View Full Version : Major Douchebaggery selling ARs on Gunbroker

11-17-16, 15:51
I needed to share this information for others who may be considering using GB to sell items.

First off, I think it's become a great site and I sold about 20 collectible Colt AR15s in the past 4 months and made great premiums on most of them. Without GB I would have made I'm guessing 20-25% less and would have had to do a good deal more work listing and dealing with questions on say M4carbine,net and it would have taken far longer to sell them than the auction format.

Second, their fees are totally reasonable. Between 1-2% compared to ebay (9% final value + 3% paypal). But that's where the good ends. Like everything else, the problem comes from the people, specifically the 10% that are bad apples.

#1 cluster**** was a dealer in Connecticut who is notoriously buying every pre-ban he can get his grubby little mitts on. Because he's a FFL dealer with feedback coming in at a rate of about 10/week, I shipped him the 4 rifles he bought before receiving payment (my fault). I had to pester him for 2 weeks to receive a $6700 check which promptly BOUNCED, then pester him for 2 more weeks and hire a lawyer to get the funds wired a full month after auction end. He's a total dirtbag, lies through his teeth, has no honor or integrity. PM me for his name.

#2 is a cocksmoke in TX who bought an unfired NIB RESTRICTED LEO carbine from me then he got it and didn't like that the bolt was nor marked "C" for Colt (which is sometimes the case with Colt, I provided proof of this from several sources.) He also didn't like that the castle nut was not staked (even though this was not inquired about like the bolt markings was not). So, to placate this dickhead and not get bad feedback, I refunded him $280 so he could go buy a BCG with a "C" on it and send the ****ing gun to get the Castle nut "professionally staked."

In the background, GB support is non-existent. If you call the number, it hangs up on you. It is a fake number. If you use the support on the webpage, they will SOMETIMES help you ONCE, half the time they will do nothing. And if their first attempt is not successful, they do NOT follow up on a second help request for the same item.

#3 is some assclown in MD who, in a ban state, bid up TWO items to the highest bid against auction rules clearly stated, no sales to ban states. You CANNOT retract a buyer's bid, so I had to wait 48 hours for GB help to retract them, but by then those auctions were severely compromised and I probably lost several hundreds of dollars because of that dickwagon.

The final one was me as a buyer of an LMG upper. This guy wants PMO or CC (I know why now) and requests I expedite sending it becasue of some trip he's going on so I pay $20 to overnight a CC (cashier's check) to him. He acknowledges receiving it via email, but within 4 hours emails me telling me he lost it, it blew out of his truck or something. CC cannot be "stop payment" bank says it's like a stack of bills, the same as cash. If it were PMOs he lost he'd be ****ed royal. But bank says its void after 90 days so if I wait and it's not cashed, money goes back into my account. I agree to let this penishole keep the upper for 3 months, meanwhile he's sending me these pantywasting emails about indemnifying him if somebody fraudulently cashes the check, wants me to call the bank every couple of weeks to check, etc. Finally 90 days expires, I have to go sign an affadavit with a notary and send to the bank saying the check is lost etc. By now I've wasted 3-4 hours on the phone dealing with this dickhead's mistake. When they return the $$$ to my account, they deduct $25 for the "returned check". He won't pay it, says it's my fault for using that bank. I about lost my shit. Sent him a curse word filled email telling him how I really felt after being patient with him for 100 days and now the asscrack is threatening to report me to the professional society of my profession for being "mentally unstable" in retaliation for my email telling him what an irresponsible douchebag he's been. Also, the 45 day period after auction end in which you can leave feedback or enlist GB support is over so I'm totally screwed for "working with" this dirtbag. I'm out $45, hours of time and grief, and I can't even leave negative feedback. He has no consequences for his mistakes and failure to take responsibility for them.

Meanwhile, I shipped over 20 items the very day payment was received, double boxed like my life depended upon it, put a dozen pictures per item in sunlight, etc., and had zero claims that the items were not exactly as described. In short, I fulfilled my obligations admirably, went above and beyond.

This experience has made me see why ebay's fees are so costly. It is VERY labor intensive to deal with these kinds of people Welching on these deals. I also now understand why many gun forums have draconian policies to deal with people welching on deals.

Final thought - when you buy something from somebody and they want CC or PMO, send it with tracking and make sure they know if they lose it, they're screwed, not you. Once they take those PMOs or that CC, they have been paid. If they lose it/them, they just lost a stack of bills and there's nothing YOU can do to help them.

