View Full Version : Possible Southern Gas Shortage

Straight Shooter
09-17-16, 19:49
There has been a pipeline spill I think around Atlanta Ga, that is causing a level of panic & fear.
Gas prices in the Huntsville Al area are up 15-30 cents in two days already. Many stations have pumps out of gas, and many stations are out alltogether.
Im not seeing long lines yet, but most stations are full. My gf & I are not going below 3/4 tank before filling up.
This has been an excellent example of how quickly things can pop up & go bad.
Local stations are really ginning this up, but Ive yet to read a national story on it.
We truly are 9 meals, and a gas tank away from anarchy at any moment.
Anyone seeing/hearing anything on this, or is all everyone is concerned with is football?

09-17-16, 19:52
Friends indicate lines all over Atlanta area.

I knew about it early yesterday, but did not try to tank up.

09-17-16, 19:55
Alabama pipeline shutdown could send gas prices higher

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-17-16, 19:57
VA gov declared state of emergency.

Anyone seeing/hearing anything on this, or is all everyone is concerned with is football?

No, it's common knowledge.

The .gov has been telling you to prepare since at least when Obama too office. I mean you can't make gasoline, but you can stock up on other things.

09-17-16, 19:57
There was a tiny blurb on the news this morning. It will be a localized problem for the southeast, but every station in the nation will leverage the opportunity to squeeze a few cents profit out of every gallon.

Perceived shortages lead to people purchasing far more than they needed, further exacerbating the actual shortage. This has hit the firearm industry more than once in the past five years... (Heck, I'm guilty of it a tiny bit. I buy two bricks of 22LR on every trip to the local WalMart.)

09-17-16, 19:58
VA gov declared state of emergency.
That idiot would declare a state of emergency if he couldn't find his car keys...

09-17-16, 19:58
I think it depends on when, where, and who you use. Gas prices haven't noticeably changed yet that I've seen

Whatever happens, happens. Just gotta deal with it.

09-17-16, 20:04
That idiot would declare a state of emergency if he couldn't find his car keys...

True... but at least the issue is noted in the news. He wants to be on the 'cool Fed politician' list so bad he can't stand it.. but, the issue is in the news.

09-17-16, 20:08
Retards Alabama Gov. Bentley and GA Gov. got in first with states of emergency to turn it into a full blown panic quick like.

09-17-16, 20:14
Most gas stations in the Atlanta metro are selling what they have at $2.39 a gallon (cheapest), I've seen higher. Several stations are without one grade of gas or another. Costco and Sams are still at $1.91 - 1.95, until they run out.

Supposedly, the pipeline will be fixed by the end of the weekend. Fuel should flow again. Meanwhile the stampede is on.

I have 25 gallons of reserve that I might have to dip into, I don't want to pay $2.39 or fight the lines.

Straight Shooter
09-17-16, 20:21
VA gov declared state of emergency.

No, it's common knowledge.

The .gov has been telling you to prepare since at least when Obama too office. I mean you can't make gasoline, but you can stock up on other things.

No sir..not AT ALL common knowledge. Told several people I know today, they were like "whut?" Many don't know whats going on, sadly.
About this specifically, or the need to be prepped for anything in general. All the worry here in AL today was whether Bama would beat whoever the hell they played today.

09-17-16, 20:28
I hadn't heard much news, but I guess that would explain why a gas station I've never had a problem getting into was stacked when I got back from Memphis last night.

Glad I've got some extra gas and whatnot. This is probably a good time to get back on the "not below half a tank" again. Been kinda bad about that recently. Whoops.

09-17-16, 20:44
No sir..not AT ALL common knowledge. Told several people I know today, they were like "whut?"

Ok, well it's on NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, and in my region WCVE which is local broadcast of everything up to international news.

Let's then agree to term it 'current broadcast information'. Knowledge is, after all, relative.

