn. I changed my plan today to save some money and upgrade to an S5 from an S4. I do not like the 5 or 7.

09-24-16, 00:32
I do not how you guys like Apple. I hate Apple. I prefer a phone I can take the battery out. NSA mu-zayn. I changed my plan today to save some money and upgrade to an S5 from an S4. I do not like the 5 or 7.

Have never seen the need, before or after I started using iPhones.

I'm the opposite, I find nothing appealing about the Android platform, from the UI or the hardware that supports it.

While I build my PCs and run Windows 10 for gaming, I love my  products, the whole ecosystem has simplified everything I do on a daily basis, jumping from one device to another depending on what i'm doing and having access to everything. Sit down at my desk, my watch unlocks my imac, I can get up and move to my iPad and pick up where I left off, same for my phone, etc.

Don't see what there is to hate about it at all, UI or the products themselves. I don't even know how many phones i've worked on for people by now, the amount of glue and tape and snap together plastic pieces in non- phones is ridiculous, definitely built as disposable devices.

iMac 5K
iPad Pro
iPhone 7 Plus(whenever the ****ing thing shows up)
AirPods (whenever they ship)
 Watch Sport
 tv in each room for media sharing

09-24-16, 05:19
I do not how you guys like Apple. I hate Apple. I prefer a phone I can take the battery out. NSA mu-zayn. I changed my plan today to save some money and upgrade to an S5 from an S4. I do not like the 5 or 7.
Anyone worried about the NSA, but willing to run Android as their solution, will always make me smile... Good luck with that one.

09-26-16, 09:11
Anyone worried about the NSA, but willing to run Android as their solution, will always make me smile... Good luck with that one.

I was being facetious. You are screwed either way.

09-26-16, 11:48
I saw a need for a removable battery in my old Android. Never had a problem with my iPhones or iPods or any other Apple product where I needed to be able to remove the battery.

12-19-16, 07:38
So the lack of headphone jack haunted me today. I have my adapter in a different bag and so I was unable to use my earphones. I like these because they are like regular foam earplugs 26db reduction but headphones for noisy environments i.e. Cutting the lawn, etc.

12-19-16, 08:05
Longtime Apple dude.

The 7 is the most disappointing launch of an iPhone yet.

There were, seemingly revolutionary additions in previous editions, where calling this an "evolutionary" design is generous at best.

With the healthy competition, like Samsung's GearVR, that *IS* revolutionary, Apple needs to lose the conservative approach, and go back to thinking creatively.

Total letdown.

Iphone 7 was released in a filler year because they're saving their new design for the 10th anniversary of the iphone.

12-19-16, 10:27
Iphone 7 was released in a filler year because they're saving their new design for the 10th anniversary of the iphone.

Pretty much what the rumors are showing.

I enjoyed each of my iPhones since the 3G until the 6, had many issues with the two I had, the 7 has been the best iPhone for me yet.

AirPods out for delivery, so looking forward to those, early reports are pretty positive. They'll be my general use headphones, JayBirds will stay my workout headphones for the sweat warranty.