Just thought I'd share. It works great as long as it's working great. When it doesn't, the grief you suffer is unbelievable.

11-17-16, 16:22
I Once they take those PMOs or that CC, they have been paid.

Duh, once it is in their hands, they own it. should have told him to pound sand.
Should have reported him right there for refusal to ship product.

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11-17-16, 16:26
I don't care who you are or how much feedback you have, you aren't getting anything shipped to you until I receive your payment and it clears my bank. Gunbroker, like eBay, has its share of snakes.

11-17-16, 16:43
OP sounds like a hassle To deal with.

Why is this in AR general?

11-17-16, 16:58
OP sounds like a hassle To deal with.

Why is this in AR general?

If everyone you deal with is an asshole, chances are you are the asshole.

11-17-16, 17:09
OP sounds like a hassle To deal with.

Why is this in AR general?

I presume you forgot a comma after OP, in which case the comment below yours makes even less sense than it did already.

As to second question I dunno because its about ARs? Should it be moved? What shall i do?

11-17-16, 17:34
OP, sorry for your troubles, even the ones you brought on yourself (never ship before payment goes through).

Hope this gets some of it off your chest, but these are buying/selling complaints, nothing to do with ARs in general or this section specifically, and you don't have enough posts to rant in the General Discussion section.


11-17-16, 17:49
Nothing like our M4C Seniors keepin' it real. :)

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11-17-16, 19:47
I have over 300 feedbacks on gunbroker & have only had one instant where I had a buyer back out due to remorse causing me a little headache...you sir are snake bit.
It's really not that complicated.

11-17-16, 20:15
First off, I think it's become a great site and I sold about 20 collectible Colt AR15s in the past 4 months and made great premiums on most of them. Without GB I would have made I'm guessing 20-25% less and would have had to do a good deal more work listing and dealing with questions on say M4carbine,net and it would have taken far longer to sell them than the auction format.

You are coming here to say you won't sell weapons on M4C because it is too much work, but you want us to listen to your complaints about your other sites and take them seriously? I'm missing something here.

You should be glad your business of selling firearms is doing well, even it takes some effort.

11-17-16, 20:26
Hi, this is the internet. Welcome.

11-17-16, 20:27
That awkward moment when your thread gets moved to GD, but you don't have enough posts to respond, so you just get to watch your dumpster fire smolder from a distance.

11-17-16, 20:29
I would say something snarky like #WhitePeopleProblems but I am too nice for such shenanigans

11-17-16, 20:43
So you actually had a Colt LE firearm that was NIB but the castle nut wasn't staked? That would be the first time I ever even heard about something like that. Also haven't seen too many unmarked BCGs. Are you sure this wasn't a an Expanse rifle or parts from an Expanse.

11-17-16, 20:49
You are coming here to say you won't sell weapons on M4C because it is too much work, but you want us to listen to your complaints about your other sites and take them seriously? I'm missing something here.

You should be glad your business of selling firearms is doing well, even it takes some effort.


Usually I have found when a particular situation is repeated over and over, I find it necessary to go stand in front of the mirror just to check myself before I wreck myself. Again.

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11-17-16, 20:53
Was this thread even originally written for m4c or was it just copied from another forum? What is the real point you are trying to convey? Internet selling can be a rough business, protect yourself, your investment, and your buyer. Always be in the right.

11-17-16, 20:54
I've managed to conduct many transactions on GB without issue because I block problematic people.

11-17-16, 20:56
I've managed to conduct many transactions on GB without issue because I block problematic people.

Can you elaborate? This is sort of the GB dealer equivalent of saying "I never miss because I always hit the bullseye." Well, sure you do, but how?

What metrics do you use to identify problematic people, etc.?

11-17-16, 21:00

Usually I have found when a particular situation is repeated over and over, I find it necessary to go stand in front of the mirror just to check myself before I wreck myself. Again.

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This.. If everyone is an issue its probably not them its you.

11-17-16, 21:02
That awkward moment when your thread gets moved to GD, but you don't have enough posts to respond, so you just get to watch your dumpster fire smolder from a distance.

LMAO at the brilliance of the move to GD.

Thankfully the only problems I've had on Gunbroker were three non-paying bidders. Easily resolved by Gunbrokers NPB process with fees refunded. Those NPB's get moved to the block list. I've sold more than I've bought on Gunbroker, but don't buy or sell on there very often.

