View Full Version : "Black Rifles Matter": Offensive?

09-13-16, 07:29
Evidently it's giving some Liberals a case of heartburn :D

A Maine town’s tourism sector has come under fire after some visitors have been complaining about a large, hand-painted sign on a private lawn that reads “Black Rifles Matter.”


09-13-16, 07:34
I love that the people from Connecticut cut their vacation short and went home over a sign. :rolleyes:

Alex V
09-13-16, 07:43
Go to your safe space and cry, liberal douches.

09-13-16, 07:50
Go to your safe space and cry, liberal douches.

We've gotten ourselves into this mess of a world where people lose their minds over someone else's opinion.

09-13-16, 08:00
I love that the people from Connecticut cut their vacation short and went home over a sign. :rolleyes:

lol, If someone is so emotionally unstable that a sign in someones yard causing them to cut their vacation short I am thinking they have other issues to worry about.

09-13-16, 08:07
Apparently, you're racist for even asking.

09-13-16, 08:18
I love that the people from Connecticut cut their vacation short and went home over a sign. :rolleyes:

I would make it my goal to put up those signs EVERYWHERE if it could have that effect. "Go home and be stupid at home."

09-13-16, 08:36
I'm not sure, so who decided that Everyone should be able to go through life without being offended?
Do your Feelings override my Constitutional Rights?
Some people in this Country want to live a pretty cushy life. They want to do anything they want, live any kind of Lifestyle they want and have the "Right" to do so without criticism or shame from other who are being forced to embrace their "Lifestyle Choices" to the point where our tax dollars go to support their choices. So if you want to make bad choices, we will pay you to sit on your butt and on our dime to do so.
I would never put that sign in my yard, but I support the rights of the guy who did it, just like I support the right of an overpaid back up Quarterback to take a knee rather than honor his Country.
See how that works?

This message has been sent from the far right side of the "Basket of Deplorables".

09-13-16, 08:53
A sign on a lawn ruined your vacation and forced you to go home early....really? A sign?

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

09-13-16, 09:12
Sounds like a line of clothing I could go for...

09-13-16, 10:01
....and another glaring difference in the Northeast and Texas.

Nobody in Texas would look twice at that sign and you might get people stopping to ask where they too can get one.

God Bless Texas!!!!

09-13-16, 10:22
....and another glaring difference in the Northeast and Texas.

Nobody in Texas would look twice at that sign

No. Nobody NORMAL will look twice at the sign regardless of state

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

09-13-16, 11:15
This brother right here is giving liberals brain aneurisms!


09-13-16, 11:46
This brother right here is giving liberals brain aneurisms!

Been to his range before. That's where this was taken.

Yuri's Tavor is in the middle! Cool dude, too bad the range is waaay out of the way for me

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

09-13-16, 12:34
....and another glaring difference in the Northeast and Texas.

Nobody in Texas would look twice at that sign and you might get people stopping to ask where they too can get one.

God Bless Texas!!!!

No one in ME will care about such a sign either. It was morons from CT, who would no doubt have the same response if visiting TX. NH, VT, ME are some of the most gun friendly states in the nation, VT in particular, so it's not NE per se, but specific states in the NE giving it bad name. As expected, many from those fuc$ed up NE states are moving to ME, NH, VT and bringing their ultra left leaning BS with them. I hear parts of TX being similarly infected as is generally gun friendly FL where I now reside having left MA.

09-13-16, 12:40
Sounds like a line of clothing I could go for...
Pretty sure I've seen these shirts for sale

26 Inf
09-13-16, 13:25
Seems to be everyone, on both sides of any issue are just looking for the least little thing to get offended and enraged about. I include myself in that observation.

BTW, I'd buy one of those shirts even though I probably wouldn't wear it due to PERSEC.

09-13-16, 13:26
This is an awesome country, we enjoy many rights, not being offended isn't one of them.

09-13-16, 13:29
Sounds like a line of clothing I could go for...

Covered (https://www.bing.com/search?q=black+rifles+matter+shirt&form=EDGNTC&qs=PF&cvid=88c2687ce28342c097c751f3fc2bad80&pq=black+rifles+matter+shirt&PC=DCTE)

09-13-16, 15:07
Maaaaan, Young people today would have died back like 18 years ago.

We openly DESPISED political correctness. Seriously....go look at some 2Pac, Soundgarden, Nirvana, or L7.

Nobody cared about feelings or safe spaces. They were too busy partying and having a good time.

Seriously. Even super swish effeminate Liberace dudes of yesteryear look mega butch compared to people up these days. RuPaul could kick their ass!

I don't care anymore...screw it. Go big or go home. I would sit in a kiddie pool full of vodka, waving rebel flags and blasting David Allen Coe's Prison album with those sunglasses with the American flag on em and shooting off bottle rockets in front of that sign just to give em a taste of Merica

09-13-16, 15:15
I don't care anymore...screw it. Go big or go home. I would sit in a kiddie pool full of vodka, waving rebel flags and blasting David Allen Coe's Prison album with those sunglasses with the American flag on em and shooting off bottle rockets in front of that sign just to give em a taste of Merica

That's sig worthy right there. Well done my friend.

