View Full Version : The Best Tasting Beers Ever Made

Doc Safari
03-03-17, 13:46
I've drank an ocean of different beer brands over the years. In college I was strictly a Bud or Coors man, but as I got older I have sampled everything from mainstream brews to downright hard-to-get micro brews.

Ignoring local faves which no one on this forum is likely to taste, here's my pick for the tastiest barley-flavored lubricants available:

1. Bohemia

A Mexican beer, that if chilled just right, has a distinct chocolate flavor to it. Supposedly the name originates from the fact that the original brewmeisters were from Eastern Europe, but I have not researched this. It's not too bitter and not too sweet, and that hint of unsweetened chocolate in the flavor makes it (maybe) my all time favorite.

2. Blue Moon's Rising Moon

Unfortunately, this is not manufactured anymore. Of the myriad of lime and fruit-flavored beers this one was the best. With a slight lime-peel flavor, it was a great spring and summer beer--not nearly as lime-blasted as Bud Lime, it was more of a subtle taste that stayed palatable beer after beer. To my mind, if you try to drink more than about three Bud Limes, the flavor just becomes overwhelming.

3. Warsteiner

Yes, sometimes the flavor is inconsistent. Lately I've gotten a batch with a distinctive "nutty" taste. I hope the brewer hasn't changed the recipe. Usually this is just a very good, smooth beer with a good, smooth pilsner flavor, but more hoppy. Drinking this you say to yourself, "Yeah, this is GERMAN beer."

4. Miller High Life

Yes, I will add one example of crass commercial swill to my beer list. It has a mild pilsner taste, with maybe a slight vanilla hint, but overall it's just a damn good beer that makes other American beers taste plain.

5. Beck's Octoberfest

It's been my experience that a lot of beers called "Octoberfest" normally have a hoppy but tangy flavor. I think this one is the best example if you were trying to explain to a newbie what an "Octoberfest" tastes like. Too bad it's only available once a year.

And now the bad, the ugly, the certainly not good beers that I'll never try again:

1. Steam Engine--tastes like prunes IIRC. Anyway, it's horrible.
2. Grolsch amber--I don't know what's in this stuff but it makes me paranoid. "Did I lock the front door?" "What's that noise?"
3. Samuel Adams Boston Lager--should be called GERD Lager, since that's how it affects me
4. Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat--first sip is okay; after that it tastes like cough syrup. I poured 5 bottles down the sink.
5. Michelob Ultra--I don't think there is actually any alcohol in this. I think they're lying.

03-03-17, 13:51
This is the best I've ever had. When I was there, it was in a wooden barrel, 3dm's got you a liter and a fresh pretzel.


Doc Safari
03-03-17, 13:56
I do have to add the disclaimer that my travels outside the country are very limited, so I have not sampled beers around the world. Maybe when I retire.


03-03-17, 14:11
Mmm. I love beer. That's a real solid top 5 there. In general, I'm not a huge fan of the hop-crazy IPAs and wheat beers. I've had some that I enjoy but couldn't tell you the name of them. Stone IPA comes to mind as a solid, balanced hoppy beer. I am a big fan of the German beers (e.g., Warsteiner, Bitburger, Hofbrau, Augustiner). I'd also have to say there are different beers for different occasions and/or moods - think Mexican lagers for warm weather and the beach.

For the most part, I've stayed away from the whole micro-brew stuff. Not sure why. Maybe because it seems like the micro breweries go crazy with the hops? Maybe I need to branch out.

03-03-17, 14:19
There is just one beer I remember as the best I have ever had, and that was in 1969. In Amsterdam. At the Heineken Brewery.
I took the factory tour and we all ended up in their beautiful tap room for our free beer. OMG, it was heaven. I have never duplicated that since.

A bit far from AZ for another tasting.

03-03-17, 14:40
Rhinegeist Panther is probably my favorite every weekend beer.

03-03-17, 14:49
Best tasting? Subjective as hell cuz I can't stand Warstiener. Drank some a few years ago and did not find it that good.

My personal best/favorites, Yuengling Bock. A seasonal, but a nice rich bock. Has almost root beet like hints to it. Quite yummy, and good with a nice steak. Next, I always enjoy Shiner's brews, with their Boch being nice and smooth, Their black lager is quite nice too as is their Kosmo. Other's that I quite like, would be Yards ales of the revolution. Supposedly based on the recipes of the founders you have a spruce ale supposed to be from Ben Franklin's recipe, an Ale from Jefferson, which is yummy but higher than your average in alcohol, and a Washington Porter which is probably my personal favorite.

