View Full Version : Hillary's Health Concerns Serious, Say Most Doctors Polled by the Association of Amer

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30 cal slut
09-09-16, 08:32

This is a press release, so copied and pasted in entirety.


Hillary's Health Concerns Serious, Say Most Doctors Polled by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

TUCSON, Ariz., Sept. 8, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Concerns about Hillary Clinton's health are "serious—could be disqualifying for the position of President of the U.S.," say nearly 71% of 250 physicians responding to an informal internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). About 20% said concerns were "likely overblown, but should be addressed as by full release of medical records." Only 2.7% responded that they were "just a political attack; I have confidence in the letter from her physician and see no cause for concern."

While more than 81% were aware of her history of a concussion, only 59% were aware of the cerebral sinus thrombosis, and 52% of the history of deep venous thrombosis.

More than 78% said the health concerns had received "not enough emphasis" in the media, and only 2.7% that there had been "too much emphasis."

Nearly two-thirds said that a physician who had a concern about a candidate's fitness to serve for health reasons should "make the concerns known to the public." Only 11% said a physician should "keep silent unless he had personally examined the patient," and 10% that the candidate's health was "off limits for public discussion."

Eighty-eight respondents submitted comments. One said that "the public interest will ALWAYS override either privacy rights or rights of self-determination in the case of a presidential candidate." Another mentioned Clinton's "so called loss of memory claimed during her FBI questioning about her email server." Beyond the specific questions, one remarked that "I think that the candidate should be honest with the public about his/her health!" The history of the concussion was concerning: "The public must watch the movie Concussion to realize that such an injury does affect thought process."

A poll of 833 randomly selected registered voters by Gravis Marketing showed that nearly half (49%) were not aware of the "well documented major health issues that Hillary Clinton has." Nearly three-fourths (74%) were unaware of Bill Clinton's statement that Hillary suffered a "terrible" concussion requiring "six months of very serious work to get over." The majority (57%) thought that candidates should release their medical records.

"Both physicians and other voters think that health concerns are relevant when choosing a presidential candidate," states AAPS executive director Jane M. Orient, M.D. "However, more than 40% of physician respondents were unaware of the cerebral sinus thrombosis, and the vast majority of voters were not aware of all of Clinton's problems or their potential serious long-term implications for cognitive function."

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a national organization representing physicians in virtually all specialties and every state. Founded in 1943, AAPS has the motto "omnia pro aegroto," which means "all for the patient."

Doc Safari
09-09-16, 10:11
I'll make this real simple: anyone with a tendency to vote for her will still do so even if she's a stinking corpse by November.

The bottom line is there has to be more people who vote for Trump than vote for her.

To think that this or any other "doubt" about her qualifications will make one iota of difference to anyone that might vote for her is living in Oz.

Dorothy, wake up.

'Nuff Said.

09-09-16, 10:28
Hmmm, you are aware that AAPS is the medical equivalent of InfoWars, right? Just so everyone understands what we are dealing with, this is an organization that publishes the following crap in its "journal":

1) HIV does not cause AIDS
2) abortion is associated with breast cancer
3) there are links between autism and vaccinations

I personally know ZERO physicians or sugeons who are members, or have even heard of this quack organization.

We already have one thread where the graduates of Google University School of Medicine have suggested that Hillary has cancer, AIDS, dementia, and/or intractable seizures. Do we need another?

09-09-16, 10:46
And as he's very likely to be POTUS, what do we really know of her VP pick?

09-09-16, 10:52
Hmmm, you are aware that AAPS is the medical equivalent of InfoWars, right? Just so everyone understands what we are dealing with, this is an organization that publishes the following crap in its "journal":

1) HIV does not cause AIDS
2) abortion is associated with breast cancer
3) there are links between autism and vaccinations

I personally know ZERO physicians or sugeons who are members, or have even heard of this quack organization.

We already have one thread where the graduates of Google University School of Medicine have suggested that Hillary has cancer, AIDS, dementia, and/or intractable seizures. Do we need another?

She could have all that and a tail, and those who favor her and those who don't but in the "anyone but Trump" camp would still vote for her. And for those interested:

The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons: Ideology trumps science-based medicine


09-09-16, 11:27
From what we do know, she has a chronic medical condition that is apparently being managed. I've seen absolutely no evidence to suggest that that condition would disqualify her from being president, nor are there any provided in that survey from that medical fringe organization. There are many reasons she absolutely should not be president. So far, we haven't anything that indicates that her health is one of them.

09-09-16, 11:38
Isn't this the same group that offers "Board Certification" for doctors in specialties that can't meet the real board certification requirements,
And has even made up specialities that don't exist in the real boards?

09-09-16, 12:01
The name of the group, and whom it consists, does not matter. All anyone has to do is attach "MD" behind their name and voila, instant SME. Half of America will glom onto it as guaranteed Scripture; the other half, will ignore it.

09-09-16, 12:07
Hmmm, you are aware that AAPS is the medical equivalent of InfoWars, right? Just so everyone understands what we are dealing with, this is an organization that publishes the following crap in its "journal":

1) HIV does not cause AIDS
2) abortion is associated with breast cancer
3) there are links between autism and vaccinations

I personally know ZERO physicians or sugeons who are members, or have even heard of this quack organization.

We already have one thread where the graduates of Google University School of Medicine have suggested that Hillary has cancer, AIDS, dementia, and/or intractable seizures. Do we need another?

Thank you. This thread can close.

09-09-16, 12:43
For the people griping about people discussing things, if you have an issue with it, why don't you find something better to do with your time instead of clicking the thread? It's an internet forum, the whole point is to discuss things of interest, including speculation, no matter how much you dislike the topic.

I've seen absolutely no evidence to suggest that that condition would disqualify her from being president, nor are there any provided in that survey from that medical fringe organization.

People keep saying this as if there is a medical condition that will disqualify you. There's not in any legal sense. But the possibility that the president could be quickly incapacitated and replaced by the VP, needs to be discussed. Is it going to be a Hillary presidency or a Kaine presidency?

Or more likely since such removal either has to be voluntary/unopposed, or has to be authorized by either 2/3s majorities AFTER the VP and cabinet decide it's required if POTUS objects, a presidency of Huma whats-her-name via Vegetable Hillary.

Certain people can $#!^ on the dementia/stroke speculation all they want, but at the end of the day Hillary has admitted to a history of blood clots and being on warfarin


Blood clots can cause stroke on the large scale and dementia on the small scale and no medication is 100% effective, so those are two very real possibilities. Lest I be accused of being an "internet doctor" in my line of work risk assessment includes ALL the possibilities who's probability is above 0 and those two are most definitely somewhere above 0.

09-09-16, 12:44
Isn't this the same group that offers "Board Certification" for doctors in specialties that can't meet the real board certification requirements,
And has even made up specialities that don't exist in the real boards?
I'm not aware that there's any such organization.

The AAPS is a ultra-conservative physician organization. Ron Paul is a long-standing member.

09-09-16, 13:02
I normally wouldn't condone stooping to the left's level, but it's so critical that Hillary not be POTUS, that I'm OK with whatever they can tar her with. It's not like she doesn't deserve it. :(

09-09-16, 13:04
If Hillary died and five minutes later came back as Zombie Hillary with an appetite for human flesh, I'm sorry, the left would still stand in line to vote for her.
The only thing that would change is that the Press Conferences would be more fun to watch.

Doc Safari
09-09-16, 13:06
If Hillary died and five minutes later came back as Zombie Hillary with an appetite for human flesh, I'm sorry, the left would still stand in line to vote for her.
The only thing that would change is that the Press Conferences would be more fun to watch.

And the media would tell us that Zombie syndrome and brain-eating are perfectly normal alternative lifestyles.

09-09-16, 13:53
For the people griping about people discussing things, if you have an issue with it, why don't you find something better to do with your time instead of clicking the thread? It's an internet forum, the whole point is to discuss things of interest, including speculation, no matter how much you dislike the topic.

Lest I be accused of being an "internet doctor" in my line of work risk assessment includes ALL the possibilities who's probability is above 0 and those two are most definitely somewhere above 0.

Back for more, eh? Part of a discussion is the natural process of content experts pointing out when the lay public is posting material that is incorrect. In your case, the content is not just incorrect - it's outlandish. Moreover, you continue to do it despite 2 separate MDs and a MS4 pointing out your mistakes. So yes, keep looking over your shoulder in that glaring blind spot of content knowledge, and you will find me staring back at you, smiling, and patiently waiting for more mistakes.

BTW, nobody is accusing you of being an Internet doctor. I am suggesting that you stop acting like a doctor, or someone who is qualified to analyze or otherwise comment on the health of another human being. Capisce paisano?

09-09-16, 14:17
Even if she dies, they will still vote for her. Dead people voting for a dead candidate? Sure...in this election cycle...anything goes!

09-09-16, 14:38
Back for more, eh? Part of a discussion is the natural process of content experts pointing out when the lay public is posting material that is incorrect. In your case, the content is not just incorrect - it's outlandish. Moreover, you continue to do it despite 2 separate MDs and a MS4 pointing out your mistakes. So yes, keep looking over your shoulder in that glaring blind spot of content knowledge, and you will find me staring back at you, smiling, and patiently waiting for more mistakes.

BTW, nobody is accusing you of being an Internet doctor. I am suggesting that you stop acting like a doctor, or someone who is qualified to analyze or otherwise comment on the health of another human being. Capisce paisano?

And you might consider not playing internet lawyer. What's good for the goose and all that eh? ;)

09-09-16, 15:11
And you might consider not playing internet lawyer. What's good for the goose and all that eh? ;)

I'll tell you what, show me an instance where I spouted off on legal matters, was corrected by multiple lawyers, and then continued with the BS. Fair?

09-09-16, 15:19
I'll tell you what, show me an instance where I spouted off on legal matters, was corrected by multiple lawyers, and then continued with the BS. Fair?

What about the guy who admitted, proudly so I might add, to bribing politicians (all leftest I might add) for business favors?


What should we do with him? Oh, I get it - his admitted criminal activity doesn't count because today he is on your side.

On second thought, I'll take the pothead.

Go find your own lawyers. You were talking out of your butt on this one and that my friend, is hypocrisy. :(

09-09-16, 15:43
Go find your own lawyers. You were talking out of your butt on this one and that my friend, is hypocrisy. :(

Dude, read the article. It's written by Andrew McCarthy - A LAWYER AND FEDERAL PROSECUTOR. That name should sound familiar. He flat out accuses Trump of bribery. Is he talking out of his butt?

09-09-16, 15:48

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09-09-16, 16:07
Dude, read the article. It's written by Andrew McCarthy - A LAWYER AND FEDERAL PROSECUTOR. That name should sound familiar. He flat out accuses Trump of bribery. Is he talking out of his butt?

In that case while writing a paid article for the National Review? Yes he absolutely did and you know damn good and well he did! You cannot sit on high and pass judgment on hyperbole and specious arguments posted by others (supported by worthless "facts" or not), then turn right around and do exactly the same thing when the results suit you. McCarthy made accusations in that article supported by ZERO facts. he doesn't even imply or hint at any facts. You're smart enough to know that! :(

09-09-16, 16:11
no your obvious goal in the discussion is to get everyone who's not you to stfu and generally act like a jerk doing it. so yeah I'm back to continue pointing that out and that if you don't like the discussion gtfo and leave the rest of us in peace.

really could have fooled me with your comments. I've never once implied that I was a doctor or had some special knowledge or anything else. I've gone to great pains to say in every instance that what I was passing along was second hand or speculation but instead pointing out the mistakes in a civilized manner you continue to be a jerk about and acting like you're the only person who could possibly know anything at all.

like I said before, if how you interact on here is indicative of your demeanour in real life I feel damn sorry for your patients.

I noticed you conveniently omitted the link I posted where hilldog admitted to being on warfarin and had a history of blood clots. are you gonna sit here as the big know it all and tell me and everyone else she doesn't have an elevated risk for stroke and dementia? that it's not a possibility at all? because if so, medical degree or not, I know for a fact that would be bullsh*t.

based on elementary hazard assessment methods, those are non-zero risks in my world before you factor in all the wierd stuff caught on video along with the general feebleness and the WikiLeaks emails talking about her being confused easily.

but then again I don't expect you to say yes any of that could be right. you've shown again and again you're a "must be right" type of person who can never give anyone else any amount of credit or admitistakes. we call you mass killers in engineering because you fight tool and nail to make sure your bad designs get out and kill a pile of people.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

The fact that Hillary is on lifelong anticoagulation was discussed at length in the previous thread. Being on warfarin does put her at a higher risk of serious bleeding complications including GI bleeding and intracranial bleeding. Moreover, she is on lifelong anticoagulation due to a history of venous thrombosis. These clots do not embolize to the brain unless she has a PFO, VSD, or some other anatomic shunt. Thus, she is not at any appreciable risk of ischemic stroke or multi-infarct dementia.

