View Full Version : "Are you a Muslim?" response?

09-18-16, 08:05
It seems the guy knifing people in the Minnesota mall did the "Are you a Muslim?" question before attacking people. This also happened in other attacks. While I'll go with the Ghostbuster's Dr. Venkman strategy of "If anyone asks you if you are a god", you say "yes"- I figured people here could perhaps offer up a better answer or info. I have no illusions that I'll actually pass for one, I'm just hoping for enough time more effectively engage them, especially when I'm in non-permissive places, like airplanes and Germany.

I'm looking for the M4C equivalent of blurting out "Bushmaster sucks" or "Eurodriver is a man whore"- something that shows you are in the club. Something beyond Aloha Snackbar.

09-18-16, 08:39
I'm not quite sure how to rad your question, are you asking how to deal with an attacker who is motivated against a religion? I would just like you to clarify.

09-18-16, 09:06
St. Cloud has a substantial Somali population. Tensions have been running fairly high over the last several months.

Interesting concept, especially given the very large Somali population in Minneapolis, about 70 miles south of there. The Mall of America is right around the corner from those folks.

09-18-16, 09:17
I'm not quite sure how to rad your question, are you asking how to deal with an attacker who is motivated against a religion? I would just like you to clarify.

Guy comes in and asks who is Muslim and kills that aren't. I assume that just saying "Yes, I'm a muslim." isn't going to be enough to convince them, or at least give them enough pause to act.


09-18-16, 09:23
The way my luck runs, I would run into the Christian or Jewish guy who flips his shit and decides to go out killing Muslims. I say yes thinking I'm GTG only to get whacked.

That said, I think in several of these incidents where the perp was asking people if they were Muslims they were asking them to recite parts of the Koran. I know I read this happened in that recent attack in a restaurant in India? Where the people were hacked up pretty bad.

09-18-16, 09:30
I would guess "BANG" to be the appropriate response.
If you're somewhere your "BANG" isn't allowed your antenna needs to be better tuned to what's going on around you. A knife if much easier to get and keep in a non-permissive place than a gun.
Order a Steak and they will arm you for free. Beef Steak, not Pork, cause that's a dead giveaway.

09-18-16, 09:34
It seems the guy knifing people in the Minnesota mall did the "Are you a Muslim?" question before attacking people. This also happened in other attacks. While I'll go with the Ghostbuster's Dr. Venkman strategy of "If anyone asks you if you are a god", you say "yes"- I figured people here could perhaps offer up a better answer or info. I have no illusions that I'll actually pass for one, I'm just hoping for enough time more effectively engage them, especially when I'm in non-permissive places, like airplanes and Germany.

I'm looking for the M4C equivalent of blurting out "Bushmaster sucks" or "Eurodriver is a man whore"- something that shows you are in the club. Something beyond Aloha Snackbar.

A guy is standing in front of you wielding a knife or other weapon in a threatening manner and asking if you are a Muslim, and you are asking us what you should do?

Brother man, I think you already know that answer...

09-18-16, 09:57
*IF* under that situation you can think of a clever answer.... Anything that buys you enough time to bring your own weapon into play, or attempt to GTFO.

09-18-16, 10:06
Threatening Dirka: "Are you a Muslim?"


-Tune in next week for the conclusion of this episode of "whack-a-muj"-

ETA: IMO, Most likely he was asking this once he got the drop on people. So, don't be a soft target and you'll never have to wonder about how to answer stupid f#$%ing questions.

09-18-16, 10:10

09-18-16, 10:34
I would simply produce a package of pork chops...

09-18-16, 11:21
I would guess "BANG" to be the appropriate response.

I award you ten Internets. Don't spend them all in one place.

I do have several verses from three different Surahs memorized, however. I need to practice reciting one while moving laterally during my drawstroke.

Particularly the 22nd verse of the 8th Surah: "Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason."

09-18-16, 11:37
Are you Muslim...no but my 9mm hst is

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

09-18-16, 11:45
Oh wow did I read this wrong, too early in the morning... I thought this was meant to be your response to being asked if your were of a peaceful religion so as to NOT be attacked/prove you're an M4C member.

