View Full Version : Georgia HB 156 (Constitutional Carry)

03-03-17, 09:32
I don't have a link on me but I did not know this was a thing until yesterday.

If you live in Georgia you better be calling people and being heard. We're here, we matter, and we shouldn't have to pay $100 every five years just to exercise our civil liberties.

There are a few bullshit sheriffs crying and whining about "it'd be harder to enforce the law"

to them I say "FVCK YOU!" I worked the ghetto for too goddamn long, these dipshits having a mother may I card or not didn't seem to matter. That's why they are criminals and usually get their weapons charges dropped anyways by Democrat DAs and alcoholic judges for pleading or snitching so they can get stats.

Joe Taxpayer is not going to suddenly start doing something he isn't already doing and a lot of working poor in less than ideal could use the $80-$100 for other things besides lining coffers.

So anyone willing to help would be appreciated


I have no affiliation with that site but it points in the right direction

03-03-17, 10:03
Given Georgia's recent pro 2A laws and affirmations, I'm surprised that they haven't already done this.

Good luck and Godspeed. I hope it passes!

Straight Shooter
03-03-17, 10:43
We doin it up in The Heart O' Dixie too! That's Alabama, for yall that don't know.

03-03-17, 10:52
New Hampshire just passed theirs. North Dakota has a bill moving through their legislature as well. 'Murica...