Where you and I are having an impass is when you suggest that symptoms like coughing fits are indicative of some serious illness, or that medications are being kept at the ready to reverse a medical catastrophe. I get it, you want her to lose. So do I (actually, I want Trump to lose too). But the leaps you are taking sound so contrived that it has made me doubt your sincerity regarding your source. No, I'm not calling you a liar and I have no proof. I completely understand that you may be misunderstanding what your wife is telling you. However, you are responsible for what you type and what I've seen you post does not seem to add up. That's where I'm at.

09-09-16, 16:28
In that case while writing a paid article for the National Review? Yes he absolutely did and you know damn good and well he did! You cannot sit on high and pass judgment on hyperbole and specious arguments posted by others (supported by worthless "facts" or not), then turn right around and do exactly the same thing when the results suit you. McCarthy made accusations in that article supported by ZERO facts. he doesn't even imply or hint at any facts. You're smart enough to know that! :(

I must not be as smart as you think because I thought that McCarthy's premise was logical, factual, and well laid out. I especially found compelling the part where Trump stood in front of a TV audience of 10 or so million and admitted to giving politicians money so that he could get favors. Did you not find that part compelling? If not, are you OK with Hillary accepting donations to the Clinton Foundation in return for State Department favors? I ask because some internet lawyers seem to think that is also illegal, and I was not aware that law favored one side of the pay to play equation.

09-09-16, 16:53
I must not be as smart as you think because I thought that McCarthy's premise was logical, factual, and well laid out. I especially found compelling the part where Trump stood in front of a TV audience of 10 or so million and admitted to giving politicians money so that he could get favors. Did you not find that part compelling? If not, are you OK with Hillary accepting donations to the Clinton Foundation in return for State Department favors? I ask because some internet lawyers seem to think that is also illegal, and I was not aware that law favored one side of the pay to play equation.

If someone legally donates to the campaign fund of a politician, within the proscribed limits of the law, then asks for consideration in the same manner that anyone else could, that doesn't meet the definition of bribery or "pay to play". If someone skirts campaign election laws and donates to a politician's private slush fund (i.e. the Clinton Foundation), then channels their requests for government action through said slush fund, which in turn channels their request through an "aide" who is simultaneously on the payroll of said foundation AND the government (and other interests), THAT is pay to play and could be a violation of the law.


So, tell me how an article in which the writer describes what can easily be interpreted as a perfectly legal act, then go on to claim it's illegal without presenting a single item of evidence, be "logical, factual, and well laid out"? I'm all ears!

09-09-16, 17:07
People keep saying this as if there is a medical condition that will disqualify you. There's not in any legal sense. But the possibility that the president could be quickly incapacitated and replaced by the VP, needs to be discussed. Is it going to be a Hillary presidency or a Kaine presidency?

Let me rephrase to clarify then. I've seen absolutely no evidence, including any of the medical deductions here on this gun forum, to suggest that she suffers from any condition that would incapacitate her, leaving Kane as president, with any greater likelihood than any other 68 year old person. Or a 70 year-old Donald Trump, for that matter.

09-09-16, 17:08
She's Hillary Clinton. That's bad a disease enough.

Everybody getting all passionate because the bitch might win.

Unless you are literally her doctor, not a single one of you (especially Sensei) are able to diagnose. Just offer your own little opinions.

She still has HIPPA laws on her side and unless her shit is court ordered (Ha!) then it does nobody any good, especially actual Doctors, to give armchair diagnoses.

It just makes everybody look like a dumbass. She old. She a female. She look ugly. She probably has to wear pads and diapers like a lot of old ass bitches. Oh well

Reagan (peace be upon him) was old as shit and he outlived Andropov. FDR (may he rot in hell) was a cripple, Taft was fat. Like "My 600 lb life" fat. Lots of people had some kinda ailments and served their term in office.

Maybe Drew Pinsky was right to be fired. Diagnosing on TV is wack. My Doctor goes all up my head ears, throat etc just for a check up. He doesn't just look at me and say "sigh, yeah, your big ass is good to go" NOPE. Full point inspection with labwork every so often like once or twice a year. I have dealt with folks with cooties so I get vaccinated when needed. And know who he runs his mouth off to? NOBODY. Because privacy laws.

Atrack this skeeze on her criminal actions, not on how she coughs and so forth. She might just be a smoker. You don't know.

tl;dr. Get over yourselves, please. It looks bad. Yes shes a bitch. Isn't that enough?

09-09-16, 17:12
Unless you are literally her doctor, not a single one of you (especially Sensei) are able to diagnose. Just offer your own little opinions.

None of the doctors nor medical students, (nor Drew Pinsky for that matter), in this or the other thread have even proposed a diagnosis. Rather, they have consistently refuted the ongoing attempts by uninformed lay persons here to make a diagnosis or render a rational opinion on the state of her health based on their half-baked and misunderstood concepts of medical diagnosis.


09-09-16, 17:24
None of the doctors nor medical students, (nor Drew Pinsky for that matter), in this or the other thread have even proposed a diagnosis. Rather, they have consistently refuted the ongoing attempts by uninformed lay persons here to make a diagnosis or render a rational opinion on the state of her health.


I'm not trying to harsh but seeing otherwise intelligent and knowledgeable people getting carried away with their Med-Measuring is kinda just ugh.

She likely does have some ailment. Being Female over 60 is evidence enough.

She'll either get the votes or she won't but short of dropping stone dead; her health is simply not the hill to die on.

Just saying.

Doc Safari
09-09-16, 17:25
I'm not trying to harsh but seeing otherwise intelligent and knowledgeable people getting carried away with their Med-Measuring is kinda just ugh.

She likely does have some ailment. Being Female over 60 is evidence enough.

She'll either get the votes or she won't but short of dropping stone dead; her health is simply not the hill to die on.

Just saying.

I tend to agree. She may be doing a rope-a-dope by luring people into thinking she's sick so they focus on that instead of her pure unrelenting evil.

09-09-16, 17:38
I'm not trying to harsh but seeing otherwise intelligent and knowledgeable people getting carried away with their Med-Measuring is kinda just ugh.

Those otherwise rational and knowledgeable people are just keepin' it real. I get that some non-medical people get butt-hurt when some smart-ass doctor corrects their bizarre left-field medical diagnoses.

09-09-16, 17:40
And as he's very likely to be POTUS, what do we really know of her VP pick?

Well for starters he is half snake and half weasel so I think we should expand our realm of diagnosis to the non-human possibilities as well.

Tim Kaine is really more like the cancer that no one knows they have and they feel fine. One day they realize it's a serious problem so they get treated and think they have beat it, only to die the next year.

The difference between Hillary and Tim is that Tim is more like Bill Cosby... he prefers for you to be asleep while he does his thing.

09-09-16, 18:46
Those otherwise rational and knowledgeable people are just keepin' it real. I get that some non-medical people get butt-hurt when some smart-ass doctor corrects their bizarre left-field medical diagnoses.

I get what you're saying. But you know what I mean. Were I a doctor I'd say "that doesn't geehaw" and leave it. I wouldn't get all uppity.

FWIW I am not a doctor. Beyond anything at the field or street level I dunno squat.

HRC could have the plague for all I care. But I see where you are coming from where dudes that are at the knowledge level of baby aspirin and hello kitty bandaids are wanting to butt heads with guys who are PAs or MDs over a humbug.

She has a doctor. She ain't dead yet. Opinions about her health are simply that, opinions.

But her health is pretty much the last thing to make an issue of.

She has literally broken a lot of Federal laws and the AG isn't pursuing charges. That's real and self evident. Old people coughing or having old people problems is just life.

09-09-16, 19:57
But her health is pretty much the last thing to make an issue of.

She has literally broken a lot of Federal laws and the AG isn't pursuing charges. That's real and self evident.

Yup. No disagreement there.

09-09-16, 20:04
Hmmm, you are aware that AAPS is the medical equivalent of InfoWars, right? Just so everyone understands what we are dealing with, this is an organization that publishes the following crap in its "journal":

1) HIV does not cause AIDS
2) abortion is associated with breast cancer
3) there are links between autism and vaccinations

I personally know ZERO physicians or sugeons who are members, or have even heard of this quack organization.

We already have one thread where the graduates of Google University School of Medicine have suggested that Hillary has cancer, AIDS, dementia, and/or intractable seizures. Do we need another?

Yep. Who the F is the AAPS? Never heard of them.

09-10-16, 00:48
I'm not aware that there's any such organization.

The AAPS is a ultra-conservative physician organization. Ron Paul is a long-standing member.

I had it confused with ABPS.

09-10-16, 01:01
I would be perfectly happy is a medical condition kept her from being president.

I do not think she is in great health.

I have also known people with DVTs on anticoagulants running around on target, and pilots with the same flying in combat zones. If they get wounded they bleed a lot and have more chance of dying. Big boy rules and in certain circles everything is waiverable.

If real, black and white criminal activity does not derail her, nor the same for various ATF and other personnel, how in God's name if some half assed medical speculation going to amount to anything?

You know how retarded Yeager and his little butt buddy sandbox vet that went AWOL from basic sound talking about shooting sound? That's how retarded some of the medical speculation sounds.

She may have AFIB or a DVT/previous PE, and some history of TIA or CVA, and probably has GERD and maybe COPD.

But the only way her medical conditions will keep her from being president is if she drops dead tomorrow.

There are people that will vote for her if she is on life support in the ICU.

09-10-16, 03:50
I normally don't watch debates, come to think of it I've never watched a f'n debate.

I'll watch these with the anticipation that her colostomy bag goes tits up under her $14K Dr. Evil/Kim Jong Il suit and her fecal matter seeps fourth on live TV.

09-10-16, 07:40
I had it confused with ABPS.

Your characterization of that organization is wrong too. ABPS requires that an applicant have been board certified. It's a means of eliminating the scam of Maintenance of Certification (MOC) imposed by various ABMS specialty boards, most notably the American Board of Internal Medicine

09-10-16, 08:14
Well for starters he is half snake and half weasel so I think we should expand our realm of diagnosis to the non-human possibilities as well.

Tim Kaine is really more like the cancer that no one knows they have and they feel fine. One day they realize it's a serious problem so they get treated and think they have beat it, only to die the next year.

The difference between Hillary and Tim is that Tim is more like Bill Cosby... he prefers for you to be asleep while he does his thing.

OK, so you like Kaine? Rgr rgr. :big_boss:

09-10-16, 08:16
Those otherwise rational and knowledgeable people are just keepin' it real. I get that some non-medical people get butt-hurt when some smart-ass doctor corrects their bizarre left-field medical diagnoses.


09-10-16, 09:31
This thread has been debunked why is it still open. ... pissing wars thats why.

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

09-10-16, 10:30
This thread has been debunked why is it still open. ... pissing wars thats why.

Not everyone is done pissing yet.

Fortunately for you, you can unsubscribe to the thread and/or avoid clicking on it in the future, and not be bothered by it further.

09-10-16, 10:34
Not everyone is done pissing yet.

Fortunately for you, you can unsubscribe to the thread and/or avoid clicking on it in the future, and not be bothered by it further.

BPH? :lol:

09-10-16, 10:40
Your characterization of that organization is wrong too. ABPS requires that an applicant have been board certified. It's a means of eliminating the scam of Maintenance of Certification (MOC) imposed by various ABMS specialty boards, most notably the American Board of Internal Medicine

The organization that was founded long before the MOC draconian money grubbing madness,
Was being used primarily for people not trained in emergency medicine to say they were board certified, or those failing to meet ABMS requirements but still wanting to be called board certified, and inventing specialties such as disaster medicine to be boarded in,
And has undergone half a dozen name changes and reorganizations,
Exists only as a righteous organization with its fist in the air sticking its finger in the eye of the man?

While it endlessly lobby's trying to get states to accept it as board certified.
In over 60 years less than half the states accept it as sort of board certified.

While the ABMS needs to be rear naked choked into tapping out on some of the MOC madness,
So many shady characters have been associated with the other organization reinventing itself as the righteous champion for the little man getting screwed over by an out of control ABMS seems a day late and a dollar short.

09-10-16, 10:41
BPH? :lol:

Heh. The general run of opinions here tend to take the position that 68 years old = almost dead. BPH would be the least of the assumed infirmities.

09-10-16, 10:47
Heh. The general run of opinions here tend to take the position that 68 years old = almost dead. BPH would be the least of the assumed infirmities.

Especially for a 68 year old woman. If she has BPH, well...we don't need to go there.

09-10-16, 11:03
The organization that was founded long before the MOC draconian money grubbing madness,
Was being used primarily for people not trained in emergency medicine to say they were board certified, or those failing to meet ABMS requirements but still wanting to be called board certified, and inventing specialties such as disaster medicine to be boarded in,
And has undergone half a dozen name changes and reorganizations,
Exists only as a righteous organization with its fist in the air sticking its finger in the eye of the man?

While it endlessly lobby's trying to get states to accept it as board certified.
In over 60 years less than half the states accept it as sort of board certified.

While the ABMS needs to be rear naked choked into tapping out on some of the MOC madness,
So many shady characters have been associated with the other organization reinventing itself as the righteous champion for the little man getting screwed over by an out of control ABMS seems a day late and a dollar short.

