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11-22-16, 01:13
Really needing two things from Donny right now:

Unban Russian imports and bring in cheap 7n6

Announce Mattis as SecDef already

11-22-16, 04:56
Do you have a good article on Mattis? I don't know that much about him and would like to get more intel on the man.

Here is a recent piece ABC did that is like a Cliff Notes version of his life.

Everything You Need to Know About Gen. James Mattis

Google his quotes, many consider him to be a modern day Chesty Puller.

11-22-16, 07:29
Article on Fox News regarding gun sales slowing, specifically mentioned that Trump was going to "do away with the special tax on silencers".

Gun sales had to slow, been many many record months in a row. But the market remains strong, and with some positive changes like the Hearing Protection Act, we will see a boom. I predict a boom throughout the market now that investors and consumers know they have at least 4 years of freedom.

Big A
11-22-16, 07:57
Here is a recent piece ABC did that is like a Cliff Notes version of his life.

Everything You Need to Know About Gen. James Mattis

Google his quotes, many consider him to be a modern day Chesty Puller.

All the SRM outlets keep comparing him to Patton and I can't help but scream at my TV "Have you idiots never heard of Chesty Puller?!"

11-22-16, 08:01
Trump's top Aid is now stating he is not going to assign a special prosecutor for Clinton...

It is starting to look like it is politics as usual.


11-22-16, 08:19
Here is a recent piece ABC did that is like a Cliff Notes version of his life.

Everything You Need to Know About Gen. James Mattis

Google his quotes, many consider him to be a modern day Chesty Puller.

"The 66-year-old Mattis earned his nicknames of “Mad Dog” and “the Warrior Monk” for his attention to military tactics and strategy. He is also known for his candor and blunt talk that has at times gotten him into hot water."

I like him already! Thanx.

11-22-16, 08:20
Trump's top Aid is now stating he is not going to assign a special prosecutor for Clinton...

It is starting to look like it is politics as usual.


Should Hillary go to jail? YES. However, she is done as a politician and is now irrelevant. She is old, and in poor health. If Trump goes after her it will look like he is being vindictive. Politically it is a loser.

11-22-16, 08:26
Should Hillary go to jail? YES. However, she is done as a politician and is now irrelevant. She is old, and in poor health. If Trump goes after her it will look like he is being vindictive. Politically it is a loser.

^I have to agree, as much as she deserves it and I would like to see her rot in prison. What should be done for the sake of the next election cycle is get all the info on what she has done out in the open and pardon her.

It's a rough pill to swallow, but we have to start playing the long game, to win in the long term.

I'm so conflicted, I want to see her burn at the stake as she deserves, but that would likely ignite the left (You could show them photos of her raping and stabbing babies and they would defend her to the end) and get them chomping at the bit for action in the next election cycle.

11-22-16, 08:30
"The 66-year-old Mattis earned his nicknames of “Mad Dog” and “the Warrior Monk” for his attention to military tactics and strategy. He is also known for his candor and blunt talk that has at times gotten him into hot water."

I like him already! Thanx.

I like him too. From what I hear he is committed to changing the PC culture of the military back to its main mission. To kill the enemy, and blow up things.

11-22-16, 08:31
^I have to agree, as much as she deserves it and I would like to see her rot in prison. What should be done for the sake of the next election cycle is get all the info on what she has done out in the open and pardon her.

It's a rough pill to swallow, but we have to start playing the long game, to win in the long term.

I'm so conflicted, I want to see her burn at the stake as she deserves, but that would likely ignite the left (You could show them photos of her raping and stabbing babies and they would defend her to the end) and get them chomping at the bit for action in the next election cycle.

Simply go after the Clinton Foundation.

11-22-16, 08:37
All the SRM outlets keep comparing him to Patton and I can't help but scream at my TV "Have you idiots never heard of Chesty Puller?!"

Puller and Patton were second cousins. I'm not a historian, but my understanding of the characters involved is that Mattis is what you would get if you created a Patton-Puller sperm milkshake and injected it into Zenobia.

Kinda like a warrior version of the movie Twins.

11-22-16, 08:47
Simply go after the Clinton Foundation.

I think it's done as well, with no polictial clout to sell, they have nothing to offer..I figure it'll close up within the next few years, as the Clintons have a high lifestyle to maintain, and the days of the high paying speaking tours are now over. The money will be drained from the fund to support bill, hillary and chelsea's lifestyles. With a little luck they'll blow through it quickly, and go broke....

Singlestack Wonder
11-22-16, 08:47
Should Hillary go to jail? YES. However, she is done as a politician and is now irrelevant. She is old, and in poor health. If Trump goes after her it will look like he is being vindictive. Politically it is a loser.

I disagree. the clintons are the exemplar model for corruption coupled with crime. Allowing them to quietly slip away in the night is akin to the over used concept of amnesty that has diluted our efforts to remain a strong nation. Trump should put the full force of the justice department on notice to fully investigate and if crimes are found to have been committed by the clintons, they should then be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. In not doing so, we are sending the wrong message to future generations as not punishing the clinton's for their crimes will result in this type of behavior being accepted as the "norm with no harm done" and history will somehow label the clintons as heroic revolutionaries. Isn't it time to put stakes in the hearts of these monsters?

11-22-16, 09:03
The FBI already had their shot at the Clintons, anything like a special prosecutor will come off as either petty and vindictive or like how dictators act when someone opposes them to the general public. Everyone not blinded by ignorance knows the Clintons are corrupt but going after them specifically doesn't help Trump being accepted by the general public and he needs that to prevent a massive swing back to the left at midterm elections.

11-22-16, 10:21
The FBI already had their shot at the Clintons, anything like a special prosecutor will come off as either petty and vindictive or like how dictators act when someone opposes them to the general public. Everyone not blinded by ignorance knows the Clintons are corrupt but going after them specifically doesn't help Trump being accepted by the general public and he needs that to prevent a massive swing back to the left at midterm elections.

Or you could get in front of that narrative and tell the truth for what it is.
Pay for Play is essentially selling the power of your position in order to enrich a "Foundation" who's profits are looking more and more like a comfortable pillow for the Clintons to use to ease their way through life.
If exposing it as a corrupt form of shylock hurts some feelings, all the better. We needs to send the message that America aint working that way anymore.

11-22-16, 10:40
Or you could get in front of that narrative and tell the truth for what it is.
Pay for Play is essentially selling the power of your position in order to enrich a "Foundation" who's profits are looking more and more like a comfortable pillow for the Clintons to use to ease their way through life.
If exposing it as a corrupt form of shylock hurts some feelings, all the better. We needs to send the message that America aint working that way anymore.

I doubt it would make a difference anyways and it doesn't really matter at this point since he isn't going to do anything about it.

Also, true or not Trump is going to be a major target for pay to play accusations with his company considering his family is still going to be running the show. It would be really unproductive if he was getting accused of that at every turn because of his pursuing of Clinton transgressions.

11-22-16, 11:21
^I have to agree, as much as she deserves it and I would like to see her rot in prison. What should be done for the sake of the next election cycle is get all the info on what she has done out in the open and pardon her.

It's a rough pill to swallow, but we have to start playing the long game, to win in the long term.

Nothing personal, but I couldn't possibly disagree more. This is precisely what many people warned about regarding Trump: Winning the election was only half of the battle for the Republicans; the other half is wondering if/when he's going to flip on them once he's in office. He's not even sworn in yet and he's already backtracking on major campaign issues in the name of political expediency. If he stays on this current course, forgetting why people voted for him and not following through on what he promised, he's going be on a fast track to getting a giant middle finger from independent voters like me in the mid-term elections.

Dist. Expert 26
11-22-16, 11:21
My Facebook has been a solid wall of Marines praying for Mad Dog to get Secretary of Defense. The man is literally a God to most Marines, grunts in particular, and we generally hate officers. I feel certain that he has the ability and drive to get the entire military back on track and ensure that we don't get our collective ass kicked when the next war starts.

11-22-16, 12:31
Do you have a good article on Mattis? I don't know that much about him and would like to get more intel on the man.




Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘f—ing firing squad’

“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.

“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.


Awesome! Time to bring the cur dogs to heel! LOL

Here is a recent piece ABC did that is like a Cliff Notes version of his life.

Everything You Need to Know About Gen. James Mattis

Google his quotes, many consider him to be a modern day Chesty Puller.

Only a little less inclined to burn through his own troops. :)

Should Hillary go to jail? YES. However, she is done as a politician and is now irrelevant. She is old, and in poor health. If Trump goes after her it will look like he is being vindictive. Politically it is a loser.

Except her "foundation" is an ongoing criminal enterprise and her spawn is likely to carry the torch forward. :(

I think it's done as well, with no polictial clout to sell, they have nothing to offer..I figure it'll close up within the next few years, as the Clintons have a high lifestyle to maintain, and the days of the high paying speaking tours are now over. The money will be drained from the fund to support bill, hillary and chelsea's lifestyles. With a little luck they'll blow through it quickly, and go broke....

You don't turn away from a wolf pack simply because it's been wounded.

My Facebook has been a solid wall of Marines praying for Mad Dog to get Secretary of Defense. The man is literally a God to most Marines, grunts in particular, and we generally hate officers. I feel certain that he has the ability and drive to get the entire military back on track and ensure that we don't get our collective ass kicked when the next war starts.

The morale improvement for the entire DoD alone makes it the obvious decision. They would finally have a LEADER instead of a petty boss.

11-22-16, 12:35
I'd have preferred to post this in the GJ thread, but that was locked... I recall people telling me a vote for GJ was a vote for HC, and now HC supporters pointing blame at third party voters:

Now that Donald Trump is president-elect, despondent Hillary Clinton supporters need someone to blame.

Of course, they could blame the Democratic Party for willfully tipping the scales in favor of ensuring the nomination of a candidate who The Intercept's Glenn Greenwald aptly described as "a deeply unpopular, extremely vulnerable, scandal-plagued candidate, who — for very good reason — was widely perceived to be a protector and beneficiary of all the worst components of status quo elite corruption."


11-22-16, 13:08
Now that Donald Trump is president-elect, despondent Hillary Clinton supporters need someone to blame.

Of course, they could blame the Democratic Party for willfully tipping the scales in favor of ensuring the nomination of a candidate who The Intercept's Glenn Greenwald aptly described as "a deeply unpopular, extremely vulnerable, scandal-plagued candidate, who — for very good reason — was widely perceived to be a protector and beneficiary of all the worst components of status quo elite corruption."


Standing there looking all confused and not coming to the understanding that Hillary Clinton and the corruption of the Clinton Foundation are the reasons she lost, baffles me.
The Dems wanted her at all costs, the position was hers, we owed it to her. All that was a big part of the giant middle finger the voters gave to her.
That they can't figure it out is a very good thing, it seems to have accelerated the stupid stuff they've been up to since. They are only making it harder for themselves in four more years.

11-22-16, 13:23
Nothing personal, but I couldn't possibly disagree more. This is precisely what many people warned about regarding Trump: Winning the election was only half of the battle for the Republicans; the other half is wondering if/when he's going to flip on them once he's in office. He's not even sworn in yet and he's already backtracking on major campaign issues in the name of political expediency. If he stays on this current course, forgetting why people voted for him and not following through on what he promised, he's going be on a fast track to getting a giant middle finger from independent voters like me in the mid-term elections.

I agree with you, but if it is going to happen we need drop Dead black and white hard evidence that cannot be soft and then construed by the media/lemmings in this country as a witch hunt. As that will hurt us more in the long run.

With how the FBI, DOJ and media ****ed up the first investigation- they had plenty of evidence and intent, butpushed a narrative (that the lemmings bought) that it wasn't criminal. The precedent has been set. The lemmings believe that the things she did aren't criminal. Unless we have some serious evidence, like
Smack you in the face this is bad stuff no one can deny type stuff- it'll backfire on us and she will walk anyaways. Trumps cache will be deflated.

If trump appears to be using the authority of the Fed Gov to Prosecute a former opponent- and you can damn sure bet the media and lemmings will push that angle HARD, it will tank the next few election cycles for us.

I want justice to be served. It may not happen and the journey to get there may do more harm Than good in the long run/long game.

Trump/DOJ doing absolutely Nothing would be bad also.

It's a tough spot, not so black and white...

11-22-16, 13:35
Nothing personal, but I couldn't possibly disagree more. This is precisely what many people warned about regarding Trump: Winning the election was only half of the battle for the Republicans; the other half is wondering if/when he's going to flip on them once he's in office. He's not even sworn in yet and he's already backtracking on major campaign issues in the name of political expediency. If he stays on this current course, forgetting why people voted for him and not following through on what he promised, he's going be on a fast track to getting a giant middle finger from independent voters like me in the mid-term elections.

Once you get in, you get access to all sorts of information you did not get prior. I think a lot of people who get the Oval look back and say, "gee, now I get why I couldn't close Gitmo....".

Who knows if it's political expediency? Who knows if he isn't taking the high road, and leaving the door open just enough for DoJ/Congress at a later time? Who knows if he received information what showed him is wasn't going to be prosecutable (for whatever reason)?

We just don't know why he made the decision, and we don't know what we don't know....

11-22-16, 14:08
My Facebook has been a solid wall of Marines praying for Mad Dog to get Secretary of Defense. The man is literally a God to most Marines, grunts in particular, and we generally hate officers. I feel certain that he has the ability and drive to get the entire military back on track and ensure that we don't get our collective ass kicked when the next war starts.

