View Full Version : AR/M4 Targets...What Do You Shoot At??

09-23-08, 09:01
Some of the more interesting and fun things to shoot at when I'm not at the range (anal Rangemasters) include:

Charcoal Briquets

Shaving Cream (yes, full of the white stuff-creates a helluva show)

Clay Pigeons (on my steel target platform)


Air Gun CO2 cylinders (embedded in a dirt bank)

What do you guys shoot?

09-23-08, 09:02
rabbits, coyotes, junk laying around in the desert.

09-23-08, 09:25
Al Qaeda, Naqshibandi, Insurgents, Terrorists, junk laying around in the desert. ;)

09-23-08, 09:38
Steel gongs. That's all I need.

09-23-08, 11:46
Al Qaeda, Naqshibandi, Insurgents, Terrorists, junk laying around in the desert. ;)

Too funny, I love it!

09-23-08, 12:02
I found a bunch of cans of "Great Stuff" (the expanding foam stuff you use around the house) really cheap one time. They did the same as shaving cream (also fun to shoot), but left little growing "sprouts" all over the desert that we shot when we ran out of other stuff.
On the cheap, I like the idea of shooting Charcoal Briquets. I've brought out a sack of patatos, that was cheap and still had a cool affect. Watermellon is awesome, expensive though. You really can't beat seeing it explode with that little bullet thats "just a .22"

09-23-08, 13:07
I like taking 20oz. drink bottles, filling them up w/ water and freezing them. Those work great for up to 200m. 2 liter bottles for 200 - 400m, and milk jugs for 400m+. Good way to "recycle" your trash, or at least get one more use out of it before it goes to the recycling plant (and no, I never leave one single shred of trash at my personal range - the only range we had here was shut down by liberal bone-heads because one group of ignorant a-holes couldn't clean up after themselves :mad:).
You don't have to freeze the jugs, the water works well for a nice effect too, but the ice is harder, and the bullet actually reacts to it more, and the explosion is more violent.
Other than that, there's an old barn in my field, with a wealth of old cinder blocks, those are nice, as well as bricks, and I even have an old Chevy small-block V8 that I have set up at 300m to test high-powered rifle penetration ;) (the 5.56 just "chips" at it LOL, although a 70gr. Barnes did break a piece off the lifter valley out once... ;)) I had 2 of them, but my other one was shot with my friend's Armalite AR30 .338 Lapua... the words "obliterate" and "decimate" come to mind, but needless to say, it shattered.

09-23-08, 13:14
I like taking 20oz. drink bottles, filling them up w/ water and freezing them. Those work great for up to 200m. 2 liter bottles for 200 - 400m, and milk jugs for 400m+.

I hope you're using a scoped rifle. I could barely see a 20 oz bottle a 200m unless it was painted bright orange.

But yeah. I'll take aluminum cans if I'm shooting in an area that has a water source out there. Those are great for rimfire reactive targets.

09-23-08, 13:34
I forgot about shooting soda bottles. I once saved up all the 2 liter bottles I could for almost a year. I filled them with water, put a few drops of different color food color in each and took them to a quary and set them up everywhere. It was pretty awesome calling out the color bottle to shoot out, turning, scanning, shooting, scanning, shooting... like mentioned above, great reaction from hitting the bottle. I never tried ice though...

09-23-08, 13:35
Paper plates.

Killed a bowling pin last time out.


David Thomas
09-23-08, 13:40
Two 3/4 size IPSC targets (AR500 steel, static with swinging "A" zone) and two, 3/4 size FBI targets (AR500 steel, static with swinging "A" zone) from GT Targets. And a couple of 15" (high velocity, 500 Brinell armor plate) Gongs from Metaltargets.com.

09-23-08, 13:59
I hope you're using a scoped rifle. I could barely see a 20 oz bottle a 200m unless it was painted bright orange.

But yeah. I'll take aluminum cans if I'm shooting in an area that has a water source out there. Those are great for rimfire reactive targets.

Oh, of course :) None of my rifles are without optics. I use a sharpie to draw a big, black "O" on them for a reference target. I'm an accuracy buff, through and through, so I like shooting the smallest ones I can, although, a 20oz. @ 500m is hard to see explode, you really need a milk jug to see the huge, white, misty cloud. Plus, if they're frozen, you're rewarded with a nice, hearty "ka-POP", when the bullet strikes it.
I also do this, but before I explain, I will say this: my friend and I who do this have done this for years, we use 2-way radio's to talk back and forth, and when he is downrange, there's a very good barrier he is behind.
Good, moving target exercise is to tie a rope around the bottle's neck, or jug's handle, and hang it from a tree branch. Then, tie another small, thin rope to the other, and have your helper at least 50 ft. away, slowly drawing it back and forth, or letting freely swing at closer ranges. the barrier that we have for this is 3 layers of mil-type sandbags at our 100yd tree, and a 4ft. deep hole at our 200 and 325 yd. trees, so, even if I did throw one in my friend's direction, he'd be safe. The 2-way radios are probably the most important safety component, some of us need moving target practice, but don't have $2K to spend on real sniper targets ;).
This could be very dangerous, if not done properly though..

