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View Full Version : RE QD swivel attachment for sling

09-24-08, 12:17
Does anyone else not like the way the sling comes across your face when shouldering the weapon? I just started running one on a middy of mine and I am leaning towards not liking it.
Grant, I would love for you to chime in as I know you prefer this setup.

Edit to add: Talking about the sling attached at the rear by a receiver end plate mount, not on the stock and the front on the rail on a DD omega by the delta.

09-24-08, 12:22
Where is the QD attached? Near where the delta ring should be or single point style.

09-24-08, 12:28
I've never noticed it. The sling should come up under your support-side armpit.


09-24-08, 12:28
I have a delta ring mount, RE mount, vickers padded two point sling, and shoot with a nearly collapsed stock NTCH. The sling doesn't really come in contact with my face and certainly not across my face. It touches me just under the chin and if I give the sling a little more slack, it doesn't touch at all.

09-24-08, 12:44
I have a delta ring mount, RE mount, vickers padded two point sling, and shoot with a nearly collapsed stock NTCH. The sling doesn't really come in contact with my face and certainly not across my face. It touches me just under the chin and if I give the sling a little more slack, it doesn't touch at all.

This is what I am talking about.

So maybe my sling is too tight?

09-24-08, 12:53
I was talking about the sling sitting just under the right side of my chin/cheek, but definitely not going across my face. I barely feel it contact. Loosen your sling a little and try it again.

09-24-08, 12:57
It is really not going across my face but more like interrupting my cheek weld with my stock or it comes under my chin. While this might seem minor to some, it is becoming annoying when shouldering.

09-24-08, 14:05
.......but more like interrupting my cheek weld with my stock or it comes under my chin.
Huh? Just how in the world do you have that puppy attached?

09-24-08, 14:10
I'm guessing you're talking about this (http://www.gandrtactical.com/images/archive/M4C/Carbine-Cheekweld_Correct.jpg)?

Can I ask if this is something that's bothering you when actually shooting out on the range, or if it's just something you noticed while doing dryfire at home?

09-24-08, 14:11
How are you "wearing" the sling, how's it wrapped around your body?

09-24-08, 14:22
How are you "wearing" the sling, how's it wrapped around your body?

Just like in the photo Rob posted.

Yes, that's it Rob, thanks. It looks as if the sling in the picture has slack and is less obtrusive than what I am experiencing. As I said this is the first time I have tried this setup and I am just trying to groove into it.
As to your question Rob: that's a good one. I think I do notice it more with dry drills at home, but it IS noticeable at the range. Now whether or not I notice in the class I have next month is another question.
I think I am going to try a little more slack, but I don't really think I want much more.

09-24-08, 14:26
Grant posted his guidelines for how he sets his up here (https://www.m4carbine.net/showpost.php?p=220701&postcount=25)

I don't run my slings at the rear of the receiver anymore, so I can't help you there. At least Grant's way is a jumping off point.

09-24-08, 14:30
Yeah, I was all in that thread with Grant and I read how you don't run it. I was wondering if it was because of this, but it sounds more like you did not like the way the weapon hung more than when it was shouldered.

09-24-08, 21:43
Update for anyone who cares, but I tried all sorts of changes to the sling tonight and it was only slightly better with slack in the sling, but it felt too much and I did not care for it.
I put it back on the stock and like it much better as I have had it before. I am going to take the DD mount off when I get some hardware from Grant and save it for an SBR and maybe I might like it better there.
Thanks all for the help.

09-25-08, 08:59
This is what I am talking about.

So maybe my sling is too tight?

Most likely. People want their slings to be WAY too tight for some reason.


09-25-08, 09:02
Update for anyone who cares, but I tried all sorts of changes to the sling tonight and it was only slightly better with slack in the sling, but it felt too much and I did not care for it.
I put it back on the stock and like it much better as I have had it before. I am going to take the DD mount off when I get some hardware from Grant and save it for an SBR and maybe I might like it better there.
Thanks all for the help.

Now that you have moved it back to the stock, do some off shoulder shooting and let us know how you like the sling. ;)


09-25-08, 12:23
Now that you have moved it back to the stock, do some off shoulder shooting and let us know how you like the sling. ;)


I know, I know. I thought about you last night when I was messing around and off hand transitions. Maybe you are right and this is more important than the strap hitting my chin and getting between my cheek and stock.
About the sling being too tight; I have followed your illustrations and seem to have always had my sling set properly.

09-25-08, 12:25
Now that you have moved it back to the stock, do some off shoulder shooting and let us know how you like the sling. ;)


and if you don't like it, get a single point, which is what you should have to begin with if off-shoulder shooting is that critical to you. ;) ;) :p

09-25-08, 12:30
and if you don't like it, get a single point, which is what you should have to begin with if off-shoulder shooting is that critical to you. ;) ;) :p

You do not want to sacrifice EVERYTHING for one capability. I can transition to my off shoulder about as fast as most can with a single point.