11-22-16, 14:24
We just don't know why he made the decision, and we don't know what we don't know....

How about these two, for starters:

“It’s just not something that I feel very strongly about."

“I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t. She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways."

If he had specific information that's causing him to change his mind (other than political expediency), he'd have said it. He's presenting himself as pandering the the left on this. Bait and switch, plain and simple.

11-22-16, 14:42
Standing there looking all confused and not coming to the understanding that Hillary Clinton and the corruption of the Clinton Foundation are the reasons she lost, baffles me.
The Dems wanted her at all costs, the position was hers, we owed it to her. All that was a big part of the giant middle finger the voters gave to her.
That they can't figure it out is a very good thing, it seems to have accelerated the stupid stuff they've been up to since. They are only making it harder for themselves in four more years.

'Your Tears Are Delicious and Your Parties Will Die,'


11-22-16, 15:12
Once you get in, you get access to all sorts of information you did not get prior. I think a lot of people who get the Oval look back and say, "gee, now I get why I couldn't close Gitmo....".

Who knows if it's political expediency? Who knows if he isn't taking the high road, and leaving the door open just enough for DoJ/Congress at a later time? Who knows if he received information what showed him is wasn't going to be prosecutable (for whatever reason)?

We just don't know why he made the decision, and we don't know what we don't know....
I think there is a lot of validity to this. Everyone wants to do POTUS stuff until they get to the oval and then are like oh sh*t. Either the world is way more fvcked up than anyone realizes or the MIB are continually thwarting pending annihilation attempts by aliens. Either way I think it results in a lot of fck it let's do #yolopresidentstuff attitudes developing, hence the let's focus on piddly meaningless crap because there is no fixing actual problems.

Or maybe not, idk, but getting to peek behind the curtain would certainly be informing if not downright debilitating.

11-22-16, 15:24
I think there is a lot of validity to this. Everyone wants to do POTUS stuff until they get to the oval and then are like oh sh*t. Either the world is way more fvcked up than anyone realizes or the MIB are continually thwarting pending annihilation attempts by aliens. Either way I think it results in a lot of fck it let's do #yolopresidentstuff attitudes developing, hence the let's focus on piddly meaningless crap because there is no fixing actual problems.

Or maybe not, idk, but getting to peek behind the curtain would certainly be informing if not downright debilitating.

Carter said if he became POTUS, he'd finally expose what the gubment knew about UFOs. Carter, among a bunch of people witnessed a UFO (1), and after becoming POTUS, nary a word was spoken about. I suspect he was sat down and explained they were top secret aircraft, and or if people were to actually exposed the fact crafts they could not explain as anything but from another planet would lead to total panic, he dropped that campaign promise:

"During the presidential campaign of 1976, Carter promised that, if elected president, he would encourage the government release “every piece of information” about UFOs available to the public and to scientists. After winning the presidency, though, Carter backed away from this pledge, saying that the release of some information might have “defense implications” and pose a threat to national security."

(1) http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/carter-files-report-on-ufo-sighting

11-22-16, 16:00
Prosecuting Hillary would rejuvenate the machine that supported her. We should remember that many campaign promises are hot air anyway. One is building the wall. Another is the large number of deportations that he proposed. Trump's presidency will face disruption by civil disobedience, lawsuits, and negative public opinion, and that's one reason that he must pick his battles. To accomplish goals, he will compromise, waffle, **** over, and sell out--just as have the other presidents before him. I pray that 2nd Amendment rights survive.

After General Eisenhower became president, he stated that for the first time in his long career, he experienced a phenomenon that was completely unknown to him: giving orders that were not carried out. Trump when dealing with the federal bureaucracy will have a similar experience.

11-22-16, 16:17
How about these two, for starters:

“It’s just not something that I feel very strongly about."

“I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t. She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways."

If he had specific information that's causing him to change his mind (other than political expediency), he'd have said it. He's presenting himself as pandering the the left on this. Bait and switch, plain and simple.

Chess not checkers. Just my opinion. If he says he won't prosecute, why would Obama pardon? That's be an admission of guilt.

11-22-16, 16:24
'Your Tears Are Delicious and Your Parties Will Die,'

Funny video but just because they got the same amount of votes as a state with 13 electoral votes doesn't mean squat. There are states with even bigger populations that only get 4 electoral votes so he's already being selectively manipulative with his claims and numbers.

The reality is Johnson got ZERO electoral votes last time I checked. That the Libertarian party would declare themselves a "spoiler", let alone an actual victor is borderline absurd. Hillary took the popular vote (not the libertarians) and Trump won the electoral vote (not the libertarians). The only libertarians that influenced the race are those who voted for Hillary or Trump.

Now it might be plausible to suggest that enough libertarians in the right states voted for Trump and delivered him a victory but you could easily say the same about Democrats who just couldn't get behind Clinton no matter how hard Wasserman and the DNC tried to suggest she was a lot like Sanders. One could argue that Sanders was a deciding factor in the Trump election. There are lots and lots of variables.

But the Republican party and the Democratic party are hardly dead. And with the "Your tears are delicious" declaration all this dipshit is doing is alienating social Democrats who have conservative values who might otherwise vote Libertarian or even Republican.

The only unique thing is a lot of American voters from both parties were dead set on electing an outsider because they are sick to death of 16 years of little to no representation and getting taxed hard from all sides. Early on it was obvious that people were pulling for Sanders or Trump, people were willing to go with an actual socialist or a reality TV guy. Hillary was able to marginalize Sanders but never really won his supporters. She also thought she had everything locked up. I'd be willing to bet Trump got more protest votes from Sanders supporters than all the libertarian votes combined.

11-22-16, 16:40
Funny video but just because they got the same amount of votes as a state with 13 electoral votes doesn't mean squat. There are states with even bigger populations that only get 4 electoral votes so he's already being selectively manipulative with his claims and numbers.

The reality is Johnson got ZERO electoral votes last time I checked. That the Libertarian party would declare themselves a "spoiler", let alone an actual victor is borderline absurd. Hillary took the popular vote (not the libertarians) and Trump won the electoral vote (not the libertarians). The only libertarians that influenced the race are those who voted for Hillary or Trump.

Now it might be plausible to suggest that enough libertarians in the right states voted for Trump and delivered him a victory but you could easily say the same about Democrats who just couldn't get behind Clinton no matter how hard Wasserman and the DNC tried to suggest she was a lot like Sanders. One could argue that Sanders was a deciding factor in the Trump election. There are lots and lots of variables.

But the Republican party and the Democratic party are hardly dead. And with the "Your tears are delicious" declaration all this dipshit is doing is alienating social Democrats who have conservative values who might otherwise vote Libertarian or even Republican.

The only unique thing is a lot of American voters from both parties were dead set on electing an outsider because they are sick to death of 16 years of little to no representation and getting taxed hard from all sides. Early on it was obvious that people were pulling for Sanders or Trump, people were willing to go with an actual socialist or a reality TV guy. Hillary was able to marginalize Sanders but never really won his supporters. She also thought she had everything locked up. I'd be willing to bet Trump got more protest votes from Sanders supporters than all the libertarian votes combined.

All good points. That's the LP putting on their best face to the outcome, no doubt. I just thought it was fun and well delivered and he does make a few salient points that Libertarians will enjoy regardless. I have been told how I and others are responsible for the Trump win by left leaning family members, etc so I still LOLd at some of his comments.

11-22-16, 16:42
Funny video but just because they got the same amount of votes as a state with 13 electoral votes doesn't mean squat. There are states with even bigger populations that only get 4 electoral votes so he's already being selectively manipulative with his claims and numbers.

The reality is Johnson got ZERO electoral votes last time I checked. That the Libertarian party would declare themselves a "spoiler", let alone an actual victor is borderline absurd. Hillary took the popular vote (not the libertarians) and Trump won the electoral vote (not the libertarians). The only libertarians that influenced the race are those who voted for Hillary or Trump.

Now it might be plausible to suggest that enough libertarians in the right states voted for Trump and delivered him a victory but you could easily say the same about Democrats who just couldn't get behind Clinton no matter how hard Wasserman and the DNC tried to suggest she was a lot like Sanders. One could argue that Sanders was a deciding factor in the Trump election. There are lots and lots of variables.

But the Republican party and the Democratic party are hardly dead. And with the "Your tears are delicious" declaration all this dipshit is doing is alienating social Democrats who have conservative values who might otherwise vote Libertarian or even Republican.

The only unique thing is a lot of American voters from both parties were dead set on electing an outsider because they are sick to death of 16 years of little to no representation and getting taxed hard from all sides. Early on it was obvious that people were pulling for Sanders or Trump, people were willing to go with an actual socialist or a reality TV guy. Hillary was able to marginalize Sanders but never really won his supporters. She also thought she had everything locked up. I'd be willing to bet Trump got more protest votes from Sanders supporters than all the libertarian votes combined.

Trump's results (or lack thereof) will determine whether or not future "outsider" candidates will have a realistic path to the Oval Office. If he does well, pretty much any oligarch with enough resources could be the next POTUS. If he does poorly, we'll be back to the drawing board and mired in politicide (figurative if not literal). The one thing that won't change is the LP's inability to have any real influence other than as a potential spoiler, which is pretty much guaranteed.

11-22-16, 17:49
All good points. That's the LP putting on their best face to the outcome, no doubt. I just thought it was fun and well delivered and he does make a few salient points that Libertarians will enjoy regardless. I have been told how I and others are responsible for the Trump win by left leaning family members, etc so I still LOLd at some of his comments.

Not sure that is the best face they could have come up with. Very surprised to see it on Reason of all places. It's a tad spiteful and vindictive which is very out of place considering they won nothing and Johnson shot himself in the foot an a key issue.

I just tell any leftists that I voted for Jill Stein since I wanted her to be the first woman President, works every time. I then blame them for Stein's failure by posturing up Hillary who was completely unelectable and couldn't even beat Trump. It's always better when you make them feel bad about their decisions.

Trump's results (or lack thereof) will determine whether or not future "outsider" candidates will have a realistic path to the Oval Office. If he does well, pretty much any oligarch with enough resources could be the next POTUS. If he does poorly, we'll be back to the drawing board and mired in politicide (figurative if not literal). The one thing that won't change is the LP's inability to have any real influence other than as a potential spoiler, which is pretty much guaranteed.

Can't really argue with any of that. Hopeful Trump makes a few meaningful accomplishments and course corrections. Could mark the end of the Whig Party.

11-22-16, 19:19
Prosecuting Hillary would rejuvenate the machine that supported her.

I disagree. After the worst upset in US political history, it'd be the final nail in the coffin and a damned good start to showing that he's serious about that whole swamp-draining thing. Otherwise, he's just another alligator in that same swamp.

11-22-16, 20:14
Chess not checkers. Just my opinion. If he says he won't prosecute, why would Obama pardon? That's be an admission of guilt.

What better way to let Bobo slide out of office without pardoning her? Let everyone think you are going to let her fade off into the sunset.

Then on a cold clear day in January, you announce the new Special Prosecutor as soon as your hand is off that Bible.

"Sucker punch, beyotch!"

When you spend a lot of time acquiring companies, you learn to play some cards very close to the chest, while laying some misleading ones on the table.

If I were the Hildebeast, I would not plan on getting off free just yet.

11-22-16, 20:22
If I were KKKlinton, I would be on the first flight to (ironically) Russia with every last cent I had, trying to make a deal. All my wealth to live in some apartment complex very modestly next to loud gopniks and heroin/krokodil addicts

11-22-16, 20:28
What better way to let Bobo slide out of office without pardoning her? Let everyone think you are going to let her fade off into the sunset.

Then on a cold clear day in January, you announce the new Special Prosecutor as soon as your hand is off that Bible.

"Sucker punch, beyotch!"

When you spend a lot of time acquiring companies, you learn to play some cards very close to the chest, while laying some misleading ones on the table.

If I were the Hildebeast, I would not plan on getting off free just yet.

That thought has crossed my mind I must admit......:rolleyes:

11-22-16, 20:29
If it happens, my Grinch heart will grow three sizes that day.

11-22-16, 21:21
A few things I'd like to see him do in the first 100 days...

Get rid of the salaried overtime rule put into effect by the DOL. It's killing businesses and making more work for those of us under that cap.


Turn NASA back into an exploration agency instead of directing resources on earth sciences/climate change.

Give our troops the effective means of killing our enemies instead of "going green" and worrying about lead contamination on the battlefield.

Two words: Balanced Budget

11-22-16, 23:50
What better way to let Bobo slide out of office without pardoning her? Let everyone think you are going to let her fade off into the sunset.

Then on a cold clear day in January, you announce the new Special Prosecutor as soon as your hand is off that Bible.

"Sucker punch, beyotch!"

When you spend a lot of time acquiring companies, you learn to play some cards very close to the chest, while laying some misleading ones on the table.

If I were the Hildebeast, I would not plan on getting off free just yet.

I'd be willing to bet a small sum that Obama's already pitched the offer of a proactive pardon to Clinton. There's no way they're not thinking about a Trump head fake with this.

11-22-16, 23:58
I find something unsettling about the permitting of presidential pardons being issued prior to criminal indictments being handed down.

11-23-16, 00:11
What better way to let Bobo slide out of office without pardoning her? Let everyone think you are going to let her fade off into the sunset.

Then on a cold clear day in January, you announce the new Special Prosecutor as soon as your hand is off that Bible.

"Sucker punch, beyotch!"

When you spend a lot of time acquiring companies, you learn to play some cards very close to the chest, while laying some misleading ones on the table.

