View Full Version : if you can ... please hit this teacher ccw poll ... we're losing

30 cal slut
09-19-08, 14:18
sorry if this is annoying ... but we could use some backup here.

dr. phil poll on teacher ccw (cut and paste into your browser)




09-19-08, 14:34
it's a valid concern, but i doubt the site will get a true representation of the population. First thing i see is an ad from Monster, and this is going from memory but i think the owner of Monster is a very strong supporter of gun control. Second thing to appear is an Obama ad.

it's kind of like a KKK site putting out an opinion poll for equal rights.

but i do know several teachers in Michigan that would love the opportunity to have the choice of carrying or not.

edit - okay, i tracked down some more info on the owner of Monster.com and his relationships with gun control groups. here is just one link i found. http://www.nraila.org/Issues/articles/read.aspx?ID=61

Cold Zero
09-19-08, 15:37
30 cal slut.

Thanks for posting this. It is one vote closer now and I will forward this on to other gun loving Americans.

09-19-08, 16:21
It is a very poorly written question for a poll. It is written in a way that solicits a no response. Logic says you don't want your daughters 2nd grade teacher with a gun on his side. Now if it was asked like this.... Would you support teachers having access to firearms to help protect your child while in school under the schools care and custody?

09-19-08, 17:46
...debate , but it seems there might be a few less than 18 yr old drunks stumbling around. I am not naive enough to think that if the drinking age is not lowered there will be less teenagers drinking but if they get there ass in a ringer over it well there may be one less DEM heading to the polls.


09-19-08, 21:55
I think the people visiting that site are not going to be "our people" anyway. We never had a chance with that poll. I was greeted with a big Obama ad when I went in to case my vote.

There have been PLENTY of other similar, better worded polls where we've done much better.

That said, most of the teachers in my area wouldn't even if they could. It would conflict with the Obama stickers on their cars.

09-21-08, 20:35
A Dr. Phil poll?? :rolleyes:

A valiant try, but let it go.