I beg your pardon. I was thinking of the National Board of Physicians and Surgeons and mistakenly referred to it as American Board of Physicians and Surgeons. NBPAS has only been around a few years and was created in response to the blatant MOC ripoff perpetrated most egregiously by the ABIM, and only slightly less so by most of the other specialty boards. I know nothing about the ABPS, but about a year ago our hospital Medical Staff voted to accept NBPAS as being satisfactory to comply with bylaw requirements for specialty board certification. I don't need that certification yet, but when my ABS certifcation expires and it's time for me to re-certify again (for the fourth time), I will likely go the NBPAS route and skip the whole pointless and irrelevant MOC scam of the American Board of Surgery.

09-10-16, 12:15
Well for starters he is half snake and half weasel....

Damn...wouldn't that be the equivalent of being half ant, and half anteater? Or worse, Ron Jeremy.... [emoji15]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-10-16, 14:00
For our next thread, can we have lay persons argue that the 357 SiG and 10mm are the best handgun cartridges because they cause hydrostatic shock, while the medical SMEs argue that they're wrong?

I feel like we haven't had that exact thread in a while.

Maybe someone can argue that the M16A2 is the best 5.56mm rifle there is and that guys like KevinB and Larry Vickers can argue that they're wrong.

Or maybe we can have the whole, "weapon lights only give away your position," debate again.

09-11-16, 00:42
I beg your pardon. I was thinking of the National Board of Physicians and Surgeons and mistakenly referred to it as American Board of Physicians and Surgeons. NBPAS has only been around a few years and was created in response to the blatant MOC ripoff perpetrated most egregiously by the ABIM, and only slightly less so by most of the other specialty boards. I know nothing about the ABPS, but about a year ago our hospital Medical Staff voted to accept NBPAS as being satisfactory to comply with bylaw requirements for specialty board certification. I don't need that certification yet, but when my ABS certifcation expires and it's time for me to re-certify again (for the fourth time), I will likely go the NBPAS route and skip the whole pointless and irrelevant MOC scam of the American Board of Surgery.

Some hospitals have responded to ABMS MOC with
ABMS board certification once with state license CME requirements as being good to go without for privileges indefinitely without requiring repeated board certifications.

I suspect with this gathering momentum at more hospitals,
And the growth of the organization you mention,
ABMS will reign in the full retard they have gone.
Or they will become irrelevant.

The organization I just ripped into serves as a means for those that don't meet ABMS board certification requirements,
Or have failed ABMS boards in their specialty, to claim board certification in a specialty.

09-11-16, 01:02
Weird double tap.

09-11-16, 01:03
Some hospitals have responded to ABMS MOC with
ABMS board certification once with state license CME requirements as being good to go without for privileges indefinitely without requiring repeated board certifications.

I suspect with this gathering momentum at more hospitals,
And the growth of the organization you mention,
ABMS will reign in the full retard they have gone.
Or they will become irrelevant.

The organization I just ripped into serves as a means for those that don't meet ABMS board certification requirements,
Or have failed ABMS boards in their specialty, to claim board certification in a specialty.

I'm of 2 minds on this MOC issue. On one hand, I appreciate the desire for diplomats to be up to speed. On the other hand, this mission creep of ever more requirements and expenses is getting a bit much. It starts getting really painful for those of us with multiple MOC requirements. So far, ABEM has not been that bad in terms of expense and requirements. I take my first ABEM ConCert next year, and my department's CME allowance more than covers the expenses. There is no way in hell that any hospital in my region is going to allow anything other than ABEM for credentialing EP's for the foreseeable future. So, ABEM is what we've got. I will need to see the final version of ABA's MOCA 2.0 for the CCM recert before I comment on their process.

09-11-16, 01:07
Damn...wouldn't that be the equivalent of being half ant, and half anteater? Or worse, Ron Jeremy.... [emoji15]

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Ha!, yeah, he was in weasel mode today. Out by the airport is a predominantly black and typically low income high school . He and his predominantly white security detail dropped in unannounced on a football game. Fun times were had by all.

09-11-16, 07:40
I'm of 2 minds on this MOC issue. On one hand, I appreciate the desire for diplomats to be up to speed. On the other hand, this mission creep of ever more requirements and expenses is getting a bit much. It starts getting really painful for those of us with multiple MOC requirements. So far, ABEM has not been that bad in terms of expense and requirements. I take my first ABEM ConCert next year, and my department's CME allowance more than covers the expenses. There is no way in hell that any hospital in my region is going to allow anything other than ABEM for credentialing EP's for the foreseeable future. So, ABEM is what we've got. I will need to see the final version of ABA's MOCA 2.0 for the CCM recert before I comment on their process.

I have no problem with CME...like most doctors I see it as a crucial component of ongoing competence. I honestly think that about 70% of what I learned in my residency has been supplanted by new concepts, or turned out to be just plain wrong. No physician today practices the way he was taught if it's been more than a decade since they were trained. CME is necessary.

That said, the whole MOC morass, implemented vastly differently by different specialty boards, is generally counterproductive, unnecessarily cumbersome, and expensive. General Surgery covers a lot of ground, but over the last many years my practice has evolved as I've increasingly subspecialized. Yet when I recertify (if I recertify), I'll be tested on the same stuff I was tested on when I finished my residency. I don't do transplant surgery, for example, but I'll be tested on it and it's expected to be part of my MOC process. Bullshit. Given my various specialty societies and the positions I hold, as well as my academic obligations, I do about 120 hours of CME per year. But that education serves the things I do every day. Unless things change, I'll be done with the American Board of Surgery in 2020. Fortunately, in this state and at the hospitals where I work, NBPAS means that I don't have to give up my privileges.

09-11-16, 09:32
Not to stir the pot


09-11-16, 09:58
Not to stir the pot


Fox News is reporting the same. There is something wrong with this old bird.

09-11-16, 10:03
Fox News is reporting the same. There is something wrong with this old bird.

Let's assume there is and that she withdraws. Who replaces her - Joe Biden?

09-11-16, 10:07
Not to stir the pot


That's fantastic! With all the other stuff raining down on her and bouncing off...emails, foundation, Bill...it looks like she'll be done in by public perception of her health and her unwillingness to fully disclose WTF the problem actually is.

09-11-16, 10:08
She is unqualified from nearly any angle. Not that this will matter to the brain dead supporting this total wench.

30 cal slut
09-11-16, 10:27
Fox is wondering if she fainted, CNN reporting she overheated.



30 cal slut
09-11-16, 10:29
It's hot as balls out and she wears tent dresses like this to hide whatever.

No surprises here.


09-11-16, 10:32
It's hot as balls out and she wears tent dresses like this to hide whatever.

Much much better to keep it hidden.

09-11-16, 10:35
She is unqualified from nearly any angle. Not that this will matter to the brain dead supporting this total wench.

You are right on both counts. Problem is "they" are just voting against Trump, the same way "we" are just voting against Hillary. They'd rather see anyone in that office other than the evil orange monster that the media has been telling them all about, even if that person is unqualified, a liar, a criminal, and on death's door. Propaganda at its finest.

Personally, I am all for reporting and discussing anything that will keep Hillary out of office. I do have some misgivings about stooping to their level, but I've always had a saying: "Is stealing your own stuff back from the thief who stole it from you, really stealing?" I don't want to resort to lying, cheating and stealing to stop the people who want to lie, cheat and steal from us, but if we must, I can live with it. I don't mind exaggerating her health concerns the same way that they have exaggerated the health concerns of every Republican candidate in the last 30 years. It may be speculation, but there appears to be a grain of truth to it.

My question is: Why is our enemy (the MSM) helping us defeat their own candidate? This is out of character for them. What is their angle?

09-11-16, 10:40
It's hot as balls out and she wears tent dresses like this to hide whatever.

No surprises here.

Isn't that Sitka's new hunting pattern?

Alex V
09-11-16, 10:44
It's actually not that hot in NY this morning. Mid to low 70's during the memorial services. Too bad she didn't drop face first onto the pavement with all the cameras watching.

09-11-16, 10:47
From the Link;

"But a witness told Fox News that Clinton stumbled off the curb, her "knees buckled" and she lost a shoe as she was helped into a van during her "unexpected early departure."

I don't need my President to run marathons but it would be nice to know they could walk and talk and be in the heat without falling out and losing a shoe at an event as important as 9/11.

09-11-16, 10:48
Not to stir the pot


It would have been a much happier story had it ended with her leaving while receiving chest compressions and bag valve mask ventilation.

09-11-16, 10:50
I think she was just overcame with emotions and sadness for the loss of lives on that horrible day. Yep, that must be it.

09-11-16, 11:08
Maybe some of our resident Docs can opine, but aside from the coughing it seems to me she is exhibiting signs of Ménière's Disease? Especially given the frequent need for assistance walking/standing.

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30 cal slut
09-11-16, 11:12
I think she was just overcame with emotions and sadness for the loss of lives on that horrible day. Yep, that must be it.

ayup, was thinking the same thing ...

09-11-16, 11:14
I think she was just overcame with emotions and sadness for the loss of lives on that horrible day. Yep, that must be it.

Or she was thinking about her daughter jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11........

09-11-16, 11:16
Maybe some of our resident Docs can opine, but aside from the coughing it seems to me she is exhibiting signs of Ménière's Disease? Especially given the frequent need for assistance walking/standing.

Uh...no. These threads remind of the first day of rounds with 3rd-year medical students, only less insightful. I'm hoping that in at least one of these threads we can avoid plucking diagnoses out of thin air. All we know right now is that she has some kind of medical problem. There's nothing to nail down what it is, or how severe.

09-11-16, 11:25
Today she was just overcome with grief from this tragic day. Or so it will be spun.

09-11-16, 11:26
Maybe some of our resident Docs can opine, but aside from the coughing it seems to me she is exhibiting signs of Ménière's Disease? Especially given the frequent need for assistance walking/standing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We have already noted that she clearly has chronic health problems, but it is impossible to diagnose her with specific medical conditions or label her as physically incapable of performing the duties of POTUS by looking at videos of her coughing fits or other weird mannerisms.

However, psychiatric condition and personality disorders are a different story. Dr. Charles Krauthammer, an esteemed psychiatrist, has already diagnosed her as having equal portions of narcissistic personality disorder and stark, raving bitch.

Before you get too happy, he says that Trump is an orange faced dick with predominantly borderline personality tendencies. So, prepare yourself accordingly because one of these two fundamentally flawed individuals will have their finger on that little red button.

09-11-16, 11:26



30 cal slut
09-11-16, 11:28
holy crap, she did collapse.

vid footage:


09-11-16, 11:34
I guess it's kinda serious, as this layperson has been indicating all along. Can't wait for the spin.

09-11-16, 11:37
She was only being held upright by the asst's hand, and that concrete pillar. If she did not have those, she would have been laid out. She was completely incapable of holding herself upright, and then when she moved, she collapsed and was caught by 5 or more asst's?

09-11-16, 11:39
holy crap, she did collapse.

vid footage:


Just insert Howard Cossell yelling, "Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!"

09-11-16, 11:39
They'll spin this into a "she cares so much" kind of thing.

09-11-16, 11:44
She was only being held upright by the asst's hand, and that concrete pillar. If she did not have those, she would have been laid out. She was completely incapable of holding herself upright, and then when she moved, she collapsed and was caught by 5 or more asst's?

I find it interesting that her campaign reported that she was taken to her daughter's apartment. Most people go to the local hospital when Grandma catches too much of the spirit during church services. The decision NOT to take her to a medical facility should be an accessory issue to whatever caused her syncope.

09-11-16, 11:46
She was feeling faint? She wasn't feeling anything.

Picture of health. Nothing to see here.

09-11-16, 11:48
I guess if taken to the local ER the ability to control spin would diminish nearly to zero, right?

09-11-16, 11:51
The decision NOT to take her to a medical facility should be an accessory issue to whatever caused her syncope.

Not sure I follow....

You're indicating (maybe) that the choices in care, like avoiding the ER, are likely why she is showing deteriorating conditions?

09-11-16, 11:56
I guess it's kinda serious, as this layperson has been indicating all along. Can't wait for the spin.

Yah, that's been my point. I understand our resident docs not wanting to lay out a concrete diagnosis, but the available evidence indicates she has some non-trivial health problems...

09-11-16, 11:59
I guess if taken to the local ER the ability to control spin would diminish nearly to zero, right?

Normally, we strive to keep the confidence and privacy of our patients in the highest regard in keeping with our oath and HIPPA.

In her case, I'd broadcast her entire electronic medical record from the top of One World Trade Center via Twitter, Skype, YouTube, Radio, TV, IR, etc.

I'd do this knowing that I'd never practice medicine again, but half the country would celebrate me as if I had put one though the head of OBL himself. It would be the most glorious career suicide that I can imagine.

Since my sense of humor offends some. This is a joke. It is meant to make you chuckle and feel good on what is normally a shitty day. Nobody caring for Hillary should discuss her condition without her consent.

09-11-16, 12:03
Not sure I follow....