If I were the Hildebeast, I would not plan on getting off free just yet.

I'm not all that surprised that Trump is not publicly pushing for an indictment or special prosecutor. After all, going after one's political opponent, or at least the appearance of such, would be rather unprecedented in presidential politics.

Having said that, there are multiple ongoing investigations involving the Clintons, and I don't see Trump telling the FBI to ignore evidence or going out of his way to kill those investigations like his predecessor. He probably understands that the Bureau would leak any such attempt.

11-23-16, 01:27
I would have whatever agency investigate the foundation all on their own and then follow the crumbs back :)
that way you never went after her directly

11-23-16, 03:48
All the SRM outlets keep comparing him to Patton and I can't help but scream at my TV "Have you idiots never heard of Chesty Puller?!"

You wouldn't believe how many times I've mentioned Chesty Puller to people and they think I'm trying to make some titty twister joke.

11-23-16, 04:01
As for Trump not going after Hillary . . .

If this turns out to be true AFTER he is in office and has his DoJ and FBI in order . . .

Bear in mind it wasn't until 2004 that AG Holder and Obama announced that they would not pursue an investigation/charges against Bush for war crimes/human rights violations. Many on the world stage wanted him to stand trial at The Hague.

While I want nothing more than the Clinton crime family to answer for their sins, this would open the flood gates against any and all R's in the future. This is the slimy world of politics. Who know's maybe the Clintons have a whole ton of shit on a lot of powerful people and would flip if they go up river. Could cause more harm than good in the long run.

11-23-16, 07:21
I find something unsettling about the permitting of presidential pardons being issued prior to criminal indictments being handed down.

I agree. But unfortunately the courts settled that after Ford pre-pardoned Nixon.

11-23-16, 07:58
As for Trump not going after Hillary . . .

If this turns out to be true AFTER he is in office and has his DoJ and FBI in order . . .

Bear in mind it wasn't until 2004 that AG Holder and Obama announced that they would not pursue an investigation/charges against Bush for war crimes/human rights violations. Many on the world stage wanted him to stand trial at The Hague.

While I want nothing more than the Clinton crime family to answer for their sins, this would open the flood gates against any and all R's in the future. This is the slimy world of politics. Who know's maybe the Clintons have a whole ton of shit on a lot of powerful people and would flip if they go up river. Could cause more harm than good in the long run.


11-24-16, 04:22
Oh yeah, oops 2014.

11-24-16, 06:22

I'm not digging this cabinet pick at all, Devos is anti school choice, I'm really not sure what Trump is thinking here. Anyone Jeb Bush likes is a red flag for me, "uniting" the party or not I hope he has second thoughts with this pick.

11-24-16, 12:11
I'm really not sure what Trump is thinking here.

Not draining the swamp; just rearranging the alligators. He's now Trek, and it's HIS swamp!


Singlestack Wonder
11-30-16, 08:13
Just as he promised to keep jobs from leaving the country during the campaign, Trump has closed a deal with Carrier to keep 1000 of the jobs they were sending to Mexico here in the U.S. before even taking the office of POTUS. Looking forward to Trump's 1st 100 days.


Outlander Systems
11-30-16, 08:17
OMG, https://www.thebalance.com/dow-jones-closing-history-top-highs-and-lows-since-1929-3306174 the DJI is reaching an all-time high.

Oh the humanity. Someone recount the votes before we end up being a prosperous nation!

11-30-16, 10:27
Innovative thinking.
So when Industry wants to leave the Country, you just pick up the phone and give them a call -vs- Legislate with a phone and a pen? Very imaginative and forward thinking !
And when we continue to elect Attorney's who have had issues passing the Bar to be our Political Representatives in Washington, this will essentially appear to be a magic trick to "them."
We ask people who have achieved nothing more than to have received a University Degree, have no experience in Finance or Business to run the Country and we're surprised when a political novice comes in and gets results?

Singlestack Wonder
11-30-16, 13:36
With continuing Pro-American activity from the Trump administration, the liberal media and Trump bashers are going to need to go into overtime mode in their attempts to offset the truth with bs rhetoric.

His announcement today of agreeing to getting completely out of the Trump businesses during his presidency left the liberal media and Trump bashers gasping for air.

11-30-16, 13:37
Well that should easily take care of the Nobel Prize criteria.


Singlestack Wonder
11-30-16, 14:50
Well that should easily take care of the Nobel Prize criteria.


I thought those only went to elitist's, the majority of which do nothing but add to climate change by generating so much hot air. :rolleyes:

Doc Safari
11-30-16, 14:53
He hasn't even taken office yet and he's already won re-election. Oh, and made Hillary cry.

Trump can stop asteroids just by tweeting against them.

Greatest president-elect EVER.

11-30-16, 15:41
He hasn't even taken office yet and he's already won re-election. Oh, and made Hillary cry.

Trump can stop asteroids just by tweeting against them.

Greatest president-elect EVER.
Ok, that has me rolling Hahaha

Doc Safari
11-30-16, 17:10
I just got a couple of news feeds from the net:

1. Trump tweeted that he was going to cure cancer during his administration, and it was immediately cured.
2. Chuck Norris is calling Trump for advice.

12-01-16, 09:28
Who wants Patraeus for Trump's cabinet, again?


12-01-16, 09:42
Who wants Patraeus for Trump's cabinet, again?


I, for one, was never a Petraeus fan. Nor McChrystal and etc.

There is a common dynamic that I see mostly in the world of LEO, but applies here, where there is a disconnect between the high ups who make themselves "elite" and therefore know better than the rank and file.

I am thinking commonly of the disparate views of organizations like Police Chief's Assoc. vs Police Officer's Assoc. often disagree on similar topics.

12-01-16, 10:19
I posted this in my thread on the Horowitz Freedom Center (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?190555-Horowitz-Freedom-Center) but is relevant to this thread too. An interview with the newly appointed National Security Advisor Lt. General Flynn regarding the Middle East, Israel, and the future of the US.

FYI: you'll note my name in the credits. I was the camera guy for this and other guests interviewed at this event


12-01-16, 11:07
Who wants Patraeus for Trump's cabinet, again?


The SoS race has shaped up to be the worst so far and Batraeus is at the bottom of the heap. If he gets picked, I'm gonna lose my shit. :mad:

Doc Safari
12-01-16, 11:08
The SoS race has shaped up to be the worst so far and Batraeus is at the bottom of the heap. If he gets picked, I'm gonna lose my shit. :mad:

I feel the same about Romney.

12-01-16, 11:10
He hasn't even taken office yet and he's already won re-election. Oh, and made Hillary cry.

... and Michelle too.

12-01-16, 11:19
The SoS race has shaped up to be the worst so far and Batraeus is at the bottom of the heap. If he gets picked, I'm gonna lose my shit. :mad:

Yeah, I'm not feeling the love from Romney or Patraeus.

I wonder how the SilencerSHop guys are feeling now after the interview with Don Jr and the potential Mark Kelly connection. Then again... keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Not only that aspect but Patraeus mishandled classified info as did Hillary and to get him approved would be like calling it quits on Hillary.... or.... it's a smoke screen so Obama doesn't give her any sort of pardon or get out jail free card should anything come up between now Jan 20.

Whatever happens the entire gun community is going to have to come together and demand our stolen rights back before 2018. I'm not sure that's going to happen.

12-01-16, 11:20
I feel the same about Romney.

Yeah, he's half laying on top of Petraeus at the bottom of the heap. :(

12-01-16, 11:39
Yeah, he's half laying on top of Petraeus at the bottom of the heap. :(

There is one interesting thing about Romney. He actually does look the part so that's always nice. but with what he said about about Trump and then for 4 years have to go out and carry out Trump's wishes to the world, it would be just about the grandest form of a 'left handed compliment' that one could deliver. IOW, Romney is otherwise traditionally suited, but to have to perform the job to the wishes of the person he so harshly criticized. Four years of eating humble pie and if he gets out of line, Trump cans him and says, look, I built the bridge but he still didn't want to play ball. Plus Romney is tied to a segment of the Evangelical vote.

It sounded like crazy thing when I first heard it but the more I think about it, Romney may not be a bad idea.

I kinda like Rudy but I just don't know if that's the right place for him. So knowing Romney is going to be a PITA, why not make him an offer he can't refuse and keep him under control? It makes some sense in many ways.

12-01-16, 11:47
There is one interesting thing about Romney. He actually does look the part so that's always nice. but with what he said about about Trump and then for 4 years have to go out and carry out Trump's wishes to the world, it would be just about the grandest form of a 'left handed compliment' that one could deliver. IOW, Romney is otherwise traditionally suited, but to have to perform the job to the wishes of the person he so harshly criticized. Four years of eating humble pie and if he gets out of line, Trump cans him and says, look, I built the bridge but he still didn't want to play ball. Plus Romney is tied to a segment of the Evangelical vote.

It sounded like crazy thing when I first heard it but the more I think about it, Romney may not be a bad idea.

I kinda like Rudy but I just don't know if that's the right place for him. So knowing Romney is going to be a PITA, why not make him an offer he can't refuse and keep him under control? It makes some sense in many ways.

It does have a certain logic, but I just can't get there from here. Corker is probably the best of a bad bunch, followed by Rudy.

12-01-16, 11:49
There is one interesting thing about Romney. He actually does look the part so that's always nice. but with what he said about about Trump and then for 4 years have to go out and carry out Trump's wishes to the world, it would be just about the grandest form of a 'left handed compliment' that one could deliver. IOW, Romney is otherwise traditionally suited, but to have to perform the job to the wishes of the person he so harshly criticized. Four years of eating humble pie and if he gets out of line, Trump cans him and says, look, I built the bridge but he still didn't want to play ball. Plus Romney is tied to a segment of the Evangelical vote.

It sounded like crazy thing when I first heard it but the more I think about it, Romney may not be a bad idea.

I kinda like Rudy but I just don't know if that's the right place for him. So knowing Romney is going to be a PITA, why not make him an offer he can't refuse and keep him under control? It makes some sense in many ways.

That's my thoughts too. I don't think much of him and he was Gov my my state, but if Trump et al want to overlook his comments during the race, and see it has olive branch consensus building move, Romney would likely do fine in that position.

12-01-16, 12:31
Yeah, I am not thrilled with Romney, but aside from Giuliani, he's a better choice than the rest.....

Doc Safari
12-01-16, 13:05
That's my thoughts too. I don't think much of him and he was Gov my my state, but if Trump et al want to overlook his comments during the race, and see it has olive branch consensus building move, Romney would likely do fine in that position.

From what I understand, Romney sees Russia as the biggest threat to the US in the world (as per his comments in the 2012 election).

Trump wants to work with Russia.

I think I see a conflict coming, unless Trump wants to deliberately pick people with views opposite his. I was reading an article yesterday that this came back to bite Reagan in the ass.

12-01-16, 15:36
It's official...

Gen Mattis is SecDef!!

Has Eurodriver orgasmed yet?



12-01-16, 15:48
Holy shit......

Mattis is SecWar?!

This Election is like the first year of college after eons at a bullshit HS.

Sleeping in til noon, freaky chicks, and roman orgies every night. And Van Halen always on at least one channel.

A Trump presidency really is shaping up to be awesometown and he isnt inaugurated yet

12-01-16, 15:53
All we need now is Chuck Norris as FBI head. Or something similarly appropriate.

12-01-16, 15:54
If only Marlon Brando was still alive to be SoS.

Ah, the offers he could make!

12-01-16, 16:02
If only Marlon Brando was still alive to be SoS.

Ah, the offers he could make!

Only if he's Kurtz

12-01-16, 16:06
Let me clarify...
not just jail, but a Bangkok Jail

Just read this... was this some sort of double entendre pun? LOL

12-01-16, 16:17
I seriously have to wonder that when Gen Mattis is officially Sec. Mattis, how many Generals will suddenly resign. Thinking specifically those who gave him grief about things he said.

12-01-16, 16:48
It's official...

Gen Mattis is SecDef!!

Has Eurodriver orgasmed yet?



A SecDef with actual legit mil experience?! How many of the past SecDefs have had mil backgrounds of any note? That would seem one job where an extensive mil background should be a requirement.

12-01-16, 19:18
Letting it out of the room.. General Mattis as Secretary of Defense.. Awesome.

12-01-16, 19:29
Letting it out of the room.. General Mattis as Secretary of Defense.. Awesome.

Freedom boner :cool:

Washington is slowly getting its balls back. Finally.

12-01-16, 19:32
Really good news, I was hoping he would get the appointment. Cabinet looks good so far.

Alex V
12-01-16, 19:33
I've been reading up on Gen Mattis since you guys have talked about him. Super happy about this pic the dude sound awesome.

Dist. Expert 26
12-01-16, 19:37
Mad Dog Mattis, patron saint of war, is SECDEF. Every 03 on earth is rejoicing tonight. Hell, I might even re-enlist.

Well not really, but today is a good day.

12-01-16, 19:52
Mad Dog Mattis, patron saint of war, is SECDEF. Every 03 on earth is rejoicing tonight. Hell, I might even re-enlist.

Well not really, but today is a good day.

Hell, as a dated Army Airborne grunt I'm thrilled! About as happy as I'd have been if Alan West had gotten the nod. Nice to see a SecDef with actual fighting experience given the position.

12-01-16, 19:56
I've been reading up on Gen Mattis since you guys have talked about him. Super happy about this pic the dude sound awesome.

Same here, best pick he has made so far

12-01-16, 20:30
“I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.”

