View Full Version : A solemn day of rememberance

09-11-08, 09:51
God Bless America, may we never forget.

The Archangel
09-11-08, 10:05
Plaque in Kandahar.


Never ever forget... or forgive.

09-11-08, 10:50
Never ever forget... or forgive.

I am with you on both counts.

God Bless America

09-11-08, 13:23
god bless all our friends and family lost today ! and god bless all those who go into harms way every day to ensure it never happens again !!

09-11-08, 15:37
God Bless America, may we never forget.


09-11-08, 16:20
Stayed home from class today and watched CNN Tribute: America Remembers on DVD...

Every time I see the 2nd plane impact, I shiver, as I saw it live on TV that morning...but jeez, I saw it on the DVD today and was a heartbeat away from breaking down in tears, and stayed that way for pretty much the rest of the film...

Went out to buy a gun today, couldnt find anything in my interest and price range, so I ended up buying a couple boxes of XM193...hope to pick up something next weekend at the gun show...lookin for a GSG-5, most likely...

09-11-08, 17:12
The memory of 9/11 is not only something I will never forget nor forgive, but it is one of the few events in my life where the memory of it can both bring me to tears and feelings of hatred at the same time for those responsible for the 3,000 murders of our fellow citizens, neighbors, brothers & sisters, children, moms and dads, LEOs, firefighters, EMTs & other first responders.

09-11-08, 17:35
RIP for the victims and GodSpeed to our warfighters!

09-11-08, 17:35
May God be with the families of the innocent victims on this anniversary.

And especially be with the families of the LEO's and Firefighters. May those brave men and women never be forgotten either.

09-11-08, 20:46
I must say that I am disappointed and disgusted with the overall lack of media coverage of memorials and other programs associated with this day. It is a day of mourning, remembrance and paying respect to all those who were lost directly or indirectly due to the events of this day. What mystifies me is that the media and most people (who I came in contact with today) are carrying on as it was not a big deal and that their lives were only inconvenienced as a result of what happened seven years ago.

I may or may not be alone in feeling this but, I think that most media outlets should be dedicating a substantial part of their programming on remembering and reliving, what happened seven years ago at the Trade Center, the Pentagon and in that field in Pennsylvania. It would sharply remind most (not all) why we are fighting a war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

What happened Seven years ago has and will have such a monumental effect on the history of this nation, yet it seems some do not and choose not to remember what it felt like to watch those events unfold that day. The anger of it happening and wanting to exact revenge and the fear of what else may happen in those surrounding days, and also the fear of a loved one or a friend being missing or killed.

Although we did see a nation come together at one of its worst moments in history and put aside everything else to help those who needed it. But not long after that all faded away, and seems to continue to fade away. That is why I am disgusted with the lack of coverage, because if more media outlets took the time to compile programming to remind some of what it felt like, instead of putting on idiotic show that involves people jumping through a cut out in a moving wall then, that sense of a higher purpose than serving ones self would be substantially higher and we would have less people trying to convince us that we have lost the war in Iraq and that Global War on Terrorism is un-winnable. There also would be more people reminded what sacrifices are being made daily by the men and women in the Military, Law Enforcement and First Responders.

This is just one person’s opinion/rant and if you sat and read through it thank you for taking the time.

“9-11-01 May We Never Forget and My We Never Forgive”

Thank You to all the Men and Women of the US Armed Forces past and present, your sacrifices, ensure our future.


09-11-08, 21:59
in our city's biggest paper, 9/11 coverage was on page A3:mad:

09-11-08, 22:04
my grandmother on my mother's side was born in germany that day in 1900 !i was not working that part of the year due to bad work accident[for 9 months] so i dressing the grave site in the morning at time of first plane hit !my brother's wife called the house said a plane hit world trade center by accident -turn on the tv seeing c-pan news -this was a flash back to ft.benning time of 1983 about to go to Beirut work at the embassy -like my dad did in the 1950's ! the bombing happened got new orders and more table talks [brain storms]!oh crap, now we getting it here now !! DAMN them _________!

09-11-08, 22:41
The anniversary of the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, should be a constant reminder to stay in the fight and be forever vigilante in the pursuit of those bastards. May our warriors be protected in the prosecution of this war, our citizens safe guarded and the terrorist killed to the last man.