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View Full Version : Concealed and Off-Duty Pistol---October 18-19, 2008---South Hill, Virginia

David Pennington
09-08-08, 09:54
Concealed and Off-Duty Pistol
October 18-19, 2008
South Hill, Virginia

I’ll be teaching a 2 day Concealed and Off-Duty Pistol Class in South Hill, Virginia on October 18-19, 2008. Cost for 2 days and a night fire is $300 per student. Class size is absolutely limited to 10 students. No exceptions. You must shoot from concealment; no tactical or range rigs are allowed.


There are no training prerequisites but you should be a safe and reasonably proficient shooter. If you can not place 10 rounds of aimed, slow fire onto a 3x5" index card at 7 yards (stolen from Todd G...Thanks), you probably should not sign up for this class. While we will be doing a marksmanship and gun handling review, you must have a basic understanding of safe and accurate pistol handling before you arrive to benefit from this class. This is neither a marksmanship nor a speed shooting class---it is a class to teach you how to use your daily carry pistol in an efficient manner and under a variety of circumstances.

A 50% deposit is required for registration and full payment must be received 15 days before the first day of class.

This class will focus on strengthening your fundamental shooting and gun handling skills specifically from concealed carry positions. It will also deal with some of the unique challenges inherent to carrying and using a concealed handgun. The class will present:

-an abbreviated marksmanship and basic gun handling review
-a discussion and demonstration of various methods of concealed carry
-a discussion of dressing for successful concealed carry
-a discussion and demonstration of “having a gun” vs. “being armed”; concealed vs. covert carry
-various draws from concealment
- reloads from concealment
-the differences between concealed and non-concealed practice sessions
-low light shooting from concealment
-duty/carry ammo muzzle flash comparisons

This class will also cover and provide extensive practice on:

-strong hand only shooting
-weak hand only shooting
-malfunction clearance, strong and weak hand only
-shooting from disadvantaged positions
-basic shooting from cover
-use of flashlights/night sights/visible lasers

The class requires:

-a serviceable pistol or revolver with a minimum caliber of .380 or .38 Special
-a concealment holster and a reasonable way to carry spare ammunition
-an open front and closed front concealment garment
-ear and eye protection
-a way to take notes
-1000 rounds of factory ammunition
-50 rounds of duty/carry ammunition
-20 rounds of ST Action dummy ammunition
-a flashlight appropriate for concealed carry

Class schedule:

Saturday--- 0900-1200 Range
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1800 Range
1800-2000 Dinner
2000-2200 Night fire

Sunday--- 0900-1200 Range
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1600 Range

09-08-08, 17:37

Email is on the way. Sign me up.

09-08-08, 17:44
I'm in. Mail out.

David Pennington
09-08-08, 20:09
I've edited the original announcement to add the requirement of 50 rounds of duty/carry ammunition. We will use this to confirm your pistols zero and to do a night time comparison of your ammunitions muzzle flash.

Four (4) slots are filled. Six (6) slots remain.


09-08-08, 21:09
Email sent.

09-08-08, 21:13
Dave, I'm in, email is inbound.

Looks like an awesome class.

David Pennington
09-08-08, 21:33
Six (6) slots full and four (4) slots left.


David Pennington
09-09-08, 08:23
Eight (8) slots full and two (2) slots left.


David Pennington
09-09-08, 11:57
Nine (9) slots full and one (1) slot left.

Thanks all.

Heavy Metal
09-09-08, 13:47
If this ends up being a raging success(And it will) and you do it again say next spring(hint, hint), I will be down for that one:D

09-10-08, 09:49
It was good to meet you at the Vickers course this past weekend. I would love to take this course but have a schedule conflict so please offer it again!

David Pennington
09-11-08, 02:07
The course is full as of this afternoon.


09-11-08, 11:49
I really wanted to take this class. But it's scheduled on a weekend that I have my Reserve Battle Assembly. What are the chances that you'll be offering more this again?

Jay Cunningham
09-11-08, 21:59

Will you cover BUG deployment in this class?

David Pennington
09-12-08, 10:02
The course may or may not be offered again next spring. It depends 100% on my work schedule.

Sure, we can cover BUG deployment if you guys want that. No worries.

We will definitely cover deployment from fanny packs, ankle holsters, pocket holsters, etc. We won't spend an inordinate time on these methods of carry, because they are not conductive to actually drawing, shooting, and reholstering. We'll cover this briefly---think of it as a familiarization.

10-17-08, 19:42
Im just about ready, just have to throw the stuff in the truck before leaving in the morning. Im glad I havent washed the mud off the truck from LAV Pistol 1 class, b/c its gonna get some more on it tomorrow as it rained most of the day.
The rain should clear out sometime tomorrow. But its still going to be wet and cool.

See you guys in the morning.