- General James Mattis, USMC, Retired.

12-01-16, 20:40
I'm still convinced all of the memes about Gen Mattis are true.

12-01-16, 20:46
I mean this in a respectful (and fanboyish) way....

I picture Gen. Mattis doing Tai Chi naked every morning while reciting The Hollow Men from memory with a well oiled 1911 on his nightstand and a salty, patinaed A2 propped against his bookcase where he keeps his medals atop the Bible, The Golden Bough, and From Ritual to Romance

12-01-16, 21:04
“I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.”

- General James Mattis, USMC, Retired.

Now that will make you think twice. I assume he doesn't offer any "reset buttons" LOL. Holy cow... man, it's about time.

12-01-16, 21:17
Soooo... what do you guys think of the Sec of Vet. Affairs.

Scott Brown - Mass. with an endorsement from Elizabeth Warren

or Sarah Palin?

I've got to go with Palin on this one. She seems like a good mix of the caring HR type personality + a get in there and get your hands dirty too.

12-01-16, 21:33
It's official...

Gen Mattis is SecDef!!

Has Eurodriver orgasmed yet?



Say what you will, but this afternoon I got home, filled up my bathtub, put "Generation Kill" on the laptop and grabbed my phone as I read the story of General Mattis pulling duty on Christmas day. The orgasming is commencing when I finish this bowl of frosted flakes.


He asked, “Who’s the officer of the day?” The lance corporal said, “Sir, it’s Brigadier General Mattis.” And General Krulak said, “No, no, no. I know who General Mattis is. I mean, who’s the officer of the day today, Christmas day?” The lance corporal, feeling a little anxious, said, “Sir, it is Brigadier General Mattis.”

General Krulak said that, about that time, he spotted in the back room a cot, or a daybed. He said, “No, Lance Corporal. Who slept in that bed last night?” The lance corporal said, “Sir, it was Brigadier General Mattis.”

About that time, General Krulak said that General Mattis came in, in a duty uniform with a sword, and General Krulak said, “Jim, what are you doing here on Christmas day? Why do you have duty?” General Mattis told him that the young officer who was scheduled to have duty on Christmas day had a family, and General Mattis decided it was better for the young officer to spend Christmas Day with his family, and so he chose to have duty on Christmas Day.

Those of you without knowledge of how most US Military generals are and how General Mattis differs should really brush up on your knowledge. Having James Mattis as SecDef is about the biggest ****ing change from Ashton Carter you can possibly get. This is a good ass day.

Obama's SecDef (This is his official ****ing photo on his DoD Bio Web page!)


James Mattis


12-01-16, 21:39
Most folks might not know this, but in every USMC Headquarters battalion there is a picture of the Sergeant Major, the Commanding Officer, The Regimental CO, the Division CG, The Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of Defense, and the President of the United States.

I swear to God I would not be surprised that upon confirmation of James Mattis you will see a shrine of sort along with the General Mattis picture. That guy is the 21st Century of Chesty Puller, and if you don't know who Chesty Puller is you're wrong.

12-01-16, 22:01
Word. I'm ****ing pumped.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-01-16, 22:06
I'm not a Marine. But I have spent 26 years in the military mostly TDY or deployed. I have been around a lot of generals. None like what Mattis is described to be. (Henry Shelton may be as close as any I have been around).

Today is a damned fine day for our Armed Forces. Talk about hope and change!
My hell.

12-01-16, 22:16
As an old Marine, the only thing that would make me happier than Chaos being appointed Sec of Defense would be to see Romney NOT get the Sec of State job.

12-01-16, 22:48
This honestly has me contemplating leaving fed LE to enlist. Seriously.

12-01-16, 23:09
I'm with everyone else here. Selecting Gen Mattis for Sec Def fvcking awesome.

12-01-16, 23:10
I think Mattis is an excellent choice, but I have heard rumblings from some recently retired O-5 and O-6 officers who think he may be too crude for a political appointment position. Secretary of Defense still answers to the legislative branch of government and it will be an interesting to see that interaction. I don't have a problem with Mattis shaking things up and you can expect to see some career officers retiring soon.

12-01-16, 23:17
I may have to seek medical attention in about four hours. This almost makes up for even considering Petraeus and Romney for SoS.

12-01-16, 23:24
I think Mattis is an excellent choice, but I have heard rumblings from some recently retired O-5 and O-6 officers who think he may be too crude for a political appointment position. Secretary of Defense still answers to the legislative branch of government and it will be an interesting to see that interaction. I don't have a problem with Mattis shaking things up and you can expect to see some career officers retiring soon.

A shakeup is good and I will take crude over polished ass licking politician any day.

12-01-16, 23:25
Trump has a LOT of work to do.
The Wall is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what he needs to do.


12-02-16, 00:54
Most folks might not know this, but in every USMC Headquarters battalion there is a picture of the Sergeant Major, the Commanding Officer, The Regimental CO, the Division CG, The Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of Defense, and the President of the United States.

I swear to God I would not be surprised that upon confirmation of James Mattis you will see a shrine of sort along with the General Mattis picture. That guy is the 21st Century of Chesty Puller, and if you don't know who Chesty Puller is you're wrong.

You and Me are so right effin' there. The only difference is I cannot imagine what it must be to be a Marine and see this day.

12-02-16, 05:46
This honestly has me contemplating leaving fed LE to enlist. Seriously.

I'm considering coming out of reserve retirement due to that one act.

12-02-16, 08:31

12-02-16, 09:47
I went back and did some more reading on Mattis and was surprised to learn he was in Kandahar the same time I was... pity I didn't get to meet him!

Just knowing what he represents and the hope that he could change the direction of the military from its current trajectory almost makes me wish I was still in... almost.

12-02-16, 11:23
I may have to seek medical attention in about four hours. This almost makes up for even considering Petraeus and Romney for SoS.

Yeah, you had better hope that goes away...


Doc Safari
12-02-16, 13:16
Quotable Mattis quotes:


“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.” – from a speech Mattis delivered to Marines arriving in Iraq in 2003. This is widely acclaimed as the ultimate Mattisism, winning extra cool points for being compatible with Patrick Swayze’s famous advice to new bouncers in Road House.

“No war is over until the enemy says it’s over. We may think it over, we may declare it over, but in fact, the enemy gets a vote.” – probably the other most widely-repeated Mattisism, it has been quoted in contexts ranging from the Iraqi troop withdrawal to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II.

“You are part of the world’s most feared and trusted force. Engage your brain before you engage your weapon. Share your courage with each other as we enter the uncertain terrain north of the Line of Departure. Keep faith in your comrades on the left and right and Marine Air overhead. Fight with a happy heart and strong spirit.” – from a letter Mattis wrote to the 1st Marine Division, the day before they began their assault on Iraq in 2003. He is restated his point about using your head on the battlefield many times; another popular formulation was, “The most important six inches on the battlefield are between your ears.”

“From our first days at San Diego, Parris Island, or Quantico, NCOs bluntly explained to us that the Corps would be entirely satisfied if we gave 100%, and entirely dissatisfied if we gave 99%. And those NCOs taught us the great pleasure of doing what others thought impossible.” – from a speech Mattis gave when receiving the Marine Corps University Foundation’s 2014 Semper Fidelis Award.

“Now from a distance, I look back on what the Corps taught me: to think like men of action, and to act like men of thought!” – from the same 2014 Semper Fidelis Award speech.

“I’ve never found it to be useful. I’ve always found, give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers, and I do better with that than I do with torture.” – Mattis’ thoughts on waterboarding, according to Donald Trump.

“Every morning I woke up and the first three questions I had, had to do with Iran, and Iran, and Iran. It remains the single most belligerent actor in the Middle East.” – Mattis on Iran, from an April speech to the Center for Strategic & International Studies

“You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them.” – Mattis on the Taliban, at a 2005 panel discussion in San Diego, California. This one caused some trouble for Mattis. Marine Commandant Gen. Michael Hagee defended him, but said “should have chosen his words more carefully.”

“There are some people who think you have to hate them in order to shoot them. I don’t think you do. It’s just business.” – Mattis choosing his words more carefully, after the above-mentioned controversy.

“The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event. That said, there are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot. There are hunters and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim. It’s really a hell of a lot of fun. You’re gonna have a blast out here! I feel sorry for every son of a bitch that doesn’t get to serve with you.” – Mattis drawing an important distinction between assholes and sons of bitches to a group of Marines in Iraq, as quoted by Thomas E. Ricks in his book Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq, 2003 to 2005.

“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f**k with me, I’ll kill you all.” – Mattis to Iraqi tribal leaders, also quoted by Ricks in Fiasco.

“In a country with millions of people and cars going everywhere, the enemy is going to get a car bomb out there once in a while. There are going to be good days and bad days. Bottom line.” – Mattis on the grim realities of counter-terrorism operations in a 2007 interview. He was talking about Iraq, but unfortunately his observation would be valid anywhere.

“I think it’s very clear that this enemy has decided that the war, the real war for them, will be fought in the narrative, in the media. This is not a place where we’re going to take the enemy’s capital and run up our flag and drink their coffee and that sort of thing.” – from the same interview.

“Marines don’t know how to spell the word defeat.” – proudly cited by the USMC as the retired General’s salute to the indomitable spirit of the Corps. Misusing this quote to tease Marines about their spelling abilities is not recommended.

“I get a lot of credit these days for things I never did.” – Mattis on his own legend, to midshipmen at the Naval Academy in 2004. He also gets a lot of credit for things he never said, as hilariously satirized in a Twitter hashtag full of phony #MattisQuotes. (A sample: “Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.”)

12-02-16, 14:02
Please just let Romney fade to obscurity

12-02-16, 14:25
Send Bolton in and be done with it!

12-02-16, 15:24
Yeah, you had better hope that goes away...

Jesus....I didn't know that how that was fixed..... (Writes note to never ever use Viagra.....)

12-02-16, 15:26
I'm still in shock. Hard to believe a guy like Mattis instead of some political lackey for SecDef....... Good day indeed.

12-02-16, 16:26
Mattis has hurdles to jump to get approval, including a law change.


Singlestack Wonder
12-02-16, 17:14
Mattis has hurdles to jump to get approval, including a law change.


Not an issue with the non-democrat majority in the house and senate.

12-02-16, 17:31
Mattis has hurdles to jump to get approval, including a law change.


No law change, simply a waver by Congress to bypass the existing law of 7 years retired. Unlikely to be anything but a speed bump at this point.

12-02-16, 17:33
Not an issue with the non-democrat majority in the house and senate.

He's already been green lighted from what I've heard. I'm sure someone like Chuck Schumer or Pelosi will have some snide remarks but all I've heard is that it's a done deal from both sides.

12-02-16, 18:35
This made me chuckle earlier today.


12-02-16, 19:22
"What's the frequency, Kenneth?"

12-02-16, 19:42
I still like the idea of a necessary name change - back to the War Department. With Secretary Mattis as the first SECWAR in decades.

12-02-16, 21:28
This made me chuckle earlier today.

Screw Dan Rather. Just another liberal A Hole.

Don't you see Dan, were tired of the status quo bullshit from the"well this is how we do it....." Crowd....

Get effed Dan....

12-02-16, 21:52
I still like the idea of a necessary name change - back to the War Department. With Secretary Mattis as the first SECWAR in decades.

Given that one cannot win by defense alone, it should be the War Department. I guess that name made too many people sad.

12-02-16, 21:57
This made me chuckle earlier today.


Since Dan Blather obviously missed basic history.

Taiwan is the Republic of China aka our ALLY. We shouldn't be overly concerned with offending communist China (our cold war enemy until the Nixon administration) at the cost of our ALLY who fought with us to defeat Japan.

This is sort of along the lines that we shouldn't prioritize the concerns of Saudi Arabia over Israel. It's about effin time we touched base with Taiwan and went on record as an ally. Mainland China can either continue to play nice or remind the world that they are the same government of Tienanmen Square.

12-02-16, 23:17
Our foreign policy over the years hasn't exactly been a winner overall so maybe it's time for a change.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

12-02-16, 23:27
Dan Rather? Isn't he that guy who's famous for doing something stupid he wasn't supposed to do?

Alex V
12-03-16, 07:26
Given that one cannot win by defense alone, it should be the War Department. I guess that name made too many people sad.

How about Ministry of Peace. To really eff with people lol

Outlander Systems
12-03-16, 07:35
He also gave a bogus account of the JFK assassination, thusly making him the OG of fake news.

Dan Rather? Isn't he that guy who's famous for doing something stupid he wasn't supposed to do?

12-03-16, 09:23
If it pisses off China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, etc then it was THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

12-03-16, 09:41
If it pisses off China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, etc then it was THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

You can piss them off without having an outright war with them. Hell, we did it for decades. I say go for it. At least we were respected by those actors back then, quite unlike now.

12-03-16, 10:09
As Trump tweeted... Obama provided $1.83 billion in weapon sales to Taiwan last year and the news medial is chicken-littling about China's reaction to a phone call from Taiwan to the president-elect?

12-03-16, 10:34
You mean this Dan Rather?
This is how Dan Rather introduced his TV audience to one of his prize victims: "At age 16, Steve was a Navy SEAL, trained to assassinate. For almost two years, he operated behind enemy lines, then he broke. He came home in a straightjacket, addicted to alcohol and drugs."

