View Full Version : The height of liberal hypocrisy

09-23-16, 14:04

Lefty douche from GQ. The arrogance and condescension oozes from the article. He is exactly what he accuses Trump voters of being.

God, I freaking HATE the libtards in this country with a passion.

09-23-16, 14:12
GQ like most other magazines, and media has a far left, progressive bias. They are enlightened, and evolved, and are smarter than you an me. They also want to mandate what we think and do as they know better. Well guess what? We are going to hand that lying, corrupt, despicable Hillary the biggest loss of her life, and she will fade into obscurity with her dirt bag husband and their illegal foundation.

09-23-16, 14:15
GQ like most other magazines, and media has a far left, progressive bias. They are enlightened, and evolved, and are smarter than you an me. They also want to mandate what we think and do as they know better. Well guess what? We are going to hand that lying, corrupt, despicable Hillary the biggest loss of her life, and she will fade into obscurity with her dirt bag husband and their illegal foundation.

Let us fervently hope so..........

09-23-16, 14:26
He is the living definition of keyboard commando.

Straight Shooter
09-23-16, 14:29
This amounts to about as much as a fart in a whirlwind. Like we didn't already know that's how libtards feel, and like we don't feel the same about them and Hildebeast.

09-23-16, 14:30
He is the living definition of keyboard commando.

No lie there! Wonder how ballsy he'd be in someone's face? Like someone who didn't care if they went to jail for breaking his jaw. ;)

09-23-16, 14:31
This amounts to about as much as a fart in a whirlwind. Like we didn't already know that's how libtards feel, and like we don't feel the same about them and Hildebeast.

Very true. Just thought it was an exceptional piece of journalistic hypocrisy.

09-23-16, 14:36
Another liberal bitch to ignore, until they're in my face then they get stepped on the neck.

09-23-16, 14:36
Do you remember playing that game when you were in High School where you stood toe to toe with a friend and exchanged punches on the shoulder until one of you cried "Uncle"?
The pu$$y who wrote that article doesn't.

09-23-16, 14:51
Hypocrisy runs rampant on both sides. How many so called limited government freedom loving Republicans have grown the federal government and been in favor or restricting personal liberties? Spoiler alert, a whole lot.

Or my personal favorite, the politicians that scream about the evils of gay marriage and get caught in a truck stop bathroom getting frisky with bubba.

09-23-16, 14:56
Do you remember playing that game when you were in High School where you stood toe to toe with a friend and exchanged punches on the shoulder until one of you cried "Uncle"?
The pu$$y who wrote that article doesn't.

LOL!!! :sarcastic:

09-23-16, 15:34
First of all: This isn't journalism. This is what you call "venting". Journalism use to be a respected industry that was comprised of men and women who had integrity, moral code and values. Today, more and more so called "journalist" are glorified bloggers who write an opinionated analysis of a particular topic. A lot of "news" outlets, especially the liberal outlets hire opinionated, outspoken, irritable and angry people to write stories. Usually the writers are not hired as fulltime employees, but contractual writers.

One such outlet, VOX Media, publishes the work from a contributor named German Lopez, German is a self proclaimed author on topics related to race, criminal rights, LGBT rights advocacy, gun control policy and drug policy. German Lopez is 23, does not have a degree in journalism and does not have a degree in any major. German is outspoken on a variety of topics, mostly gun violence, LGBT rights, abortion, legalizing marijuana and just about every liberal topic one could possibly think of. German doesn't have much life experience, at 23, I doubt he has purchased a house on his own, a new car on his own, traveled abroad on his own or had any responsibility other than updating his twitter every 10 minutes giving us a play by play of the abusive force used by police in Charlotte and calling for a ban on all firearms. The fact that German regularly quotes The Daily Shows, Trevor Noah as a source, tells me that German is only using VOX as a means to vent his frustration and give the readers his opinion on the subject from his viewpoint.

Another venue for media is the Huffington Post. The Huffington Post has 12 contributors/writers who are also employed full time at Comedy Central- that is NOT a joke! The Senior Investigative Correspondent has a degree in fashion merchandizing from University of Colorado, The Senior Military Correspondent is 25 and has no degree, the Senior National Correspondent is a writer for John Stewart, the Senior Congressional Correspondent and Senior Political/Economy correspondent were hired when they worked at Buzzfeed. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP!

Other venues such as Yahoo!, Rollingstone, The Guardian, New York Times, Slate, New Yorker etc. employ writers who have absolutely no journalistic qualities. GQ, FMH, Esquire and many other men's magazines are quite the same. They are ruining the tradition journalistic values and replacing them with opinionated responses wrote by outspoken and angry little boys.