11-17-16, 21:22
Can you elaborate? This is sort of the GB dealer equivalent of saying "I never miss because I always hit the bullseye." Well, sure you do, but how?

What metrics do you use to identify problematic people, etc.?

There are a lot of things. If they have any negative feedback for not completing a transaction- I block them. If they don't have any feedback and aren't a verified member- I block them. If they have any negative feedback within the last ninety days- I block them. If they bid incrementally but aggressively- I block them. If they ask stupid questions, stuff that is obvious- I block them. If they ask for special considerations for payment- I block them. If they have an immature snarky or retarded username- I block them. I've managed more than a few hundred A+ transactions without any negative feedback because I'd rather sell something for less to another person who can conduct themselves like an adult. I've probably blocked over a hundred bidders through my account.

Gunbroker however could do a few things to make things easier such as, allowing sellers to place feedback minimums on who bids on their items. Allow sellers to block buyers from certain states. Forcing people without feedback to play in the kiddie pool to build up feedback by not allowing them to bid on expensive items. Finally, closing people's accounts who have accrued more than three negative feedbacks- that includes those high volume dealers that list stuff they don't even have in stock.

11-17-16, 21:47

Good info, thanks.

26 Inf
11-17-16, 21:52
So does anyone know if the OP is an FFL or just selling illegally (regardless of how we feel about the law)?

11-17-16, 23:08
Letter of the law says you can sell off a collection.

If you bought a hundred lowers last month and then were selling them at four times the price the day after HRC became president elect,
They have ruled they can bust him even after just the first sale.

11-17-16, 23:34
So does anyone know if the OP is an FFL or just selling illegally (regardless of how we feel about the law)?

Selling in and of itself is not illegal. Selling for the purpose or intention of making a sustainable profit (aka acting as an FFL) without an FFL is.

26 Inf
11-17-16, 23:49
Selling in and of itself is not illegal. Selling for the purpose or intention of making a sustainable profit (aka acting as an FFL) without an FFL is.

That is what he seemed to be doing from his description, which is why I asked if he was an FFL. It makes no difference to me, just curious.

11-18-16, 00:07
I got the impression he was selling guns off from a collection as a short term thing vs. being in the business.

Whether I have the correct impression or not I can't verify.

Just like I can't verify that if he is always in the middle of drama buying and selling,
He may be in the it's not you it's me zone.

11-18-16, 00:09
Can you elaborate? This is sort of the GB dealer equivalent of saying "I never miss because I always hit the bullseye." Well, sure you do, but how?

What metrics do you use to identify problematic people, etc.?

While nothing is 100%, there are a few prudent things both buyers and sellers can do to protect themselves. The most important being very knowledgeable about what you are buying and selling and whenever possible dealing with reputable people only.

Seen a lot of "steals" on GB that I never considered bidding on because I knew of the reputation of the seller. And I've seen a lot of completely misrepresented crap sold on gunbroker to people who clearly had no idea what they were buying.

After almost two decades in the gun business I confine myself to about four or five reputable suppliers, and about a half dozen NFA dealers. Given the prices involved it's not much different than buying a Rolex on ebay. Expect fakes, expect non factory parts, expect concealed defects and if it comes with a "story" of any kind then you really should expect the worst.

11-18-16, 00:20
Selling in and of itself is not illegal. Selling for the purpose or intention of making a sustainable profit (aka acting as an FFL) without an FFL is.

Technically, so we don't start calling anyone something that he isn't, especially since he can't clarify with a response, the ATF phrase that pays is "engaged in the business of dealing in firearms ."

"Sustainable profit" has zero to do with anything.

You can sell one gun for no profit and still find yourself charged with being an "unlicensed gun dealer" if ATF determines you are "engaged in business." On the other hand a guy with a large collection and bank account can sell a hundred guns in one year and have zero problems at all.

The problem is the qualifying criteria is typically vague and at the discretion of ATF to make determinations. And the protections provided by FOPA 1986 that did away with many of the abuses permitted by the 1968 Gun Control Act are being stripped away one determination at a time.

11-18-16, 00:58
That is what he seemed to be doing from his description, which is why I asked if he was an FFL. It makes no difference to me, just curious.