09-17-16, 20:46
Per a friend near Atlanta it depends on where you are at, some stations seem to be out, others seem to be not really affected. Asked him to keep me updated. I don't see it being a huge, long term issue, but as with everything the smell of a panic and lots of people go nuts.

Outlander Systems
09-17-16, 21:22
When I find gas, I notify other people by pointing both thumbs towards my shoulders, and shouting, "Gas! Gas! Gas!."

09-17-16, 21:24
When I find gas, I notify other people by pointing both thumbs towards my shoulders, and shouting, "Gas! Gas! Gas!."

I saw what you did there.

Outlander Systems
09-17-16, 21:48

Unfortunately, none of the other motorists "got it."

I saw what you did there.

09-17-16, 21:55
I love funny things that even with Google you'd struggle to be able to find out.

09-17-16, 21:58

Unfortunately, none of the other motorists "got it."

Ok, I'll be 'that guy'... what's new..

So what does that mean? I want to think it's a plane landing on a deck and telling it to keep going.....

hey, somebody had to do it... shame diminishes with age.

Outlander Systems
09-17-16, 22:05
As I was made to understand it, it meant, "Get your goddamn gas mask on NOW!"

Ok, I'll be 'that guy'... what's new..

So what does that mean? I want to think it's a plane landing on a deck and telling it to keep going.....

hey, somebody had to do it... shame diminishes with age.

09-17-16, 22:09
As I was made to understand it, it meant, "Get your goddamn gas mask on NOW!"aaahh.... shades of MOPP4 after baked bean night at the chow hall....err, "dining facility"

09-17-16, 23:05
There has been a pipeline spill I think around Atlanta Ga, that is causing a level of panic & fear.
Gas prices in the Huntsville Al area are up 15-30 cents in two days already. Many stations have pumps out of gas, and many stations are out alltogether.
Im not seeing long lines yet, but most stations are full. My gf & I are not going below 3/4 tank before filling up.
This has been an excellent example of how quickly things can pop up & go bad.
Local stations are really ginning this up, but Ive yet to read a national story on it.
We truly are 9 meals, and a gas tank away from anarchy at any moment.
Anyone seeing/hearing anything on this, or is all everyone is concerned with is football?

Leak is/was down in Shelby county south of Bham.

Any shortages are highly localized at the moment. As of today for example Hartselle had plenty of fuel.

Am glad of 3 things though:

1. I keep some emergency fuel on hand anyway.
2. Soon as I heard of the leak I got ahead of the 8 ball and filled all the vehicles and fuel cans.
3. 2 of our 3 vehicles are diesel. there's virtually never a diesel shortage.

09-17-16, 23:09
Retards Alabama Gov. Bentley and GA Gov. got in first with states of emergency to turn it into a full blown panic quick like.

I'm 50/50 on that. On one hand it makes people panic. On the other the SoE let them relax rules for OTR fuel trucks to help counteract any shortage so a panic matters less....

09-18-16, 01:14
God Damnit.
I have two modern performance cars, an SUV, a HD truck, a tractor, and a Gator full of fuel.
And three carburetor fed old school cars full of fuel that will survive an EMP.
And 100 gallons in cans.
And horses to ride.
Hounds to release.
Acreage. A well. Ponds.
Bins of Wise and Mountain House.
A shit ton of guns and ammo.
Melee weapons.
Not even counting the chainsaw.

Still young enough not to be on life sustaining medications I need to survive.
And this shit is going to be cleared up in the next few days?

Can we not get our damn zombieracewardraconiangovermentfinancialcollpasefuelshortagenaturaldiasterempmuslimuprising shit rolling while I can still get my combat on?

I guess tomorrow will be the usual high point of excitement I get for the month.

Go to the Fudd range during "quiet time" church hours, when you have to be polite and only shoot .22,
And every stingy as hell cheapest bastard McFuddenStein is there cringing at the ten rounds of .22lr per hour they shoot,
I pull out an AR10, AK, and pileup up some full mags, and get all set in position, as bulging red face spittle launching indignant Fudds start having chest pain and strokes but don't say anything to me,
Then throw on the can at the last second and start shooting.