You're indicating (maybe) that the choices in care, like avoiding the ER, are likely why she is showing deteriorating conditions?

No, I'm saying that it is incompetence on the part of her staff (including the USSS) not to seek immediate medical attention from someone who is suffers syncope (the medical term for passing out) at the age of 68 with her known medical problems. It demonstrates that her staff, family, et al are more concerned for her candidacy than her health. That is a problem that needs to be discussed.

09-11-16, 12:09
This is serious. Really serious. What happens if this occurs when she is president? She has SS protection now- is the SS covering up for her? She obviously is having some medical event. Who tells the SS, no hospital, we'll chill at her daughter's place?

She is unconscious in that short video clip, I've loaded bags of dirt that were more responsive.

So what if this happens if she is POTUS? They are trying to hide her incapacitation. This stuff is all live. Kim ding-dong's intelligence sees this and decides that this is a pretty good time to light one off towards the west coast. Who is in control while POTUS is all goofy?

That the SS didn't take her to a medical facility is a complete dereliction of duty and calls into who exactly is controlling the protection of a POTUS candidate.

This folks isn't about a grandma swooning at a gathering. It is about the potential threat to continuity of control of the US govt. All that money and holes dug for continuation and this crap can happen?

09-11-16, 12:15
That video reminds me of Weekend at Bernie's.


09-11-16, 12:15
She Must be running a little low on souls...

09-11-16, 12:20
Not sure I follow....

You're indicating (maybe) that the choices in care, like avoiding the ER, are likely why she is showing deteriorating conditions?

Something I was just thinking about. You have to assume that a person in her position with her means is getting the top of the line, cutting edge care for whatever her issues are. If she appears this poor on that level of care, how would one of us peons be doing?

09-11-16, 12:22
This is serious. Really serious. What happens if this occurs when she is president? She has SS protection now- is the SS covering up for her? She obviously is having some medical event. Who tells the SS, no hospital, we'll chill at her daughter's place?

She is unconscious in that short video clip, I've loaded bags of dirt that were more responsive.

So what if this happens if she is POTUS? They are trying to hide her incapacitation. This stuff is all live. Kim ding-dong's intelligence sees this and decides that this is a pretty good time to light one off towards the west coast. Who is in control while POTUS is all goofy?

That the SS didn't take her to a medical facility is a complete dereliction of duty and calls into who exactly is controlling the protection of a POTUS candidate.

This folks isn't about a grandma swooning at a gathering. It is about the potential threat to continuity of control of the US govt. All that money and holes dug for continuation and this crap can happen?

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Mark my words and mark them well. In the long term, she would have been much better served by going to a hospital, getting checked out, and released. She could have invented some story about being over come with emotion, heat, gas, or whatever.

The decision to NOT take her to a hospital is going to be a problem for a lot more people than just her. Some people are going to be asked if there is a procedure for this type of circumstance (surely there is), and was that procedure followed (surely it was not). In addition, it will fuel, and rightly so, the speculation surrounding her health and that she has something serious to hide.

Remember, it is the attempt at cover-up, not the initial problem, that become the long-term issue.

Just my 2 pesos.

Alex V
09-11-16, 12:23
My guess is there was a private physician on his or her way to Chelsea's apartment at the same time Hitlary was. She wants to live long enough to ruin this country. No way she will endanger that by not seeing medical care.

09-11-16, 12:24
That video reminds me of Weekend at Bernie's.


...and Bernie would have made a much better POTUS.

09-11-16, 12:25
I've followed a couple of rather heated threads here concerning HRC health, it would appear there is something going on.
This might be a very telling moment for this election, it is becoming apparent that there is more than what has been released, I'm not going to guess what, but again the Clinton's aren't going to tell us the truth.
It really might be time for the DNC to have a heart to heart with Hillary and Joe Biden and hand it over to someone who at least wont die during the oath of office.

09-11-16, 12:25
My guess is there was a private physician on his or her way to Chelsea's apartment at the same time Hitlary was. She wants to live long enough to ruin this country. No way she will endanger that by not seeing medical care.

Not good enough. The standard of care for syncope at her age and with her known medical conditions is going to be at least a period of brief hospital observation and testing.

30 cal slut
09-11-16, 12:34
i'm sure hilldawg's campaign will blame her fainting on global warming. :lazy:

i work in manhattan and live not too far away. it's not that hot out today! and we have a nice breeze going.

09-11-16, 12:36
FDR understood that the public seeing their POTUS in a wheelchair, would erode confidence in their ability to do the job. Based on her frailty, I'm not so sure she shouldn't be in one, if only to prevent a head trauma or broken bones due to a fall. Hillary taking the debate stage in a wheelchair would cost her double digit point drops in the polls.

As usual, the truth with the Clintons is obscured.

30 cal slut
09-11-16, 12:39

09-11-16, 12:45
Even the people that defended her last week on the "health issue" are saying that she should release medical information. Not good for her.


Clinton may well be totally fine — and I certainly hope she is. But we are 58 days away from choosing the person who will lead the country for the next four years, and she is one of the two candidates with a real chance of winning. Taking the Clinton team's word for it on her health — in light of the episode on Sunday morning — is no longer enough. Reasonable people can — and will — have real questions about her health.

I wrote this on Tuesday morning:

The simple fact is that there is zero evidence that anything is seriously wrong with Clinton. If suffering an occasional coughing fit is evidence of a major health problem, then 75 percent of the country must have that mystery illness. And I am one of them.

Well, that is no longer operative. Context matters. A coughing episode is almost always just a coughing episode. But when coupled with Clinton's "overheating" on Sunday morning — with temperatures something short of sweltering — Clinton and her team simply need to say something about what happened (and why the press was in the dark for so long.)

I don't know who the person writing the article is, but he puts some important context into this entire debate. Those on the fence are asking questions now.

09-11-16, 12:48
That video reminds me of Weekend at Bernie's.



It didn't take the Internet long to see the parallel as well.

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09-11-16, 12:51
FDR understood that the public seeing their POTUS in a wheelchair, would erode confidence in their ability to do the job. Based on her frailty, I'm not so sure she shouldn't be in one, if only to prevent a head trauma or broken bones due to a fall. Hillary taking the debate stage in a wheelchair would cost her double digit point drops in the polls.

As usual, the truth with the Clintons is obscured.

This is very true. FDR knew that if he was seen as weak, the America was seen as weak, he took great effort to make sure that didn't happen.
We've seen these rumors go on now for almost a month? Now the critical point becomes who will take action when they get that call at 2 AM ?
This is a clear case of Form over Function, the Democrats are going to continue with HRC even if it kills her.
I have to ask, under the heat of the lights, under the pressure of the stress, who will prop her up when she nose dives on the stage?
She was nearly out on her feet in the first part of that video, She appeared to pass out when the doors to that van came open and She needed to move forward.
Who knows what medical equipment and staff might be waiting at Chelsea's apartment?

09-11-16, 12:51
No, I'm saying that it is incompetence on the part of her staff (including the USSS) not to seek immediate medical attention from someone who is suffers syncope (the medical term for passing out) at the age of 68 with her known medical problems. It demonstrates that her staff, family, et al are more concerned for her candidacy than her health. That is a problem that needs to be discussed.


09-11-16, 12:53
She was out. They dragged her in to the van.

09-11-16, 12:54
She was out. They dragged her in to the van.

I would agree.

Holy Cow!
There is a version of the original video that has been enlarged in order to show more detail. If you can find it and link it here it would be greatly appreciated.
She was out on her feet for a very long time before that van ever got there and the other enlarged video makes that very clear.
I've seen guys who were "Knocked Out on Their Feet." this clearly is what I saw in that video. She couldn't control her head movement as if her neck was too weak to hold her head up and her knees kept buckling.
Really, it's worth a good look.

09-11-16, 12:55
Uh...no. These threads remind of the first day of rounds with 3rd-year medical students, only less insightful. I'm hoping that in at least one of these threads we can avoid plucking diagnoses out of thin air. All we know right now is that she has some kind of medical problem. There's nothing to nail down what it is, or how severe.

We have already noted that she clearly has chronic health problems, but it is impossible to diagnose her with specific medical conditions or label her as physically incapable of performing the duties of POTUS by looking at videos of her coughing fits or other weird mannerisms.

However, psychiatric condition and personality disorders are a different story. Dr. Charles Krauthammer, an esteemed psychiatrist, has already diagnosed her as having equal portions of narcissistic personality disorder and stark, raving bitch.

Before you get too happy, he says that Trump is an orange faced dick with predominantly borderline personality tendencies. So, prepare yourself accordingly because one of these two fundamentally flawed individuals will have their finger on that little red button.

Docs...uh, damn...I was asking a question. I wasn't offering a diagnosis. Being a sufferer of Ménière's myself, some of what she's exhibiting is all too familiar. Not to mention, if it were Ménière's, she would hardly be disqualified from anything. Well, aircraft pilot maybe, but not POTUS.

Y'all remind me of a bunch of bone docs "pimping" PCPs, lol.

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09-11-16, 13:01
I have to ask, under the heat of the lights, under the pressure of the stress, who will prop her up when she nose dives on the stage?

Probably nobody and that means it could be the end of her. In the release she put out last year, she admitted to being on warfarin. Being on an anti-coagulant like that can mean a lights out forever brain bleed, either dead or vegetable, if you fall and hit your head. Probably a big part of the reason people are always in catching distance of her. The combination of passing out and anti-coagulants is a little touchy for someone who has to be on their feet constantly

09-11-16, 13:06
Scroll down a ways and look at the enlarged video;

09-11-16, 13:12
Another damn double tap

09-11-16, 13:13

No problem.

Syncope is a pain in the ass for emergency physicians. That is because it is a symptom - not a cause. The vast majority of syncopal episodes are not caused by something serious and most Americans will experience syncope sometime in their life. It could be a simple vasovagal episode, heat syncope, etc. and the majority will not need testing beyond and ECG and a good physical exam.

However, there some very serious but uncommon causes of syncope that generally pertain to heart problems. These include cardiac arrhythmias, valvular disease, MI (rare), etc. There are also a few neurologic conditions that are serious. The problem is that the vast majority of people have no serious findings on what is often a very expensive work-up (24 hours of cardiac monitoring, Echo cardiogram, blood work, etc.).

So, the medical community has tried to come up with decision rules for who needs testing and who can go home from the ER with just an ECG, physical exam, and a pat on the ass. Most of those decision rules have not withstood the test of time or external validation as a concerning number of seeming low risk people have a preventable bad outcome within a few days. However, the system can test everybody without going broke. What we are left with is admitting for further testing people who seem to have high-risk features and most physicians have their own definition of "high risk." For me, it boils down to these: 1) advanced age usually greater than 60 or so; 2) history of congestive heart failure or valvular disease; 3) abnormal ECG; 4) abnormal physical exam findings such as new murmur or neurologic deficits; 5) syncope with exertion or at rest in older people; 6) syncope associated with concerning symptoms such as crushing chest pain or sudden, severe headache; 6) family history of unexplained sudden cardiac death; and most importantly 7) being able to pass a road test (i.e. being able to walk around the ED without getting woozy).

Needless to say, it can get complex. However, I challenge anyone to find a physician who would send home their 68 year old mother who takes Coumadin after such an episode...notice that I said mother, and not mother-in-law.

09-11-16, 13:18
I am sure her daughters place has been setup with a complete med lab inside and doctors on standby
that way its nothing big just heading to the daughters house to have some tea

yeah thats not heat stroke !

agree with others she will claim she was so overtaken with grief !!!

problem is even if she releases doctors info it will be fake

09-11-16, 13:19
Rgr. Was clear on syncope, I was looking for clarity from an MD on the first part about dodging the ER being an "accessory issue". That being said, the signal:noise on this thread just went way up with ^^^^ the above high quality description from Sensei. Thanks!

09-11-16, 13:21
No problem.

Syncope is a pain in the ass for emergency physicians. That is because it is a symptom - not a cause. The vast majority of syncopal episodes are not caused by something serious and most Americans will experience syncope sometime in their life. It could be a simple vasovagal episode, heat syncope, etc. and the majority will not need testing beyond and ECG and a good physical exam.

However, there some very serious but uncommon causes of syncope that generally pertain to heart problems. These include cardiac arrhythmias, valvular disease, MI (rare), etc. There are also a few neurologic conditions that are serious. The problem is that the vast majority of people have no serious findings on what is often a very expensive work-up (24 hours of cardiac monitoring, Echo cardiogram, blood work, etc.).

Thanks for that, did you look at the enlarged version I posted?
I would like to hear your opinion.

My Mother is a 76 year old Cancer survivor and honestly gets around ten times better than what I'm seeing HRC do.

09-11-16, 13:27
Y'all are just the spokes behind yet another, racist, sexist, fanatical right wing conspiracy to discredit her holiness.

09-11-16, 13:31
"I got better...."

