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12-12-07, 23:20
+1. Thanks a lot Randall :)

09-15-08, 12:19
After months of waiting, I think it's time for me to write a feedback on AR15Barrels aka Randall. I sent my LMT barrel to do some work in July. Basic shorten, profile, attached FH and refinish. AR15Barrels is very responsive before he gets my money, things take a pretty quick down turn once my money order is sent. Now all my PM and Email is going to a blackhole.

The last communication I have is about a month ago when he told me he's waiting to re-finish it. I am a little frustrated after multiple emails with no reply and no ETA. What I should've done is read TOS's feedback. Randall, if you are reading this, send me my barrel back, and keep the money. I'll get it to ADCO to reparkerize. My one and only AR is like a paper weight now.

PS: I ordered a new barrel from G&R, bet you $5 I'll get it first.

09-15-08, 12:35
If you sent a postal money order contact the Postal Inspector. You'll get a resolution pretty quickly as the USPS takes a very dim view of people who cash their money orders without delivering the goods or services as promised, and Randall will be quite uncomfortable with his new friends wanting answers.

09-15-08, 13:31
FWIW, send him a written note, via USPS "snail" mail, asking for you money back. He will send it.

I had a similar situation to yours, and got my money back without much drama after waiting for several months. I think it was 6 months.

09-30-08, 18:46
:mad: I sent out the "snail" mail today to ask for my barrel back, whatever condition it's in and refund for any services nor performed. I'll let everyone know how that goes. What a hussle, if I've seen all your feedbacks here (which you'll didn't leave one), I wouldn't have sent my barrel to him. Should've use ADCO.

10-15-08, 19:59
Man, I wish I had seen this a few months ago! I sent him an upper to have the flash hider permanently attached, thinking something so simple would not take long. Also, I was banking on reputable comments I had read MORE than a year ago, not recent history.

I sent an email asking for all to be returned minus shipping, but after reading about this on TOS, I don't have a lot of faith in getting my upper back in the next year!!!

10-15-08, 23:25
Unfortunately your results are not uncommon. I haven't seen much of Randall's work and now I think I know why. It doesn't get out...much.

It's a shame.

I'm starting a shop after the first of the year and will be offering discounts to M4C members. Hopefully I can rebuild the rep of some west coast builders.


10-20-08, 22:46
Thanks to Shivan's snail mail advice, I received the barrel back today. Give credit where it's due, his work is top notch. Just wish he would run a better business.

10-22-08, 02:11
This is interesting. I had heard that "shop work" is getting done reasonably but that custom barrels are what are not getting sent out. I guess he has fallen behind on the "shop work" as well... Too bad.

UPDATE: I've heard through the grapevine that he had an accident and has been out of commission a while, which may explain why "shop work" has gotten behind recently. I hope he recuperates and gets back on his feet.

Slightly more than a year ago I sent in some barreled uppers to get some perm FH put on. Came back within about 3 weeks or so IIRC including travel.

My custom barrel on the other hand is almost 3 years since he got my money (end of Dec 2005 I sent it in). I've been busy so I have not really done much about it but of course am now interested in getting it in...

I ran into him at SHOT this past Feb (more accurately he saw me and came over and introduced himself). Had some nice discussions.

Too bad he seems to have gotten in over his head with work. I don't think he is trying to rip people off on purpose. More likely just committed himself to too much and spent money he shouldn't have to get customers stuff done who had been waiting longer (this is conjecture). As a person he is a decent fellow, as far as I have interacted with him and heard from others.

10-23-08, 15:16
I am shooting a 3 gun match this Sat. that Randall usually attends, I have not seen him in a couple months there, for sure he was not there in Sept. If you all would like I can ask people that know him better what's up.

12-14-08, 12:20
Last week I received my upper receiver back with the LaRue rail installed and the new flash hider installed and pinned.

The work was excellent and I have no complaints.

It took a little over 3 months from sending to receiving.