I submit my new answer:

09-18-16, 13:00
Interestingly, that particular mall in St. Cloud does not allow firearms. This includes off-duty police officers from outside jurisdictions:

Fortunately, this Somali Soldier of Allah adhered to their "no firearms" policy and the off-duty cop from an outside jurisdiction didn't.

09-18-16, 13:15
I award you ten Internets. Don't spend them all in one place.

I do have several verses from three different Surahs memorized, however. I need to practice reciting one while moving laterally during my drawstroke.

Particularly the 22nd verse of the 8th Surah: "Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason."

Is that memorized only in English or also in Arabic?

09-18-16, 13:15
Interestingly, that particular mall in St. Cloud does not allow firearms. This includes off-duty police officers from outside jurisdictions:

Fortunately, this Somali Soldier of Allah adhered to their "no firearms" policy and the off-duty cop from an outside jurisdiction didn't.

I'll raise a glass tonight to the off-duty officer. I have no doubt he saved lives through his actions.

09-18-16, 13:16
Is that memorized only in English or also in Arabic?

Currently just English and pig Latin.

My Arabic is rusty. My sister-in-law was born in Egypt, I'll have to get her to tutor me again.

09-18-16, 13:46
Currently just English and pig Latin.

My Arabic is rusty. My sister-in-law was born in Egypt, I'll have to get her to tutor me again.

I think the Arabic is key. Anyone can master a couple phrases of the Quran in English, but only a true believer would learn it in Arabic.

Having said that, I feel like most of these guys are pretty ignorant of what's in the Quran and probably can't read or speak Arabic themselves, so you could probably get away with just saying, "Your father was a hamster and your mother smelled of elderberries, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!" in Arabic and be just fine.

09-18-16, 13:49
what is this shit about again?

09-18-16, 13:55
Screw this Columbine kid, Inquisition BS. That's like those two Columbine kids who asked that girl if she believed in god and shot her when she said yes.

One thing I have learned is that some people have to hype themselves up to do something patently wrong to rationalize their actions. No matter what I say or do, I will be attacked.

We will likely see more of this.

They are martyrs to no one but themselves. I really don't care about other people's religion or lack thereof.

Keep it in the mosque. Don't start nothing, won't be nothing.

There are fates worse than death. Maybe someone just spine shoots you and you get to live a long time in prison unable to do anything but shit in a bag and lay on a bed until you die.

09-18-16, 13:58
Threatening Dirka: "Are you a Muslim?"


-Tune in next week for the conclusion of this episode of "whack-a-muj"-

ETA: IMO, Most likely he was asking this once he got the drop on people. So, don't be a soft target and you'll never have to wonder about how to answer stupid f#$%ing questions.

Problem is I'm spending some time in soft target central, Germany. Odd when my wife OKs the trips to China and India and freaks out about the Germany and EU trips. I'm just looking for that edge- that step closer. Here in the US, not a problem.

09-18-16, 14:46
Oh wow did I read this wrong, too early in the morning... I thought this was meant to be your response to being asked if your were of a peaceful religion so as to NOT be attacked/prove you're an M4C member.

This was my confusion as well, I heard about the stabbings very late last night no mention of terrorist ties at all, and I live in Minnesota. The news organizations here are skiddish to report anything that can be construed as Anti-Muslim statements, just pandering to the blue base that makes up this state. We've had youths arrested at the Mall of America recently for fighting and just thought that it was tied to that. I grew up here and thought about how different it was on the West Coast when my mom wouldn't let me play outside with my friends because of the abductions and predators out there. Oh how the times have changed.

09-18-16, 16:38

The hero off-duty police officer who shot and killed the St. Cloud mall stabber is a firearms trainer and concealed carry advocate who owns a gun range.

Jason Falconer was identified as the off-duty police officer who shot and killed Dahir Adan, a Somali immigrant who entered Crossroads Center Shopping Mall on September 17 with a knife and stabbed nine people.

09-18-16, 16:46
Seems like we need more armed Men carrying concealed rather than less.
You know this kind of ties in to the latest Clinton vs Trump controversy. Trump asks Hillary's Security to go unarmed and then, according to Team Hillary, he is making a threat against her life.
Yet Team Hillary doesn't connect the dots when She wants you disarmed?
There is no telling how many more people would have been assaulted had Falconer not been there to stop this Mope.

God may have given you rights, but you have to fight to keep them.