According to the CBS propaganda piece, "Steve" had been trained to massacre and mutilate Vietnamese civilians and then blame the atrocities on the Communists. "You’re telling me that you went into the village, killed people, burned part of the village, then made it appear that the other side had done this?" Rather asked. "Yeah," Steve responded. "For propaganda purposes at home," Rather added. "That’s correct," Steve confirmed.

Or this one?

Dan Rather, the disgraced former anchor of the CBS Evening News, appeared on Piers Morgan Tonight on CNN and defended 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan, who is currently on leave after the network admitted that important parts of her report on Benghazi were inaccurate. Rather compared her situation to the one he faced in 2004 after he inaccurately reported on President Bush’s National Guard service:

With our story, the one that led to our difficulty, no question the story was true. What the complaint was, was ‘Okay, your story was true, but where you got to the truth was flawed.’ That’s not the case with the Benghazi story. Unfortunately — and there’s no joy in saying it — they were taken in by a fraud.

Or maybe this one?

“I don’t know the particulars about that day in Iraq. I do know Brian. He’s a longtime friend and we have been in a number of war zones and on the same battlefields, competing but together,” said Rather.

“Brian is an honest decent man, an excellent reporter and anchor — and a brave one. I can attest that — like his predecessor Tom Brokaw — he is a superb pro, and a gutsy one.”

Williams is under fire after admitting that he’s been misrepresenting his oft-repeated story about being in a military helicopter that was hit by an RPG in Iraq in 2003. A report in the military newspaper Stars & Stripes debunked that account, revealing he was in a separate helicopter.

Rather is a lying A hole.

12-03-16, 20:40
Most folks might not know this, but in every USMC Headquarters battalion there is a picture of the Sergeant Major, the Commanding Officer, The Regimental CO, the Division CG, The Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of Defense, and the President of the United States.

I swear to God I would not be surprised that upon confirmation of James Mattis you will see a shrine of sort along with the General Mattis picture. That guy is the 21st Century of Chesty Puller, and if you don't know who Chesty Puller is you're wrong.

I was right.

Thanks OS42676

Dist. Expert 26
12-03-16, 21:54
Someone on one of the veterans pages I follow on Facebook made the point that if Mattis wanted to stage a coup, there's a very real chance he could be successful. I know a lot of Marines, officers included, who would literally follow this man to the gates of hell.

Sensei, I may need medical attention. My freedom boner still hasn't gone away.

12-03-16, 22:36
I was right.

Thanks OS42676
So great. I'm not even a Marine an that photo makes me happy.

Outlander Systems
12-04-16, 07:15

Those of us in the Memetic Warfare Division have a shrine as well:


I was right.

Thanks OS42676

12-04-16, 07:38
I was right.

Thanks OS42676

My USMC son, who is almost back from first deployment, says all the guys can talk about at the smoke pit is Mattis. They are genuinely fired up.

12-04-16, 07:46
More fun from the Clinton-Soros-Stein recount

Late on Saturday, the Green Party withdrew its demand that the State of Pennsylvania perform a statewide recount, validating the state’s previous announcement giving Trump the win. It also leaves recounts in several other states without a hope of changing the outcome of the November 8 election of Donald J. Trump to the Presidency of the United States.

100 PRECINCTS IN MILWAUKEE RECOUNTED: CLINTON LOST 17,000 VOTES TRUMP LOST 1,700 – One thing to be aware of. Numbers for the City of Milwaukee do not include absentee ballots

Damn Russians! 

12-04-16, 07:59
More fun from the Clinton-Soros-Stein recount

Late on Saturday, the Green Party withdrew its demand that the State of Pennsylvania perform a statewide recount, validating the state’s previous announcement giving Trump the win. It also leaves recounts in several other states without a hope of changing the outcome of the November 8 election of Donald J. Trump to the Presidency of the United States.

She withdrew her lawsuit in PA. She's going to refile it in Federal court tomorrow. Depending on what happens in Federal court, Pennsylvania's electoral votes are theoretically on the line if a recount is mandated and not completed by December 13.

12-04-16, 08:27
As Trump tweeted... Obama provided $1.83 billion in weapon sales to Taiwan last year and the news medial is chicken-littling about China's reaction to a phone call from Taiwan to the president-elect?

I'm confused by the whole thing. We have stated publicly we'd defend Taiwan against China, we do lots of biz with them, they are allies, etc, but the leaders of the respective countries can't talk to each other? I had no idea that was a thing.

12-04-16, 10:06
I suspect that it's no more complicated than the discomfort of the establishment administration and news media regarding having a president who does not plan to conduct business as usual and isn't establishment-predictable.

12-04-16, 19:39
When we established diplomatic relations with China years ago and recognized it as the "true China", we broke diplomatic ties with Taiwan. We will not receive officials from Taiwan in Washington--we won't allow them to disembark their plane.

12-04-16, 19:53
When we established diplomatic relations with China years ago and recognized it as the "true China", we broke diplomatic ties with Taiwan. We will not receive officials from Taiwan in Washington--we won't allow them to disembark their plane.
And that's retarded...

12-07-16, 22:28
So far, I give the man a solid B when it come to his Cabinet picks. I'm a hard grader, so he is going a pretty good job managing the transition. IMHO, the bright spots are Sec Def and AG. They seem to be solid picks. I'm indifferent to Carson at HUD - I see why, but the man can be very flakey at times. There are rumors that he is looking at McCrory for Transportation. This would be a good choice; I've know McCrory since he was mayor of Charlotte and he has done a great job with NC.

The reason why I didn't give him an "A" is his pick for Treasury. Mnuchin is a Soros douche and part of the problem. At a time when we are $20T in the red, a big government progressive is not who we need in that office. I also have mixed feelings on Education. I also wish that his daughter would go back to making babies instead of beating the Global Warming drums.

So, not to bad. He could move into B+ or better territory with his Sec State and Homeland picks, or fall down to a C if he chooses duds like Petraeus or Rudy.

12-08-16, 01:06
And that's retarded...

And another Clinton move.

12-08-16, 07:17
There are rumors that he is looking at McCrory for Transportation. This would be a good choice; I've know McCrory since he was mayor of Charlotte and he has done a great job with NC.

I don't know McCrory, but I know a couple of guys who do. I have not been displeased with him as governor, and the guys I know in the state GOP really endorse his candidacy for something at the federal level. I would be pleased to see him the administration. I have also heard his name for FEMA.

26 Inf
12-08-16, 13:40
IMHO, the bright spots are Sec Def and AG.

Why do you think Sessions would make a particularly good AG?

12-08-16, 13:43
So far, I give the man a solid B when it come to his Cabinet picks. I'm a hard grader, so he is going a pretty good job managing the transition. IMHO, the bright spots are Sec Def and AG. They seem to be solid picks. I'm indifferent to Carson at HUD - I see why, but the man can be very flakey at times. There are rumors that he is looking at McCrory for Transportation. This would be a good choice; I've know McCrory since he was mayor of Charlotte and he has done a great job with NC.

The reason why I didn't give him an "A" is his pick for Treasury. Mnuchin is a Soros douche and part of the problem. At a time when we are $20T in the red, a big government progressive is not who we need in that office. I also have mixed feelings on Education. I also wish that his daughter would go back to making babies instead of beating the Global Warming drums.

So, not to bad. He could move into B+ or better territory with his Sec State and Homeland picks, or fall down to a C if he chooses duds like Petraeus or Rudy.

I have to admit that I've been a bit disheartened by several of these picks simply because if you are going to drain the swamp then don't hire them into your cabinet. I also am not so disillusioned into believing he can turn this country around inside of four years unless he becomes the tyrant that the left paints him as. That being said, the alternative is far worse.


12-08-16, 14:37
At this point anything is an improvement, but I agree. B.

Duds like Romney and Petraeus need to stay long and far away.

Trump, despite his personality, isn't stupid. Until he actually screws the pooch, I will presume he is trying to stack the deck to where he can actually keep some of his promises.

12-08-16, 15:32
He is in a hard spot.

He can dick around trying to get things perfect, while nothing gets done,
Or he can jump in,
And find adequate solutions that are an improvement, that work, that are practical and efficient, start right away, and roll with it while taking heat for it not being perfect and fine tune on the go.

12-08-16, 19:54
So far, I give the man a solid B when it come to his Cabinet picks. I'm a hard grader, so he is going a pretty good job managing the transition. IMHO, the bright spots are Sec Def and AG. They seem to be solid picks. I'm indifferent to Carson at HUD - I see why, but the man can be very flakey at times. There are rumors that he is looking at McCrory for Transportation. This would be a good choice; I've know McCrory since he was mayor of Charlotte and he has done a great job with NC.

The reason why I didn't give him an "A" is his pick for Treasury. Mnuchin is a Soros douche and part of the problem. At a time when we are $20T in the red, a big government progressive is not who we need in that office. I also have mixed feelings on Education. I also wish that his daughter would go back to making babies instead of beating the Global Warming drums.

So, not to bad. He could move into B+ or better territory with his Sec State and Homeland picks, or fall down to a C if he chooses duds like Petraeus or Rudy.

I think you've hit then ail on the head in this thread. Except for that post with #11 scalpel being shoved into the head of a penis That was just plane WRONG.

Dont know enough of Sessions to make a call yet. Would appreciate thoughts.

If he chooses Betrayus or that moron Romney he will loose a lot of points in my book. Lots of better people out there for Sec State. Bolton, Rice...

WRT Mattis. LOVE the choice. IF his appointment results in a bunch of political ass kissers pulling the eject handle the better. IMO political ass munvchers do more harm than good. Would preffer and empty seat than some ass munching roadblock.

Big A
12-08-16, 21:16
If he chooses Betrayus or that moron Romney he will loose a lot of points in my book. Lots of better people out there for Sec State. Bolton, Rice...

I don't get this. If those first 2 are unacceptable choices how are those other two acceptable?

I would prefer none of those people be involved in any position in Trump's administration.

Granted, I have no idea who would make a great SecState appointment but if he's gonna drain the swamp then he doesn't need people from past administration's in his cabinet.

26 Inf
12-09-16, 11:59
I am more than a little concerned about Trump's pick to head SBA:


This smacks a little more of cronyism and pay to play than I would like.

12-09-16, 12:37
Nah- THAT would have been the Elaine Chao appointment. You might know her husband - Senator Mitch McConnell. But yeah - Mrs. WWE doesn't seem like the most obvious choice. SBA does a lot of good things, so hopefully she'll hire some good people.

12-09-16, 12:53
Yeah, those two picks aren't Mad Dog Mattis laudable, but compared to some of the deplorable ideologues Obama picked, they're not too bad. I never expected him to put together a multi-year national championship team, but I'd definitely settle for a couple of conference championships and a winning record four years running. :)

12-09-16, 13:08
Yeah, those two picks aren't Mad Dog Mattis laudable, but compared to some of the deplorable ideologues Obama picked, they're not too bad. I never expected him to put together a multi-year national championship team, but I'd definitely settle for a couple of conference championships and a winning record four years running. :)

Completely agree. I've heard that Linda McMahon is one very smart lady. And Chao's not dumb, so I think they'lll hire smart folks in all of those SES jobs. A couple of games in the win column, maybe a bowl game appearance.

12-09-16, 13:36
Not exactly "draining the swamp" on this one.

Donald Trump will name Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn head of the National Economic Council, making him the second Goldman Sachs executive in Trump's Cabinet.


12-09-16, 15:20
Yea, I'm not liking that.

26 Inf
12-09-16, 16:04
Yeah, lets be fair, there wouldn't a lot of 'let's see how it shakes out' if Clinton had won and she was doing the same thing.

Doc Safari
12-09-16, 16:07
I'm thinking Trump realizes that people with certain high levels of skill and experience don't grow on trees, and he's appointing people accordingly. While we may argue that someone with Goldman-Sachs experience is the insider's insider, it's probably the case that such a person's competition in skill and/or experience may be minimal or nonexistent (at least in Trump's eyes).

I'm taking a wait-and-see attitude.

12-09-16, 16:10
Not really draining the swamp if you are just filling your cabinet with the swamp

12-09-16, 16:21
Yeah, lets be fair, there wouldn't a lot of 'let's see how it shakes out' if Clinton had won and she was doing the same thing.

If Clinton won, we know exactly who she would pick and we'd know exactly how it would shake out.

I'm hoping we don't get Romney clowns in important positions but the fact that Clinton isn't President has given me a very hopeful outlook and the Mattis nomination will "trump" a lot of other choices that are less than savory.

There will undoubtedly be some "establishment" nominations, after all you are going to need some experienced people who understand how things actually work. We don't need another President who thinks he can just EO all of his ideas into law.

26 Inf
12-09-16, 18:19
If Clinton won, we know exactly who she would pick and we'd know exactly how it would shake out.

I'm hoping we don't get Romney clowns in important positions but the fact that Clinton isn't President has given me a very hopeful outlook and the Mattis nomination will "trump" a lot of other choices that are less than savory.

There will undoubtedly be some "establishment" nominations, after all you are going to need some experienced people who understand how things actually work. We don't need another President who thinks he can just EO all of his ideas into law.

I am trying to be unbiased and wait to see how the candidate I grudgingly voted for does at the job, but I'm not getting a warm fuzzy with a couple of his announced picks.

I am also amused at how some folks (not necessarily speaking of you Steyr) are more than willing to speak out of both sides of their mouths about pay for play, cronyism, etc.

Hey guys, guess what the President-Elect has failings, just like any other person would.

Sessions will be a disaster as AG. He is a guy who will grab aholt of that third rail and ensure nothing constructive gets done by the AG's office.