03-03-17, 14:52
I always liked Shiner Bock, but the past few years I feel (taste) like they changed something. They do make some great seasonals and limited editions. I have now mostly switched to local micro brews from the Southeast. Natchez, Luckytown, Magnolia, Yazoo and Back 40 all have some amazing beers. I prefer ales and stouts. I can't really stand IPAs.

03-03-17, 14:54
I don't drink and it all tastes like pee but when I had some Pho at a Vietnamese joint, I tried some of that 33 beer like from the Vietnam War movies and it went well with my food.

Outlander Systems
03-03-17, 14:57

03-03-17, 15:07
Embalming fluid goes well with Pho .

03-03-17, 15:11
I always liked Shiner Bock, but the past few years I feel (taste) like they changed something. They do make some great seasonals and limited editions. I have now mostly switched to local micro brews from the Southeast. Natchez, Luckytown, Magnolia, Yazoo and Back 40 all have some amazing beers. I prefer ales and stouts. I can't really stand IPAs.

I think they actually might have, it is still a solid brew though in my opinion. I will also admit to quite enjoying their premium, which is funny cuz I tend to look down beers like that. Oh, and their Blonde is excellent in my opinion. *Sigh* if it wasn't snowing here I'd go grab a case tonight. I still prefer a beer that is on the heavier side, lots of ales, some stouts, and porters. As far as IPAs it really depends on them, I like hops but when I take a sip and feel like I took a mouthful of hops just no. Which is one of my knocks on Sam Adams brews they tend to be a bit too hoppy for me. But, I also like lighter beers, actually quite enjoy a PBR every now and again, so I like to think myself a well rounded beer connoisseur. Lol.

Not up to date on their seasonals honestly, I know that some seasonals I really can't stand, which is pretty much everything with pumpkin in it. That shit dosen't belong in coffee and that goes double for my beer.


Beer, not wine coolers.

03-03-17, 15:21
I don't drink and it all tastes like pee but when I had some Pho at a Vietnamese joint, I tried some of that 33 beer like from the Vietnam War movies and it went well with my food.

Something tells me the QC for 33 beer has improved since 1968. We tried not to shake it up much as the bottom of the bottle was dark with mystery crud. Does not make my top 40 beer chart, but was often first in appreciation. Even warm.

03-03-17, 15:50
I have yet to taste a Mexican beer that I didn't like. Corona, Sol, Negro Modelo, XX, Tecate… I like them all.

Conversely, I don't like too many of the others ones I've tried. Don't care for stout's or Guinness. Don't like most hefeweizens. Haven't found an IPA that I like yet and a friend of mine keeps trying because he loves them all. I don't care for most "craft" or locally brewed beers either. I don't like the taste of Budweiser at all. I can make do with a Coors Light, Heineken, or Stella, or Newcastle, but I crave the Mexican beers. Funny thing is that the Germans taught the Mexicans how to make beer, but I don't care for most German beers.

I use this as proof that I don't hate Mexicans and that I am not a racist, despite the claims of the left.

03-03-17, 16:09
Best is in the eye of the beholder. I drink mostly brown ales, porters and stouts. When I want something less malty I also drink Heineken, Kirin Ichiban or Stella.

Along with some Heineken, my beer fridge currently contains large amounts of:

Stout - http://lefthandbrewing.com/beers/milk-stout-nitro/

Russian Imperial Stout - http://lefthandbrewing.com/beers/wake-up-dead-nitro/

Porter - https://www.wasatchbeers.com/beers.aspx

Brown Ale - http://bigskybrew.com/beers/moose-drool/

Porter - https://www.deschutesbrewery.com/beer/black-butte-porter/

Outlander Systems
03-03-17, 16:37
But, Kain, beer R gross.

And it's KINDA like beer...

03-03-17, 16:38

You're definitely right, it's subjective. If you like stouts though, then you gotta try Buffalo Sweat from Tallgrass Brewing Company. It's my current favorite and I'm having one tonight! But I'll try some of the ones you mentioned too.

512 Pecan Porter and Breckinridge Vanilla Porter are also some good ones that I've tried.

03-03-17, 16:42
Dogfish Head Burton Baton is probably my all time favorite. $16 for a four pack. Yeesh.