This is my takeaway as well. If anything positive comes of this thread it's that the OP evaluates his status as a seller; if truly not an FFL. Ignorance is no defense in the eye of the law. Unfortunately, I've encountered a number of people who's actions might make for a future legal precedent regarding what constitutes FFL activity. Like most other laws, what qualifies in terms of real dollars/frequency is quite grey. With the OP patting himself on the back for making a profit on a decent quantity of firearms, he's not pleading the non-FFL case very well. Personal views aside, this seems to be a far greater issue than some less than upstanding buyers on GB.

11-18-16, 01:13
This is my takeaway as well. If anything positive comes of this thread it's that the OP evaluates his status as a seller; if truly not an FFL. Ignorance is no defense in the eye of the law. Unfortunately, I've encountered a number of people who's actions might make for a future legal precedent regarding what constitutes FFL activity. Like most other laws, what qualifies in terms of real dollars/frequency is quite grey. With the OP patting himself on the back for making a profit on a decent quantity of firearms, he's not pleading the non-FFL case very well. Personal views aside, this seems to be a far greater issue than some less than upstanding buyers on GB.

It's not grey at all, there are no qualifiers. "Frequency" and "real dollars" are irrelevant." The specific criteria is "engaged in the business of dealing in firearms." ATF has already stated you can do it one time and be in violation and charged. There is no magic "safe number" regarding number of guns sold or markup. It is completely up to the ATF to decide what THEY believe you are doing.

Really wish everybody understood this, not picking on you or anyone else, just feel like I can't say it often enough because even here most people have some serious misconceptions about this stuff.

11-18-16, 02:58
Frankly, I think we're sharing the same sentiment, and take no offense. I admit that my articulation may be lacking. What you're saying is the point I'm trying to make regarding "what qualifies in terms of real dollars/quantity". Engaged in business means a good is being sold. The problem is, anything can qualify. It's entirely subjective. So, maybe grey area isn't the right term. But, for me, that's the way I express the sentiment.

11-18-16, 07:54
It's not grey at all, there are no qualifiers. "Frequency" and "real dollars" are irrelevant." The specific criteria is "engaged in the business of dealing in firearms." ATF has already stated you can do it one time and be in violation and charged. There is no magic "safe number" regarding number of guns sold or markup. It is completely up to the ATF to decide what THEY believe you are doing.

Really wish everybody understood this, not picking on you or anyone else, just feel like I can't say it often enough because even here most people have some serious misconceptions about this stuff.

I learned early on that in some posts that may start off with folks scratching their heads, ends up being quite educational. It's given me pause to think why so many people are probably ignorant to the law, especially when dealing with something as serious as firearms. Maybe it's because most of us grew up selling a shotgun to a neighbor trading for chain saw in wintertime. At least that's how I grew up. We had guns. I mean my dad and I had GUNS. so we'd pick up a shotgun from the electrician on a job site we were hanging Sheetrock on. Or a friend needs a chain saw and times we're tight, well I traded it for a nice 30.30. (It was a good Husqvarna chain saw). Maybe I'm way more redneck than most, idk. But that's sort of the way we transacted back in those days. I realize that things have changed to a degree, but back home in East Texas, things really aren't that different from when I lived their. We had no idea about ATF rules, granted this was some years so things were privacy different. I said all that to say that it's not a normal concept to have many regulations concerning the sale of private property. Americans are used to selling something when they want to sell it. Not giving credence to ignorance, just saying that ta not like anything else and perhaps common folk aren't educated. I know I have already learned some things that are very basic, but I just did not know. I may be alone in this, but I don't think I am.

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11-18-16, 14:54
I presume you forgot a comma after OP, in which case the comment below yours makes even less sense than it did already.

I did not forget a comma; see below for reasons.

If everyone you deal with is an asshole, chances are you are the asshole.

There's this.

So you actually had a Colt LE firearm that was NIB but the castle nut wasn't staked? That would be the first time I ever even heard about something like that. Also haven't seen too many unmarked BCGs. Are you sure this wasn't a an Expanse rifle or parts from an Expanse.

And this.

That awkward moment when your thread gets moved to GD, but you don't have enough posts to respond, so you just get to watch your dumpster fire smolder from a distance.

Made me LOL

There are a lot of things. If they have any negative feedback for not completing a transaction- I block them. If they don't have any feedback and aren't a verified member- I block them. If they have any negative feedback within the last ninety days- I block them. If they bid incrementally but aggressively- I block them. If they ask stupid questions, stuff that is obvious- I block them. If they ask for special considerations for payment- I block them. If they have an immature snarky or retarded username- I block them. I've managed more than a few hundred A+ transactions without any negative feedback because I'd rather sell something for less to another person who can conduct themselves like an adult. I've probably blocked over a hundred bidders through my account.