09-18-16, 17:14
Seems like we need more armed Men carrying concealed rather than less.
You know this kind of ties in to the latest Clinton vs Trump controversy. Trump asks Hillary's Security to go unarmed and then, according to Team Hillary, he is making a threat against her life.
Yet Team Hillary doesn't connect the dots when She wants you disarmed?
There is no telling how many more people would have been assaulted had Falconer not been there to stop this Mope.

God may have given you rights, but you have to fight to keep them.

This. I'm everybody's buddy until I'm not. Especially if I am on my time.
I may get arrested, Hell I may get True Billed.

That's cool. I'll just lift, get free food and healthcare, and catch up on my BET.

But I won't be stabbed up in a mall nor shot up in a gay bar. Especially over someone else's little religious hang ups.

The way I look at it. Maybe I picked the right God. Maybe I didn't. But I'm not ready to find out just yet and have been doing fine so far.

I don't go over to these other places with my bullshit. Why they gotta bring it here?

Buddha said it best "Don't start shit, won't be shit".

Because nobody really knows what happens after youbdie and we all gonna die one day anyways so why mess with it?

09-18-16, 18:34
I award you ten Internets. Don't spend them all in one place.

I do have several verses from three different Surahs memorized, however. I need to practice reciting one while moving laterally during my drawstroke.

Particularly the 22nd verse of the 8th Surah: "Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason."

And there you have it.

Think "SURVIVE!" And you shall.

Be stupid and and get shivved or worse.

When I flew to Australia I had a small Koran in my bag. Actually two. I gave one to my manager who is a close friend of mine.

Lots of Muslims in the Detroit Metro area and being able to greet, respond, thank and reply pays dividends. "'Sa Lama Laikim', brother" could get you damned near anywhere. Of course, the majority were Shi'ite so it's unlikely someone would grab you by the crotch and begin quizzing you. But that's KEY - KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!! Just like knowing a Catholic from a Presbyterian and a Southern Baptist.


Last week at a Mexican restaurant.

Kept catching eyes with the waitress. I suspected she wasn't Mexican and eventually asked her name. It was Neisha. I asked where she was from and she said Palestine. I asked if she were Christian or Muslim and she said Muslim and I greeted her in Arabic as told her it was my pleasure to meet her. She stated that I spoke very passable Arabic. Which was the point. Practice now and if you're required to save your scalp you just might.

EVERYONE should be able to do the same with several languages/cultures.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

09-18-16, 18:39

Meka leka hai meka hymie ho
meka leka hai meka Jambi ho


Baa weep granah weep ninny bom

Have gotten me out of some wicked shit over the years.

09-18-16, 18:42
"Are you a Muslim?" response?

I could post my response to this question... but I'm pretty sure I'll get banned if I do... :nono::stop::no:

09-18-16, 19:09

Meka leka hai meka hymie ho
meka leka hai meka Jambi ho


Baa weep granah weep ninny bom

Have gotten me out of some wicked shit over the years.

Also: Do waditty ditty (dum ditty doo)

If you're going to muslim territory or are embedded somewhere for work or other reasons, then fine, good on you, do what you have to in order to blend in. But if the suggestion is to learn "passable arabic" so that I can take the subway or walk around the mall here in CONUS... well my thoughts on that just might get me banned.

To quote the Duke: “I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.”

09-18-16, 19:11
Also: Do waditty ditty (dum ditty doo)

If you're going to muslim territory or are embedded somewhere for work or other reasons, then fine, good on you, do what you have to in order to blend in. But I'm not going to learn "passable arabic" just to walk around the mall or take the subway here in CONUS. If that day comes, I'll avoid the situation, minimize exposure, and if that fails defend myself, because de-escalating with these cretins just isn't an option.

Well, being able to blend and pass may one day allow you to live another day.

My goal is to blend no matter where; live to live another day and all.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

09-18-16, 19:11

Meka leka hai meka hymie ho
meka leka hai meka Jambi ho


Baa weep granah weep ninny bom

Have gotten me out of some wicked shit over the years.
translate to ??? I have several goats you might like???

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

09-18-16, 19:19
Well, being able to blend and pass may one day allow you to live another day.

My goal is to blend no matter where; live to live another day and all.