03-03-17, 16:43
I think we have about 2.3 breweries per person here, including a giant AB plant, but I'm just not that into beer. I'll do a macro-brew Pissen-wasser something or other (usually grocery store 3.2 PBR) occasionally if I'm out working in the yard in the summer, but otherwise it's not worth the empty calories and wheat exposure to me. Much rather have a bourbon.

The local microbrew stuff is more or less a bunch of ultra-hopped IPA bitter nonsense, but if I had to pick a favorite beer I'd go Easy Street Wheat. The wheat blows up my digestive tract, though, so I don't have it very often.

"We're on easy street and it feels so sweet 'cause the world is but a treat when you're on easy street..."

I've also never had a corona that didn't taste like licking a skunk's ass....

03-03-17, 16:48
If you like stouts though, then you gotta try Buffalo Sweat from Tallgrass Brewing Company. It's my current favorite and I'm having one tonight! But I'll try some of the ones you mentioned too. 512 Pecan Porter and Breckinridge Vanilla Porter are also some good ones that I've tried.

As far as local Texas/Austin brews go, Convict Hill Oatmeal Stout is pretty good also, but it is not one I stock in the fridge.

03-03-17, 16:50
I think we have about 2.3 breweries per person here, including a giant AB plant, but I'm just not that into beer.

As you probably could tell from my list, I like the stouts coming out of Longmont's Left Hand Brewing.

03-03-17, 16:53
But, Kain, beer R gross.

And it's KINDA like beer...

You know, I used to like you, but comparing that frofro bullshit to a man's drink.... People have been shot for less.

03-03-17, 17:05
Blue Moon is what I keep coming back to. Next favorite is Fulton Lonely Blonde (Minnesota brew). My favorite stand-around-sipping-while-grilling-with-company-over is Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Stout. Hard to get around here. I know a guy...

03-03-17, 17:15
1.paulaner hefeweizen
2.hofbrau original
3.Ayinger Bräu Weisse
4.innis and gunn bourbon aged dark ale
5. Victory Golden Monkey

03-03-17, 17:26
two of my favorites were from Dogfish head, and they are both no longer made as far as I know. Sah'tea and Chateau Jiahu. Extremely hard to find though.

The current fav, but I have a hard time droppiing 15 a bottle on it, so I rarely get it, is Gulden draak 9000

Alex V
03-03-17, 17:34
I'm simple I love Guiness and Stella.

My dad has sampled a shit ton of beer. He likes the chase of finding a new one. I built a display case for him, nearly 6' wide and three shelves tall. I ran out of room putting his beer bottles collection on there. Need to build build him a new one. He loves Belgian beer. My parents have been to Belgium twice and had a field day tasting beer both times.

03-03-17, 17:53
No Busch Light?


03-03-17, 17:53

Delirium Tremens or a variety of other Belgian ales, Chimay, Duval, etc.

Stella Artois

Samuel Smith's Taddy Porter

and I don't know what it was but someone made a seasonal IPA in a green carton and I think the name was H????? and spelled some non English word. I bought a 6 pack at grocery store on a whim. It was one of the best beers I have ever tasted. Later was in Wine&Beer one day and the guy there said it sells out as soon as they get it in. The description tag on the shelf said it got like a 93 rating. I can't believe they made it seasonal. It was so far above and beyond the typical competition it wasn't even in the same ballpark.

03-03-17, 17:55
All beer tastes like musty swamp water!

03-03-17, 17:56
Blue Moon is what I keep coming back to. Next favorite is Fulton Lonely Blonde (Minnesota brew). My favorite stand-around-sipping-while-grilling-with-company-over is Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Stout. Hard to get around here. I know a guy...

Not a fan of the stout, but the regular Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale is one of my favorites. The flavor is outstanding, and the 8% alcohol content helps too!

03-03-17, 18:13
Rhinegeist Cougar Blonde Ale
Stella Artois

03-03-17, 19:27
Tsing Tao
Coors Light for benders

03-03-17, 19:37
My go to is Victoria...get it picked up for me in Mexico. $25 for a case of 24 with returnable bottles.

They charge $10+ for a 6 pack here in the states!!

Bubba FAL
03-03-17, 19:57
Best beer for me was the stuff the monks at Kreutzberg brew up for Lent. I could drink that stuff by the gallon and no headache afterward.

03-03-17, 20:22
Guinness Foreign Extra Stout, Extra Stout and Draught in that order. Stella is good too but all are too expensive for more than a treat once a month or so.