09-18-16, 04:25
I did hear a blurp about it here on an AM news update.

Gas around these parts is $1.75 for regular. Always interesting to people watch when there are shortages and lines. I keep four NATO jerry cans at the ready for just such events as I do not have a place to safely store gasoline and we keep are vehicles topped off.

Straight Shooter
09-18-16, 05:05
Leak is/was down in Shelby county south of Bham.

Any shortages are highly localized at the moment. As of today for example Hartselle had plenty of fuel.

Am glad of 3 things though:

1. I keep some emergency fuel on hand anyway.
2. Soon as I heard of the leak I got ahead of the 8 ball and filled all the vehicles and fuel cans.
3. 2 of our 3 vehicles are diesel. there's virtually never a diesel shortage.

I'm 50/50 on that. On one hand it makes people panic. On the other the SoE let them relax rules for OTR fuel trucks to help counteract any shortage so a panic matters less....

Thanks for info on the locale...don't know why I thought it was around ATL. Good point about diesel..had discussed this today with gf that there was plenty of it around.
As for the govs..I actually thought they really got ahead of the game and did something pro-active this time. Relaxing those strict assed rules in time of possible crisis was the right thing to do. Yes, panic-ers are gonna panic, regardless. Then cry "why wont the gubment DO SOMETHING"?!! Well, they did.

09-18-16, 09:29
As I was made to understand it, it meant, "Get your goddamn gas mask on NOW!"

And here I thought you were Jumpin' Jack Flash...

09-18-16, 09:43
As far as State of Emergency, I believe one reason the SC Governor moved us to that state has to do with operating hours of re-fueling tankers. I think I read that there are set hours that these trucks can operate here in SC. I think she used the SoE to lift those restrictions to avoid fuel shortages. I could be wrong.

I have seen several mom & pop stations out of fuel. Also seen several big chains out of 89 & 91/93.

I'll be honest, when I first saw the news on this and noted that it was on Sept 9th when the leak was first discovered my mind thought 9/11. Cause a huge fuel leak on the main east coast pipeline a few days prior to 9/11 in the hopes that by 9/11 enough would have leaked to cause a major disturbance on the east. That pipeline runs through some very remote areas. This type of act is certainly do-able. I hope they find it was due to a pipe, seal, or equipment failure and it was nothing nefarious. If it was nefarious I can certainly see this admin keeping it under wraps to not tarnish his last few months in office.

09-18-16, 10:04
God Damnit.
I have two modern performance cars, an SUV, a HD truck, a tractor, and a Gator full of fuel.
And three carburetor fed old school cars full of fuel that will survive an EMP.
And 100 gallons in cans.
And horses to ride.
Hounds to release.
Acreage. A well. Ponds.
Bins of Wise and Mountain House.
A shit ton of guns and ammo.
Melee weapons.
Not even counting the chainsaw.

Still young enough not to be on life sustaining medications I need to survive.
And this shit is going to be cleared up in the next few days?

Can we not get our damn zombieracewardraconiangovermentfinancialcollpasefuelshortagenaturaldiasterempmuslimuprising shit rolling while I can still get my combat on?

I guess tomorrow will be the usual high point of excitement I get for the month.

Go to the Fudd range during "quiet time" church hours, when you have to be polite and only shoot .22,
And every stingy as hell cheapest bastard McFuddenStein is there cringing at the ten rounds of .22lr per hour they shoot,
I pull out an AR10, AK, and pileup up some full mags, and get all set in position, as bulging red face spittle launching indignant Fudds start having chest pain and strokes but don't say anything to me,
Then throw on the can at the last second and start shooting.

Agreed, minus the can. I want everyone to enjoy the High Definition experience.