McMahon is a clone of Trump in terms of the reality TV business, shit I think she even squared off with the Mad Russian or some other arch villain in between rounds at some match. Fvck me running, the SBA is going to be run like all star rasslin'

12-09-16, 19:26
I am trying to be unbiased and wait to see how the candidate I grudgingly voted for does at the job, but I'm not getting a warm fuzzy with a couple of his announced picks.

I am also amused at how some folks (not necessarily speaking of you Steyr) are more than willing to speak out of both sides of their mouths about pay for play, cronyism, etc.

I'm just realizing it could be lots worse. And if he picks Romneytard I'm going to actually be pretty upset. I didn't see where Sessions was a done deal. He's an NRA A+ candidate so he'd be good on guns, but he has some other positions I'm not all that crazy about.


As for Linda running the SBA, I guess at least she's actually run a business other than a foundation. Didn't see anything really scary.


12-09-16, 20:19
I'd like to think that were The Ultimate Warrior (peace be upon him) still alive; He'd have an Ambassadorship. He beat up Undertaker AND Hogan so....

12-09-16, 22:06
I'd like to think that were The Ultimate Warrior (peace be upon him) still alive; He'd have an Ambassadorship. He beat up Undertaker AND Hogan so....
I watched the latter live. Just amazing how ripped he was.

26 Inf
12-09-16, 22:06
He beat up Undertaker AND Hogan so....

Of course neither of them could hold a candle to Bulldog Bob Brown (peace be upon him, also).

12-09-16, 22:24
All I'm saying is seeing Ambassador Ultimate Warrior (R)-Parts Unknown would be awesome

12-09-16, 23:48
Not really draining the swamp if you are just filling your cabinet with the swamp

So far I'm seeing Mattis. What was the last time anyone even knew who the SBA was? So far the only worrisome nominee I've seen is Romney who I think would be a terrible mistake. Even if I objectively understand it might be about bridge building with the Republican Congress, Romney is a bridge too far in my opinion.

12-10-16, 07:07
So far I'm seeing Mattis. What was the last time anyone even knew who the SBA was? So far this he only worrisome nominee I've seen is Romney who I think would be a terrible mistake. Even if I objectively understand it might be about bridge building with the Republican Congress, Romney is a bridge too far in my opinion.

I'm not a big fan of Sessions but that's my libertarian side coming out. I like how he is big on immigration but not too fond of his wanting to legislate morality. I was really hoping with Trump that the Republican Party would start moving away from that crap and actually walk the walk when it comes to personal freedoms.

12-10-16, 08:31
26, Firefly, soul-- You are all WRONG!

Rick Flair(Stylin' and Profilin') for Secretary of State and the Iron Sheik for AG.

12-10-16, 09:03
I'm thinking Trump realizes that people with certain high levels of skill and experience don't grow on trees, and he's appointing people accordingly. While we may argue that someone with Goldman-Sachs experience is the insider's insider, it's probably the case that such a person's competition in skill and/or experience may be minimal or nonexistent (at least in Trump's eyes).

I'm taking a wait-and-see attitude.

Fully agreed.

The people who know how economies and money markets work REALLY well don't work at Starbucks. They work for Goldman Sachs.

He could be hiring Keynesian professors; I don't see why everyone gets so worked up about wanting someone to oversee the financial markets at a high level have some experience working at a high level in financial markets.

26 Inf
12-10-16, 11:48
Fully agreed.

The people who know how economies and money markets work REALLY well don't work at Starbucks. They work for Goldman Sachs.

He could be hiring Keynesian professors.

So the whole 'Ted Cruz's wife works at Goldman Sachs' was bullshit? Because I seem to remember it getting a lot of traction with the anti-Cruz folks during the primary.

And the Keynesian thing might be a good idea, I doubt that we are going to have another 'perfect storm' that allows us to spend ourselves into debt while bloating the federal government while 'proving' trickle down theory works.

I live in Kansas, ask me how it is working out for us.

12-10-16, 13:04
Bring on the Hitman with the Hart Punch, yet another move in his repertoire of technique.

12-10-16, 13:10

Rex Tillerson of Exxon Mobil Expected to Be Named Trump's Secretary of State: Sources

12-10-16, 14:24
So the whole 'Ted Cruz's wife works at Goldman Sachs' was bullshit? Because I seem to remember it getting a lot of traction with the anti-Cruz folks during the primary.

And the Keynesian thing might be a good idea, I doubt that we are going to have another 'perfect storm' that allows us to spend ourselves into debt while bloating the federal government while 'proving' trickle down theory works.

I live in Kansas, ask me how it is working out for us.

I can't speak for stupid people who made stupid comments about Ted Cruz's wife. The only thing I know about Ted Cruz's wife is that Ted Cruz copied a line from The American President to defend her.

What I can speak for is that Goldman Sachs is where the best people in the world go to work in finance; they don't go to academia for example. If you were hiring a guy to audit your trillion dollar a year organization wouldn't you want the America's Managing Partner at PriceWaterhouse? Goldman Sachs is no different. The people on this forum seem to act like Goldman Sachs is some illuminati-run voodoo organization...the same people who laugh when liberals treat the NRA as if it is like that too.

Why can't we just not be scared of things we don't understand and have an open mind when discussing things?

P.S. Expect a PM soon. You hit on something the other day I wanted to expand on privately. But between old girl, interim testing at work, and buying fancy clothes to fit in with the Miami folks I have zero time :(

12-10-16, 14:59
I can't speak for stupid people who made stupid comments about Ted Cruz's wife. The only thing I know about Ted Cruz's wife is that Ted Cruz copied a line from The American President to defend her.

What I can speak for is that Goldman Sachs is where the best people in the world go to work in finance; they don't go to academia for example. If you were hiring a guy to audit your trillion dollar a year organization wouldn't you want the America's Managing Partner at PriceWaterhouse? Goldman Sachs is no different. The people on this forum seem to act like Goldman Sachs is some illuminati-run voodoo organization...the same people who laugh when liberals treat the NRA as if it is like that too.

Why can't we just not be scared of things we don't understand and have an open mind when discussing things?

I think most here rightly see them at part of the same bunch of experts who knowingly misled investors and were integral and culpable for the major economic crash of 08, and recently admitted they knowingly misled investors to buy shoddy products and paying a "$5.1 billion to settle a lawsuit related to its handling of mortgage-backed securities leading up to the 2007 financial crisis, the U.S. Department of Justice" (1)

If that's where the "best people in the world go to work in finance" then we're fuc^#Ed. Run by white collar criminals who should have done jail time. I have no faith that the main focus and concern of anyone coming from that sector will be the US economy for anyone but their own circle and interest as the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. That's not draining the swamp, that's the swamp in need of draining. Having said that, it's not like HC would have not any better, but DJT was on a solid run 'till this appointment.

(1) http://fortune.com/2016/04/11/goldman-sachs-doj-settlement/

26 Inf
12-10-16, 15:41
I can't speak for stupid people who made stupid comments about Ted Cruz's wife. The only thing I know about Ted Cruz's wife is that Ted Cruz copied a line from The American President to defend her.

What I can speak for is that Goldman Sachs is where the best people in the world go to work in finance; they don't go to academia for example. If you were hiring a guy to audit your trillion dollar a year organization wouldn't you want the America's Managing Partner at PriceWaterhouse? Goldman Sachs is no different. The people on this forum seem to act like Goldman Sachs is some illuminati-run voodoo organization...the same people who laugh when liberals treat the NRA as if it is like that too.

Why can't we just not be scared of things we don't understand and have an open mind when discussing things?

P.S. Expect a PM soon. You hit on something the other day I wanted to expand on privately. But between old girl, interim testing at work, and buying fancy clothes to fit in with the Miami folks I have zero time :(

Why can't we just not be scared of things we don't understand and have an open mind when discussing things?

I have a pretty open mind, generally spit out kool-aid. I am willing to give Trump a chance, but all of my core beliefs about the man seem to be coming true.

Trump has engaged in shady business practices so it is no surprise to me that he would appreciate the leadership of GS. While Goldman Sachs to my understanding, did nothing overtly illegal in the lead up to the subprime mortgage crisis, but they were a key player in causing it. And like Trump, after using the law to their advantage - in Goldman Sachs' case accepting bail out money - they went about their merry way - in Goldman Sachs' case this meant million dollar bonuses for everyone.

I also recall that several of their big boys have resigned in very public spats over the ethical conduct of the company's business relationships with clients. Apparently they also believe that when you are paid to manage a client's money you are ethically bound to always work in the client's best interest.

I just looked down and saw Will Brink more eloquently stated my response.

12-10-16, 23:04
Just saw it on the NEWS.... I mean SNL

Walter White to head up the DEA


12-11-16, 08:08
Thanx Putin?

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”



12-11-16, 08:13
I think most here rightly see them at part of the same bunch of experts who knowingly misled investors and were integral and culpable for the major economic crash of 08, and recently admitted they knowingly misled investors to buy shoddy products and paying a "$5.1 billion to settle a lawsuit related to its handling of mortgage-backed securities leading up to the 2007 financial crisis, the U.S. Department of Justice" (1)

If that's where the "best people in the world go to work in finance" then we're fuc^#Ed. Run by white collar criminals who should have done jail time. I have no faith that the main focus and concern of anyone coming from that sector will be the US economy for anyone but their own circle and interest as the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. That's not draining the swamp, that's the swamp in need of draining. Having said that, it's not like HC would have not any better, but DJT was on a solid run 'till this appointment.

(1) http://fortune.com/2016/04/11/goldman-sachs-doj-settlement/

From your own link - keep in mind Goldman paid ~$5B in penalties.

Goldman Sachs is the fifth bank to reach a multibillion-dollar settlement with the Department of Justice in relation to subprime mortgages during the Great Recession. Other bank settlements include $13 billion with J.P. Morgan Chase; $16.6 billion with the Bank of America; $7 billion from Citigroup; and $3.2 billion from Morgan Stanley.

"Everyone is doing it" is no excuse - but they were all doing it. Why is GS always the boogie man?

I'll await your opinion for some of the world's best experts on real world application of macroeconomic policy outside of those organizations.

12-11-16, 08:24
The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.
So, did they make up the damning info, or just release it to the world? Because last I checked nothing was proven to be false. Just massively inconvenient for the Democrats...

This is a lot like saying that a group releasing evidence leading people to a murderer "conspired" against the person who committed the crime.

It's not like the made shit up, they simply made it public. The same could be said of the media CONSPIRING to get Hillary Clinton elected (and Obama, and Kerry, and Gore, etc...). "Grab em by the p*ssy," anyone? You don't think that tagged Donald a bit in the overall popular vote totals?

Now Schumer wants an investigation that's going to cost millions and turn up exactly jack-squat... These cry babies simply can't handle losing and they're going to point the finger at anything other than their miserable candidate that couldn't win over working class voters in swing states.

"Everyone is doing it" is no excuse - but they were all doing it. Why is GS always the boogie man?

I'll await your opinion for some of the world's best experts on real world application of macroeconomic policy outside of those organizations.
Euro we have talked econ a bit before and I am 100% with you on this one. There are a handful of people in the US qualified to have these positions and every single one of them works/worked in finance for one of the big five. If you want someone preaching a boatload of government and socioeconomic engineering, you can find a few more potential candidates filling the hearts and minds of young democrats in universities scattered across the nation. Most of them literally couldn't cut it working for the big five anyway and stumbled into academia...

12-11-16, 08:56
From your own link - keep in mind Goldman paid ~$5B in penalties.

"Everyone is doing it" is no excuse - but they were all doing it. Why is GS always the boogie man?

I don't recall singling out GS and said "...part of the same bunch of experts who knowingly misled investors and were integral and culpable for the major economic crash of 08, and recently admitted they knowingly misled investors..."

I'll await your opinion for some of the world's best experts on real world application of macroeconomic policy outside of those organizations.

And I'll repeat, If that's where this admin plans to find the best and the brightest then "draining the swamp" in any way is a falsehood of mammoth proportions.

12-11-16, 09:12
I don't recall singling out GS and said "...part of the same bunch of experts who knowingly misled investors and were integral and culpable for the major economic crash of 08, and recently admitted they knowingly misled investors..."

And I'll repeat, If that's where this admin plans to find the best and the brightest then "draining the swamp" in any way is a falsehood of mammoth proportions.

What you are seeing is the Reagan Administration 2.0 and I promise that continuing to doubt this administration will result in continual egg on your face. Sit back and enjoy the ride, competency is returning to DC.

12-11-16, 09:20
It's not even January yet.

I'll wait until mid April before I start chumping Trump

12-11-16, 09:30
What you are seeing is the Reagan Administration 2.0 and I promise that continuing to doubt this administration will result in continual egg on your face. Sit back and enjoy the ride, competency is returning to DC.

I see, so the koolaid has been made so strong that we shouldn't question or doubt this incoming admin and choices made cuz we are about to experience Reagan 2.0. And with that, I'm stepping away from this particular topic for a while.

12-11-16, 10:06
So if Trump is Reagan 2.0 does that mean we are going to see even more increases to the national debt?

Singlestack Wonder
12-11-16, 10:25
What you are seeing is the Reagan Administration 2.0 and I promise that continuing to doubt this administration will result in continual egg on your face. Sit back and enjoy the ride, competency is returning to DC.

There are many folks that need a purpose in their daily grind,. When the previous administration was in power they knocked them. Now that the Country is back on a path to recovery, those folks need to feel and appear relevant again. They contribute nothing to a greater cause and only try to generate interest in themselves....