Do you also know all the local gang lingo and secret handshakes for whatever city you're in? I assume your skin is a non-confrontational color, like the people from the future in that episode of South Park where everyone is a mix of every race on earth?

Look, you do it your way and that's fine. My point is that anyone could decide you're the embodiment of what they hate for whatever selfish and arbitrary reasons, despite your best efforts. Why should I have to learn a medieval repressive culture's secret handshake in order to function in my own country? This- to me- is tantamount to saying "You guys win, I'll adopt your culture to avoid confrontation."

That said, I have no doubt you're serious about defending yourself, should the need arise. But IMO there are better ways to avoid that situation.

09-18-16, 19:30
translate to ??? I have several goats you might like???

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

You are either too old or too young, but pretty much any 80s kid will remember those.

Meka leka hai meka hynie ho was what the genie from Pee Wee Herman said to grant wishes.

The other is the universal greeting from Transforners the Movie (the real movie which we all saw in theaters. With Unicron.

Anyways if I am in another country, do as the Romans do, but here? No special treatment. No secret handshakes. No religion, race, creed, or political affiliation respected over another. You can dress up in a burqa, but don't get pissed if a girl in booty shorts and a tank top wearing flip flops and sleestak glasses goes sauntering by free as a song.

In America you just another asshole in a crowd.

Hence our motto "E pluribus unum".

09-18-16, 19:35
Threatening Dirka: "Are you a Muslim?"


-Tune in next week for the conclusion of this episode of "whack-a-muj"-

ETA: IMO, Most likely he was asking this once he got the drop on people. So, don't be a soft target and you'll never have to wonder about how to answer stupid f#$%ing questions.

Yeah, no badass has ever been caught not being a badass....oh wait...:rolleyes:

09-18-16, 19:36
Do you also know all the local gang lingo and secret handshakes for whatever city you're in? I assume your skin is a non-confrontational color, like the people from the future in that episode of South Park where everyone is a mix of every race on earth?

Look, you do it your way and that's fine. My point is that anyone could decide you're the embodiment of what they hate for whatever selfish and arbitrary reasons, despite your best efforts. Why should I have to learn a medieval repressive culture's secret handshake in order to function in my own country? This- to me- is tantamount to saying "You guys win, I'll adopt your culture to avoid confrontation."

That said, I have no doubt you're serious about defending yourself, should the need arise. But IMO there are better ways to avoid that situation.

This exactly ^^^

09-18-16, 19:36
Personally - Hyper-violence will be my response

Matthew 10:33
But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.

09-18-16, 19:39
Currently just English and pig Latin.

My Arabic is rusty. My sister-in-law was born in Egypt, I'll have to get her to tutor me again.
Who cares. Just shoot them in the face. Lol

09-18-16, 19:41
Do you also know all the local gang lingo and secret handshakes for whatever city you're in? I assume your skin is a non-confrontational color, like the people from the future in that episode of South Park where everyone is a mix of every race on earth?

Look, you do it your way and that's fine. My point is that anyone could decide you're the embodiment of what they hate for whatever selfish and arbitrary reasons, despite your best efforts. Why should I have to learn a medieval repressive culture's secret handshake in order to function in my own country? This- to me- is tantamount to saying "You guys win, I'll adopt your culture to avoid confrontation."

That said, I have no doubt you're serious about defending yourself, should the need arise. But IMO there are better ways to avoid that situation.

I can survive just about any where in the USA. I can make it in the heart of New Orleans, Detroit, Atlanta and Houston as well as deep into Mexico and have done so.

Just in case you've not been paying attention OUR country has changed a HELLUVA lot.

Hey, bro, do as YOU wish. Good luck with whatever path you take and may it work for you. Mine has worked for me. Your mileage may vary.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

09-18-16, 19:58
Yeah, no badass has ever been caught not being a badass....oh wait...:rolleyes:

No hostage who knew a few lines of arabic ever got slaughtered, either. :rolleyes:

09-18-16, 20:01
Pee Wee Herman? Why not some G. Gordon Liddy quotes? Once I was asked to name the two Americans that I most admired. I named Pee Wee Herman and G. Gordon Liddy. Nobody said anything else to me. Try this trick the next time that you're in a sensitivity training session.