09-18-16, 10:48
This shows how important in keeping the pipeline flowing and also how fragile the distribution system is. Storm, hurricane, and accident, even a minor and brief one causes this kind of panic, shortage, price hike. The terrorists would have to take out the pipeline and we would be in a huge hurt. While it's not as sensational or dramatic as a bomb or big human casualty, it would create a big disruption to many millions.

09-18-16, 11:13
So the Atlanta Metro area has about a 5 day normal supply of fuel in tank farms. But that drops to about 3 days when there is a "run", which has occurred at least twice in the the last couple of decades.

Disrupt the pipeline from the gulf, and it leads to this kind of situation. They are trucking fuel in from Savannah but as of this AM many stations are out of gas (but not diesel) with many folks roaming looking for a working station.

It's not clear whether the tanks are empty yet or if this is just retail outages.

The bummer is it requires federal approval to reopen the repaired line, so they are planning to convert the diesel/jet line to gas temporarily.

Coastal cities further north may be OK, but for Atlanta & Chatanooga that are farther inland it will be an issue.

26 Inf
09-18-16, 13:14
As I was made to understand it, it meant, "Get your goddamn gas mask on NOW!"

Major component of that clue would be the extending hands and fists, rotating jists to shoulders, while making noises you cant understand because he is wearing his pro-mask.

09-18-16, 14:07
And here I thought you were Jumpin' Jack Flash...

Whoopi Goldberg's best film.

Outlander Systems
09-18-16, 14:18
The Outlander's Tips for Gaspocalypse 2016:

If you have a MANual transmission, use it: coast as much as possible.
If you live less than 5 miles from your place of work: walk - it's good for you.
Avoid speeding and quick acceleration - it burns up precious fuel, and you won't get anywhere.
Carpool if at all possible.
Don't participate in panic buying and hoarding - it places additional strain on limited resources
Consolidate trips. Don't make seperate runs for things that can be accomplished in one.
Buy a bicycle instead of jerry cans loaded with triceratops sauce.
Pray to your Deity-of-choice that your local LE agency has LNG/Propane Patrol Cars :sarcastic:

09-18-16, 14:33
Police weren't worth a damn during the last snowpocalypse. But to be fair it was "too cold and snowing an' shit" for people to be thugging. It was pretty eerie all over an inch of snow.

Meh, ain't skeered. I remember when gas was no shit 3.93 for a while there years back.

Outlander Systems
09-18-16, 14:45
Bro, as long as it doesn't break $10 I'm good.

09-18-16, 14:54
Bro, as long as it doesn't break $10 I'm good.

It won't. People just like to freak. I actually enjoyed the Snowpocalypse. I told everybody "Next stop, Stalingrad" as chipper as possible. Nobody got it.

Meh I just sat up in my spot with the good time radio and two packs of Reds. I would get on foot and some old black lady would pop out and say "Is you crazy?! It snowin'! Get inside! Get inside!"

Seriously. I remember being a kid up in the mountains up north where it looked like Hoth and people still went to work and school. We sledded and I attempted ice skating. It was fun as a kid.

But down here....it seems any setback is the end of the world. Like when Lake Lanier was drying up Oh teh noez!

Meh....By Wednesday life will return to normal. Who knows maybe Jimmy Buffett will do concerts over it like BP.

I love his songs but the actual man is a D-bag

Outlander Systems
09-18-16, 14:57
His little wannabe Zac Brown is a tumbling, tumbling dickweed...

Bro, Snowpocalypse was the jam. Me and wife-stick walked to the Mexican joint and got us some nachos.

09-18-16, 16:21
Police weren't worth a damn during the last snowpocalypse. But to be fair it was "too cold and snowing an' shit" for people to be thugging. It was pretty eerie all over an inch of snow.

Meh, ain't skeered. I remember when gas was no shit 3.93 for a while there years back.

Yeah it got plum crazy after Katrina.

