View Full Version : This Should be Classified, Indeed. They've been caught this time.

09-24-16, 08:46
Bigger than Watergate.

President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday.

The disclosure came as the FBI released its second batch of documents from its investigation into Clinton’s private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

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The 189 pages the bureau released includes interviews with some of Clinton’s closest aides, such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills; senior State Department officials; and even Marcel Lazar, better known as the Romanian hacker “Guccifer.”


CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante asked Mr. Obama when he learned about her private email system after his Saturday appearance in Selma, Alabama.
"The same time everybody else learned it through news reports," the president told Plante.

Mr. Obama's comments follow a long week of media scrutiny surrounding Hillary Clinton's private email address and the "home-brewed" server that hosted it.

"The policy of my administration is to encourage transparency, which is why my emails, the BlackBerry I carry around, all those records are available and archived," Mr. Obama said. "I'm glad that Hillary's instructed that those emails about official business need to be disclosed."


In an April 5, 2016 interview with the FBI, Abedin was shown an email exchange between Clinton and Obama, but the longtime Clinton aide did not recognize the name of the sender.

"Once informed that the sender's name is believed to be pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: 'How is this not classified?'" the report says. "Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president's use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email."

09-24-16, 10:15

"The fact an IT staffer maintaining Clinton's secret server called a new retention policy designed to delete emails after 60 days a 'Hillary coverup operation' suggests there was a concerted effort to systematically destroy potentially incriminating information," said Jason Miler, senior communications advisor for the Trump campaign.
"It's no wonder that at least five individuals tied to the email scandal, including Clinton's top State Department aide and attorney Cheryl Mills, secured immunity deals from the Obama Justice Department to avoid prosecution," he added.

Obama administration officials say they will not publicly release the exchanges, citing legal precedent that allows presidents to keep such communications confidential. The White House's intentions were first reported Friday by the New York Times.

Fewer than two dozen emails passed between Clinton and Obama, and they were largely non-substantive, a person with knowledge of the exchanges said.

But White House officials say they fear a release of the emails would undermine a long-standing tradition of presidents being able to receive uninhibited advice from their advisors. Other presidents, they note, also have kept such communications confidential until years after leaving office.


So egregious have the scandal’s latest developments been that a critical State Department admission from last week has received almost no coverage: Eighteen e-mails between Mrs. Clinton and President Obama have been identified, and the government is refusing to disclose them.

The administration’s rationale is remarkable: Releasing them, the White House and State Department say, would compromise “the president’s ability to receive unvarnished advice and counsel” from top government officials.

Think about what this means. Not only is it obvious that President Obama knew Mrs. Clinton was conducting government business over her private e-mail account, the exchanges the president engaged in with his secretary of state over this unsecured system clearly involved sensitive issues of policy.

This not only prove Obama lied about not knowing Clinton was using a non .gov approved e-mail account, but that he was a participant in the use of that accounts services and his e-mail ended up on her server.
Was any of it "Classified" well, we aren't going to release those e-mails for five more years.
This has clearly blown the lid off of this scandal and just DAYS before the debate.

diving dave
09-24-16, 10:18
The sad thing is, most who call themselves Democrats dont give a shit.

09-24-16, 10:26
The sad thing is, most who call themselves Democrats dont give a shit.

You are 110% correct. Forget moral standards, even ethical standards are no longer given a priority by the Libs. They don't give a damn.

09-24-16, 10:26
Ha. What a deal. So much for clearances. Sad part is no one cares.

09-24-16, 10:35
Add to that the fact that apparently the fox is guarding the henhouse with regard to the beyond-reproach FBI. Comey's ties to the Clinton Foundation were exposed. From a Breitbart article on Sept. 10th:

These concerns focus on millions of dollars that Comey accepted from a Clinton Foundation defense contractor, Comey’s former membership on a Clinton Foundation corporate partner’s board, and his surprising financial relationship with his brother Peter Comey, who works at the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes.

09-24-16, 10:49
Obama administration officials say they will not publicly release the exchanges, citing legal precedent that allows presidents to keep such communications confidential.

You run under a false name and then claim exec privilege? That is a pretty good trick.

Tell us the name?

09-24-16, 11:04
Obama told CBS News March 7, 2015 that he did not know about Clinton’s private email while she was his secretary of state from Jan. 21, 2009 to Feb. 1, 2013.

Q: Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an email system outside the U.S. government for official business while she was secretary of state?

Obama: The same time everybody else learned it through news reports.

In March 2013, The Smoking Gun website posted an article describing Clinton’s private email scheme, but it was not until The New York Times reported March 2, 2015 a full description of how Clinton used not only a private email address, but also a private server, and used this setup for all of her official electronic correspondence when she led State.

The confidante also told the agents that the president’s official email account had filters, so that certain emails could not get through to him–which came to her attention because when the former first lady changed private email accounts, her emails were bounced from the president’s official email account.

In addition to the news that the president, like many other members of his administration, used a fake name and his own private email account, it also means that Obama’s public statements about Clinton’s email arrangement were contrary to his own working knowledge and experience.

09-24-16, 11:20
Who and how was BHOs server ran? Was his false name, 'Elsworth Toohey'?

09-24-16, 12:21
If something like this were to be exposed about The Trumpinator, how many of us would instead vote for Hitlery? {Crickets chirping…}

Right. Now why would anyone expect "them" to do it any differently. Its unfortunate that "their" candidate got caught with her hand in the cookie jar, and no doubt she's a corrupt lying criminal, but what are they going to do? Vote for the enemy instead? Nah. Not gonna happen. The vast majority of them are not voting "for" Hillary. The one's I've talked to don't particularly like her. They are voting against Trump.

When the majority of Americans can get together and decide we are tired of all the treasonous criminals on BOTH sides of the aisle, is when we will fix this country.

09-24-16, 12:26
The sad thing is, most who call themselves Democrats dont give a shit.

I'm not surprised the Socialists don't care but what I am surprised about is that we have no agency left that is loyal to our country to bring them down.

We are entirely and wholly corrupted.

09-24-16, 13:01
If something like this were to be exposed about The Trumpinator, how many of us would instead vote for Hitlery? {Crickets chirping…}

Right. Now why would anyone expect "them" to do it any differently. Its unfortunate that "their" candidate got caught with her hand in the cookie jar, and no doubt she's a corrupt lying criminal, but what are they going to do? Vote for the enemy instead? Nah. Not gonna happen. The vast majority of them are not voting "for" Hillary. The one's I've talked to don't particularly like her. They are voting against Trump.

When the majority of Americans can get together and decide we are tired of all the treasonous criminals on BOTH sides of the aisle, is when we will fix this country.

It'll never happen. One side of those "treasonous criminals" is offering "free shit" so the deference will always be there for them.

09-24-16, 15:54
I'm not surprised the Socialists don't care but what I am surprised about is that we have no agency left that is loyal to our country to bring them down.

We are entirely and wholly corrupted.


Mr. Goodtimes
09-24-16, 16:37
These people should all be put on trial. Jefferson was right... It's been too damn long since the Liberty tree was refreshed, 'tis time to brake out the Stihl and do some trimming.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-24-16, 17:10
I'm not surprised the Socialists don't care but what I am surprised about is that we have no agency left that is loyal to our country to bring them down.

We are entirely and wholly corrupted.

I am afraid that you nailed it.