12-11-16, 11:08
So if Trump is Reagan 2.0 does that mean we are going to see even more increases to the national debt?

No comment on Reagan but I think you will see the debt balloon no matter who is POTUS.

It's not even January yet.

I'll wait until mid April before I start chumping Trump

Kinda where I'm at with everything. The adults are back in charge. Let's see what happens when the dude actually takes office.

I don't recall singling out GS and said "...part of the same bunch of experts who knowingly misled investors and were integral and culpable for the major economic crash of 08, and recently admitted they knowingly misled investors..."

And I'll repeat, If that's where this admin plans to find the best and the brightest then "draining the swamp" in any way is a falsehood of mammoth proportions.

Im not trying to beat you up over something so simple. I am just simply asking where you'd be apt to find anyone better suited for the role of commerce secretary or treasury sec or chairman of the Fed than the big financial institutions.

Draining the swamp can refer to getting rid of a lot of people but we can't simply start the Federal Govt from scratch wth people who have no experience just because we want to start fresh

12-11-16, 11:18
Thanx Putin?

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”



No one sees the irony of the DNC pinning its hopes on a secretly released document about secretly released documents. The Russian intelligence services for Trump and the CIA for HRC. This crap reads like a Tom Clancy novel, from after he died.

12-11-16, 11:36
How do we feel about Trump's Secretary of State pick? No diplomatic experience and getting the position of main diplomat. I don't know enough about the guy to make informed commentary but it seemed like an odd pick.

12-11-16, 11:44
How do we feel about Trump's Secretary of State pick? No diplomatic experience and getting the position of main diplomat. I don't know enough about the guy to make informed commentary but it seemed like an odd pick.

Draining the swamp man!

We should be hiring people without experience if what I'm reading on M4C is to be believed.

12-11-16, 12:13
How do we feel about Trump's Secretary of State pick? No diplomatic experience and getting the position of main diplomat. I don't know enough about the guy to make informed commentary but it seemed like an odd pick.

If you're Rex Tillerson and you've been running Exxon Mobile you've likely got one hell of a lot of experience negotiating on an international level with the real people behind the throne.
In a pre-taped interview set to air Sunday on Fox News, Trump discussed why a businessman such as Tillerson would be a good fit as America's chief diplomat.

"Well, in his case, he's much more than a business executive, I mean he's a world-class player," Trump said, acknowledging Tillerson's relationship with Russia through his business dealings.

"To me, a great advantage is he knows many of the players, and he knows them well," Trump added. "He does massive deals in Russia. He does massive deals for the company — not for himself, for the company."

Besides, he has Bolton as his back-up.

12-11-16, 13:09
Draining the swamp man!

We should be hiring people without experience if what I'm reading on M4C is to be believed.

Because nobody on m4c is fond of Mattis as SecDef?

12-11-16, 16:07
How do we feel about Trump's Secretary of State pick? No diplomatic experience and getting the position of main diplomat. I don't know enough about the guy to make informed commentary but it seemed like an odd pick.

Better than Romney.

12-11-16, 16:11
This'll either really work or it really wont

12-11-16, 16:19
How do we feel about Trump's Secretary of State pick? No diplomatic experience and getting the position of main diplomat. I don't know enough about the guy to make informed commentary but it seemed like an odd pick.
CEO of one of the largest international firms in the world... He has massive experience, just not diplomatic experience. Also, not going to continue the shit-show that is US diplomatic relations with Russia. Given that it looks like we are committed to pissing off China, this is a good thing.

12-11-16, 19:46
CEO of one of the largest international firms in the world... He has massive experience, just not diplomatic experience. Also, not going to continue the shit-show that is US diplomatic relations with Russia. Given that it looks like we are committed to pissing off China, this is a good thing.

And he'll have to go to charm school, where he'll get the whole "this is what we do here at Foggy Bottom" course of instruction. I think he'll work out just fine.

26 Inf
12-11-16, 20:01
According to SingleStack I need to feel relevant - so, really, just a continuation of Bush II, except with Exon instead of Haliburton? Got it.

Reminds me of a song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYMD_W_r3Fg

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again
No, no!

Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss

12-12-16, 01:40
President-elect Donald Trump's dismissal of U.S. intelligence findings that Russia tried to sway the presidential election is a distressing slap in the face to the intelligence community, current and former U.S. intelligence officials said Sunday.

Trump on Sunday repeated his rejection of the intelligence community's conclusion that Russia actively worked to help him win the election, calling the idea "ridiculous" in an interview on "Fox News Sunday."


All this blaming on Russia for Hillbag's loss despite her being a crooked pile of excrement, now they are trying to say that he won due to Russian influence, and even some asking for another vote. Maybe the CIA should start looking into her foreign contributions to her schemes within the Clinton Foundation.


12-12-16, 10:07
The recount didn't work, so they have to try something else. The FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS, EPA, etc have become politicized by the Democrats. This swamp certainly does need to be drained.

Doc Safari
12-12-16, 10:11
A famous science fiction movie line: "Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

12-12-16, 10:23
The recount didn't work, so they have to try something else. The FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS, EPA, etc have become politicized by the Democrats. This swamp certainly does need to be drained.

Bingo. They lost an election they thought was rigged in their favor. Their recounts aren't going as planned. Now they are trying another avenue. Desperate power whores the lot of them.

Singlestack Wonder
12-12-16, 10:28
Never mind all of the illegal activity that was released about the democrats in the releases....The dems really want to take the focus away from those activities and "spin" the issue into a "russia hacking elects their preferred President".

12-12-16, 10:30
At this point I want Trump to play nice until the day after the inauguration, following which he raises the black flag goes scorched earth in Hillary and company.

12-12-16, 11:17
At this point I want Trump to play nice until the day after the inauguration, following which he raises the black flag goes scorched earth in Hillary and company.

This ^^^

12-12-16, 11:31
Quote Originally Posted by jpmuscle View Post
At this point I want Trump to play nice until the day after the inauguration, following which he raises the black flag goes scorched earth in Hillary and company.
This ^^^ X 10

12-12-16, 12:14
The whole thing is sofa King retarded.....

They wish Hilary"lost" because of russians..... Idiots.....

It couldn't be that, oh, I don't know, that the country voted trump and not her? Assholes....

12-12-16, 12:17
At this point I want Trump to play nice until the day after the inauguration, following which he raises the black flag goes scorched earth in Hillary and company.

This x2.

12-12-16, 12:26
It's getting even worse than you might think.
Now there is legislation going forward about "Fake News", so the .gov now wants to get in to the News Business and approve what we receive and pass as News?
I would guess though that if we allow them to write it and approve it, it will likely be exactly what they want us to hear, read and see. At least we can be assured the Russians didn't "hack it" right?

12-12-16, 12:31
. At least we can be assured the Russians didn't "hack it" right?

Only if it goes through. If it fails it's because the Russians hacked it!

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

12-12-16, 12:35
So the Russians are better hackers than the Chinese? :)

12-12-16, 13:01
At this point I want Trump to play nice until the day after the inauguration, following which he raises the black flag goes scorched earth in Hillary and company.
The problem is that half of America (at least half of voting America) views her as some kind of a hero. As much as I'd like to see it, I'd bet that he just allows her to fade into obscurity. Unless she tries to run for office again... Then, full tilt boogie...

12-12-16, 13:08
So the Russians are better hackers than the Chinese? :)

It's whatever illusion the Democrats and the MSM wants us to believe.. ;)

12-12-16, 13:11
From everything I've read, the only dolt who fell for the grade school level phishing attempts was Podesta. All that came out of his hacks was the collusion between Hillary, DNC and leftist newstainment groups. Everyone else who got phished was smart enough to not get exploited. So in effect, the "Russians" didn't have any effect whatsoever past the Podesta Wikileaks, which was just stuff they shouldn't have been doing anyway. But that's not what they want the average idiot American to believe. In other words, Pravda would be proud of them! LOL

12-12-16, 13:23
At this point I want Trump to play nice until the day after the inauguration, following which he raises the black flag goes scorched earth in Hillary and company.

That's a BIG 10-4.

12-12-16, 13:43
The problem is that half of America (at least half of voting America) views her as some kind of a hero. As much as I'd like to see it, I'd bet that he just allows her to fade into obscurity. Unless she tries to run for office again... Then, full tilt boogie...
I'd like to see Trump be quietly proactive. Discreetly find out all he can, then, if possible, bring down the hammer and utterly crush her hopes and dreams. And jail her if he can. Likewise, that homely harpy-in-waiting: Chelsea.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

12-12-16, 13:45
Thanx Putin?

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”



Other than that dolt Podesta falling prey to a grade school level phishing attack, what neither the CIA nor the Hillary/DNC/newstainment industry have proven is that they actually accomplished anything or moved the election needle at all. It's just sour grapes and they're grasping at any straw that's out there. It is however quite "DELISH" as Kev puts it, that the left now looks like a bunch of tinfoil hat nutters! :D

12-12-16, 14:04
I'd like to see Trump be quietly proactive. Discreetly find out all he can, then, if possible, bring down the hammer and utterly crush her hopes and dreams. And jail her if he can. Likewise, that homely harpy-in-waiting: Chelsea.Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

That's where I'd devote my efforts. :)

12-12-16, 14:07
How do we feel about Trump's Secretary of State pick? No diplomatic experience and getting the position of main diplomat. I don't know enough about the guy to make informed commentary but it seemed like an odd pick.

McNamara was a Ford executive, Condi Rice was a university executive, Clinton's HUD secretary (Cisneros) was a college professor and mayor of San Antonio....

It seems our presidents rarely pick cabinet secretaries with much (any??) experience in the area in which he/she is chosen to lead.

12-12-16, 14:19
Gary Cohn, the COO and President of Goldman Sachs, to lead the National Economic Council. GS is cleaning up during this swamp draining.

12-12-16, 14:22
Let Hillary continue to self destruct herself; she needs no help. I hope Trump ignores her except to say "there you go again." Reagan made this comment famous in his debate(s)with Jimmy Carter in 1980. It's on You tube for any who's interested.

12-12-16, 14:44
If this was previously posted, ignore


EDIT: wonder why the video isn't displayed?

12-12-16, 14:50
At this point I want Trump to play nice until the day after the inauguration, following which he raises the black flag goes scorched earth in Hillary and company.

To quote Octavian..."Step away from my chair."

12-12-16, 15:14
It's whatever illusion the Democrats and the MSM wants us to believe.. ;)


Reid blames Comey for Hillary Clinton's loss (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/reid-blames-comey-for-hillary-clintons-loss/ar-AAlsVPy?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp)

12-12-16, 16:23

Reid blames Comey for Hillary Clinton's loss (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/reid-blames-comey-for-hillary-clintons-loss/ar-AAlsVPy?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp)

I thought it was the Russians?

Or I thought it was uneducated, racists white men?

I thought it was self-hating white married women?

I thought it was voter disenfranchisement?

I thought it was blacks that didn't come out to vote?

I thought it was the Berners not voting?

I thought it was the 3rd party votes cheating her of the win?

Or was it just a horrible candidate with an "I'm not Trump" platform run by the most inept and arrogant campaign in history.

But sure it was the Russians.

That they are driving themselves crazy (check out HuffyPost or r/politics) over the the truth coming out seems to not matter to them. That they are using an illegally released CIA report to counter illegally released emails is something that they are totally blind to.

I know the drivers of all this are doing it to delegitimize Trump, but the amount of regular people that think that there is actually going to be something that comes out of this is frightening. I foresee even bigger disturbances after the 19th and then after the 28th and January 6th with the big wrap up on the 20th.

Interesting to read all the different levels of meetings. Part of the January 6 comments are:

If any objections to the Electoral College vote are made, they must be submitted in writing and be signed by at least one member of the House and one Senator. If objections are presented, the House and Senate withdraw to their respective chambers to consider their merits under procedures set out in federal law.

Anyone know what the federal laws that would pertain here?

IIRC someone filed a grievance against Bush's ECs? I could see every Dem (and some GOP) Reps and Senators filing and filing and filing.

I really hope that after Trump takes the oath, he turns towards the crowds and give them a double barrel middle finger.

Doc Safari
12-12-16, 16:25
Don't the states have to send their certified election results to Congress on the 13th in preparation for the official Electoral College vote on the 19th?

12-12-16, 16:45
The left is disillusioned but not by the message they have, they are disillusioned that the voters didn't go along with it liked they hoped they would.
We're a divided Country, looking at the Counties that went for Trump vs Clinton clearly shows that. Now you have to ask, why is that?
They simply refuse to acknowledge failure and simply want to lay the blame at the feet of anyone but themselves.
I honestly don't believe that Trumps win over Hillary had much to do with the GOP being more palatable than the Democrats. I think the win was more about an antiestablishment candidate versus a establishment candidate.
The GOP had better roll up the "Never Trump" carpet and go back to the drawing board immediately. The party should either split or immediately do a purge of their own RINO establishment or the tide will again turn on them.
This would be the time to back changing the guard and getting on board and building a winning team that can clean up the mess we are in.
Having the Democrats pointing fingers is a good thing, eventually they will figure out they own this one, but it will likely take a decade for them to do so. Voting Pelosi back in as minority leader should tell you that.

12-12-16, 16:47

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12-12-16, 16:49
It makes no sense for Putin or anyone Putin related to want Trump over Klinton. If anything Russia would support the continued demise this country has experienced over the last 8 years. Why on earth would Putin want to MAGA?

