View Full Version : Biden to step down? again?

09-17-08, 20:07
Someone started this email forwarding business and I got it last night. Truth or fiction? I know this was touched on a couple weeks ago. It's baaaaack...

On or about October 5th, Biden will excuse himself from the ticket,
citing health problems, and he will be replaced by Hillary. This is
timed to occur after the VP debate on 10/2.

There have been talks all weekend about how to proceed with this info.
Generally, the feeling is that we should all go ahead and get it out
there to as many blog sites and personal email lists as is possible.
I have already seen a few short blurbs about this - the 'health
problem' cited in those articles was aneurysm. Probably many of you
have heard the same rumblings.

However, at this point, with this inside info from the DNC, it looks
like this Obama strategy will be a go. Therefore, it seems that the
best strategy is to get out in front of this Obama maneuver, spell it
out in detail, and thereby expose it for the grand manipulation that it is.

So, let's start mixing this one up and cut the Obamites off at the
pass - send this info out to as many people as you can - post about it
on websites and blogs - etc

09-17-08, 20:14
Why would Hillary want to be Obama's VP? Unless she has some Vince Foster-type action planned for him once they win.

I'm betting she wants Obama to lose so she can run in 2012.

09-17-08, 22:13
Why would Hillary want to be Obama's VP? Unless she has some Vince Foster-type action planned for him once they win.

I'm betting she wants Obama to lose so she can run in 2012.


There's a rift between Obama and Clinton that's wider than the Grand
Canyon. They just play nice in public.

09-17-08, 22:18
Hillary wants Obama to lose so she can run in 2012 on an "I told you so" ticket.

09-18-08, 00:38
If the CIC gets assassinated , who then takes over?

How far would you trust the Clintons?

09-18-08, 22:40
if this is true then mc cain and palin have the dems scared shitless. they will do anything to win. dispicable assemblage of individuals , democrats are.

09-19-08, 05:39
All of the replies make sense for both sides of the argument.

I've been told that this is likely a regular occurance before every election as similar emails had been around for both parties. This one is believable due to the sleeziness of Barack Hussein Osama bin Biden.

So like they said on "Mythbusters", this one is "busted".

I hope. :)

09-19-08, 09:57
How far would you trust the Clintons?

I don't trust them at all...but more than Joe Biden.

However this is NOT going to happen. They're trying to make Obama look like a great decision maker, backtracking on a vp pick would quite literally be the worst thing he could do.

Six months ago I couldn't see any possible way for the dems to lose this election. Now? They seem to be trying awfully hard to put forth a ticket from the far left and pushing fence sitters towards McCain.

Heavy Metal
09-19-08, 12:21
Hillary's top fundrainers would not be flipping to McCain if this were the game plan.

09-19-08, 12:43
This morning on FOX Donald Trump declared his support for John McCain, he was a supporter of the Hitlery Clinton one.

09-19-08, 15:29
Why would Hillary want to be Obama's VP? Unless she has some Vince Foster-type action planned for him once they win.

I'm betting she wants Obama to lose so she can run in 2012.

As El Rushbo said, if Barack "Barry" Hussein Obama Bin Biden had picked Hillary as his VEEP a USSS Agent would need to taste his food at every meal.


09-21-08, 15:15
I read that Hillary MUST win by 2012 while she still has enough estrogen left to qualify as the first woman president.:D

10-08-08, 00:32
This is pretty funny

"Biden's Fantasy World"


10-08-08, 07:13
If the CIC gets assassinated , who then takes over?

How far would you trust the Clintons?

About as far as one could throw her.

But the way I see it, if Obama wins we have one that is even WORSE than Hillary. Bill lied, Obama is a liar, and Ihave no doublt that Hillary is a liar, but atleast we know where she stands from the 10 years of AWB we had from the Clintons...

10-08-08, 16:27
If the CIC gets assassinated , who then takes over?

How far would you trust the Clintons?

IE: If she was offered VP then what’s to say in some Mysterious way Obama was assassinated/became very ill, she could slide right on in. Not that her and Billy bob would do or be associated with something like that.