Usually just have High Life or keystone in the fridge.

Coal Dragger
03-03-17, 22:35
Ayinger Ur Weiss

Samuel Smith's Taddy Porter

Ayinger Celebrator

Guinness Draught

Odell Mercenary

Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout

Can't go wrong with any of the above.

03-04-17, 00:04
I only drink what I make nowadays, unless Im out being social. I like Guinness drought bottles for bottling.

03-04-17, 00:34
My favorites:

1. Spotted Cow - New Glarus Brewing Company, New Glarus, WI (German Cream Ale)

2. Milk Stout - New Glarus Brewing Company, New Glarus, WI (Sweet Milk Stout)

3. Hefe-Weißbeir Dunkle- Pauline Brewery, Munich, Germany

4. Garden Braü Special - Capital Brewery, Middleton WI (German Pilsner)

5. Supper Club - Capital Brewery, Middleton WI (Pale Lager)

03-04-17, 06:17
Guinness Draught. It's the nectar of the gods.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk

03-04-17, 08:18
I always liked Shiner Bock, but the past few years I feel (taste) like they changed something. They do make some great seasonals and limited editions. I have now mostly switched to local micro brews from the Southeast. Natchez, Luckytown, Magnolia, Yazoo and Back 40 all have some amazing beers. I prefer ales and stouts. I can't really stand IPAs.

We must have similar taste because I have noticed a change in Shiner also. And you are correct, Magnolia is some good stuff. Their Southern Pecan ale is damn good.

03-04-17, 08:22
Founders Imperial Russian Stout. For the winter.

Great lakes Chillwave in the summer.

03-04-17, 09:07
I think we have about 2.3 breweries per person here, including a giant AB plant, but I'm just not that into beer. I'll do a macro-brew Pissen-wasser something or other (usually grocery store 3.2 PBR) occasionally if I'm out working in the yard in the summer, but otherwise it's not worth the empty calories and wheat exposure to me. Much rather have a bourbon.

The local microbrew stuff is more or less a bunch of ultra-hopped IPA bitter nonsense, but if I had to pick a favorite beer I'd go Easy Street Wheat. The wheat blows up my digestive tract, though, so I don't have it very often.

"We're on easy street and it feels so sweet 'cause the world is but a treat when you're on easy street..."

I've also never had a corona that didn't taste like licking a skunk's ass....

Fort Collins is a beer Mecca! I miss living in Colorado, although I am close to Victory Brewing Co here in PA. They have some good beers.

03-04-17, 09:16
My go to is Victoria...get it picked up for me in Mexico. $25 for a case of 24 with returnable bottles.

They charge $10+ for a 6 pack here in the states!!

Is that Victoria Bitters from OZ? I've always heard that's good but never seen it for sale anywhere I live.

03-04-17, 09:21
Two pages in a best beer thread and no mention of Fat Tire? Something has got to be going on with the planets or something.

I'm not a super huge fan of Fat Tire but I do love it. Being as it's a 'Local Micro Brew' for me I don't worship it the way some of my East Coast and West Coast friends do. I'm always surprised to see it in little hole in the wall type establishments in New Jersey or Ohio or on these very sorts of lists I see online. I think I'm more surprised that it hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet. Again, not my personal favorite but I can certainly see why it is the favorite of so many.

03-04-17, 09:55
Two pages in a best beer thread and no mention of Fat Tire? Something has got to be going on with the planets or something.

I'm not a super huge fan of Fat Tire but I do love it. Being as it's a 'Local Micro Brew' for me I don't worship it the way some of my East Coast and West Coast friends do. I'm always surprised to see it in little hole in the wall type establishments in New Jersey or Ohio or on these very sorts of lists I see online. I think I'm more surprised that it hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet.

OK, I'll mention it - I don't like it.

ETA: I should have said why - all of the Fat Tire beers I have tried I have found overly hoped and bitter.

03-04-17, 16:06
My Top 5 in no particular order:

1. Aecht Schlenkerla Urbock, of course it's German. It's a doppelbock smokebier. If you're a Islay region Scotch afficinado that likes smoky, peaty single malts and you like beer. This is the one for you.

2. 512 Pecan Porter. I've gotta agree with Ironman. It is just that damn good. I only find it when I'm in or real close to Austin though. Maybe that's a good thing.