Emerges at 11:45am, and claims to be "Just fine..." (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3784098/Hillary-Clinton-rushed-9-11-memorial-service-following-medical-episode.html)

09-11-16, 13:31
Probably nobody and that means it could be the end of her. In the release she put out last year, she admitted to being on warfarin. Being on an anti-coagulant like that can mean a lights out forever brain bleed, either dead or vegetable, if you fall and hit your head. Probably a big part of the reason people are always in catching distance of her. The combination of passing out and anti-coagulants is a little touchy for someone who has to be on their feet constantly

Here is a funny aside. I was the only American physician in all of Kabul for a period in 2009 and oversaw an army of PA's at the FOBs around RC-E. We saw EVERY coalition causality in and around Kabul for about 3 weeks and most of RC-E (out to the A/P border) while I waited for back-up. One of the civilian contractors who was eligible to receive medical care at an Army facility showed up to our TMC at FOB Phoenix wanting a refill of his coumadin. Homeslice had lied on his medical SRP before coming into theater and not disclosed that he had A-fib. His well-intentioned but equally stupid wife was mailing him resupplies but something happened to a package and he ran out. He figured that his dose was stable and that he would not need to get his INR checked for the 6 month deployment. Anyway, this Einstein could not fathom why we would not stock Coumadin in an environment where IEDs and bullets were the norm. He had the audacity to threaten me with a HIPPA violation if I told his employer. Too bad HIPPA does not apply to physicians deployed in theater.

09-11-16, 13:34
Knowing how poorly she treats the USSS, I'm kind of surprised one of them didn't lose their grip on her. Or are any of the people allowed to touch her even USSS?

09-11-16, 13:36
Thanks for that, did you look at the enlarged version I posted?
I would like to hear your opinion.

My Mother is a 76 year old Cancer survivor and honestly gets around ten times better than what I'm seeing HRC do.

I think that she had an episode of syncope. I have no idea if it was caused by something serious (probably not now that she is walking around). I also think that her health is much worse than what she is telling us, but I still have no way to prove it. Moreover, I have real concerns for the decision making process of her staff (including USSS) in the moments immediately after this incident that led them to take her to an apartment instead of a medical facility.

Finally, I think that she is one luck bitch. THE ONLY REASON WHY THIS IS NOT COVING THE NEWS IS THAT IT HAPPENED ON 9/11 AND THE MEDIA IS TOO BUSY COVERING THE VARIOUS MEMORIAL SERVICES. Had this happened at the forum last week her candidacy would be over.

09-11-16, 13:47
Docs...uh, damn...I was asking a question. I wasn't offering a diagnosis. Being a sufferer of Ménière's myself, some of what she's exhibiting is all too familiar. Not to mention, if it were Ménière's, she would hardly be disqualified from anything. Well, aircraft pilot maybe, but not POTUS.

Y'all remind me of a bunch of bone docs "pimping" PCPs, lol.

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My reply is meant at a joke about the personality disorders.

09-11-16, 13:48
My reply is meant at a joke about the personality disorders.

Ahh...gotcha. My bad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-11-16, 14:11
Docs...uh, damn...I was asking a question. I wasn't offering a diagnosis. Being a sufferer of Ménière's myself, some of what she's exhibiting is all too familiar. Not to mention, if it were Ménière's, she would hardly be disqualified from anything. Well, aircraft pilot maybe, but not POTUS.

Y'all remind me of a bunch of bone docs "pimping" PCPs, lol.

The latest "incident" video from today looks more like syncope than going down due to vertigo. In the absence of any other information, we only know that she fainted. There can be many, many reasons for that...most of them benign.

George H. W. Bush went down, fainting and vomiting, at a state dinner held for him in Japan when he was 67. Hillary, OTOH, has had other episodes of the Wobblies, as well as her public disabling coughing fits. Certainly that patterns makes her infirmities a more interesting situation. The more it happens, the more interesting it is. If she continues to publicly poo-poo it, it's going to become an increasingly major issue, especially if it happens again during these next two grueling months.

09-11-16, 14:16
The debates will be very interesting.
I'm guessing that as much cushion as possible will be given to her. I think the media is very biased and likely if there is any advantage to be given it will be given to her.
I'm guessing the heat under the lights and the pressure of a real debate will be avoided at all costs, the media will help her as much as possible.

09-11-16, 14:16
Y'all would be surprised. The relationship between staff and her detail is a lot closer than you'd think.

09-11-16, 14:19
If she goes down during the debates or has any other kind of "health-related event" on national TV, that would be a major nail in the coffin.

09-11-16, 14:23

Kinda hard to ignore. I agree with others who say she was out cold. I've handled 2 lights out people before. They go down like a sack of potatoes, just like she did.

She's going to end herself by falling in a real shitty spot and breaking her egg one of these days.

09-11-16, 14:31
I'm certain this was directly caused by some random video on youtube...oh wait a minute, that was Benghazi.

09-11-16, 14:36
Y'all would be surprised. The relationship between staff and her detail is a lot closer than you'd think.

I am having an "obtuse Sunday", apparently. Can you explain, or clue me in?

09-11-16, 14:44
I am having an "obtuse Sunday", apparently. Can you explain, or clue me in?

I'm guessing that the "Staff" and the Secret Service have an agreement.
That someone wouldn't fill a dozen envelopes and say "Just STFU and drive on young Trooper", wouldn't surprise me.
When you ask, "How far would they go?" ask yourself how far did they go to sink Bernie?
That after he was eliminated he bought a new six figure "Vacation Home" is all a part of playing the game, like it or not.

09-11-16, 14:48
In the absence of any other information, we only know that she fainted.

I'm tracking with you there, but we do have other confirmed issues with her, and her known medical history. Including a fall that left her with impaired vision, some degree of concussion, and post concussion ailments, including memory loss and fatigue.

When I showed up to see my local PA about some dizziness, she asked about any falls, etc, etc, etc. She made sure to qualify that she meant any time in the last 5yrs, or maybe more, where I lost consciousness or needed an ER visit. Indicating to me that she would need to treat me differently, if that had occurred, or if I had actually been diagnosed with a concussion, etc.

I would suspect HRC has been wobbly, as you indicate, for some time. Probably how she fell the first time, and possibly leading to these ongoing issues that are hard to hide from the spotlight.

09-11-16, 14:53
If that is the case, that's a corruption of their duty. Ouch.

09-11-16, 14:57
The latest "incident" video from today looks more like syncope than going down due to vertigo. In the absence of any other information, we only know that she fainted. There can be many, many reasons for that...most of them benign.

George H. W. Bush went down, fainting and vomiting, at a state dinner held for him in Japan when he was 67. Hillary, OTOH, has had other episodes of the Wobblies, as well as her public disabling coughing fits. Certainly that patterns makes her infirmities a more interesting situation. The more it happens, the more interesting it is. If she continues to publicly poo-poo it, it's going to become an increasingly major issue, especially if it happens again during these next two grueling months.


And I had forgotten about the incident with W in Japan. I hadn't heard she actually fainted, just assumed it was a vertigo related episode from the early reports.

Anyway, thanks for the professional insight Docs. [emoji106]

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09-11-16, 14:58
I think she was just overcame with emotions and sadness for the loss of lives on that horrible day. Yep, that must be it.

Yeah, the death of those poor Muslims on the planes must have been too much for her.

09-11-16, 15:00
The latest "incident" video from today looks more like syncope than going down due to vertigo. In the absence of any other information, we only know that she fainted. There can be many, many reasons for that...most of them benign.

"Warning lights are flashing down at quality control..."

In one of the videos there was a clean enlargement. What jumped out to me was that initially she was standing/leaning with just one person assisting.

Then as they stepped, it's clear she was not able to move her feet and they started dragging.

Not a doc, but raised a kid prone to vasovagal syncope and dealt with my share of heat stroke, heat exhaustion, & dehydration as a scout leader: my layman read is this was not light headed vertigo, nausea, "overheating", etc. She was hard out and if they had not blocked the view we would have seen her head drop, etc.

Would not have surprised me if there was a seizure in the van unless they got her feet up fast, etc.

Anyone can have a bad day. If it was vasovagal from crowds/anxiety she'd have shown it before now. We'll likely never know unless more events happen.

Goodness me, could this be, Industrial disease?

09-11-16, 15:07
And the media would tell us that Zombie syndrome and brain-eating are perfectly normal alternative lifestyles.

They'd call her the second coming.

09-11-16, 15:16
"Warning lights are flashing down at quality control..."

In one of the videos there was a clean enlargement. What jumped out to me was that initially she was standing/leaning with just one person assisting.

Then as they stepped, it's clear she was not able to move her feet and they started dragging.

Not a doc, but raised a kid prone to vasovagal syncope and dealt with my share of heat stroke, heat exhaustion, & dehydration as a scout leader: my layman read is this was not light headed vertigo, nausea, "overheating", etc. She was hard out and if they had not blocked the view we would have seen her head drop, etc.

Would not have surprised me if there was a seizure in the van unless they got her feet up fast, etc.

Anyone can have a bad day. If it was vasovagal from crowds/anxiety she'd have shown it before now. We'll likely never know unless more events happen.

Goodness me, could this be, Industrial disease?

Yeah, didn't look like that to me. What I saw in the video, and her perky traipsing 90 minutes later having recovered at her daughter's apartment, doesn't indicate that she was likely "hard out", and certainly doesn't suggest a seizure. Looks like she fainted.

09-11-16, 15:26
She was wobbly on the post. When someone moved her, she reached around with her hands to keep in contact with that post, and went side to side.

When she moved, it started with one female assistant on her left arm. As she took two steps, maybe one, she lurched forward, and was luckily already under the control of two large male USSS. The scuttlebutt was that this episode was such that she lost a shoe that had to be recovered and returned to her. If this was "new normal", someone would have probably paused and casually grabbed the shoe. So the people's actions tell me what a PR crew isn't going to tell me. This is not the public normal, yet. These things might be occurring in HRC's personal life, or outside camera shot, but this looked like all the world as a new type of emergency for the group.

I'm thinking how drunks react when their normally drunk friends puke in the street, and drop their gear in the gutter or the public crapper. The other drunks don't get all worked up and just ball out to the ER. Why? Conditioning. They expect it. It's normal. No one is going to leave a $500 Air Jordan, or a pair of Oakleys, or an iPhone, in a rush to get their alcoholic friend to a doctor. Yet the HRC detail balled out, and went to Chelsea's place. Very odd.

09-11-16, 15:28
Yeah, didn't look like that to me. What I saw in the video, and her perky traipsing 90 minutes later having recovered at her daughter's apartment, doesn't indicate that she was likely "hard out", and certainly doesn't suggest a seizure.

Maybe kids and vasovagal syncope is different, don't know. I've seen them playing like nothing happened 15 minutes after full on eyes rolled back, arms thrashing, loss of bladder control seizure.

We'd have about 15 seconds from the feint before seizure started unless we got the head low asap. Luckily no neurological causes found, and now as as an adult can tell when one is coming on and lay down.

Just watch one of the enlarged videos and watch her right calf & foot. Knees relax, Zero control over her feet, toes dragging, etc.

Not trying to diagnose her with anything or say she had a seizure, just saying this did not look to me like dehydration lightheadedness, heat exhaustion stumbling, etc

09-11-16, 15:29
Yeah, didn't look like that to me. What I saw in the video, and her perky traipsing 90 minutes later having recovered at her daughter's apartment, doesn't indicate that she was likely "hard out", and certainly doesn't suggest a seizure. Looks like she fainted.

When I was a boxer decades ago, I used to make it a point that if we had a ten second warning flurry, I would be the last off of my stool. The key was to watch your opponents legs. Did he wobble, did he stutter step or need a hand?
Now I wasn't by any means good, but I've done some punching that did some damage in those flurries. I would ask for a medic or doctor to look at my opponent if he couldn't freely get off of that stool with a spring in his step and some determination in his heart.
I won a couple of decisions that way. This aint a fight, but She was out like a light.
We're not playing a game, this is POTUS in the balance.

09-11-16, 15:34
Here is a funny aside. I was the only American physician in all of Kabul for a period in 2009 and oversaw an army of PA's at the FOBs around RC-E. We saw EVERY coalition causality in and around Kabul for about 3 weeks and most of RC-E (out to the A/P border) while I waited for back-up. One of the civilian contractors who was eligible to receive medical care at an Army facility showed up to our TMC at FOB Phoenix wanting a refill of his coumadin. Homeslice had lied on his medical SRP before coming into theater and not disclosed that he had A-fib. His well-intentioned but equally stupid wife was mailing him resupplies but something happened to a package and he ran out. He figured that his dose was stable and that he would not need to get his INR checked for the 6 month deployment. Anyway, this Einstein could not fathom why we would not stock Coumadin in an environment where IEDs and bullets were the norm. He had the audacity to threaten me with a HIPPA violation if I told his employer. Too bad HIPPA does not apply to physicians deployed in theater.

wow. that's stupid with a capital S. yeah let's go hang out in a war zone when our clotting is compromised. makes perfect sense

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09-11-16, 15:36
If that is the case, that's a corruption of their duty. Ouch.
given the recent history of the secret service though, wouldn't be surprised at anything

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09-11-16, 15:36
Watch this starting about 17s in. Keep an eye on her right calf/foot:

The beginning of the video has another angle, you can see her head & shoulders drop as her knees relax/fold.