I hate the liberal media just as much as anyone else, but when you study who these people are, you start understanding that these people are not qualified to speak on the subjects they are writing about.

Straight Shooter
09-23-16, 15:54
Very true. Just thought it was an exceptional piece of journalistic hypocrisy.

Oh..it is, I dang sure wasn't critiquing your post, at all. They are such fvcksticks its amazing.

09-23-16, 15:58
I think he figured out that Euro slept with his girlfriend.

09-23-16, 19:28
I have seen better writing on livejournal

09-24-16, 16:54
What scares me about a piece like this is how many of our fellow Americans also feel this way.

We are in for some troubled waters ahead my friends. One way or another.

When the SHTF, I hope I run into this guy...

09-24-16, 22:14
GQ? Do manly men, that do manly things, in a manly way actually read that? I fart in their general direction! My comment isn't about anyone here who read the article.

09-24-16, 22:26
Blueboy was a manlier publication than GQ is presently.

Back in the day men's magazines were a combination of American Rifleman, True War Stories if WWII/Korea, and classy smut. Gun, car, liquor, and cigarette ads for pages.

What happened here?

09-24-16, 22:52
This guy must know what he is talking aboht, he is a Chop Champion........ :jester:



What a D Bag. I could not agree more that he is the poster boy for Keyboard Commando.......

09-25-16, 03:39
I did not click the link to give them another view . . .

But I don't have to to know what tripe they spew.

In this country, the fourth estate has become the fifth column.

It should be evident now why opposing ideologies always escalate to shedding of blood. This is why the disarmament agenda is a thing.

09-25-16, 07:18
I did not click the link to give them another view . . .

But I don't have to to know what tripe they spew.

In this country, the fourth estate has become the fifth column.

It should be evident now why opposing ideologies always escalate to shedding of blood. This is why the disarmament agenda is a thing.

Yep. Must say, however, that one of those opposing ideologies will run their mouths like a goose's ass but when the time comes to put up or shut up they will happily scurry like a rat behind someone else with a badge or uniform to do their bidding. Pointing, as they peek out from behind their protectors, "Yeah, that guy over there, that's him!"

09-25-16, 12:34

Just current politics in 'Merica.

09-25-16, 12:42
There are few things left to see or read on the news that piss me off anymore. Honestly.
I think there's like 3 or 4 that guarantee immediate enragement, one of which is simply watching the bobbling heads on the screen bobble, but opinion pieces like this just don't rate anymore. Sure I read this one because it was posted up here, and it was exactly what I've come to expect from every single one the the million other opinionrants out there.

THIS witty blogger DESTROYS Trump!
Ex-marine DECIMATES Hillary campaign!
WATCH this 30 second video that YOU'LL AGREE WITH but actually SOLVES NOTHING!

It's just like having another gun debate- I really could give less of a damn. If you haven't "got it" by now, I can't un-convince a person whose response is always going to be "well, f*** you, I'm right", and if you DO "get it" then do we really need to have another choir-preaching circle jerk over the evils of the gun grabbers?
He IS right on that score, I'll give him that.

But really, who cares what this fellow or any others think?
All this word flinging on either side of the aisle is just sitzkrieg bush-beating until one of two increasingly inevitable events happen.
And when they happen.... it still won't matter what either side thinks of the other. Everybody way down inside *knows* which side they're on, even if they won't admit it to themselves.

I will say this though.... the more the libs screech about trump, the more convinced I am that he must be doing *something* right. I don't think I've seen a full court press like this from all corners of Libtardistan for any other person or issue, aside from maybe guns, or 'Bama's first election.

I could re-write that article and replace "Hillary" and "hillary supporters" for Trump and supporters, and it would also be right. So.... whatev.


09-25-16, 12:48
If Trump wins the response will be epic nationwide. Just how epic? Jury is out as of now but I wonder if civil unrest would occur. If it did it would be just about the first time things got that bad by the losers in an election.

09-25-16, 13:13
I have an idea that the left has a great fear of Trump taking this election.
We've known that the MSM has been carrying water for the DNC for years, now that they have gone full Socialist Progressive they have redoubled their efforts.
No amount of corruption on Hillary's side will see the serious light of day, nor will there be any investigative journalism. Obama's lies will be swept under the rug with as much effort as necessary. The FBI and Justice Department are actively working to keep these guys out of scandal and their minions out of jail.
Anyone mention that Obama got caught lying about knowing Hillary had the unauthorized e-mail account on today's Sunday news shows?