3. Buffalo Bayou 1836. A delicious copper ale made right here in Houston. It's malty but still crisp. As it says on the can, "If you have to ask what 1836 is for, put down the beer and get out of our country"

4. Franziskaner Weissbier. Still the best hefe weizen I've ever tasted, and I've tasted a helluva lot of them.

5. Grolsch Lager. For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone would drink skunky Heineken when this fine lager is available.

There are many others I truly love but those are my Top 5. If you haven't tried any of them, you're losing at life.

Oh and I'll go ahead and mention Fat Tire also.... it is GODAWFUL. If it's your favorite you should just switch to Busch since your tastebuds are non-functional.

03-04-17, 20:15
Major flammage coming, continue reading at your own risk. Mostly in good fun, mostly...

Most of you posting in this thread have terrible palettes, like you never even tried bad. To each his own, yes- but for christs sake gentleman...

Ya'll need to delicately and thoroughly clean the sand from your axe wounds and drink some real beer!

I'm not not going to break down each post/brew choice, but the majority of
You are making a beer top ten list equivalent to a fudd as fvck top ten list of

I see your best beer choices are equivalent to the average mall ninjas best gun choices- Oly Arms, Bushmaster, DPMS, Stag arms, spikes, raven, Ruger, hi point- et al...

Obviously this is all dependent upon the palette of the observer, but there is no excusing a poor palette and bad observations be it guns or beer. Eh?

Here's me my best "commercially" available List without getting too overboard or detailed, i
Could get very in depth, but it would be lost on most here from the lists/posts/opinions I'm seeing herein:

Paulaner Munich Lager
Station 26 Juicy Banger
Melvin Citradamus
Odd13 IPAlien
W E Lees strong ale
Avery flying pig barley wine
St Bernardus Pater 6
Russian river Pliny the elder
Guinness draught- original Ireland recipe
Rochefort 12
Gulden Drak
Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen
La Folie Sour
Stone Double Bastard
The Alchemist Heady topper
Kentucky bourbon county stout
Sam Adams Utopias
Pilsner urquel
Bells two hearted
Lord hobo boom sauce
Mission shipwreck DIPA
Great divide denver pale ale

My full list is MUCH more extensive, but I don't want to post them all...

Fat tire sucks, it isn't hoppy or bitter in any way, but it sucks none the less.

Fizzy yellow beer is for fag hags. Wine cooler malt beverage bullshit is for cucks and fruit in your beer is for queers and commies!

Wear your testicles on the outside and drink some real beer dudes!

This post brought to you by a 16 year veteran brewer while burping my newborn baby boy on my
Lap and Chugging a fvcking delicious tropcial Juicy hop bursted 9% DIPA I brewed a month ago!

03-04-17, 20:42
Blood and Honey by Revolver Brewing Company. I get it it poured into a pair of insulated 64-ounce growlers at a local draft house.

Shiner Black is the bottled beer that stays stocked in the beer fridge here at Rancho Serious.

03-04-17, 20:46
Delerium Tremens Belgian Ale
Chimay Grand Reserve Belgian Ale
Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock
Ghost in the Machine IPA

etc, etc...

03-05-17, 11:00
Most of you posting in this thread have terrible palettes, like you never even tried bad. To each his own, yes- but for christs sake gentleman...

Beer snob.

Methinks thou art...

03-05-17, 11:08
Major flammage coming, continue reading at your own risk. Mostly in good fun, mostly...
Most of you posting in this thread have terrible palettes, like you never even tried bad. To each his own, yes- but for christs sake gentleman...

Ya'll need to delicately and thoroughly clean the sand from your axe wounds and drink some real beer!

I'm not not going to break down each post/brew choice, but the majority of You are making a beer top ten list equivalent to a fudd as fvck top ten list of

I see your best beer choices are equivalent to the average mall ninjas best gun choices- Oly Arms, Bushmaster, DPMS, Stag arms, spikes, raven, Ruger, hi point- et al...

Obviously this is all dependent upon the palette of the observer, but there is no excusing a poor palette and bad observations be it guns or beer. Eh?