Great info posted above, ESPECIALLY the underlined. It's how I manage to sell shit on M4C.

Gun people are ****ing stupid. I hate "gun people". Shooters are excellent, but "gun people" are terrible. I'm not sure what it is about them, but they're usually arrogant and it shows when you are buying/selling. When I'm selling something and I get a PM and the first sentence is "My buddy can get that for..." I delete it. I used to **** with lowballers and high strung buyers/sellers by sending goatse, but now it doesn't even bother me.

P.S. Do not, under any circumstances, google goatse.

26 Inf
11-18-16, 15:00
My eyes! My eyes!

11-18-16, 15:01
P.S. Do not, under any circumstances, google goatse.

I just washed my &@%#£* eyeballs out with Clorox.

Yeah yeah yeah I know you said "Do not under any circumstances...."
I didn't even read the rest before I googled it.

I've invented cuss words still in use in the Army today, but after seeing that?

I got nothing. NOTHING!!!!!


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11-18-16, 15:04
Well, I got a nasty message on here after giving away parts and optics on Pay It Forward. I gave away a Aimpoint comp M4s and the guy pm me and started saying that it wouldn't hold sub moa, I said its a ****ing red dot sight, not a precision scope, he came back with it has some scratches on it- finally I was like- you got it for free. Same with a Noveske NSR rail I put up on the PIF, the guy about flipped out when it didn't show up in the original box, we went back and forth a couple of times. The best was a used ACOG sight I put up on PIF, apparently he thought I was going to UPS Red overnight it to him, and because he had to wait a week, he threatened leave me bad feed back and lobby to get my account suspended.

Doc Safari
11-18-16, 15:16
I just washed my &@%#£* eyeballs out with Clorox.

Yeah yeah yeah I know you said "Do not under any circumstances...."
I didn't even read the rest before I googled it.

I've invented cuss words still in use in the Army today, but after seeing that?

I got nothing. NOTHING!!!!!


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Dang it. Now I'm curious. Why does one not want to google "goatse"?

11-18-16, 15:17
Euro....if ever we do horse trading before actually hanging out one day, I am for real going to send you weird words scribbled on some dive joint napkin or some random piece of paper

It's only right.

ETA i can beat goatse

google lemon party.

11-18-16, 15:18
Well, I got a nasty message on here after giving away parts and optics on Pay It Forward. I gave away a Aimpoint comp M4s and the guy pm me and started saying that it wouldn't hold sub moa, I said its a ****ing red dot sight, not a precision scope, he came back with it has some scratches on it- finally I was like- you got it for free. Same with a Noveske NSR rail I put up on the PIF, the guy about flipped out when it didn't show up in the original box, we went back and forth a couple of times. The best was a used ACOG sight I put up on PIF, apparently he thought I was going to UPS Red overnight it to him, and because he had to wait a week, he threatened leave me bad feed back and lobby to get my account suspended.

That's just ridiculous the nerve of some people. And I assure you they would defend themselves.
I've never experienced that before in my PIFs, but I do recall on the last PIF you posted you said a guy had gotten an ACOG from you and turned around and asked for an Aimpoint. Kinda greedy it seems.
Personally, your last PIF I had asked for a 10.5 barrel, never knew if was too late or what the deal was, but at the same time it was free and it was yours to choose who you gave it to. Some guys came on the PIF bitching and carrying on. A few of us stuck up for you, told them you were moving and said once again. "It's free stuff, it's hard to complain one way or the other." We kept PIFing the items we posted even though I don't think any of us received anything. Turned out to be about 3 weeks of guys really stepping up.
I have to remember that we live in an entitlement world and apparently it just isn't restricted to a particular ethnicity it seems.


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11-18-16, 15:19
Dang it. Now I'm curious. Why does one not want to google "goatse"?


Euro!!!!!! YOU Ain't right in the head!!!!!

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Doc Safari
11-18-16, 15:20

Euro!!!!!! YOU Ain't right in the head!!!!!

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Come on....I'm not gonna do it. I just want to know why it's bad. One sentence will do. I don't want to accidentally see someone screwing a goat or something.

11-18-16, 15:21
Come on....I'm not gonna do it. I just want to know why it's bad. One sentence will do. I don't want to accidentally see someone screwing a goat or something.