09-18-16, 20:04
This thread has been on my mind all day because of my confusion of which way the question was geared.

Therefore, I would like to, yet sgain, change my answer to be in keeping with a time tested, proven and honored All American Universal Response.


Bubba FAL
09-18-16, 20:18
They've got a code phrase that supposedly gets one considered a fellow muzzie. Something along the line of "there is no God but Satan and Mohammed is a pedophile". Or something like that. Of course, they'll never kill a fellow muzzie now would they?

09-18-16, 20:20
I think the overall thesis here is: Know your surroundings, know who you are talking to, and don't start mess, won't be mess.

Getting on in "rough" areas isn't that hard. You just don't have to look like some schlub with his nose in his phone looking for pokemon.

Even before, as a teenybopper, I never had an issue in "rough" areas. I wasn't there to take anything or participate, just passing through.

One of my things is I always make it known that I see others first. A friendly "Sup" and upward nod is pretty disarming.

I don't recall ever having to blade and put my hand on my gun on my personal time like ever and I've gone to oodles of metal, rap, punk etc concerts and hole in the wall BBQ, Mexican and Asian restaraunts in predominately black, high crime areas countless times and no worries, no issues.

The ONLY time I had coarse words was being dragged to some roughneck honkytonk show that really wasn't my thing and some red faced cooter brown looking redneck thought I was talking to his woman. He was drunk and stupid. I told him I didn't even know his woman and that he was mistaken. He just wanted to fight. I just said "Sir, my apologies, but I am really harmless. I just got out of prison for manslaughter and really don't want trouble, cops, or my probation messed up, be a pal." He kinda looked at me funny and said "Awright then, just don't let it happen again" and went on. I told my "buddy" and the women we brought that this is not my scene and I was leaving. I did not care to be around a bunch of rowdy alcoholics.

For the record, I've never been arrested for anything but he didn't know that. I believe in Gerbil Voodoo.

09-18-16, 20:20
Pee Wee Herman? Why not some G. Gordon Liddy quotes? Once I was asked to name the two Americans that I most admired. I named Pee Wee Herman and G. Gordon Liddy. Nobody said anything else to me. Try this trick the next time that you're in a sensitivity training session.

I knew I liked you

09-18-16, 20:23
Guy comes in and asks who is Muslim and kills that aren't. I assume that just saying "Yes, I'm a muslim." isn't going to be enough to convince them, or at least give them enough pause to act.


Recite the Shahada, in Arabic, from memory. If you do that, you're technically a Muslim. I mean, even if you weren't before, you would be after.

I think you need two witnesses and you have to believe it in your heart as well, but he won't know if you believe it or not (I mean, memorizing it is itself a significant step, even if it's only one average length sentence). And the attacker would be one witness, so as long as anyone else is around, you'd technically be a Muslim after finishing.

09-18-16, 20:53
simple answer

no words just a loud pop that chances are he might not even hear ?
but make sure you have a big old grin :)

guess you could say are you ready to meet your maker !

09-18-16, 21:29
I would guess "BANG" to be the appropriate response.

Yep, if a sketchy looking guy asks me a question like that, I'm taking it as the threat it is. No different than a skinhead type walking up to people with a knife and asking if they are "aryan."

09-18-16, 22:26
Never been asked if I was a Muslim, but I've been accused of being a Honkey Ass White Cracker and White N@%%#* by a crazed Black fellow in Albuquerque once while I was pumping gas. As he got close to my Safe Space making threatening gyrations, he was in danger of being doused with high octane Shell fuel and dispatched with a 125 grain .357 hollowpoint. Albuquerque is getting the reputation of a none too friendly place. We enter that municipality with a higher awareness.

09-18-16, 22:36
Durka durka.
Durka... lurka.... durka....

09-18-16, 23:14
Recite the Shahada, in Arabic, from memory. If you do that, you're technically a Muslim. I mean, even if you weren't before, you would be after.

I think you need two witnesses and you have to believe it in your heart as well, but he won't know if you believe it or not (I mean, memorizing it is itself a significant step, even if it's only one average length sentence). And the attacker would be one witness, so as long as anyone else is around, you'd technically be a Muslim after finishing.

Is this by magic?