09-13-16, 15:17
it is very offensive for us Flat dark earth people...

09-13-16, 15:22
it is very offensive for us Flat dark earth people...

Screw FDE people. I blame them for all social ills. :p

09-13-16, 15:52
Screw FDE people. I blame them for all social ills. :p

That is sooooo racist you you.... :jester:

09-13-16, 15:59
Screw FDE people. I blame them for all social ills. :p

hey... us flat dirt earth people are the backbone of this industry. Without us you would have to do things yourself.

09-13-16, 16:10
Wanna know how to make an FDE person disappear? Spin em around until they are dizzy and toss em in a sandbox.

09-13-16, 16:40
I love that the people from Connecticut cut their vacation short and went home over a sign. :rolleyes:

If only it were that easy to get rid of all liberal visitors.

09-13-16, 17:47
If only it were that easy to get rid of all liberal visitors.

If we place black guns matter billboards on every highway out of Conn, will it serve as a quarantine against them? :)

09-13-16, 18:08
If only it were that easy to get rid of all liberal visitors.

You've tried, haven't you?

09-13-16, 18:37
If we place black guns matter billboards on every highway out of Conn, will it serve as a quarantine against them? :)

I'm prepared to find out!

09-13-16, 19:38
Maaaaan, Young people today would have died back like 18 years ago.

We openly DESPISED political correctness. Seriously....go look at some 2Pac, Soundgarden, Nirvana, or L7.

Nobody cared about feelings or safe spaces. They were too busy partying and having a good time.

Seriously. Even super swish effeminate Liberace dudes of yesteryear look mega butch compared to people up these days. RuPaul could kick their ass!

I don't care anymore...screw it. Go big or go home. I would sit in a kiddie pool full of vodka, waving rebel flags and blasting David Allen Coe's Prison album with those sunglasses with the American flag on em and shooting off bottle rockets in front of that sign just to give em a taste of Merica

YES, this. I'm constantly being "checked" by my younger co-workers for the things I say that may be deemed offensive to some people. Unluckily for them, I simply laugh it off and explain that back when I was growing up people weren't so sensitive to WORDS! :jester: How in the word have people become so "triggered" by every little thing?!

09-13-16, 20:00
YES, this. I'm constantly being "checked" by my younger co-workers for the things I say that may be deemed offensive to some people. Unluckily for them, I simply laugh it off and explain that back when I was growing up people weren't so sensitive to WORDS! :jester: How in the word have people become so "triggered" by every little thing?!

Ya know, back in my day....dudes would pick fights just to make friends.

"Check your privilege"

Just checked it. Still there and still awesome.

09-13-16, 21:52
I'm thinking this needs to be a t shirt, so I can buy 12.

ETA: And turns out it already is.


09-13-16, 22:24
I was born in Boothbay Harbor, and currently live like twenty minutes away so I'm down there all the time. The town thrives on out of state summer tourism dollars so seeing the fretting about how many flatlanders this guy's scary hand-painted sign is supposedly chasing away isn't surprising, but it is amusing. What is really stupid though are the claims of racism. Apparently simply parodying a social justice cause counts as racism now. It's not like he's got a big sign on his lawn saying "Around blacks, never relax!" on it. Although at this point I'd find it pretty funny if he did. It's not the first time his "inflammatory" signs have made the press, but it is the first time I know of that they've gone national.

09-13-16, 23:09
I have a co-worker who likes black rifles and Black Lives Matter. I told him about #BlackRiflesMatter last year sometime and he thinks it's hilarious.

And so do I.

(Although he does think he has some friends who would not be so amused by it.)

09-14-16, 03:34
I could only wish they had much much further to drive in order to feel safe from the ideas of others.

09-14-16, 05:03
When the #BLM bovine feces first came about I thought of Black Rifles Matter and had it as my sig line here for about six months.

Should have copyrighted that shit . . .

09-14-16, 06:11
"That's really a trigger for me - assault weapons bans". Haha, this guy is cool.

09-14-16, 07:39
I don't care anymore...screw it. Go big or go home. I would sit in a kiddie pool full of vodka, waving rebel flags and blasting David Allen Coe's Prison album with those sunglasses with the American flag on em and shooting off bottle rockets in front of that sign just to give em a taste of Merica

lol lets hang out.

09-15-16, 07:16
Ya know, back in my day....dudes would pick fights just to make friends.

"Check your privilege"

Just checked it. Still there and still awesome.

Damn straight, and often some of the best friendships were born from just that.

09-15-16, 07:37
lol lets hang out.

Did you just ask a grown intoxicated man in swimming trunks, waving rebel flags, blasting Sexy prison songs to hang out?