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View Full Version : VLTOR offset or standard?

09-22-08, 23:10
Im goin with a surefire g2 but cant decide weather to go offset or standard. I have never handled either.. Any advice? thanks

09-23-08, 01:45
I personally prefer the offset as it allows me to place the light at 10:30/11:00 for activation with my left thumb. Most guys that use a full grip on the VFG (chicken-choker) activate the light with the thumb, but at the 4:30/5:00 position, with an offset. The offset also tucks the light in closer to the rails than the standard does, which I prefer.

Some still run lights at 9, 6, or 3 oclock, which does not require the offset mount.

It's really going to come down to trial and error. How you use the VFG (or not at all) is going to directly influence your light placement, and the use of the VFG (or not at all) is a whole other can of worms. Your technique may change a few times for you before you find the solution that works best for you- which will probably change again anyway with experience.

Robb Jensen
09-23-08, 05:43
I prefer the offset, it's more practical to me.


09-24-08, 21:59
Just throwing in my 2 cents. Its pretty much like Failure2Stop says, it depends
on your carbine configuration and whats important to you. I had my CDM4LE carbine
setup virtually identically to F2S and GotM4's(vltor-offset/light @11:00) before I took my first carbine course this past weekend.
A major part of the course training was the ability to shoot lefthanded
as well as righthanded,this included the lowlight/night shoot. I found out right
there that I could'nt activate my flashlight when I had to transition to lefthanded shooting to shoot around the left-side of a wall on the course. The only way would be to shoot righthanded and expose a substantial amount
of my body to the threat in order to shoot around the left-side of the wall:eek: .
This is also because I run a fixed TD vertical grip. When I got home I started
re-evaluating and experimenting and have now changed out my offset mount
for the standard/scout mount @ 9:00. With this setup I can now activate my
light shooting lefty or righty. I end up "choking the chicken" lefthanded, but I
can shoot around the leftside of walls now without exposing my body and activate my light:D. This is important to me.
I also have a RRA entry-tactical with offset mount/light@11:00, but that carbine
has the new TD quick-detach vertical grip. I removed the VG and guess what?
I found that lefthanded I could reach the light @11 and activate it with the index finger of my right(support) hand.
So again like F2S says, it all depends on your configuration and whats important to you. One caveat is that I now have a barrel shadow @ 3:30
whereas before it was around 5:30. I can live with that.

09-24-08, 23:16
wow thats alot of great info. That why i love this site cause theres alot of kind and knowledgable people willing to help and take time to explain there experiences with various setups. Thanks alot guys i appreciate it!


Robb Jensen
09-25-08, 06:03
The ability to shoot it left and right handed is why I prefer when it's possible to have the light at 12 o'clock (all three of my wife and my SBRs are set up this way).
Either way the light is activated by the support hand thumb with a high grip holding the rail and using the grip as a handstop (only the pinky and ring finger are on the grip).