09-18-16, 16:29
The Outlander's Tips for Gaspocalypse 2016:

If you have a MANual transmission, use it: coast as much as possible.
If you live less than 5 miles from your place of work: walk - it's good for you.
Avoid speeding and quick acceleration - it burns up precious fuel, and you won't get anywhere.
Carpool if at all possible.
Don't participate in panic buying and hoarding - it places additional strain on limited resources
Consolidate trips. Don't make seperate runs for things that can be accomplished in one.
Buy a bicycle instead of jerry cans loaded with triceratops sauce.
Pray to your Deity-of-choice that your local LE agency has LNG/Propane Patrol Cars :sarcastic:

When we built our house a couple years ago we installed a large underground propane tank for hot water and cooking. Just the two of us now can go about 1.75 years with that propane. That is with long showers in a 7'x7' shower with multiple Grohe shower heads. I imagine we could stretch that out another year or more if we rationed. That is a energy source already paid for, out there safely in the ground. That and rolling with a geothermal hvac system was some of the smartest things we did when building. I had a stubout run specifically for a case annealer in my reloading room. I need to break down and buy one.

Propane is the Gas of the Gods.

09-18-16, 17:27
Yeah it got plum crazy after Katrina.

Yeah it did. Equal parts boring and worrisome. Little bit of fun thrown in. Had cold beer for 6 days. Then it lost it's luster.

09-18-16, 18:10
I just need natural gas to get back to 4-5 so South Texas will start going balls out again...I cannot imagine an interruption in one line being anything other than very temporary & reckon the recovery for any shortages are already in route.

09-18-16, 18:21
I'm 50/50 on that. On one hand it makes people panic. On the other the SoE let them relax rules for OTR fuel trucks to help counteract any shortage so a panic matters less....
Good point. I didn't realize those rules existed.

09-18-16, 20:29
still like the fact I"m mostly oil burning. Gas up 15 cents a gallon, diesel only up 3 cents....

Travis B
10-31-16, 20:38
Pipeline exploded again today. Get ready for more gas shortages. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/10/31/at-least-7-people-injured-in-gas-line-explosion-in-alabama.html

10-31-16, 20:47
There is a consensus with my customers that NG is going to turn around Q1-Q2 of 2017...one of my small mom & pop operations is drilling around 2 dozen shallow wells currently & tells me the 411 is solid. Keep in mind all the salt mines / storage facilities are at capacity. Any gas shortages are not for lack of gas but lack of ability to move it.

10-31-16, 21:12
. Any gas shortages are not for lack of gas but lack of ability to move it.

Yep, that's the case, just like in September. Fuel supply is plentiful, but when both pipes are shut down, the southeast will have to rely on truck delivery, which is not as efficient as the pipelines.

Here we go again.

10-31-16, 21:49
Any thoughts on what the lack of transport does to pricing Sam...we don't use it down here as we rarely deal with freezing temps for more than 24 hours & if so screws our economy for a lengthy period.

We just pull it out & move it to the highest bidder.

10-31-16, 22:49
Yep, that's the case, just like in September. Fuel supply is plentiful, but when both pipes are shut down, the southeast will have to rely on truck delivery, which is not as efficient as the pipelines.

Here we go again.
This is getting ridiculous. Twice in a couple of months? Shoddy work or did someone short the fuel markets?

11-01-16, 00:56
This is getting ridiculous. Twice in a couple of months? Shoddy work or did someone short the fuel markets?

Nah. This actually causes the fuel prices to go up. Maybe someone has a few long calls close to expiration....

Another theory is this will have an impact on people getting to the polls in NC....

11-01-16, 04:49
Another theory is this will have an impact on people getting to the polls in NC....

Heard that today too, at this point I don't put anything past the Clinton Crime Family machine.

11-01-16, 05:55
Any thoughts on what the lack of transport does to pricing Sam...we don't use it down here as we rarely deal with freezing temps for more than 24 hours & if so screws our economy for a lengthy period.