The CIA and FBI can in no way attribute this to the Russian government. I'm fairly confident wiki-leaks received its information from someone working for "Anonymous". He may even have been Russian or using Russian originated malware, but he certainly wasn't taking orders from Putin.

Hacking Podesta's and the DNC emails was certainly not difficult and the KGB isn't likely to take the risk of sending material to wiki-leaks.

This is just another one of the fake news stories that are so common from the NYT and WaPO. Why people give any credence to this is beyond reason.

12-12-16, 17:02
It makes no sense for Putin or anyone Putin related to want Trump over Klinton. If anything Russia would support the continued demise this country has experienced over the last 8 years. Why on earth would Putin want to MAGA?

The CIA and FBI can in no way attribute this to the Russian government. I'm fairly confident wiki-leaks received its information from someone working for "Anonymous". He may even have been Russian or using Russian originated malware, but he certainly wasn't taking orders from Putin.

Hacking Podesta's and the DNC emails was certainly not difficult and the KGB isn't likely to take the risk of sending material to wiki-leaks.

This is just another one of the fake news stories that are so common from the NYT and WaPO. Why people give any credence to this is beyond reason.

What? Of course it makes sense. Hillary's foreign policy was directly contradictory to what Russia would benefit from. If we work with Russia in things like how we handle the Middle East they stand to benefit immensely. Hillary would have taken the opposite path.

12-12-16, 18:45
What? Of course it makes sense. Hillary's foreign policy was directly contradictory to what Russia would benefit from. If we work with Russia in things like how we handle the Middle East they stand to benefit immensely. Hillary would have taken the opposite path.

Like Hillary supporting Isis and toppling regimes around the Middle East so her Clinton Foundation friends can steal all the oil?

12-12-16, 18:48
What? Of course it makes sense. Hillary's foreign policy was directly contradictory to what Russia would benefit from. If we work with Russia in things like how we handle the Middle East they stand to benefit immensely. Hillary would have taken the opposite path.

This. Don't forget the inflammatory remarks Hillary made comparing Putin to Hitler during the start of the Crimea crisis not too long ago. Don't forget that Assad was part of the State Department's hit list for the Arab Spring, and Assad's actions prevented the coup that would have him going the route of Saddam, or Mubarak in Egypt. This surely would be rectified under Clinton Presidency 2.0.
Who's to say that the alleged anti-Hillary Russian hacks are not actually leaks from with in her own campaign machine?
Continuing to blame Russia just serves to further the notion of the Evil Red Boogeyman, and distances Hillary's reputation from the revulsive truth she's so desparately trying to hide from.

12-12-16, 19:28
A burned Bernie supporter in the DNC makes more sense than Putin.

I found it odd that Trumps comments about NATO were so mistakenly mis- characterized. The true thrust of his comments were that EU countries needed to contribute appropriately for their own defense and not depend on the US.

That and his comments about BHO not being a strong leader are spun to mean something other than what they meant. Interesting that they are Progressives main ammo right now.

12-12-16, 21:03
What? Of course it makes sense. Hillary's foreign policy was directly contradictory to what Russia would benefit from. If we work with Russia in things like how we handle the Middle East they stand to benefit immensely. Hillary would have taken the opposite path.

Yeah right. She and her best bud Obummer were "real tough" on Russia when they invaded Crimea and started flitting around in the Ukraine. It ain't all about the middle east that is a point in time thing and Russia plays the long game.

Putin would by far rather have these kommunists in the Whitehouse, regardless of their posturing, because he knows they're all do nothing establishment twits.

Compare the Obama / Klinton cabinets to the Trump cabinet. = There is your answer.

John Fricken Kerry is the current Secretary of State. I rest my case.

There were two major compromises of email, DNC and Podesta. My black lab could have compromised Podesta's gmail, safe to assume the DNC wasn't a lot more difficult. Russian intel has far better sources to leverage than the idiots involved with these compromises.

12-12-16, 21:39

Reid blames Comey for Hillary Clinton's loss (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/reid-blames-comey-for-hillary-clintons-loss/ar-AAlsVPy?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp)

Umm, didn't Reid and EVERY other D senator vote to overwhelmingly confirm Director Comey? Doesn't that mean that Reid is responsible for Hillary's loss? :cool:

12-12-16, 22:17
What's next? "You stole my idea!"

12-12-16, 22:20
Yeah right. She and her best bud Obummer were "real tough" on Russia when they invaded Crimea and started flitting around in the Ukraine. It ain't all about the middle east that is a point in time thing and Russia plays the long game.

Putin would by far rather have these kommunists in the Whitehouse, regardless of their posturing, because he knows they're all do nothing establishment twits.

Compare the Obama / Klinton cabinets to the Trump cabinet. = There is your answer.

John Fricken Kerry is the current Secretary of State. I rest my case.

There were two major compromises of email, DNC and Podesta. My black lab could have compromised Podesta's gmail, safe to assume the DNC wasn't a lot more difficult. Russian intel has far better sources to leverage than the idiots involved with these compromises.

Yeah that's not how it works. Our Middle East policy, especially that put in place by Hillary, cost Russia a LOT of money in regards to their biggest exports (energy). To think otherwise, especially when Trump is far more likely to have friendly relations with Russia (just look at his Secretary of State pick), is pure ignorance.

12-12-16, 22:30
Yeah that's not how it works. Our Middle East policy, especially that put in place by Hillary, cost Russia a LOT of money in regards to their biggest exports (energy). To think otherwise, especially when Trump is far more likely to have friendly relations with Russia (just look at his Secretary of State pick), is pure ignorance.

How exactly did Arab Spring cost Russia energy sales?

12-12-16, 22:57
What? Of course it makes sense. Hillary's foreign policy was directly contradictory to what Russia would benefit from. If we work with Russia in things like how we handle the Middle East they stand to benefit immensely. Hillary would have taken the opposite path.

Nah Hillary's foreign policy was just a bargaining chip to get paid more from the Russians. ;)


12-12-16, 23:54
What? Of course it makes sense. Hillary's foreign policy was directly contradictory to what Russia would benefit from. If we work with Russia in things like how we handle the Middle East they stand to benefit immensely. Hillary would have taken the opposite path.

Perhaps the biggest reason for Putin to favor Trump over Clinton was the issue of sanctions placed in 2014 against the Russians over their incursions into Ukraine and Crimea. Clinton favored a continuation of those sanctions; Trump was a little more circumspect when it came to sanctions.

I don't know if Russian hacking "influenced" the election. Honestly, I really don't care unless it can be shown that they manipulated individual votes. As far as I'm concerned, foreign entities trying to influence public opinion is all par for the course in the daily intelligence/counter-intelligence game. We certainly do it.

Where I get a little nervous is when I hear people suggesting that Trump can somehow make Russia our friend. As long as Putin rules Russia, they will be at best our competitor, and more likely an overt enemy. Putin is a megalomaniac who blames the US for Russia's post-Cold War decline. He would like nothing more to restore the former Soviet Union (under his rule, of course) and see the US marginalized. Trump would be wise to not underestimate Putin's capacity for deceit.

12-12-16, 23:56
NSA leaked it.

12-13-16, 00:45
Perhaps the biggest reason for Putin to favor Trump over Clinton was the issue of sanctions placed in 2014 against the Russians over their incursions into Ukraine and Crimea. Clinton favored a continuation of those sanctions; Trump was a little more circumspect when it came to sanctions.

I don't know if Russian hacking "influenced" the election. Honestly, I really don't care unless it can be shown that they manipulated individual votes. As far as I'm concerned, foreign entities trying to influence public opinion is all par for the course in the daily intelligence/counter-intelligence game. We certainly do it.

Where I get a little nervous is when I hear people suggesting that Trump can somehow make Russia our friend. As long as Putin rules Russia, they will be at best our competitor, and more likely an overt enemy. Putin is a megalomaniac who blames the US for Russia's post-Cold War decline. He would like nothing more to restore the former Soviet Union (under his rule, of course) and see the US marginalized. Trump would be wise to not underestimate Putin's capacity for deceit.

100% agree. And it's not like Obama wasn't trying to "influence" lots of things in Ukraine right before that blew up.

And Putin is certainly looking to restore the Union, I mean the Federation. We need to put cards on the table, Russia screwed us in Vietnam and weakened us, we paid them back in Afghanistan. Pretty much it's a wash.

We can continue to back stab each other to neither benefit or we can simply work together where we have common enemies and both prosper from the shared effort. Russia can continue to support Syria, I guess we get Iraq and we decide who gets influence where so we don't step on toes.

We don't need to be best friends, we don't even need to send Christmas cards, but we can ratchet down the animosity and accept the fact that Putin is going to do what is best to restore Russia to super power status with or without us. Honestly, it would be nice to have somebody who can contribute to the UN security games we like to play.

We no longer have a flashpoint in Berlin, no reason to create on in the Middle East like Obamaphone did.

12-13-16, 06:10
I definitely agree with both of you guys, I am hoping that if Trump can't see that then at least people around him will be able to and he will listen.

12-13-16, 07:11
100% agree. And it's not like Obama wasn't trying to "influence" lots of things in Ukraine right before that blew up.

And Putin is certainly looking to restore the Union, I mean the Federation. We need to put cards on the table, Russia screwed us in Vietnam and weakened us, we paid them back in Afghanistan. Pretty much it's a wash.

We can continue to back stab each other to neither benefit or we can simply work together where we have common enemies and both prosper from the shared effort. Russia can continue to support Syria, I guess we get Iraq and we decide who gets influence where so we don't step on toes.

We don't need to be best friends, we don't even need to send Christmas cards, but we can ratchet down the animosity and accept the fact that Putin is going to do what is best to restore Russia to super power status with or without us. Honestly, it would be nice to have somebody who can contribute to the UN security games we like to play.

We no longer have a flashpoint in Berlin, no reason to create on in the Middle East like Obamaphone did.

Agree 100%. When the Chinese come to party it would be good to have Russia on our side.

12-13-16, 08:16
Where I get a little nervous is when I hear people suggesting that Trump can somehow make Russia our friend. As long as Putin rules Russia, they will be at best our competitor, and more likely an overt enemy. Putin is a megalomaniac who blames the US for Russia's post-Cold War decline. He would like nothing more to restore the former Soviet Union (under his rule, of course) and see the US marginalized. Trump would be wise to not underestimate Putin's capacity for deceit.

This is true. No American can "make Russia our friend." The best we can hope to get is situational allies, while knowing they would put the knife in our back every chance they get. Kind of like an ex-wife and joint custody with the kids.

To be fair, though, Russia feels like that with just about anyone not Russian.

12-13-16, 08:31
This is true. No American can "make Russia our friend." The best we can hope to get is situational allies, while knowing they would put the knife in our back every chance they get. Kind of like an ex-wife and joint custody with the kids.

To be fair, though, Russia feels like that with just about anyone not Russian.
Definition of détente

1: the relaxation of strained relations or tensions (as between nations); also
a policy promoting this

This should be a blast from the past.
Agree to disagree and go on about our individual business's and meet and discuss things when we have overlapping and/or differing interests.
It's called Diplomacy, we haven't been very good about that lately.
That we can do this and avoid war or sticking our collective noses in to a war is an art.
Simply the carrot and the stick, hardline diplomacy done by Business Men and Generals, I see this as a win for both sides.

12-13-16, 09:13
Perhaps the biggest reason for Putin to favor Trump over Clinton was the issue of sanctions placed in 2014 against the Russians over their incursions into Ukraine and Crimea. Clinton favored a continuation of those sanctions; Trump was a little more circumspect when it came to sanctions.

I don't know if Russian hacking "influenced" the election. Honestly, I really don't care unless it can be shown that they manipulated individual votes. As far as I'm concerned, foreign entities trying to influence public opinion is all par for the course in the daily intelligence/counter-intelligence game. We certainly do it.

Where I get a little nervous is when I hear people suggesting that Trump can somehow make Russia our friend. As long as Putin rules Russia, they will be at best our competitor, and more likely an overt enemy. Putin is a megalomaniac who blames the US for Russia's post-Cold War decline. He would like nothing more to restore the former Soviet Union (under his rule, of course) and see the US marginalized. Trump would be wise to not underestimate Putin's capacity for deceit.

Agreed on all fronts. If there's on thing Trump has experience it's in dealing with disingenuous people who say one thing then do another, the difference being this is for high stake above getting a new hotel done, etc. Assuming he listens to the people he's surrounding himself with, people like Mattis, Flynn, etc know what Putin is all about, so on the national security front I'm expecting Trump admin will get something in return for any changes in sanctions and such. Whether it's just to make him and his crew richer, or is in fact in the best interest of the US and by extension, the planet, remains to be seen. I'm remaining hopeful 'til I see otherwise.

12-13-16, 09:18
This is true. No American can "make Russia our friend." The best we can hope to get is situational allies, while knowing they would put the knife in our back every chance they get. Kind of like an ex-wife and joint custody with the kids.

To be fair, though, Russia feels like that with just about anyone not Russian.

May be to our benefit as it keeps them away from China. Commies that can't play nice with each others.

12-13-16, 22:34
May be to our benefit as it keeps them away from China. Commies that can't play nice with each others.

Russia hasn't forgot they lost the cold war and went through a huge financial collapse. I remember Putin remarking on that specifically, that if ever there was a time to reach across it was then. They floundered pretty hard for a long time. Course he got rich out of that so he can't complain but he does have a point- I think as long as we can share a mutual respect for eachother and share common interests when possible, that we should at least try. I'd rather deal with Russians than Chinese.