That should cover it.
If I wasn't already so jacked up. I'd be scarred.
It was still rough.

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11-18-16, 15:22
Oh my how we have digressed....

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11-18-16, 15:23
Oh my how we have digressed....

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Any minute now some smart ass is going to dare you to google Blue Waffles.

11-18-16, 15:25

Any minute now some smart ass is going to dare you to google Blue Waffles.

You're a horrible influence Fly!! Lol

Or shrimping. And it ain't got nothing todo wth water.

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11-18-16, 15:29

Any minute now some smart ass is going to dare you to google Blue Waffles.

There are many things in this world that are "not right". As in totally wrong. Like wrong as possibly wrong could be...

Right now you as Euro top that list... Top it!!!

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11-18-16, 15:35
Come on....I'm not gonna do it. I just want to know why it's bad. One sentence will do. I don't want to accidentally see someone screwing a goat or something.

Doc before you get any ideas....

I cannot describe what I just saw....granted I'm a Texan but I can be somewhat eloquent when absolutely necessary.

There are NO words my friend. None. None in our tongue nor any tongue uttered since the creation of the spoken language that can describe...

"Blue Waffles"

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11-18-16, 16:28
While you guys are at it make sure you DO NOT Google tub girl

11-18-16, 16:33
While you guys are at it make sure you DO NOT Google tub girl

Skywalker I'm gonna pass the guidon on to another dimwit....errrrrr... Brave soul.
Now I'm gonna look bad if there are no takers.

Surely their is yet another brave soul, a brethren of M4C and a Jedi-Googler???

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11-18-16, 17:01
What, no "Kids in a Sandbox"?

11-18-16, 17:19
Well, I got a nasty message on here after giving away parts and optics on Pay It Forward...

That's astounding. Like Robert, I remember that last PIF you did before moving. I put a request out for one of the items, but never received anything. Oh well, it was free, so I lost nothing. Maybe I was too late on the request or life was just too hectic for you. Again, who cares. You're generosity inspired a flood of great PIFs from other M4C members, and I really enjoyed being able to help a couple guys out with stuff I no longer needed. Bottom line, I had no reason to be upset. The fact that people who actually received an Aimpoint or ACOG had the audacity to complain is beyond me. I'd be interested to hear what those individuals complaining PIF'd in exchange. I know that thread is more about need, and less about contributing a PIF item of similar value. But I fully expect that the guys complaining about their free optic were likely contributing something like a pistol lock cable. I'm sorry to hear that a few bad apples didn't appreciate your generosity, and hope everything went well with your move.

11-18-16, 17:25
Well, I got a nasty message on here after giving away parts and optics on Pay It Forward. I gave away a Aimpoint comp M4s and the guy pm me and started saying that it wouldn't hold sub moa, I said its a ****ing red dot sight, not a precision scope, he came back with it has some scratches on it- finally I was like- you got it for free. Same with a Noveske NSR rail I put up on the PIF, the guy about flipped out when it didn't show up in the original box, we went back and forth a couple of times. The best was a used ACOG sight I put up on PIF, apparently he thought I was going to UPS Red overnight it to him, and because he had to wait a week, he threatened leave me bad feed back and lobby to get my account suspended.

Wow. That might be the worst I've ever heard.

11-18-16, 17:27

Any minute now some smart ass is going to dare you to google Blue Waffles.

Two Girls One Cup.

Starts out so right and goes horribly wrong so fast.

11-18-16, 18:13
it was first to pm me there name and address: which kind of sucked because it was mostly people who had post count of 5 or maybe 15 and I was waiting to see if they would put up anything besides an A2 flash hider with crush washer or NCStar rail. Last PIF my inbox maxed out in 3 minutes, I deleted all and it was maxed out again within an hour. Hence why I am putting together a "mystery box" and requiring at least 200 post count or "site sponsor" for eligibility. It was ridiculous for 4 days I was responding to people scared to even get on this site. Everyone was building a gun for there sick uncle.