Really? [emoji102][emoji849]

As long as the potentially crazed guy believes you are that's good enough for you to further assess and take whatever actions are deemed necessary.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

09-18-16, 23:16
I think the overall thesis here is: Know your surroundings, know who you are talking to, and don't start mess, won't be mess.

Getting on in "rough" areas isn't that hard. You just don't have to look like some schlub with his nose in his phone looking for pokemon.

Even before, as a teenybopper, I never had an issue in "rough" areas. I wasn't there to take anything or participate, just passing through.

One of my things is I always make it known that I see others first. A friendly "Sup" and upward nod is pretty disarming.

I don't recall ever having to blade and put my hand on my gun on my personal time like ever and I've gone to oodles of metal, rap, punk etc concerts and hole in the wall BBQ, Mexican and Asian restaraunts in predominately black, high crime areas countless times and no worries, no issues.

The ONLY time I had coarse words was being dragged to some roughneck honkytonk show that really wasn't my thing and some red faced cooter brown looking redneck thought I was talking to his woman. He was drunk and stupid. I told him I didn't even know his woman and that he was mistaken. He just wanted to fight. I just said "Sir, my apologies, but I am really harmless. I just got out of prison for manslaughter and really don't want trouble, cops, or my probation messed up, be a pal." He kinda looked at me funny and said "Awright then, just don't let it happen again" and went on. I told my "buddy" and the women we brought that this is not my scene and I was leaving. I did not care to be around a bunch of rowdy alcoholics.

For the record, I've never been arrested for anything but he didn't know that. I believe in Gerbil Voodoo.

You got it, brother.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

09-18-16, 23:21
Is this by magic?

Really? [emoji102][emoji849]

As long as the potentially crazed guy believes you are that's good enough for you to further assess and take whatever actions are deemed necessary.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

The definition of a Muslim is essentially someone that has in good faith recited the Shahada. That's basically it. And a Muslim would know that.

It's like being baptized or something, but saying a sentence instead of being dunked in water.

09-18-16, 23:22
The definition of a Muslim is essentially someone that has in good faith recited the Shahada. That's basically it. And a Muslim would know that.

It's like being baptized or something, but saying a sentence instead of being dunked in water.

I get all that; all of that is DOGMA.

Only *YOU* decide what you wish to follow.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

09-19-16, 03:05
I get all that; all of that is DOGMA.

Only *YOU* decide what you wish to follow.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Right. I don't understand where you're disagreeing with anything? Or what's magic?

09-19-16, 03:42
The appropriate answer.


09-19-16, 11:07
"are you a Muslim?"

My response would probably be two steps backward while drawing the G19.

Seriously though, with my fair skin and blue eyes, I doubt he would ask.....I do not look even remotely Muslim! LOL

09-19-16, 11:54
"are you a Muslim?"

My response would probably be two steps backward while drawing the G19.

Seriously though, with my fair skin and blue eyes, I doubt he would ask.....I do not look even remotely Muslim! LOL

Islam is a religion, not a race.

You'd just be an outlier as a Nordic Muslim. (I'd bet there are more blond Muslims than blond Jews.)

09-19-16, 12:01
I look like Jerry Garcia decided to take up power lifting. I don't know any of the koran so I would be at a loss.
Maybe a "Drivin' that Train, High on Cocaine" would do?
Honestly Bang!, Bang, diddy Bang, Bang !

09-19-16, 12:24
Shooting someone because they asked "are you a Muslim" is likely murder... and a hate crime.

Drawing on someone because they asked "are you a Muslim" is likely brandishing and assault.

09-19-16, 12:51
Shooting someone because they asked "are you a Muslim" is likely murder... and a hate crime.
Drawing on someone because they asked "are you a Muslim" is likely brandishing and assault.

It all depends on the context. If someone asks you politely and calmly in a social setting... likely yes to the above. If someone has a blood-dripping machete in one hand and screams the question at you - I'll let you figure it out.

09-19-16, 12:53
Islam is a religion, not a race.
You'd just be an outlier as a Nordic Muslim. (I'd bet there are more blond Muslims than blond Jews.)

Yes. Prepare to have your mind blown:


Ever hear the expression "rarer than a Scottish Rabbi"? Well, not long ago that would have applied 10 times over for "Scottish Muslim" or "Scottish Imam." Not so any more.