But her head did not flop, so who knows

09-11-16, 15:39
When I was a boxer decades ago, I used to make it a point that if we had a ten second warning flurry, I would be the last off of my stool. The key was to watch your opponents legs. Did he wobble, did he stutter step or need a hand?
Now I wasn't by any means good, but I've done some punching that did some damage in those flurries. I would ask for a medic or doctor to look at my opponent if he couldn't freely get off of that stool with a spring in his step and some determination in his heart.
I won a couple of decisions that way. This aint a fight, but She was out like a light.
We're not playing a game, this is POTUS in the balance.

No question, a 68 year-old presidential nominee with her health history who has a fainting episode should have been seen and evaluated in an ED, especially if it rendered her unconscious (we don't know if it did).

09-11-16, 15:40
The latest "incident" video from today looks more like syncope than going down due to vertigo. In the absence of any other information, we only know that she fainted. There can be many, many reasons for that...most of them benign.

George H. W. Bush went down, fainting and vomiting, at a state dinner held for him in Japan when he was 67. Hillary, OTOH, has had other episodes of the Wobblies, as well as her public disabling coughing fits. Certainly that patterns makes her infirmities a more interesting situation. The more it happens, the more interesting it is. If she continues to publicly poo-poo it, it's going to become an increasingly major issue, especially if it happens again during these next two grueling months.

Could be as simple as dehydration, but perception is everything in politics and there's an existing perception she may be in poor health so a cumulative effect on perception vs a one of event for Bush.

26 Inf
09-11-16, 15:41
FDR understood that the public seeing their POTUS in a wheelchair, would erode confidence in their ability to do the job. Based on her frailty, I'm not so sure she shouldn't be in one, if only to prevent a head trauma or broken bones due to a fall. Hillary taking the debate stage in a wheelchair would cost her double digit point drops in the polls.

As usual, the truth with the Clintons is obscured.

I get what you are saying and agree.

I think that any underlying health issues will have to be drug unwillingly from the Clinton camp, much on the order of pulling a Charolais calf. If you think about it in the context of your quote - how many Democrats think FDR did and excellent job in spite of his health issues? They will also be of the mind that she will be surrounded by the best medical possible, and have a 'capable' Vice-President standing by.

At this point I think it is hard for us to intuit what Hilary's biggest motivator is - being able to say 'I am President' or the change she feels she needs to make.

If the former is the case, as far is she's concerned, she's won if she craters on Saturday, January 21. If the latter is the case, she will fully intend to FDR us.

In either case, covering any weakness or illness is a must.

09-11-16, 15:42
Could be as simple as dehydration, but perception is everything in politics and there's an existing perception she may be in poor health so a cumulative effect on perception vs a one of event for Bush.

Yup. I'm OK with that perception, even if it's a mis-perception, if it helps keep her out of the White House.

09-11-16, 15:43
They don't take her to the ED but to her daughters apartment. They know what the issue is and have the ability to deal with it there so they go there, get her fixed up and they're out the door in 90 minutes. I've dealt with drunks and those that were not wanting to go for a ride and she was neither. Normally I wouldn't give a rat rearend if it was one of the numerous drunks or older people that I have dealt with or seen but she is running for the POTUS and just what do you think all the other countries will be treating her if she happens to pull it off.

09-11-16, 15:44
Perhaps the Souls of 3000+ victims speaking at her were more than She could manage?
The money She had, has and continues to take is clearly from the house of saud. War on women anyone?

09-11-16, 15:46
Watch this starting about 17s in. Keep an eye on her right calf/foot:

The beginning of the video has another angle, you can see her head & shoulders drop as her knees relax/fold.

But her head did not flop, so who knows

Didn't notice that until you pointed it out. That right leg didn't move at all, and they drug her into the fan with her toe/foot pointed down.

09-11-16, 15:47

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09-11-16, 15:59
They don't take her to the ED but to her daughters apartment. They know what the issue is and have the ability to deal with it there so they go there, get her fixed up and they're out the door in 90 minutes. I've dealt with drunks and those that were not wanting to go for a ride and she was neither. Normally I wouldn't give a rat rearend if it was one of the numerous drunks or older people that I have dealt with or seen but she is running for the POTUS and just what do you think all the other countries will be treating her if she happens to pull it off.

Karma can be a real mother f-er and she and her minions the media have called Trump every possible name in the book without any legit support for it really, so if this is unfair treatment to her, I frankly don't give a damn. Also applies to those who are throwing Johnson under the bus for a gaff many others have done and will do, and then complain when it's done to their candidate. So, either be fair as possible and keep it in context and on balance be they who you support or not, or don't bitch when the same thing is done to candidate you support.

09-11-16, 16:01
I don't know what you call it when your shoulders slump, knees collapse, clearly can't stand, you don't even try to walk when being dragged, your foot is being bent backwards from your toes dragging, and they throw you in a fan face first instead of allowing you to rotate and sit down before laying down. Her knees were slammed into the van door opening.

The way they dragged her into the van facing forward suggests more than dizziness/nausea. And a strong sense of urgency

Here's the other odd thing: just about every instance of heat exhaustion I've seen they were not that perky after 90 minutes. Nor would we have let them go back out into the sun unaccompanied wearing a suit. Nor would they want to.

Most were nauseous, and very week even after getting cooled down and past symptoms.

Very odd. Don't know what it was, but she had a bad time with something

09-11-16, 16:07
They don't take her to the ED but to her daughters apartment. They know what the issue is and have the ability to deal with it there so they go there, get her fixed up and they're out the door in 90 minutes.

Maybe the next time, they'll mis-guess, and it won't be what they think it is, and she'll end up in a coma or something because you've got political staff, and USSS agents "making the call". That is a straight up S-show.

09-11-16, 16:09
That video reminds me of Weekend at Bernie's.


...and all they have to do is keep the files off her for 58 more days.

I'll bet she's got one sore right ankle by tomorrow. Did you see her ankle just give out from all that weight.

Better grab copies of those vids while you can... They might even re-hire Monica to vacuum those things off the web.

09-11-16, 16:15
The decision to NOT take her to a hospital is going to be a problem for a lot more people than just her. Some people are going to be asked if there is a procedure for this type of circumstance (surely there is), and was that procedure followed (surely it was not). In addition, it will fuel, and rightly so, the speculation surrounding her health and that she has something serious to hide.

Remember, it is the attempt at cover-up, not the initial problem, that become the long-term issue.

Just my 2 pesos.

Good!! Let the accusations and investigations begin!

09-11-16, 16:17
Is her USSS codename now "Lazarus"? "Cinderella" for losing her shoe?

CNN Headline "'Overheated' Hillary Clinton stumbles as she's helped to van". 'Stumbles'? That is an artful way of saying 'dragged'.

There would be some irony if it is something more serious and she keels over and she didn't go to the ER, even though there is Obamacare.

09-11-16, 16:20
Yup. I'm OK with that perception, even if it's a mis-perception, if it helps keep her out of the White House.

And I too am OK with perception being reality. Now, just so we are clear and this thread does not get closed, I'm not wishing ill upon her or hoping that something bad happens. Nor am I saying that I'd break out in that "Ding Dong" song from the Wizard of Oz. I'm just saying that I'm OK with perception being reality...that's all.

09-11-16, 16:32

Yep, she's out. Someone mentioned that she could have an orthotic and that caused her to drop her shoe? Something to do with a brain hit and muscle tone it sounds like?

Was Bill Cosby there?

09-11-16, 16:36
"I got better...."

Emerges at 11:45am, and claims to be "Just fine..." (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3784098/Hillary-Clinton-rushed-9-11-memorial-service-following-medical-episode.html)

A double shot of Single Malt?

09-11-16, 16:49
I get what you are saying and agree.

I think that any underlying health issues will have to be drug unwillingly from the Clinton camp, much on the order of pulling a Charolais calf. If you think about it in the context of your quote - how many Democrats think FDR did and excellent job in spite of his health issues? They will also be of the mind that she will be surrounded by the best medical possible, and have a 'capable' Vice-President standing by.

At this point I think it is hard for us to intuit what Hilary's biggest motivator is - being able to say 'I am President' or the change she feels she needs to make.

If the former is the case, as far is she's concerned, she's won if she craters on Saturday, January 21. If the latter is the case, she will fully intend to FDR us.

In either case, covering any weakness or illness is a must.

There is a BBC documentary on Netflix about how FDR's health may have affected his decisions in WWII.

I haven't watched it yet, but that's how the short description reads, IIRC.

In case anyone is interested.

09-11-16, 16:52
http://i933.photobucket.com/albums/ad176/slickville/HillaryHealth_zps0p050mmu.jpg (http://s933.photobucket.com/user/slickville/media/HillaryHealth_zps0p050mmu.jpg.html)

09-11-16, 17:01
I don't know what you call it when your shoulders slump, knees collapse, clearly can't stand, you don't even try to walk when being dragged, your foot is being bent backwards from your toes dragging, and they throw you in a fan face first instead of allowing you to rotate and sit down before laying down. Her knees were slammed into the van door opening.

The way they dragged her into the van facing forward suggests more than dizziness/nausea. And a strong sense of urgency

Here's the other odd thing: just about every instance of heat exhaustion I've seen they were not that perky after 90 minutes. Nor would we have let them go back out into the sun unaccompanied wearing a suit. Nor would they want to.

Most were nauseous, and very week even after getting cooled down and past symptoms.

Very odd. Don't know what it was, but she had a bad time with something

I could call it a lot of things if I let my imagination overwork itself, but based on what I see in the videos, I can only call it "fainting". It could be due to a lot of reasons, but I doubt that heat exhaustion is one of them.

09-11-16, 17:01
"Overheated" then moved to diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday....WTF...

09-11-16, 17:06
Yep, now the word is pneumonia.


09-11-16, 17:08
"Overheated" then moved to diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday....WTF...

"Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies," Dr. Lisa R. Bardack said in the statement. "On Friday, during follow up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia. She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule. While at this morning's event, she became overheated and dehydrated. I have just examined her and she is now re-hydrated and recovering nicely.

That doesn't quite pass the smell test for me, but it's plausible enough to sell to the media, who will buy it hook, line, and sinker.

09-11-16, 17:08
Yep, now the word is pneumonia.


Yep, just heard it on PBS Newshour. Apparently her doctor announced on Friday she has pneumonia and that the reaction was to antibiotics. Funny I missed that announcement.

09-11-16, 17:10
I could call it a lot of things if I let my imagination overwork itself, but based on what I see in the videos, I can only call it "fainting". It could be due to a lot of reasons, but I doubt that heat exhaustion is one of them.

...or pneumonia for that matter. However, I hope that she gets a raging case of C. diff colitis from the antibiotics and requires a fecal transplant after having explosive diarrhea all over the debate stage.

Oh crap, I did it again. I take all that back and wish her a speedy recovery.

09-11-16, 17:13
That doesn't quite pass the smell test for me...

Nor me, and I've only got my anecdotal experiences with pneumonia, allergies and the treatment therein....up to, and including terminal pneumonia with a side on lung cancer in my grandfather.

09-11-16, 17:15
...or pneumonia for that matter. However, I hope that she gets a raging case of C. diff colitis from the antibiotics and requires a fecal transplant after having explosive diarrhea all over the debate stage.

Oh crap, I did it again. I take all that back and wish her a speedy recovery.

I can not get my hospital to buy into instituting fecal transplant as a therapy.

09-11-16, 17:23
I could call it a lot of things if I let my imagination overwork itself, but based on what I see in the videos, I can only call it "fainting". It could be due to a lot of reasons, but I doubt that heat exhaustion is one of them.

OK, I thought you had been saying you did not think she had feinted. (Looking back, I see you were distinguishing between a faint vs "hard out" )

And it was their releases saying overheated and implying heat exhaustion (words the press was using), not mine. It did not look
Iike any dehydration or heat injury I've seen.

09-11-16, 17:27
I can not get my hospital to buy into instituting fecal transplant as a therapy.


All kidding aside, I think that it's worth a try in select patients. I've had a couple rocks in the MICU get severe, recurrent cases during their prolonged hospital course where they bounce in and out of the ICU. We've had good success keeping these patients out of the hospital and our GI faculty have embraced it.

09-11-16, 17:29
Fainting from heat exhaustion is a big deal. Fainting from being "overheated and dehydrated"...not so much.

09-11-16, 17:33
All this talk about Hillary and fecal transplants is getting me all hot and bothered.

09-11-16, 17:41

All kidding aside, I think that it's worth a try in select patients. I've had a couple rocks in the MICU get severe, recurrent cases during their prolonged hospital course where they bounce in and out of the ICU. We've had good success keeping these patients out of the hospital and our GI faculty have embraced it.

