View Full Version : Trump Jr. Visits Silencerco - 2nd Amendment stance stated loud and clear

09-26-16, 14:18
So we all know that as far as 2nd Amendment rights go, Hillary is our worst nightmare. I found this interview both refreshing and encouraging in regards to Trumps 2nd Amendment position. This is a short summary of the interview, with a longer 30 minute version also posted on the SiCo YouTube page. It sounds like he would even be in favor of the Hearing Protection Act, if it could actually get through Congress.


09-26-16, 14:33
Hillary thinks the Supreme Court got the Heller decision wrong. The Supreme Court simply stated that we as the people have the right to keep firearms in our homes. She thinks that's wrong- think about that. Imagine if she appoints Justices who believe that the Constitution only applies to the government instead of limiting the government to the rights of the people. That is scary.

09-26-16, 16:25
And when confronted with;
"Hillary's Security Detail should all leave their guns home."
That was seen as a direct threat against Hillary.
What they don't understand is that daily, hourly Americans are protecting themselves, their Families and property with their own security, legally owned firearms.
The hubris required to not understand that their rights are just as important as hers is staggering.

09-26-16, 23:16
Hillary thinks the Supreme Court got the Heller decision wrong. The Supreme Court simply stated that we as the people have the right to keep firearms in our homes. She thinks that's wrong- think about that. Imagine if she appoints Justices who believe that the Constitution only applies to the government instead of limiting the government to the rights of the people. That is scary.

These types think the government can do whatever they want.

Cruz owns the shit out of Feinsten in this video. She says nonsensical shit, dodges questions, and even says that Congress should just pass laws---the Supreme Court will judge if it isn't constitutional. Ok, meanwhile for the years it takes to get a test case to be heard we just live with tryannical laws?

****ing loony toons.


This is the mentality of the people that want to take away our way of life. The constitution is just an inconvenience that must be tossed aside.

09-26-16, 23:19
Trump also said tonight that people on the no-fly list shouldn't be buying firearms.

09-26-16, 23:30
Trump also said tonight that people on the no-fly list shouldn't be buying firearms.

He also said that people that shouldn't be on that list should be removed quickly...

09-27-16, 08:43
He also said that people that shouldn't be on that list should be removed quickly...

You're ok with Constitutionally-recognized rights being removed with no due process as long as people that shouldn't be on the list can get removed?

09-27-16, 12:06
All well and good but when do we start getting free suppressors?

09-27-16, 14:17
You're ok with Constitutionally-recognized rights being removed with no due process as long as people that shouldn't be on the list can get removed?

No, I am not but you quoted only half of what he said.
The liberals do the same thing. Say part of the conversation that sounds good for the cause.
The No Fly List is extremely flawed. By putting checks and balances and actual human investigators in charge following constitutional guidelines, probable cause and reasonable suspicion, the no fly list would work.
If you could prove that an individual has traveled to a terrorist country, met with individuals linked with terrorism and sympathizes with their beliefs then the idea might work. The FBI was able to do that with the New York bomber last week, so why can't they do that BEFORE the individual preforms an act of terror? It is very easy for the government to come up with a good idea and fail to inject due process into their idea do to sheer laziness.
The idea of using a computer algorithm that puts you on a list because your cousin's uncle's roommate had the middle name Mohammad is absurd and half-assed like what the liberal's do.