09-23-08, 14:13
Dig it. I'm an accuracy nut too. But I run irons on all of my guns right now. Marksmanship is why I shoot.

I've go NO problem being down range or shooting with my buddies down range. The key is being with shooters you know and trust. This came up in a thread a few months back. The fact of the matter is if you ever have to shoot someone, there's likely going to be other people "down range" of your direction of fire.

09-23-08, 14:19
I know, I just thought some people may freak over reading that we shoot with each other being downrange.
Oh, and I understand what you mean about marksmanship, I should have said "precision" buff :)
I like being able to pick out small targets at long range... I'd have no trouble hitting a man at 600m with irons, I just like being able to pick body parts LOL.
When I was in the service, before I got to go to "sniper" school, or any special SDM unit-based training, they really wore me out on those stupid A2 sights... I guess I just got burned out on em' lol.

09-23-08, 14:23
I don't have a precision rig yet. I've taken a precision class with a borrowed gun. I loved it. Some day I'll get around to building one of my own.

09-23-08, 14:30
Playing cards with Iron sights at 75m. Playing cards are cheap and very hard to see and hit at that range.

09-23-08, 14:50
Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Space Aliens and Liberals.

Since I quit drinking I've been shooting at a lot of
pink elephants in my bathtub.

09-24-08, 13:10
Has anyone tried products from these guys?
I like the idea of the boxes and balls and stuff you could shoot around a big field. I need to see if I can get my unit to purchase the big machine gun model for aerial gunnery :D

09-24-08, 14:02
Orange clays set against a safe berm. After the first hit you now have multiple smaller targets!

09-24-08, 16:45
Al Qaeda, Naqshibandi, Insurgents, Terrorists, junk laying around in the desert. ;)

As the Father of of a Marine Corporal who mans his LAV's 25MM Bushmaster cannon( now back in the sandbox for his 2nd tour), I have to say that is a most outstanding answer! Thanks for your service and for hunting the worst varmints ever Avenger. I'll be forwarding this thread to the Son, he'll get a kick out of it. Keep up the good work and good hunting.

09-24-08, 19:15
Thanks 10MMGary, I meant it with a bit of tongue-in-cheek attitude in reference to Legion6's reply.

I am glad you took it as you did, as I can imagine some that read statements like that are a little "sensitive" to comments of that sort.

The truth of it is, we spend more time shooting on the aerial gunnery ranges at chem-lights at night and smoke grenades during the day. Not an easy feat from the cockpit of a fast moving helicopter. But rest assured, we get opportunities to shoot moving targets as well.

Back home, I usually shoot paper targets on the range. I don't like to shoot things that are difficult to police up after the shooting is done. If you shoot at a public range, you should show respect to that property. I treat it the same as if I am guest shooting in the backyard of a friends home.

09-24-08, 21:39
Thanks 10MMGary, I meant it with a bit of tongue-in-cheek attitude in reference to Legion6's reply.

I am glad you took it as you did, as I can imagine some that read statements like that are a little "sensitive" to comments of that sort.

The truth of it is, we spend more time shooting on the aerial gunnery ranges at chem-lights at night and smoke grenades during the day. Not an easy feat from the cockpit of a fast moving helicopter. But rest assured, we get opportunities to shoot moving targets as well.

Back home, I usually shoot paper targets on the range. I don't like to shoot things that are difficult to police up after the shooting is done. If you shoot at a public range, you should show respect to that property. I treat it the same as if I am guest shooting in the backyard of a friends home.

Well said. I am a member of a conservation league and you have to be a memeber to shoot at our range and I am always astounded at what people leave laying around.
No respect.

09-25-08, 13:30
I always pack out more than I bring in. It would be nice if more people did this.

09-25-08, 16:33
I always pack out more than I bring in. It would be nice if more people did this.
Me, too. The clays are nice because they just become part of the berm.

09-29-08, 09:20
I like the large size coffee cans. They're about head size and can take a bunch of rounds before they're toast.

BTW. I fill the cans with dirt/sand first. It makes a great exit hole.

old grunt
09-29-08, 11:39
NOTHING to do with the thread..BUT nice avatar Damascus!!! Good to see the 504th represented, even if I was with the 508th!! Have a good one Airborne!!:D

09-29-08, 14:07
Something that's fun and challenging is to tie a bunch of balloons in tree/bush branches. If you have a breeze, it's interesting.

