View Full Version : Who thinks Obama will panic?

09-08-08, 09:18
He's lost his lead to McCain/Palin in today's polls.

Who thinks he'll panic and drop Biden - replacing him with Hillary?

I think he'll do it if he is still behind in the polls in mid-October. The Democrats have done it in New Jersey when they were about to lose. Why not nationally?


Gutshot John
09-08-08, 09:21
He's lost his lead to McCain/Palin in today's polls.

Who thinks he'll panic and drop Biden - replacing him with Hillary?

I think he'll do it if he is still behind in the polls in mid-October. The Democrats have done it in New Jersey when they were about to lose. Why not nationally?


It may be his only hope, but in doing so he'd be laughed at. IIRC they did it in Jersey when their candidates had either been indicted or caught in a sex scandal. To do so without such pretext would reek of desperation.

Desperation is poor cologne and I doubt very much that the reason Palin saw a jump was because of Hillarites flocking to the GOP.

09-08-08, 09:32
Is Foxnews the only media outlet carrying this news? Not surprised I don't see it on CNN.

09-08-08, 09:33
Hillary brings way too much baggage with her, which is almost certainly the real reason she was never seriously considered to begin with. The chick vote is pretty well canceled out by the ethical human vote, and Hillary (& family) will never be considerd squeaky clean. Then there is the infamous "late night call" ad. Six months ago she thought he wasn't ready to be President. How will that play in a debate?

McCain is ahead because he got a lot of news coverage, coverage that was aired live and not edited by the press. For the next two months, the press will be deciding what he says and what BHO says. The press will decide what America sees. The pictures of BHO will all be flattering, the images of McCain not so much, and Palin would be safer rolling in a vat of blood and then jumping into a shark tank.

The only person who can cost Obama the election is Obama himself. Keep your fingers crossed.

09-08-08, 09:37
Unfortunately, I agree with you, Todd. However, we all saw on the Saddleback interviews that BHO is not a good speaker when unscripted and McCain shined in the same situation. The debates ought to be very interesting. I also have a feeling that Sarah can handle Biden.

09-08-08, 10:41
Like most liberals, I don't think BHO is smart enough to know what it means when his boat taking on water. :rolleyes:

Besides, we all saw just how accurate and helpful these polls are. ;)

30 cal slut
09-08-08, 10:59
it ain't over until john and jane q. citizen get off their collective butts and VOTE.

09-08-08, 11:38
The best part is that the 1st debate isn't until Sept 26th so there really isn't any way for him to change the dynamic until then. That gives the McCain/Palin team plenty of time to solidify their advantage.

09-08-08, 12:03
Then there is the infamous "late night call" ad. Six months ago she thought he wasn't ready to be President. How will that play in a debate?

Biden said virtually the same thing in an ad and then stood by it in one of the Democratic primary debates...seems like it's been a non-issue in the big picture so far.

09-08-08, 17:19
I wasn't aware of that.

I bet everyone is aware of it after the first VP debate. :cool:

09-08-08, 19:08
I have a feeling we will see Barry O taking the high road and trying to maintain a "presidential" air about him. In the background, his minions will stir up the muck and throw boulders. Of course, those "well-intentioned" supporters will have conducted that unpalatable mud-slinging without his approval and/or knowledge...

In other words, politics as usual!

Gutshot John
09-08-08, 19:18
From Biden's lips to our ears:




Even worse Biden says America would be well served by McCain:



I see a few choice RNC commercials highlighting Biden being made.

09-08-08, 19:19
I think he already is. Look at how 'inartfully' he has been spinning on issues since he locked up the nomination? Read an article around that time that stated BHO was in dangerous waters as he had never run in a competitive genreal election. He is a Chicago pol, you win the D primary and then are a shoo-in. I thought the guy was trying to spot a silver lining, now...

Not certain it will matter a whole bunch though. Todd is right and the press is running interference for him to such and extent that it is pathetic.

09-08-08, 21:07
A small concern of mine is that Biden and McCain are friends.... Wasn't biden a huge influence in the assault weapons ban? Also, hasn't McCain jumped back and forth on the issue as well? That being said, McCain/Palin all the way.... but I'll keep buying lowers from Grant in the mean time. :cool:

Gutshot John
09-08-08, 21:12
McCain voted against the original ban and has opposed any subsequent bans.

09-08-08, 21:14
McCain voted against the original ban and has opposed any subsequent bans.

PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOUND THIS. Makes me feel good.


edit.. Did more research and educated myself... He's clear about his stance. Ignore me.

09-09-08, 00:08
He's lost his lead to McCain/Palin in today's polls.

Who thinks he'll panic and drop Biden - replacing him with Hillary?

Hmmm.....maybe Biden will bow out with some kind of health issue.

You never know but then again, I am not sure if he has what it takes to close this election. Look at what happened in the primaries. The man loves to talk and sometimes that get's him into trouble. I notice he is starting to stutter a little more than usual though. :D

09-09-08, 00:20
He's lost his lead to McCain/Palin in today's polls.

Who thinks he'll panic and drop Biden - replacing him with Hillary?

I think he'll do it if he is still behind in the polls in mid-October. The Democrats have done it in New Jersey when they were about to lose. Why not nationally?


Even if he did drop Slow Joe B. I don't think he'd replace him with Clinton. She's got a better chance to be POTUS in 2012 vs. waiting until 2016 (when she'd be OLDE) as she would as Obama's VP.

09-09-08, 00:32
I see a few choice RNC commercials highlighting Biden being made.

They were running commercials DURING the DNC on CNN of all places using Joe Biden's words about Obama. The "reporter" goons even commented on it.

09-09-08, 02:41
things are going south for the Dems. Even MSNBC is realizing that they have to appeal to more than just the left if they are going to stay afloat. They cut the legs out from under Olbermann and Matthews because of their rediculous bias during the conventions. Every time you see Obama/Biden now they are talking about Palin, that is not a very flattering view of them. The left talking heads are attacking Palin 24/7. Oreilly said tonight he thinks every time they bad mouth Palin, McCain gets another vote. Obama seems to be nervous about the trend of the polls. It is too late to bring Hillary back, that pooch has been screwed.

09-09-08, 09:26
Only if George Soros sez he can ! Obama lost all his mojo when he sold his soul to that dung heap. I am sure his plans, for example, redistribution of wealth will not effect Soros in the least. Since he is filthy rich he'll put all his money off-shore and probably draw unemployment from us ! He wants Obama to cut his pie plate it and take the dish away when he is done. Hell he can have 50% of what I have - which .50 x zero still equals zero he can get a team of monkeys to work around the clock and not change that sum total.
His appeal is lost to the whimpy and sensitive Dems, as with the 2004 elections, that oppose the war and their Moms and Grandmothers.
If we had simliar lines at military recruiting depots as we do at American Idol auditions all the nations of the world would bow at the USA's feet or crawl under rocks and cry.
Just like after WWII however is that humanitrian ? I like it ... it smells like freedom to me.