Here's me my best "commercially" available List without getting too overboard or detailed, i Could get very in depth, but it would be lost on most here from the lists/posts/opinions I'm seeing herein:

Paulaner Munich Lager
Station 26 Juicy Banger
Melvin Citradamus
Odd13 IPAlien
W E Lees strong ale
Avery flying pig barley wine
St Bernardus Pater 6
Russian river Pliny the elder
Guinness draught- original Ireland recipe
Rochefort 12
Gulden Drak
Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen
La Folie Sour
Stone Double Bastard
The Alchemist Heady topper
Kentucky bourbon county stout
Sam Adams Utopias
Pilsner urquel
Bells two hearted
Lord hobo boom sauce
Mission shipwreck DIPA
Great divide denver pale ale

My full list is MUCH more extensive, but I don't want to post them all...

Fat tire sucks, it isn't hoppy or bitter in any way, but it sucks none the less.

Fizzy yellow beer is for fag hags. Wine cooler malt beverage bullshit is for cucks and fruit in your beer is for queers and commies!

Wear your testicles on the outside and drink some real beer dudes!

This post brought to you by a 16 year veteran brewer while burping my newborn baby boy on my Lap and Chugging a fvcking delicious tropcial Juicy hop bursted 9% DIPA I brewed a month ago!

Interpretation: He really drinks Bud light or Miller light.

03-05-17, 11:32
In no particular order

Arabier evil
De Dolle Dulle Teve
Triomfbier vooruit
Goose island Sofie
Stillwater saison
Mad elf
Ommagang (most of their beers)
Gruit beer
Page 24
St. Bernardus
Golden draak

Any Belgians

Does brewing your own count?

Not a fan of pilsner. Taste like dirty water

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-05-17, 14:05
No order other than Kilian's.

Kilian's Irish Red
Fat Tire

03-05-17, 15:29
Pliny the Elder and Blind Pig from Russian River

03-05-17, 15:44
Best is in the eye of the beholder. I drink mostly brown ales, porters and stouts. When I want something less malty I also drink Heineken, Kirin Ichiban or Stella.

Along with some Heineken, my beer fridge currently contains large amounts of:

Stout - http://lefthandbrewing.com/beers/milk-stout-nitro/

Honestly you could have dropped the mike and walked off the stage right after that one. I don't hardly drink anymore, but when I do, that's the one.
If I am working outside for long periods of time and require something to ease the pain, believe it or not I like a ice cold Lone Star.
Hard to go wrong with that Milk Stout though.

03-05-17, 16:24
Pliny the Elder and Blind Pig from Russian River
We almost never get the Plinys here on the East coast but when we do people go nuts. Bars sell tickets for seats. Each seats guarantees you ONE glass....Etc... I managed to stumble into one of these. Stopped at the bar and they happened to have some still that didn't sell the first day..... unusual. I tired it. Then had a second just in case I missed something the first time. Honestly, it was good but nothing amazing. I certainly wouldn't stand in line and buy tickets. I believe it was Pliny the younger

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

03-05-17, 17:12
I've been all over the world and drank beer pretty much everywhere. Drank lots of local brews in Asia and Europe, as well as microbrews across the US. And ultimately, I will drink most anything that's freely offered...at least once.

I'm just as happy with a cold Miller High Life or Lone Star as I am with a Sam Adams, Blue Moon, a good local microbrew, or a Guinness. I liked Shiner Bock but found I prefer Zwiegerbock these days.

The only beer I crave but cannot seem to find any more is classic Michelob.

Beer taught me a LOT through the years, and some lessons came HARD, but I continue to enjoy beer very much, albeit more responsibly than in my youth, and I have discovered my favorite reason for drinking different beers is the memories they spur of days past with adventures and good times spent with friends and family all over this big blue rock. Still making great memories with good friends and cold beer these days...and looking forward to many more yet to come.

In the end, my friends, it really isn't all about the beer...

03-05-17, 17:37
Hard to go wrong with that Milk Stout though.

Hold on a sec, be right back....................................

Just opened one, thanks for reminding me!

03-05-17, 18:20

Air Force?

03-05-17, 18:30
Air Force?

Nah, adult juice boxes. Where does the straw glue to the side?

03-05-17, 18:40
Haven't seen much mention of anything from NC (aside from New Belgium which now has an Asheville brewery and tasting room) so figured I'd chime in.

Where I'm located in NC puts me anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours from literally dozens of craft and micro breweries, so the vast majority of what I drink comes from my home state. And having not seen much love for hops on here, I'm definitely in the minority!

Couldn't narrow it down to just five so here's some (several) favorites of different types.