Not like I try to give ISIS attention, but a lot of their on-camera POS's are white Europeans.

09-19-16, 12:58
Shooting someone because they asked "are you a Muslim" is likely murder... and a hate crime.

Drawing on someone because they asked "are you a Muslim" is likely brandishing and assault.

I am not advocating this, and I don't believe anyone else was, either.

The basic assumption of this thread was someone shoves a weapon in your face and demands to know if you're a Muslim. I don't believe anyone here would draw down on someone for simply asking if they are a Muslim unless there was an armed threat involved. It's a fairly safe bet everyone here understands the law and basic ROE for carrying a weapon in public.

09-19-16, 14:28
It all depends on the context. If someone asks you politely and calmly in a social setting... likely yes to the above. If someone has a blood-dripping machete in one hand and screams the question at you - I'll let you figure it out.

But then, are you drawing your weapon because he asked you a question, or are you drawing your weapon because he has a blood-dripping machete?

If it's because of the question, you probably need to reevaluate your OODA loop analysis.

I am not advocating this, and I don't believe anyone else was, either.

The basic assumption of this thread was someone shoves a weapon in your face and demands to know if you're a Muslim. I don't believe anyone here would draw down on someone for simply asking if they are a Muslim unless there was an armed threat involved. It's a fairly safe bet everyone here understands the law and basic ROE for carrying a weapon in public.

Another basic assumption of the thread is that you're trying to give a verbal response to buy a second or two. Responding with "bang" or "9mm in the head lol" is completely missing the point of the question in the OP.

09-19-16, 14:59
Not to worry, it cant happen again.

The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants who had pending deportation orders from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud, according to an internal Homeland Security audit released Monday.
The Homeland Security Department’s inspector general found that the immigrants used different names or birthdates to apply for citizenship with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and such discrepancies weren’t caught because their fingerprints were missing from government databases.

Who is watching the door, Muhammad the Door Man?

09-19-16, 15:40
Yes. Prepare to have your mind blown:


Ever hear the expression "rarer than a Scottish Rabbi"? Well, not long ago that would have applied 10 times over for "Scottish Muslim" or "Scottish Imam." Not so any more.

Not like I try to give ISIS attention, but a lot of their on-camera POS's are white Europeans.

They (islam) now own a lot of property including a lot of old churches, now mosques... It seems they have a solid stronghold in Scotland, not to mention the rest of the U.K.

09-19-16, 16:45
They (islam) now own a lot of property including a lot of old churches, now mosques... It seems they have a solid stronghold in Scotland, not to mention the rest of the U.K.

They've got to put that oil money somewhere. And for a lot of oil sheikhs, that's real estate in London (probably buying up properties that belonged until recently to Russian kleptocrats).

09-19-16, 16:48
The Clash had a T shirt for this...

09-19-16, 16:54
But then, are you drawing your weapon because he asked you a question, or are you drawing your weapon because he has a blood-dripping machete?

If it's because of the question, you probably need to reevaluate your OODA loop analysis.

Another basic assumption of the thread is that you're trying to give a verbal response to buy a second or two. Responding with "bang" or "9mm in the head lol" is completely missing the point of the question in the OP.

A lot of it depends on context.

If an Arabic-looking dude asks you, that's one (verbal) response. If a dude covered in Aryan-nation tattoos asks you, that's another (verbal) response.

The response to the blood-dripping hatchet should probably be the same, either way. Although I could see an alternate response if it's Halloween and you're at a costume party.

09-19-16, 16:59
A lot of it depends on context.

If an Arabic-looking dude asks you, that's one (verbal) response. If a dude covered in Aryan-nation tattoos asks you, that's another (verbal) response.

The response to the blood-dripping hatchet should probably be the same, either way. Although I could see an alternate response if it's Halloween and you're at a costume party.

Well I'm pretty screwed if I let a guy covered in Aryan-nation tattoos anywhere near me. He'd have reasons to be violent besides any particular religious belief I may or may not have.

09-19-16, 20:24
wow thats close to Hawaiian for Happy New Year :)

Hau’oli Makahiki Hou often just pre with mele kalikimaka

maybe I can just rattle off some Hawaiian and pass :)


Meka leka hai meka hymie ho
meka leka hai meka Jambi ho


Baa weep granah weep ninny bom

Have gotten me out of some wicked shit over the years.