09-29-08, 15:10
NOTHING to do with the thread..BUT nice avatar Damascus!!! Good to see the 504th represented, even if I was with the 508th!! Have a good one Airborne!!:D

Thanx, I had a few friends in the 508th :) Almost wish I were back in, I served back in 99' - 03'.
I just got home from shooting today, and spent time shooting at my homeade "ballistic penetration box"... I've been using it for a couple years now, to test centerfire rifle rounds' penetration and tissue damage capabilities.
What I do is take a box, preferably 30" long, 16" wide, and 16" high. It doesn't matter how wide/high it is, but the more, the easier it is to see/shoot, as this is the target face. You do need at least 24" or so worth of length, to stop the bullet. Then, I take old phone books, Sears catalogs, tightly stacked and tied newspapers, anything I can find that's thick, tough, and tight, and fill the inside of the box up with them, standing them up in a row, all the way down the length of the box's interior. Now, wet the books/paper until it's almost soaking. You can even add some other things to simulate things like bone. Today I had a 1/2" square of plywood every 4-6" down (I needed it to help stop the round, 7mm Rem Mag's shooting long, high BC bullets are HARD to stop!)... and now, put a target on it, and shoot it! Depending on the size of the box, you can usually get 2 or 3 shots into it before it's too weak to stop the round. Today, my box was 28" long, and at 100yds, could not stop a 160gr. Barnes TSX from a 7mm Mag (my LR deer rifle), but when I shot again from 225 yds, the bullet stopped about 1" from the end of the box, and told me a LOT about how that round performed. It expanded perfectly, into a petaled mushroom shape, and appeared to penetrate about 7" before expanding. After the initial 7" of hole, it started opening up, shredding the paper books - opening up the hole, or "wound cavity" up to almost 6.5", and stayed that size for almost 16"! Inside this "cavity", there was just tiny, tiny little bits of wet, shredded paper, and a few tiny bits of copper. Last time I shot this rifle into my "box", it was using a Nosler ballistic Tip, and I never even found a piece of the bullet bigger than .5" LOL. Anyways, my point is, my method showed me that this 160gr. TSX is a performer, and a wicked deep penetrator, and is probably too "strong" of a round for deer, but at 500yds and under, should still expand. Would make a wicked elk, moose, or big bear bullet.

09-29-08, 18:45
for close ups: bowling pins, practice golf balls, spent shotgun shells

The golf balls and the shotgun shells at 10-15yds are challenging but a hell of a good time.

10-10-08, 12:02
Ritz Crackers make good targets and leave a little treat behind for the local wildlife.
Otherwise...Golf balls make fun targets which are tough enough for multiple hits and jump nicely when hit.
Balloons with a teaspoon or so of Flour.

10-10-08, 12:20
I shoot dirt.


tiger seven
10-10-08, 12:51
I shoot dirt.


It's even better when you bump fire! :D


10-10-08, 13:00
I shoot dirt.

Then you don't need one of those fancy Aimcogs!

There's a group of dirt shooters here in AZ. They've posted pics of their shoots, and there's actually booger eaters firing guns with NO SIGHT SYSTEM at all.... not even irons!

These are the morons that bitch because they can't blow up 50 pounds of tannerite on the city of Casa Grande's range.

I contend that these retards should stick to cap guns.

Jay Cunningham
10-10-08, 13:09
Then you don't need one of those fancy Aimcogs!

There's a group of dirt shooters here in AZ. They've posted pics of their shoots, and there's actually booger eaters firing guns with NO SIGHT SYSTEM at all.... not even irons!

These are the morons that bitch because they can't blow up 50 pounds of tannerite on the city of Casa Grande's range.

I contend that these retards should stick to cap guns.

I saw a few AAR's of carbine classes that looked like that.

10-10-08, 15:20
Then you don't need one of those fancy Aimcogs!

There's a group of dirt shooters here in AZ. They've posted pics of their shoots, and there's actually booger eaters firing guns with NO SIGHT SYSTEM at all.... not even irons!

These are the morons that bitch because they can't blow up 50 pounds of tannerite on the city of Casa Grande's range.

I contend that these retards should stick to cap guns.

Don't hold back Demi....let us know what you really think about them......!Haha

10-10-08, 15:36
Don't hold back Demi....let us know what you really think about them......!Haha

These guys are real A-holes. They really do the shooting community no favors with their antics. At one point these peckerheads were blasting their flame throwers out at the public (unsupervised) range. They posted pics of this retardation too.

After that we started calling them dirt burners. Now tell me what the average citizen might think if he was taking his kid out to the range to teach him how to shoot a 22 rifle, and came across these imbeciles.

10-10-08, 16:12
Special Abrasion Resistant AR500 plates 3/8" thick x 12" wide x 12" tall.

10-10-08, 16:20
Where I work, every so often, we make a bunch of FBI and other targets. My favorite is the terrorist with the AK.
I make his face and chest look like a fish net with all the holes. Then I run downrange and stab the bastard in the belly.

10-10-08, 18:26
I loved the 80s :) and shooting in gravel pits

people would leave cars :) I have shot up a lot of complete cars
its a blast when they left them with windows and stuff in tact and you get to make it look like swiss cheese
we used to do a lot of testing rounds to see how angles would take out things
I do love 308 for its ability to crack or make a good hole in the block of a big american iron car without any problem

nothing like rolling up with a few thousand rounds of 308 & 223 and couple hundred of 44 mag and 45 and 9 mm and other various and spend 8 hours shooting up these things !!!!!

we never could get a car even with gas in the tank to blow up like in the movies though !!!!

also dishwashing machines and fridges etc.. that people used to dump

ahhhh I miss those days

I did have the chance to shoot up a bunch of ponds that were frozen over with a 308 it was pretty cool :) the 223 not so great :(