View Full Version : so, uh, can obama get a security clearance?

30 cal slut
09-11-08, 19:26
if heaven forbid he gets elected to office?

09-11-08, 20:02
Why wouldn't he? He is an American born in America. Even if he was a naturalized citizen he could still get one, which he is not.

30 cal slut
09-11-08, 20:16
known drug abuse, close relationship with convicted felons bill ayers and tony rescoe.

was he really born in the U.S.?

09-11-08, 20:33
if heaven forbid he gets elected to office?

Can Obama get a security clearance?

I'm sure that question was answerd a long time ago by his people.
At less than 2 months out from the election that would be a hell of a road block.


09-11-08, 20:42
Not only that but wasn't Bill Clinton in pretty much the same boat when he was running for office? (Minus maybe the asociated w/fellons part) As far as I know that is not a show stopper anyway.

Make no mistake, I would love it if he could not get a TS/Yankee White or whatever the POTUS needs, but I'm pretty sure he is good to go...

09-11-08, 20:56
if heaven forbid he gets elected to office?

Forgive my ignorance -- since when does an elected President of the United States (whether we like them or not) require a security clearance?

09-11-08, 22:03
Anyone that requires access to classified information of any nature needs to go through the background checks and adjudication process, President or not.

Just because the President is the President does not mean they have access to classified information. They need a security clearance and a need to know. Those are the two requirements to gain access.

Then again I was just a unit security manager in the Air Force, not the White House. I could be wrong but I doubt it. Once again, I am sure this is a non issue for him.

09-11-08, 22:12
Forgive my ignorance -- since when does an elected President of the United States (whether we like them or not) require a security clearance?

well if treason happens burn him!security clearance can be controlled even to the President !

09-11-08, 23:58
You do realize that being a US Senator he already posses a security clearance. :confused:

BTW Yankee White is the clearance you need to be in the presence of the POTUS without being security screened.

Furthermore, none of the issues which have been listed in this forum would necessarily preclude him from gaining a the highest of security clearances, even if he was not elected.

09-12-08, 01:02
"Yankee White" is a specific type of background check that must be done for people to work in direct contact with the POTUS just like the SSBI for TS, its not a classification in and of itself.

As far as Obama needing a security clearance . . . I believe that the presidential election, unlike a senate or representative seat, in itself is the security clearance. You cant make policy without the necesarry information. I dont think that there is a more stringent background check than 300 million people deciding whether or not you need access to all information. just my thoughts.

09-12-08, 01:56
This whole thing is a non-starter. IIRC, Senators do not go through the same process as others with SF-86's and such. If he is elected POTUS he will have access to information make no doubt about it. As much as I dislike him, this is just another grasping at straws deal. Let's focus on the real issues not to elect Obamiden and not stuff like this.

30 cal slut
09-12-08, 07:01
i plead total ignorance on the subject matter, thus the post.

09-12-08, 09:31
As much as I dislike him, this is just another grasping at straws deal. Let's focus on the real issues not to elect Obamiden and not stuff like this.


09-12-08, 09:36
Exactly! If Clinton was a regular Joe, I doubt he would have been issued anything above FOUO, based on character alone. If Obama becomes POTUS, all sins forgiven. That office is the most vetted in the land. If you really think about it, if he makes it to the office, they have NO choice but to allow him access to everything.

Not only that but wasn't Bill Clinton in pretty much the same boat when he was running for office? (Minus maybe the asociated w/fellons part) As far as I know that is not a show stopper anyway.

Make no mistake, I would love it if he could not get a TS/Yankee White or whatever the POTUS needs, but I'm pretty sure he is good to go...

09-12-08, 12:11
If there are real or preceived issues, you can be sure they will be in the press / ads over the next 2 months. Nothing on either side will be left unturned.

09-12-08, 14:58
As much as I dislike him, this is just another grasping at straws deal. Let's focus on the real issues not to elect Obamiden and not stuff like this.

I agree. I don't vote for people who are anti-gun socialists that feel the government is the solution.

09-12-08, 15:33
You do realize that being a US Senator he already posses a security clearance. :confused:.

and he has already started getting his PRE-Presidential Security Briefings as a major party nominee:


09-12-08, 18:26
Senators, Congressmen, and their family already go through a pretty extensive background check that results in a pretty high-level clearance. In my now-deactivated (during the Klinton years) Army National Guard unit, we had a Warrant Officer whose Father was a Congressman (I forget who and for which state). In our whole Battalion he had the highest security clearance because of this background check. Higher even than our Battalion Commander whose full-time (civilian) job was as some sort of Director for a Federal Agency. FWIW.

09-12-08, 19:12
If BHO submitted an application to work for my towns municipal PD he would be rejected for the reasons stated above. Un-effing-believable that he will be playing catch with the nuclear football with his nut job wife if he wins...

09-12-08, 20:18
Sad but true, that no matter whether he would normally be able to get a clearance, he would have access to certain information if elected. So for people who say they don't like either choice, I hope they will consider the possibility of such a thing. Imagine the book he would write with access to the nation's most important secrets, once he was out of office.

09-13-08, 09:20
the way i heard it, he couldn't even get a security clearance be his own bodyguard !!

association with a known terrorist is enough to disqualify him from any security clearance, i believe he should be vetted for a top secret clearance, i once had one and all my known acquaintances were checked out.