They are desperate at this point to get Hillary in there, even the GOP would rather be dealing with her than Trump.
I have no doubt they have a deep seated fear of what he will expose.

09-25-16, 15:17
If Trump wins, I will spike every football and do a chicken dance.

I also hope he releases pictures of Bin Ladens dead ass.

Straight Shooter
09-25-16, 15:34
If Trump wins the response will be epic nationwide. Just how epic? Jury is out as of now but I wonder if civil unrest would occur. If it did it would be just about the first time things got that bad by the losers in an election.

It is for this reason alone, I want to see Trump win. Not because I think he is any better or different...just cause THEY think so.

09-25-16, 17:56
To me, this is playing out similarly to the Brexit vote. The liberals & progressives are pissing off everyone else by painting Trump supporters (and even Johnson supporters) with very broad brushes and using words like, "Racists," "Homophobes," "Xenophobes," "Overprivileged," and a myriad of other names. They are doing it in an effort to shame these voters into either switching sides or staying home. In the end, just like Brexit, this strategy will backfire and people will be even more motivated to vote out of spite.

After that, the left will be stuck asking themselves, "How did this happen?" They utterly fail to see how their own actions led to it. This is especially risk since their own candidate isn't even that popular among the left.

09-25-16, 18:02
It is for this reason alone, I want to see Trump win. Not because I think he is any better or different...just cause THEY think so.

Oh absolutely!

09-27-16, 19:14
Whats another word for pretentious little cunt? Oh yeah, drew magary !

09-27-16, 23:01

Lefty douche from GQ. The arrogance and condescension oozes from the article. He is exactly what he accuses Trump voters of being.

God, I freaking HATE the libtards in this country with a passion.


You don't feel the same way about Hillary voters?

I sure do.

We are split, and will forever be split.

It is not a country united by any means.

This is not an election of who-is-better, it is an election of who-is-worse.

Baal or Beelzebub? You get to vote, but remember the other guy is voting for the devil....

09-28-16, 01:34
in response to the person that suggested that the FBI is helping Clinton: I think Obama has given an intent to pardon to the FBI as a deterrent to keep them from pursuing an ongoing . I think Hillary will do the same for Obama. I honestly think the entire justice community is holding out till Obama is out of office to start work on certain people like Lynch, Holder, Clinton (assuming she loses election), Lew, Pritkzer etc. They need Hillary to win more than anything because Obama can only pardon while in office. Once he is out, they will need Hillary until the statutes of Limitations run out.

09-28-16, 05:23
in response to the person that suggested that the FBI is helping Clinton: I think Obama has given an intent to pardon to the FBI as a deterrent to keep them from pursuing an ongoing . I think Hillary will do the same for Obama. I honestly think the entire justice community is holding out till Obama is out of office to start work on certain people like Lynch, Holder, Clinton (assuming she loses election), Lew, Pritkzer etc. They need Hillary to win more than anything because Obama can only pardon while in office. Once he is out, they will need Hillary until the statutes of Limitations run out.


Comey also detailed how he was out-maneuvered by top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills’ lawyers during the Clinton email investigation.

“The immunity was, we will not use, the Department of Justice, anything against you on this laptop,” Comey said, on the subject of Mills being granted immunity. “This was, in the negotiation, a tool to get the laptop.”

“Well it’s a lawyer’s laptop,” Comey said. “By June of this year I wanted that laptop… This was the way to get it.”

I think Comey can say whatever he wants at this point and plead "My Bad" and we're all supposed to give him a pass.
He's an Attorney, at several points in his career he has been our "Go to Guy" in the .gov while acting as Our Attorney and representing "We the People." If he is going to claim that he is a "Deeply flawed Individual" as this article quotes him as saying, it's time for him to step aside.
He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, too many times he has orchestrated donations to the Clinton Foundation, his Brother has gotten too many sweetheart deals in working for the .gov for Comey to be at the helm of the FBI.
I have no doubt the Clinton team has many people going behind her sweeping up evidence as I type this, we will see no effort to bring this Administration or any key Players to Justice.

09-28-16, 06:06
He is the living definition of keyboard commando.

Actually, I was thinking that was interesting - that Obama's "pajama boy" got a job writing for GQ!

Of course, he probably STILL lives in daddy & mommy's basement... :rolleyes:


Straight Shooter
09-28-16, 06:19

You don't feel the same way about Hillary voters?

I sure do.

We are split, and will forever be split.

It is not a country united by any means.

This is not an election of who-is-better, it is an election of who-is-worse.

Baal or Beelzebub? You get to vote, but remember the other guy is voting for the devil....

DAMN. Best explanation EVER. Kudos, sir.