We just pull it out & move it to the highest bidder.

I'm no expert but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express a couple times :)

I've heard it's all about supply and demand. The fuel is there but the delivery method is slower so the end of the line (your local stations) will get the fuel at a slower pace as the trucks have to come from farther locations, as opposed to closer fuel farms along the Colonial Pipelines. So local stations raise the price to keep up with the demand. Add the panic when everyone tries to run to the stations at the same time, people bringing their 5 gallon rubber cans to stock up. It's just like the ammo shortage crisis that drove the price of .22LR up.

Just as the price were starting to come down close to $2 from that last leak in September, now it's going back up. I hope they get it fixed soon. I'm guessing it will be close to a month.

11-01-16, 07:05
This happened here after Katrina as well. And gas prices approached $4 / gallon. Do other markets / metropolitan areas ever suffer shortages like this?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

11-01-16, 08:50
This happened here after Katrina as well. And gas prices approached $4 / gallon. Do other markets / metropolitan areas ever suffer shortages like this?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

If they don't rely on colonial, they shouldn't be affected at all. The southeast and part of the east coast is served by colonial. This time it will be a long drought. As for katrina, I remember that. I got up at 5am to buy $4/gallon gas and we were limited to 10 gallons per car. The pipelines didn't have anything to do with the shortages during katrina, it was the shut down of the refineries. Then after the refineries started running again, the price slowly went down. The same happened in 2008, after the flow restarted, price got as low as $1.50 in some places.

BTW, I sent you an email a couple weeks ago about the range, never heard back from you. I guess you blocked me. LOL.

11-01-16, 09:18
If they don't rely on colonial, they shouldn't be affected at all. The southeast and part of the east coast is served by colonial. This time it will be a long drought. As for katrina, I remember that. I got up at 5am to buy $4/gallon gas and we were limited to 10 gallons per car. The pipelines didn't have anything to do with the shortages during katrina, it was the shut down of the refineries. Then after the refineries started running again, the price slowly went down. The same happened in 2008, after the flow restarted, price got as low as $1.50 in some places.

BTW, I sent you an email a couple weeks ago about the range, never heard back from you. I guess you blocked me. LOL.

I'm sorry man, I didn't see your email! Definitely didn't block my man Sam!

Funny story. I bought a new truck the week that Katrina hit and the dealer owed me a tank of gas because it wasn't full when I picked it up. Just as prices crested, I went in to the dealer and got a $100 tank of gas for free!

And I do remember that the problem was on the other end of the line. It just amazes me that the Atlanta market, as big as it is, is so sensitive to interruptions in the supply. When the pipeline had an issue a couple of months ago, there were stations all over town that were empty. Several people around the office said they had visited 4, 5 or 6 stations and could not find gas. Meanwhile, I had no issues out in the burbs.

11-01-16, 09:29
You probably got me marked as spam :) Anyway, with the possible gas shortage, I'm not going back to the range anytime soon :(

I rushed to Kroger last night at 9:30 and filled up my car. Stuffed the CZ in appendix carry style and off I went :) The attendance didn't even know about the explosion and told me they just got their tank filled up earlier. This morning I passed a different Kroger and their regular unleaded was dry. A few small gas stations had gas but the line is starting already. Price hasn't gone up much. Yet.

11-01-16, 13:00
If they don't rely on colonial, they shouldn't be affected at all. The southeast and part of the east coast is served by colonial. This time it will be a long drought. As for katrina, I remember that. I got up at 5am to buy $4/gallon gas and we were limited to 10 gallons per car. The pipelines didn't have anything to do with the shortages during katrina, it was the shut down of the refineries. Then after the refineries started running again, the price slowly went down. The same happened in 2008, after the flow restarted, price got as low as $1.50 in some places.

BTW, I sent you an email a couple weeks ago about the range, never heard back from you. I guess you blocked me. LOL.

Why do you feel it will be a long drought as opposed to under a week the last time the pipeline burst?