I had 32 citations in the bibliography of my proposal to the Medical Executive Committee, including that one. Unfortunately, the sticking point is "who's going to prepare the inoculum, and where?" along with liability and reimbursement concerns. If we could buy frozen excrement pills somewhere, that would solve my problem but my only solution was to deliver it by NG (which drew frownie-faces from Nursing Services) or via colonoscope, (which drew frownie-faces from the head endoscopy nurse). Not to mention the active fight between pharmacy and lab as to who was going to actually collect and then prepare the transplant. I would have been exasperated except for the hilarious comments that swirled around the presentation. It was a laugh-a-minute.

09-11-16, 18:38
Yep, just heard it on PBS Newshour. Apparently her doctor announced on Friday she has pneumonia and that the reaction was to antibiotics. Funny I missed that announcement.
bad reaction to antibiotics will put you on your ass I know. I had a Lipoma taken off my neck in march that developed a post surgery infection. they put me on Bactrim and it nearly put me on the floor. I had it once before in college but have developed an allergy to it sometime in the last 10 years. almost thought I had the flu till I broke out in the bright red rash....

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09-11-16, 18:44
I had 32 citations in the bibliography of my proposal to the Medical Executive Committee, including that one. Unfortunately, the sticking point is "who's going to prepare the inoculum, and where?" along with liability and reimbursement concerns. If we could buy frozen excrement pills somewhere, that would solve my problem but my only solution was to deliver it by NG (which drew frownie-faces from Nursing Services) or via colonoscope, (which drew frownie-faces from the head endoscopy nurse). Not to mention the active fight between pharmacy and lab as to who was going to actually collect and then prepare the transplant. I would have been exasperated except for the hilarious comments that swirled around the presentation. It was a laugh-a-minute.

In development I believe. I think data suggests less effective however so lack of good responses might keep it from coming to market.

09-11-16, 19:15
I can not get my hospital to buy into instituting fecal transplant as a therapy.

I'll donate because I give a crap.

09-11-16, 19:37
again sadly we will never get the truth

any doctor will be paid off to say what is needed and that will be that !!

something drastic needs to change for sure :)

09-11-16, 19:53

09-11-16, 19:54
In development I believe. I think data suggests less effective however so lack of good responses might keep it from coming to market.
Delivering it with a colonoscope has been shown to be generally more effective. When I raised the issue with the head Endo nurse, she was horrified at the idea of putting liquid shit down the suction channel. Like...WTF? What does she think ends up in the suction channel of a colonoscope? I persuaded her to think it through a little farther, but it didn't solve the problem of who was going to collect the specimen and prepare it for delivery.

09-11-16, 20:18
The scuttlebutt was that this episode was such that she lost a shoe that had to be recovered and returned to her.

Are you saying Hillary is Cinderella?

09-11-16, 20:24
Watch this starting about 17s in. Keep an eye on her right calf/foot:

The beginning of the video has another angle, you can see her head & shoulders drop as her knees relax/fold.

But her head did not flop, so who knows

Can't link right now, but someone has blown up the video focused on her right foot. Just as they drag her away from the post she's leaning on, it looks like something shiny and possibly metallic falls out of her pants leg.

09-11-16, 20:58
Uh, why does it take hours to come up with this story? Wouldn't it be logical as soon as it happened to be out with "She sick", not some heatstroke on a fall day crazy.

09-11-16, 22:11
I did some searching on her health today & I'm way leaning towards the Parkinson's thought process...some pretty damn interesting pings pointing towards this.

If this is indeed the case, the brazenness of this woman is really more than one can swallow.

09-11-16, 22:17
I did some searching on her health today & I'm way leaning towards the Parkinson's thought process...some pretty damn interesting pings pointing towards this.

If this is indeed the case, the brazenness of this woman is really more than one can swallow.

HuffPo pulled a Parkinsons Page they had up. Snopes couldn't debunk it but says it's political.

Someone was using that constant head nod thing she does,,, but then she drinks from a coffee cup at the same time with no tremors.

I think it's the Agent Orange she got into when she was in The Nam. You know, before she hunted down and killed OBL.

09-11-16, 22:26
not saying this is correct or incorrect, just providing for discussion. its certainly an odd way to grab someone...


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09-11-16, 22:27


There is obviously more but I like the way this cat rolls...nova, the tube vids discuss the hand issues too.

09-11-16, 22:29
some humor coupled with odd


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09-11-16, 22:46
Monty Python: "The Dead Parrot"...http://www.jouster.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=37416&d=1473640758

09-11-16, 22:55
@nova LOL... that's good.

It really says something when you have to walk holding your doctor's hand, and have SS/Life coach within inches as you try to lie your way into the most powerful and stressful job on Earth.

So where will she rule from? The Oval OR?

@Dienekes, your link requires sign in.

Here is exactly what is wrong with her.....

NSFW - Language

26 Inf
09-11-16, 23:24
but it didn't solve the problem of who was going to collect the specimen and prepare it for delivery.

You guys just need to head on down to your local police station or detention facility. I'm sure they can put you in touch with some locals who would be glad to prepare it for you, as long as they get some to eat and/or rub on the cell walls.

09-11-16, 23:25
Has anyone noticed how she holds her right arm up. She did it after leaving the apartment as well. Maybe it's a rote behavior from carrying a handbag, but she has no handbag in that photo. Who walks that way? No one else in that photo.

She is one freaky individual.

If I didn't know better I would think she and Tim Kaine are actually aliens.... like the real kind, that got kicked off their planet for being too whacked out to fit into society. Man, what a freak show.

Oh well, I just watched the apartment video again, it actually looks normal.

Media .. "What happened"
Hillary.. "It's a beautiful day in New York"

I wonder who the kid was they got to play they photo op part? It will be Trump's fault if anyone looks in to it.

09-12-16, 00:21
You know, I just have to wonder, why would the Dems be so desperate to get Hillary elected knowing all this? They had to know. You can fool the masses all day long, but the insiders know.

Who is so desperate they would risk getting a dying puppet elected to POTUS? Someone that has basically failed at everything?

That's actually an honest question. What is behind all this?

'Show me your friends and I will show you yourself.'

Who are the confidants to Obama and Hillary.

Valerie Jarrett and Huma Abedin.

What do they have in common?

09-12-16, 03:27
Holy Cow!
There is a version of the original video that has been enlarged in order to show more detail. If you can find it and link it here it would be greatly appreciated.

Note: @ 00:32 something metallic falls to the ground around her right foot that makes a metal clanking sound. Also note how her USSS PSD blocks camera / public view of her being dragged into the van. Her staff and USSS have been trained / instructed to block and shield her health woes from the public. The Clinton's have most of the MSM in their pocket so this is why this is not being played on the 24/7 news repeater . . .


09-12-16, 03:51
Yeah, didn't look like that to me. What I saw in the video, and her perky traipsing 90 minutes later having recovered at her daughter's apartment, doesn't indicate that she was likely "hard out", and certainly doesn't suggest a seizure. Looks like she fainted.

My wife is epileptic, after being present for two of her grand mals I can attest to the fact that after 90 minutes she appears to be normal and her usual self again. After her first we went to the ER via ambulance as she had no history of epilepsy or any seizure activity. The ER doc who treated her checked her out and ran a head scan then diagnosed her with nothing more than a vasovagal episode.

After getting her into see a neurologist he found a growth, after seeing him then on to a neurosurgeon . . . they both shook their heads at the ER doc's diagnosis. I was their to witness and thankfully catch my wife before she fell in the bathroom and hit her head on the counter, sink, tub, and or toilet. I was in LE at the time and have one hell of a memory, I told all three doctors the exact same thing. Again the ER doc essentially discharged my wife with nothing more than a fainting spell when the two brain doc's knew there was something more going on with her. She was 27 at the time of her first seizure, in optimal health, no drug usage, and had not been drinking prior to her seizure.

09-12-16, 04:41
Wonder if her leg braces broke?

09-12-16, 05:20
Some are theorizing it was part of a catheter that fell.


09-12-16, 05:41
Looks like Stage 4 karma.

09-12-16, 06:03

09-12-16, 08:08
I did some searching on her health today & I'm way leaning towards the Parkinson's thought process...some pretty damn interesting pings pointing towards this.

If this is indeed the case, the brazenness of this woman is really more than one can swallow.
Oh My God Parkinson's Disease now.:lol:

09-12-16, 09:07

As soon as her campaign said "allergies", I knew it was a lie.
Now they've said she had heat related issues Sunday, and I know that is a lie.
Then they said that she was diagnosed, and it was announced Friday, that she had pneumonia. I know that is a lie.

So we know, from experience, that she does not suffer from allergies, pneumonia and was not suffering heat stroke, exhaustion, or fatigue. So with those three big ones ruled out, what is it?

Doc Safari
09-12-16, 09:36
If she goes down during the debates or has any other kind of "health-related event" on national TV, that would be a major nail in the coffin.

I always said Bill Bradley's presidential aspirations died the day he had the "heart murmur" or whatever it was and they showed the photo of him on the phone while lying on a hotel bed.

This incident at the 9/11 ceremony could already be the last straw.

09-12-16, 09:38
I always said Bill Bradley's presidential aspirations died the day he had the "heart murmur" or whatever it was and they showed the photo of him on the phone while lying on a hotel bed.

This incident at the 9/11 ceremony could already be the last straw.

As much as I'd love this to happen, I just don't see Hillary supporters giving up.

The Left despises Trump too much.

09-12-16, 09:51
As soon as her campaign said "allergies", I knew it was a lie.
Now they've said she had heat related issues Sunday, and I know that is a lie.
Then they said that she was diagnosed, and it was announced Friday, that she had pneumonia. I know that is a lie.

Seriously. So you have a contagious disease but are gonna walk around coughing up lungs in a big crowd. Makes perfect sense

09-12-16, 09:55
Seriously. So you have a contagious disease but are gonna walk around coughing up lungs in a big crowd. Makes perfect sense

I understand what you're getting at, but "walking pneumonia" is not a notifiable disease that requires hospitalization or quarantine.

09-12-16, 09:55
or contagious disease and you go play with your grandkids ?

but then again this was a freak out what do we say not thinking it through will be later said not contagious pneumonia :)
still any sane person would not be playing with grandkids after diagnosis !

09-12-16, 09:55
Oh My God Parkinson's Disease now.:lol:

Weren't happy enough with your first response??

Laugh away but there is no denying she has symptoms that can be tied...week legs, passing out, trouble swallowing / coughing fits, uncontrollable head movements. This lady has some serious health concerns that they are not coming clean with. I'm just taking a guess based on what I see & this is my best guess at the moment. Anything of value you care to add to the thread??

09-12-16, 10:08
Should make the debates more interesting! :haha:


09-12-16, 10:12
I did some searching on her health today & I'm way leaning towards the Parkinson's thought process...some pretty damn interesting pings pointing towards this.

Not trying to pick a fight with you, just trying to clarify something. You said you did some research, but have you spent any time with actual Parkinson's patients?

09-12-16, 10:20
Weren't happy enough with your first response??

Laugh away but there is no denying she has symptoms that can be tied...week legs, passing out, trouble swallowing / coughing fits, uncontrollable head movements. This lady has some serious health concerns that they are not coming clean with. I'm just taking a guess based on what I see & this is my best guess at the moment. Anything of value you care to add to the thread??

To about 7,038,0183,813 different afflictions ranging from a non issue to terrible. It's just a WAG to make stuff up at this point. I happen to think her health is worse off than she and her handlers want us to think, but just making up an illness based on what he have seen is a waste of time at this juncture. Could be exactly what they claim, could be a brain tumor, but no telling from what we have seen to date.

09-12-16, 10:23
I understand what you're getting at, but "walking pneumonia" is not a notifiable disease that requires hospitalization or quarantine.

Understand hospitalization or quarantine aren't required, I just have an issue potentially spreading diseases when simply staying home a few days can prevent it. I didn't used to worry about it all that much, then I had kids, and they get the pukes and anything else at the drop of the hat since their immune system is still learning.

Doc Safari
09-12-16, 10:27
To about 7,038,0183,813 different afflictions ranging from a non issue to terrible. It's just a WAG to make stuff up at this point. I happen to think her health is worse off than she and her handlers want us to think, but just making up an illness based on what he have seen is a waste of time at this juncture. Could be exactly what they claim, could be a brain tumor, but no telling from what we have seen to date.

The detective in me says that in this day and age where even the slightest hiccup can cost a candidate major votes the Clinton campaign would completely hide this if they could. The fact that they can't suggests it's something major and may in fact be much worse behind the scenes. For example, her so-called concussion was probably the result of the same problem that caused her to nearly fall over this past weekend. TPTB just weren't expecting it to happen in public.

Why do you think she's out of the public eye a lot lately.

Something tells me she may have an episode like this every few days.

The point is that it's not a minor condition because her handlers are apparently powerless to hide it, and hide it they would if they could.

09-12-16, 10:28
not saying this is correct or incorrect, just providing for discussion. its certainly an odd way to grab someone...

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I'm just surprised Hillary would have a chubby brunette in a blue dress tending to her. ;)

Take a look at the two guys on the right side of the frame. They obviously know something's not right.

