View Full Version : FYI: Hurricane Ike - G&R Tactical

09-15-08, 17:20
FYI: Due to the remnants of hurricane IKE G&R Tactical is currently without power, Internet, phone, ETC. Unfortunately they will be unable to process orders, answer emails, or the phone until these services are restored. Orders can still be placed online but they will not be able to process them until power/internet is restored.

Thank you for your understanding.

09-15-08, 17:45
FYI: Due to the remnants of hurricane IKE G&R Tactical is currently without power, Internet, phone, ETC. Unfortunately they will be unable to process orders, answer emails, or the phone until these services are restored. Orders can still be placed online but they will not be able to process them until power/internet is restored.

Thank you for your understanding.

NE Ohio was affected? GEESH. I need to watch more TV. Good luck Grant, hope you're back up and running soon.

09-15-08, 18:41
I live in SW Ohio and this was the most widespread power outtage in this area I can remember in my lifetime.

09-15-08, 22:52
Well us folks down in Houston Took it on the Nose.
Hope they get it all worked out.


09-16-08, 08:23
We are alive and well, but are camping in our own house (no electric, no internet, no phone and no water). :mad:

I am using internet at my parents house and plan on getting some packages out the door by tomorrow.

We apologize for any delay in your orders.


09-16-08, 09:03

I hope that there was no damage and wish you a speedy recovery.

tiger seven
09-16-08, 09:07
We had a nasty wind storm roll through here Sunday, and now have over 200,000 people without power in and around Louisville. They claim it's the worst outage on record in Kentucky. I have no power at home, although I have a gas stove and a gas water heater so I can at least cook a hot meal and take a shower. :)

I'm at work now (of course work would have power...) but they're predicting it may be two weeks before power is restored to everyone. I hope things get back to normal a bit more quickly for you Grant.

Good luck.


09-16-08, 12:31
We are alive and well, but are camping in our own house (no electric, no internet, no phone and no water). :mad:

I am using internet at my parents house and plan on getting some packages out the door by tomorrow.

We apologize for any delay in your orders.


First you freak out over a harmless little Praying Mantis; now it's the "hurricane's fault". What gives? :D

J/K. I hope that your home or business did not sustain any long-term damage and that everyone stays safe!! :)

09-17-08, 00:56
good luck, Grant.

09-17-08, 01:01
Wow I just got confirmation that my order was out for delivery! Rain or shine I'm getting my stuff. Hope it wasn't too much trouble. Thanks Grant and prayers are with your family.:D

09-17-08, 19:47
Finally got power and internet back today, my neighborhood 50 miles inland was absolutely smashed. Fortunately no houses torn up aside from the ones that took a tree though.

Sorry to hear that the rest of the country had to feel this one. It was a beast.

09-18-08, 10:32
Hey Grant.

Take care of the family first before anything. It's amazing how disruptive it can be to loose power, along with other factors. Lol and as we all all know......."if Mom/Wife ain't happy, no one is happy". Hope nothing else happens and that life returns to normal quickly. Good luck

30 cal slut
09-18-08, 15:05
so, uh, what gun for praying mantis?

09-20-08, 12:41

Just wanted to check in and see how things are going. Any progress in getting you guys back up and running?

09-20-08, 14:20

Just wanted to check in and see how things are going. Any progress in getting you guys back up and running?

We are up and running!


09-21-08, 01:49
Awesome! Now get some LaRue BUIS's in stock so I can pretend like I'm helping your business get back on its feet. :D


09-21-08, 09:52
Finally got power and internet back today, my neighborhood 50 miles inland was absolutely smashed. Fortunately no houses torn up aside from the ones that took a tree though.

Sorry to hear that the rest of the country had to feel this one. It was a beast.

Yeah it sucked. Though, we were lucky; trees down, fence down, no power(turned on late last night, was not supposed to be on for another week). Still no power at my business. But I had water.

09-21-08, 10:51
Wow I had no idea you guys up north were hit so hard. Ike rolled through central AR in about a day. Gustav, on the other hand, hung around for almost a week.

09-21-08, 12:16
Glad you're up and running, Grant. I'll contact you this week for my order.

09-24-08, 16:41
i'm in clear lake south of houston. we just got our power back.
i'm wondering why the reports on the news only show around 60 dead. i've heard through other sources that there are 1000's missing, but nobody seems to be talking about that anymore.