-Catawba Brewing White Zombie

-Pisgah Brewing Stout (on nitro at the taproom)
-Guiness (the old standby)

-Highland Brewing Thunderstruck
-NoDa Coco Loco
-Birdsong Brewing Wake Up Porter
-Asheville Brewing Company Ninja Porter

-Highland Brewing Pilsner
-Olde Mecklenburg Brewery Cap'n Jack
-Oscar Blues Mamas Lil Yella Pilsner

Amber/Brown/other non-pale/non-IPA Ales:
-French Broad 13 Rebels ESB
-Catawba Brewing King Winterbolt
-Highland Brewing Cold Mountain
-Natty Greenes Red Nose Winter Ale

Pale Ale:
-Pisgah Brewing Pale
-NoDa Jam Session
-Birdsong Brewing Eat A Peach
-Sugar Creek Brewing Pale Ale
-Wicked Weed Brewing Napoleon Complex

-Asheville Brewing Company Shiva
-Greenman Brewing Co Wayfarer
-NoDa Par 4 Session IPA
-Pisgah Brewing Greybeard IPA
-Birdsong Brewing Higher Ground
-NoDa Hop Drop 'n Roll
-Appalachian Mountain Brewing Long Leaf Pine IPA
-Wicked Weed Pernicious IPA
-Wicked Weed Freak of Nature DIPA

-Olde Mecklenburg Brewing Mecktoberfest
-Greenman Brewing Harvester
-Paulaner Oktoberfest

03-05-17, 18:41
Nah, adult juice boxes. Where does the straw glue to the side?

I think per the SOP you have to have your glow belt on before you can poke a straw into anything, at least that's what command told me before to do before sex. ;)

All joking aside;




Kudos to Pearl Street for playing Bo Diddley really loud the entire time.

03-05-17, 19:26
Smithwick's Red Ale Harp Lager
Stone Imperial Stout
Hosted Gold Top Lager
Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold

Doc Safari
03-05-17, 23:10
Two pages in a best beer thread and no mention of Fat Tire? Something has got to be going on with the planets or something.

I'm not a super huge fan of Fat Tire but I do love it. Being as it's a 'Local Micro Brew' for me I don't worship it the way some of my East Coast and West Coast friends do. I'm always surprised to see it in little hole in the wall type establishments in New Jersey or Ohio or on these very sorts of lists I see online. I think I'm more surprised that it hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet. Again, not my personal favorite but I can certainly see why it is the favorite of so many.

1554 is better.

03-06-17, 07:01
While we may not agree on a fav beers (and why should we, taste is individual), this thread has given me some beers to try that I had never heard of before. Thanks!

03-06-17, 07:17
This is the best I've ever had. When I was there, it was in a wooden barrel, 3dm's got you a liter and a fresh pretzel.


I've been there more than a few times. In 89 I was going through additional language training in Munich and we made a couple of trips to the monastery. Great beer! There is also a monastery in Augsburg that makes unbelievable Bach and Dopplebach beer.

03-06-17, 12:09
We almost never get the Plinys here on the East coast but when we do people go nuts. Bars sell tickets for seats. Each seats guarantees you ONE glass....Etc... I managed to stumble into one of these. Stopped at the bar and they happened to have some still that didn't sell the first day..... unusual. I tired it. Then had a second just in case I missed something the first time. Honestly, it was good but nothing amazing. I certainly wouldn't stand in line and buy tickets. I believe it was Pliny the younger

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I live in CA, so it's a little more available here. Although it can be hard to find, every now and then there's bars that carry it on tap. No tickets, limits, lines, or crazy prices.

Then there's also bars that will do exactly what you said. You have to buy a ticket &c..

It's good, but I agree, it's not worth going through that much hassle. It's one of those things where if I see it at a bar I'll order it, but I won't camp out for hours before just to get one glass.

I never tried Younger, but I believe that one is more limited than Elder. That could also be why it's more "hyped" up. My brother is a big fan of Elder. He tried Younger once, and said it wasn't good enough to go through all of the hoops involved.

03-08-17, 09:18
Three best I've had were while I was stationed in Germany. Two of which were locally produced in the basement of a restaurant and I've never seen since. One was a traditional Dunkel served slightly warm and the other was a kristalweizen served chilled. Don't ask me the name, because I couldn't tell you.

For a name brand, I got the privilege of visiting the Hoegaarden plant on a tour in Belgium and got some straight from the vat practically. Oh my, you haven't experienced Hoegaarden until you've had it from the original plant and fresh off the line.