Oh My God Parkinson's Disease now.:lol:

While I agree that there's no possible way to diagnose her overall health or any diseases from photos and video, can we at least agree that Hillary's team is not telling the truth about it? :agree:

My hope is just this, that Trump will goad her during the first debate until she has an episode before a live audience, with no one between her and the cameras. It's not so much that I wish her ill will, but that I want something to come out where her team and the media can't spin it away as nothing. :(

09-12-16, 10:38
I happen to think her health is worse off than she and her handlers want us to think...

The fact that they are pivoting from allergies just last week, to explain a year long++ hack, then it moves to overheating, then it immediately moves to pneumonia. Well just last week, on Kimmel, she said, "NOTHING was wrong. Perfect health."

Yet they pivot to she went back to the DR. for the cough that had plagued her and found pneumonia....uh....

09-12-16, 10:41

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09-12-16, 10:46
trying to diagnose ?
can see her screaming this again :)


09-12-16, 10:47
The fact that they are pivoting from allergies just last week, to explain a year long++ hack, then it moves to overheating, then it immediately moves to pneumonia. Well just last week, on Kimmel, she said, "NOTHING was wrong. Perfect health."

Yet they pivot to she went back to the DR. for the cough that had plagued her and found pneumonia....uh....

The woman is a mess. I have no doubt at all the DNC is scrambling to have someone ready if she is forced to drop out due to medical reasons. I doubt she'll step down on her own accord for "the good of the party" and will stay in the game as long as she can if she can if they have to stick a pole up her butt to keep her standing and marionette strings to her mouth to get her over the finish line. Having said all that, walking pneumonia (which I have had), some dehydration, some allergy meds, lack of sleep and stress in a late 60s person, would easily account for what we are seeing. But that may be enough for her to simply be unable to keep up the schedule required of a candidate for POTUS this close to an election.

09-12-16, 10:56
The woman is a mess. I have no doubt at all the DNC is scrambling to have someone ready if she is forced to drop out due to medical reasons. I doubt she'll step down on her own accord for "the good of the party" and will stay in the game as long as she can if she can if they have to stick a pole up her butt to keep her standing and marionette strings to her mouth to get her over the finish line. Having said all that, walking pneumonia (which I have had), some dehydration, some allergy meds, lack of sleep and stress in a late 60s person, would easily account for what we are seeing. But that may be enough for her to simply be unable to keep up the schedule required of a candidate for POTUS this close to an election.

One thing's for sure, the race will only get more frenetic going forward. Whether her condition is temporary or something serious, it will take a toll. The first debate is two weeks from today. We'll see how able she really looks then, because she's not going to get away with handlers shepherding her through that.

09-12-16, 11:20
The woman is a mess. I have no doubt at all the DNC is scrambling to have someone ready if she is forced to drop out due to medical reasons. I doubt she'll step down on her own accord for "the good of the party" and will stay in the game as long as she can if she can if they have to stick a pole up her butt to keep her standing and marionette strings to her mouth to get her over the finish line. Having said all that, walking pneumonia (which I have had), some dehydration, some allergy meds, lack of sleep and stress in a late 60s person, would easily account for what we are seeing. But that may be enough for her to simply be unable to keep up the schedule required of a candidate for POTUS this close to an election.

I'm pretty sure someone put Joe Biden on speed dial about five minutes after her "Whooopsie!" this weekend.
The DNC would be foolish not to have him waiting in the wings in case She does a number two during the debates.

When I had pneumonia I slept sitting in a recliner which was much more comfortable than laying down, but still not restful. I had a cough that made me think I was going to break a rib.

No harm meant, but if this pace is kept, I don't think She's going to live for her coronation.

09-12-16, 11:25
I think also the fact the press gives her so much slack and she lies and kills and gets away with it
she really feels nobody can stop her even being this sick

truly believing her own lies !!!

09-12-16, 11:43
I'm pretty sure someone put Joe Biden on speed dial about five minutes after her "Whooopsie!" this weekend.
The DNC would be foolish not to have him waiting in the wings in case She does a number two during the debates.

When I had pneumonia I slept sitting in a recliner which was much more comfortable than laying down, but still not restful. I had a cough that made me think I was going to break a rib.

No harm meant, but if this pace is kept, I don't think She's going to live for her coronation.

I had a similar experience. When I had it I though I was going to cough up a lung. I would cough so hard and long that I was in pain afterwards. All I did was lay in a recliner and try to sleep. I felt like I had just run a 5k after getting up to take a piss.

09-12-16, 11:51
You don't get it - she is the DNC. The only way she can be replaced would be a donor revolt.

09-12-16, 12:27
You don't get it - she is the DNC. The only way she can be replaced would be a donor revolt.
Could you imagine a Saudi Prince asking the "Foundation" to return his money? The money was paid, the assumption was She would take office and the return on that "Donation" needs to be made.
She's likely to "Owe" a lot if She doesn't take Office.

09-12-16, 12:36
Could you imagine a Saudi Prince asking the "Foundation" to return his money? The money was paid, the assumption was She would take office and the return on that "Donation" needs to be made.
She's likely to "Owe" a lot if She doesn't take Office.
Could you imagine.....

09-12-16, 12:46
Could you imagine a Saudi Prince asking the "Foundation" to return his money? The money was paid, the assumption was She would take office and the return on that "Donation" needs to be made.
She's likely to "Owe" a lot if She doesn't take Office.

I literally cannot follow you, please explain.

09-12-16, 13:01
I literally cannot follow you, please explain.

There was a case where a Saudi Prince wanted to speak to Hillary while She was SoS, he didn't get an appointment right away, he made a donation to the Clinton Foundation and he got his appointment.
What was discussed is only a guess, but I have no doubt it was a pay to play event.
In a testament to the Clinton Foundation’s confusing, tangled, and secretive finances, Friends of Saudi Arabia’s former CEO, Michael Saba, denies that the nonprofit ever made the contribution. He suggests, rather, that the group’s founders, which included members of the Saudi royal family, made the donation before filing papers with the IRS. For three years, the now-defunct FSA functioned as a propaganda tool for the Saudis, a mission that put it at odds not only with some parts of the State Department’s assessment of the regime, but also with Hillary Clinton’s attempts to position herself as a champion for women’s rights across the globe.

09-12-16, 14:15
yeah the foundation is basically setup so they can legalize her bribes OH and for the clintons to donate to for tax write off :)

09-12-16, 14:31
While I agree that there's no possible way to diagnose her overall health or any diseases from photos and video, can we at least agree that Hillary's team is not telling the truth about it? :agree:

So far in this thread, careful forensic perusal of the various images and videos by medical experts have resulted in the diagnoses of:

seizure disorder
Blood clots
Atrial fibrillation
Menier's Disease
Psychiatric illness/personality disorder
Post-concussion syndrome
Unspecified neurological conditions
cardiac arrhythmia
cardiac valvular disease
myocardial infarction

And not just pneumonia, but contagious pneumonia
Parkinson's Disease
And she has a urinary catheter, although it hasn't yet been proposed why...
Industrial Disease

But yeah. Her campaign isn't telling the truth about her health condition, whatever that is. Unprecedented, of course, that a political campaign would shade the truth.

09-12-16, 14:36
Don't forget Parkinson's.

09-12-16, 14:37
So far in this thread, careful forensic perusal of the various images and videos by medical experts have resulted in the diagnoses of:

seizure disorder
Blood clots
Atrial fibrillation
Menier's Disease
Psychiatric illness/personality disorder
Post-concussion syndrome
Unspecified neurological conditions
cardiac arrhythmia
cardiac valvular disease
myocardial infarction

And not just pneumonia, but contagious pneumonia

But yeah. Her campaign isn't telling the truth about her health condition, whatever that is. Unprecedented, of course, that a political campaign would shade the truth.

BPH... I'm in my office at my hospital and nearly fell out of my chair...made my day!

Doc Safari
09-12-16, 14:38
Rush Limbaugh thinks it could just be O.L.D.

People age at different rates, and he thinks she could just be gettin' too old for this.

09-12-16, 14:41
Don't forget Parkinson's.

Crap. I missed the disease-of-the-day

09-12-16, 14:46
Crap. I missed the disease-of-the-day

You need a notepad handy to track them all.

09-12-16, 14:52
I sum it up to a good old fashion case of the (over the top). It runs rampant among liberal, progressive, and Marxist women.

09-12-16, 15:00
So far in this thread, careful forensic perusal of the various images and videos by medical experts have resulted in the diagnoses of:

seizure disorder
Blood clots
Atrial fibrillation
Menier's Disease
Psychiatric illness/personality disorder
Post-concussion syndrome
Unspecified neurological conditions
cardiac arrhythmia
cardiac valvular disease
myocardial infarction

And not just pneumonia, but contagious pneumonia
Parkinson's Disease

But yeah. Her campaign isn't telling the truth about her health condition, whatever that is. Unprecedented, of course, that a political campaign would shade the truth.

Maybe she's just suffering from hypochondria? :)

09-12-16, 15:07
Rush Limbaugh thinks it could just be O.L.D.

People age at different rates, and he thinks she could just be gettin' too old for this.

That is an idea. She's been in politics for what? 40+ years now. That's a damn long time campaigning, politicking and all the other shit that goes along with it. That could wear a person down. They say whorehouse piano player is a lot more respectable position than politician, but really it's a lot less stressful too....

09-12-16, 15:07
Hey, I was not making any diagnosis.

Just making the point that each video can have a relatively harmless diagnosis that looks exactly like what is being seen,
In contrast to some very serious diagnosis causing the same symptoms,
To some of the outlandish speculation.

09-12-16, 15:10
Maybe she's just suffering from hypochondria? :)
Third-party hypochondria.

Doc Safari
09-12-16, 15:14
That is an idea. She's been in politics for what? 40+ years now. That's a damn long time campaigning, politicking and all the other shit that goes along with it. That could wear a person down. They say whorehouse piano player is a lot more respectable position than politician, but really it's a lot less stressful too....

Add to that the stress of the email scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the Clinton Foundation scandal, etc., and the stress of all this crap adding up may be finally getting to her.

09-12-16, 15:21
I wish her running mate were a long haired guy who weats a varsity jacket, has a weird sorta Australian accent, killed a guy in Nam where only 3 guys in the world couldve made that shot and is suicidal just to drive home that...

Yes. She is too old for this shit.

Also random jazz riffs should play .

Actually, I think I am gonna watch Lethal Weapon later. Everytime I do it makes me want a 92FS.

09-12-16, 15:25
Laugh away ....



09-12-16, 15:46
I heard it's Morgellon's Disease...

09-12-16, 16:00
Something tells me she may have an episode like this every few days.

The point is that it's not a minor condition because her handlers are apparently powerless to hide it, and hide it they would if they could.

My mother had Alzheimers and she would kinda do what Hillary did sans the face plant. If you look at Hillary as they get ready to walk her off that post she was stuck to. It's like she's kinda rigid and jerky and stumbly. My mother would sort of act like stiffening electrical shocks. Her doctors said there was evidence of past min-strokes. It only got worse and while not every day, it was a regular sort of thing.

Rush Limbaugh had an interesting take on her exit. He claims that they were unprepared for her episode in that once the decision to exit is engaged, the movement should not stop until she is in the vehicle and yet the vehicle was not even there for her. Not sure what you guys that do that sort of work think of that, but it makes sense to me.

It does seem like they expect something but at the same time can't predict what will trigger it.

09-12-16, 16:03
Post-concussion syndrome

No forensic review necessary. From her own mouth, she has claimed this is ongoing, inclusive of while discussing emails with the FBI.

09-12-16, 16:12
No forensic review necessary. From her own mouth, she has claimed this is ongoing, inclusive of while discussing emails with the FBI.
Did you believe that?

09-12-16, 16:13
I believed it, right up until the source was revealed as coming from Clinton's own mouth. :jester:

At that time, I determined she is likely suffering no concussive symptoms at all.

09-12-16, 16:15
I believed it, right up until the source was revealed as coming from Clinton's own mouth. :jester:

At that time, I determined she is likely suffering no concussive symptoms at all.



09-12-16, 16:17
Note: @ 00:32 something metallic falls to the ground around her right foot that makes a metal clanking sound.


Looks like the video pixelating to me. The clinking sounds close to the camera ( or overdub ). Notice you can't hear anything else like her shoe dragging or anything else, plus if you keep looking it just disappears.

09-12-16, 16:22
I think we should add MS to the list too. Just in case. ... and have we got ALS? Quick, someone dump a bucket of ice water on her.

09-12-16, 16:26
So far in this thread, careful forensic perusal of the various images and videos by medical experts have resulted in the diagnoses of:

seizure disorder
Blood clots
Atrial fibrillation
Menier's Disease
Psychiatric illness/personality disorder
Post-concussion syndrome
Unspecified neurological conditions
cardiac arrhythmia
cardiac valvular disease
myocardial infarction

And not just pneumonia, but contagious pneumonia
Parkinson's Disease
And she has a urinary catheter, although it hasn't yet been proposed why...

But yeah. Her campaign isn't telling the truth about her health condition, whatever that is. Unprecedented, of course, that a political campaign would shade the truth.

Nope, scratch the cath Doc, it fell out her pant leg...it's on the video.

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