09-20-16, 01:39
Shooting someone because they asked "are you a Muslim" is likely murder... and a hate crime.

Drawing on someone because they asked "are you a Muslim" is likely brandishing and assault.

This is true.

I'm surprised the LEO who shot and killed the Garland, TX. "draw mohamed art contest" ISIS attackers and now the one in the mall in MN haven't been charged with a hate crime yet as they were both white and prevented these muslims from fully practicing their religious beliefs and I'm sure in doing so violated a whole host of the benevolent muslim's civil rights.

09-20-16, 01:46
Disregard. Ignore list and move on.

09-20-16, 03:03
the last time I was asked that was during the war in Yugoslavia.
I said I was christian and proud of it.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

09-20-16, 09:30
This is true.

I'm surprised the LEO who shot and killed the Garland, TX. "draw mohamed art contest" ISIS attackers and now the one in the mall in MN haven't been charged with a hate crime yet as they were both white and prevented these muslims from fully practicing their religious beliefs and I'm sure in doing so violated a whole host of the benevolent muslim's civil rights.

Cue DoJ investigation into their "civil rights" being violated. They were unfairly denied their right to jihad.

09-20-16, 11:54
Cue DoJ investigation into their "civil rights" being violated. They were unfairly denied their right to jihad.
Well this morning it came out that Bush Sr. is going to vote for Hillary.
Considering since he was in office our foreign policy has done much to destabilize the M.E., prop up the House of Saud and promote their religion as much as possible, I can see why he made this decision.
I'm not sure what is gained by calling them refugee's, getting involved in their sectarian fights and then brining them here to do stupid stuff like this?
I hope we can straighten our mess up enough to fix our system first and then carefully pick prime candidates for Citizenship from a very select group of educated and skilled folks.
Instead we have a guy working in a Chicken joint who cooks up bombs in his off hours and a Somali who decides everyone who isn't Muslim, must die. Meanwhile 800+ more of these folks have slipped through the system by lying and well, that's cool.
It's not about Race or Religion, it's about Common sense and Safety.

Bush or Clinton, not a nickels worth of difference between them now.

09-20-16, 14:37
Well this morning it came out that Bush Sr. is going to vote for Hillary.
Considering since he was in office our foreign policy has done much to destabilize the M.E., prop up the House of Saud and promote their religion as much as possible, I can see why he made this decision.
I'm not sure what is gained by calling them refugee's, getting involved in their sectarian fights and then brining them here to do stupid stuff like this?
I hope we can straighten our mess up enough to fix our system first and then carefully pick prime candidates for Citizenship from a very select group of educated and skilled folks.
Instead we have a guy working in a Chicken joint who cooks up bombs in his off hours and a Somali who decides everyone who isn't Muslim, must die. Meanwhile 800+ more of these folks have slipped through the system by lying and well, that's cool.
It's not about Race or Religion, it's about Common sense and Safety.

Bush or Clinton, not a nickels worth of difference between them now.
Bush Sr. is a RINO's RINO, but the report came from a Kennedy family member and there were no witnesses to this conversation, so I'm taking it with a grain of salt.

09-20-16, 14:55
Bush Sr. is a RINO's RINO, but the report came from a Kennedy family member and there were no witnesses to this conversation, so I'm taking it with a grain of salt.

Same here. Until he says it himself I'll give him a break if nothing else but for his WWII record.

09-20-16, 16:51
Bush Sr's vote counts as much as mine and yours. He's a company man. Bush's and Clintons.

Remember when Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Iron Sheik got caught coked up and DUI together when they were supposed to be bitter foes? Just like that

09-20-16, 17:01
Same here. Until he says it himself I'll give him a break if nothing else but for his WWII record.

I used to do that. No more. People do change. You earn your stripes everyday. Someone may have been a superstud in the wayback but it doesn't exempt nor excuse them from being assholes/crooks/bastards in current day.

I recall being told that. You earn your stripes/badge/good name every day.

I believe it. People coast on that shit too much. Lotsa folks were heroes in WWII/Korea/Vietnam/etc and end up being duds once they get in government.

The real heroes, to me, are the guys who came home, said "I'm done", and lived their life with their folks in peace without saying yea, nay, or boo.