11-18-16, 19:03
It's cool. I was the 2nd guy to post what I would have liked and actually started my SBR NFA paperwork because of that Noveske 10.5 on your PIF. (So I was a little naive back then.) I was the guy who made the spreadsheet for you to keep track of all the stuff you were PIFing to whoever. That was before you told me how complicated it was & how greedy some people are. But I think it actually it turned out to be a good thing. Aside from my SBR paperwork. I honestly felt good because while I'm sure there were the leeches who got some of my stuff to add to their spare parts bin, I know for certain there were also some guys who finished out their AR or got a component that they didn't have the funds for. But even better than that, I made a couple of friends who I still text and email sometimes on a daily basis. Sometimes I go back and read all the PIFS. You should if you remember the timing. You would be proud or impressed with the generosity of some of t he M4Cers.. I was very proud and impressed on how some guys stepped up. Some guys withdrew their PIF bc they said they wouldn't give up their PIF until they got their PIF from you. Me and about 3 other guys were messaging and decided to just go with it. If we said we were going to PIF it, then we PIF'd it regardless of what we didn't get. I PIF'd some nice stocks wth battery storage, nice grips, pouches, LPK's a few ALG QMS triggers. It almost got a little too happy-feeling. Lol. And I know there are those who are just selfish greedy little turds, but when I knew I was helping someone, I just said to myself if they are a lyin' DRB who's taking stuff just to build up their parts bin, well that's between them and their Maker. Who judges the quick and the dead and left it at that. And you never know, maybe one of these days I'll be quick enough on something I need. The PIF's been dead for quite a while. And I do hope that whoever got that Noveske barrel needed it. I ended up buying a BA 10.3 Hanson and while it's not a Noveske, it's a excellent shooting rifle and very well built, if I say so myself. I just got my stamp in last week and will be posting pics after I finish painting it.
So I say thank you Elephant for helping motivate me to start my SBR NFA paperwork. :-)

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11-18-16, 19:54
Any minute now some smart ass is going to dare you to google Blue Waffles.

I was wondering how long it would take for things to escalate to this level. DO NOT ... DO NOT google Blue Waffles!!!

Outlander Systems
11-18-16, 19:58

Goatse, TubGirl, and Two Girls - One Cup are still around?!?

There was a video a buddy showed me back in like '02 where I hope to God it was special effects. Nasty shit. Freaky shit. No way that's real kinda shit


OP, don't engage in the business of selling firearms without an FFL.

That shit ain't no joke, brah.

11-18-16, 20:04
Two Girls One Cup.

Starts out so right and goes horribly wrong so fast.

That ain't the blue Waffles I saw...

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11-18-16, 20:04
If you got it from Stile Project, who knows (probably fake)?

and yes, selling guns all day with no FFL is not going to get you anywhere good.

11-18-16, 20:10
I do not use any of the auction sites.

Problem solved.

26 Inf
11-18-16, 20:13

Goatse, TubGirl, and Two Girls - One Cup are still around?!?

There was a video a buddy showed me back in like '02 where I hope to God it was special effects. Nasty shit. Freaky shit. No way that's real kinda shit


OP, don't engage in the business of selling firearms without an FFL.

That shit ain't no joke, brah.

Hey, I'm an innocent, someone had to tell me what MILF meant.

I thought tub girl was a girl cleaning a bath tub or hot tub. I wanted to see that because I have a wife and two daughters, plus a couple of bath tubs as well as a hot tub. I've never seen a woman clean any of them, so you can understand I was curious about the existence of such women.

Goatse got me, I thought it was one of those Scentsy scents. Having been around goats, I couldn't begin to understand why someone would want to put concentrated goat smell on a Scentsy warmer.

Blue Waffles? Although Pecan Waffles with warm Butter Pecan syrup are my favorites, who doesn't like a Blueberry Waffle?

All I got to say is you guys are 'Bad company, I can't deny. Bad company, Till the day you die, Until the day you die' get thee behind me you besmirchers of my pristine retinas.

So anyways, is the OP an FFL or not?

11-18-16, 20:30
Hey, I'm an innocent, someone had to tell me what MILF meant.

Guard your innocence Firefly will corrupt you.

So anyways, is the OP an FFL or not?

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11-18-16, 20:41
Church of Fudge, Lemon Party, etc. Wait, what?

Outlander Systems
11-18-16, 20:48
First rule of internet:


11-18-16, 22:12
The wikipedia page description alone was enough to keep me away.

11-18-16, 22:20
The wikipedia page description alone was enough to keep me away.

The force is strong with this one.

11-19-16, 11:20
Church of Fudge, Lemon Party, etc. Wait, what?

Strangeland's s**tfactory section broke my innocence when I lived in the barracks around 2000/2001.

11-19-16, 13:35

11-20-16, 18:12
This thread should have been smothered in the cradle.

Gunbroker problems remain on Gunbroker.