11-01-16, 13:59
It just amazes me that the Atlanta market, as big as it is, is so sensitive to interruptions in the supply. When the pipeline had an issue a couple of months ago, there were stations all over town that were empty.

Lotta commuters. Pretty much all Atlanta area fuel comes through those pipelines now, and the tank farms have just a 3-5 day supply. (With the 3 day part being when there is a run due to a well known event)

Sent from my PRC-104 using phonetics

11-01-16, 14:26
Why do you feel it will be a long drought as opposed to under a week the last time the pipeline burst?

First they have to put out the fire, as of this morning it was still burning. With several workers injured and one killed, there may be an investigation after the fire is put out and the area is safe for the investigators. I assume that once they are given the notice to repair, they will build another bypass just like the leak in September. I'm not a gas line engineer so I'm just guessing based on what happened in September. I hope I'm wrong and things start flowing sooner.

11-01-16, 17:37
First they have to put out the fire, as of this morning it was still burning. With several workers injured and one killed, there may be an investigation after the fire is put out and the area is safe for the investigators. I assume that once they are given the notice to repair, they will build another bypass just like the leak in September. I'm not a gas line engineer so I'm just guessing based on what happened in September. I hope I'm wrong and things start flowing sooner.

10-4. Well I filled both autos and 35 gal in cans. I went overboard and bought 60gal during the last shortage. Supply was pretty unaffected in Charlotte, but raleigh had a shortage with many gas stations out of gas. Maybe I'll fill up a few more cans tonight.

11-01-16, 18:47
10-4. Well I filled both autos and 35 gal in cans. I went overboard and bought 60gal during the last shortage. Supply was pretty unaffected in Charlotte, but raleigh had a shortage with many gas stations out of gas. Maybe I'll fill up a few more cans tonight.

And we wonder why there could be a shortage. :rolleyes: Do you NEED to fill those cans? Are your vehicles themselves full? Jeesh.......

11-01-16, 18:55
And we wonder why there could be a shortage. :rolleyes: Do you NEED to fill those cans? Are your vehicles themselves full? Jeesh.......

I think you're question was tongue in cheek. But in case you're being serious, in the next 10 days I will drive about 700 miles regionally within the state. I don't have the option of not driving. So yes, I need the gas. Last time this happened there was no gas in multiple stations on I-85 and I-40 in central NC.

Outlander Systems
11-01-16, 19:04
Considering this could be worse than last time, I'd say you should go ahead and top off those cans, JoshNC.

11-01-16, 19:11
I think you're question was tongue in cheek. But in case you're being serious, in the next 10 days I will drive about 700 miles regionally within the state. I don't have the option of not driving. So yes, I need the gas. Last time this happened there was no gas in multiple stations on I-85 and I-40 in central NC.

Fair enough, but I and my wife (we both work at the same place) have a 75 mile round trip to/from work. We do not usually work the same days. As an example, this week I work M-F days, and she works Th-Su nights. Our shifts are such that vehicle hand-off is not possible unless it's in the evening when I get home. So we will probably meet or exceed your mileage in the next 10 days. That said, we have 3 vehicles we use and all 3 are full (or almost full).

11-01-16, 20:50
Random stations in the north suburbs of ATL are out of regular unleaded, all seem to have premium. I am estimating one out of 4 that I passed in my 25 miles of driving tonight. Price are up anywhere from 10 to 20 cents.

11-02-16, 04:01
And gas prices approached $4 / gallon. Do other markets / metropolitan areas ever suffer shortages like this?

Not in Texas.

11-03-16, 09:42
Still spot outages of fuel around my area of travel to work. Price is fairly steady, only went up 20 cents and still holding. The big box wholesale clubs are still holding their normal price for their members, around $2.

The fire is still not completely out yet as of yesterday evening. They claimed that the repair will be finished by midday Saturday. How do you make repair if there is still fire?